"Ignite the car? Why? There is no wrongdoing."

"What the hell... light up the car for me, what does it mean to start the car! Do you understand?!"

Kohei Imamura retracted his head and asked the two people beside him, "I don't understand cars, how about you?"

"I didn't take the driver's license test either. If I mess up, Di Taro will beat me to death."

"Shame, I don't even have a driver's license, let me show you."

Sakurako Busushima leaned over the driver's seat, observed it, and said in a low voice, "Hey, this is different from my coach car. Why can't I find the button to start the car?"

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"You three, listen to me, don't drive in the future."

After Titaro Kujo finished everything, he taught the three of them while driving.

"Di Taro, this statement is wrong. The two of us can't drive, so it's normal not to understand. As for Busujima..."

"After I finished the driver's license test, I haven't touched a car. It's normal if I don't understand it. It doesn't mean that you can find a job with your diploma after graduation."

"Are you looking for faults, right?"

"Okay, you guys are just stupid. This ignition device is so conspicuous. If you observe it a little, how could you not know?"


The three were speechless.

After all, the ignition device is indeed quite obvious.

If you look carefully, you should be able to find it.

Sakurako Busushima was the most embarrassed, and simply brought up another topic.

"Di Taro, you drank so much alcohol, even if you wake up, the alcohol content in your body is still very high, and the sentence for drunk driving is very serious now."

"It's okay, I have a hard relationship."

The three of them were startled, and asked in unison: "How hard is it?"

Kujo Ditaro laughed for it, and added: "If I meet a traffic policeman, I will run away. When I go to jail, I will definitely spend a longer period of time than ordinary drunk driving, isn't it hard?"

"Di brother, this is really hard!"

While Kitahara Iori was feeling emotional, he did not forget to quietly pass a message to others, "Don't be afraid, if you are caught drunk driving, you will only be held accountable for the driver. We are all innocent."

"Okay, don't give me the crow's mouth. If I go in, I will definitely have a way to bring you in together."

Kujo Tetaro turned his head and smiled, his serious and responsible appearance made people feel palpitations.

The three of them waved their hands in a gesture of convincing, and the chat atmosphere in the car returned to normal.

Sakurako Busushima raised her head slightly, closing her eyes and concentrating on something, thinking about something in a mess.

Kitahara Iori, who was sitting at the other end, looked at the girl with an ugly face, and asked doubtfully, "Bujima, what are you thinking? You seem to be constipated."

"Get out!" Rubbing her eyes, Sakurako Busushima said angrily, "Suggestion to me, let me act first. I'm thinking about how to discredit those two good girlfriends."


Not only Iori Kitahara, but even Kohei Imamura in the row behind were all interested.

"What are you going to do?"

"I haven't thought about it for the time being. What good tricks do you have?"

"Then you have to ask Iori, tricks are his forte."

Kitahara Iori felt honored and gave a backhand slap.

Kohei Imamura hid back and said with a smirk, "What? Am I still wrong?"

"I'm resourceful, don't make it so ugly..."

Kitahara Iori tried her best to protect her reputation, but with little effect and was despised by others.

The matter of Sakurako Busujima has not been effectively resolved.

In other words, in this kind of conflict between the girls, the three men in the car only wanted to gossip and were unwilling to intervene too much.

After Sakurako Busushima got off the car, she stood on the side of the road and watched the car go away.

Looking away thoughtfully, she frowned slightly, and laughed at herself: "Nuo Da's irony is also a group of three people, it's really ridiculous."

"That's right, since you're not benevolent first, then don't blame me. This kind of play-by-play relationship should come to an end here."

Although the words were fierce, there was an inexplicable sadness on the girl's face.


At around five o'clock, Kujo Tetaro returned home.

There was no one downstairs, and he didn't care.

But when he walked up the stairs, a bewildered girl in pajamas rubbing her eyes came down head-on.

"Cousin...you are back."

"Well, did it bother you?"

"No, I'm hungry."

Kujo Tetaro was not surprised, and stepped aside with a smile without saying a word.

Megumi Kato rubbed her eyes, and walked down step by step, probably because she didn't wake up, she stepped on a flight of stairs.

Kujo Tetaro reached out his hand in time, but due to the distance, he only grabbed the back collar of the girl's pajamas.


An unbelievable picture was presented in front of the man's eyes.

Due to the poor quality of the pajamas, after the girl stabilized her figure, the clothes on one shoulder slipped straight to her elbows.

With snow-white fragrant shoulders, a smooth back, and just the right placement of clothes, the man held his breath and concentrated, and slowly covered his eyes with his hands, but the gap between his fingers was wide open.


Kato Megumi didn't dare to turn around, and didn't even help her with her clothes.

I don't know how long it has passed, as if time has passed again, the girl calmly lifted the clothes at her elbows, and pressed them firmly on her shoulders.

"Cousin, you go up first."

"Okay, I didn't see anything."

Kujo Tetaro put down his hands, turned and walked upstairs.

Kato Megumi didn't react until he could not hear footsteps.

With lightning speed, she ran back to her room.

The moment the door was closed, a blush began to appear on the girl's face.

"It shouldn't be seen much, it's just embarrassing, and I don't wear underwear, why is the quality of the clothes so poor... so annoying!"

"No, I have to go downstairs to get some food and go upstairs. It's best not to go downstairs today."

Kato Megumi took off her pajamas, changed into a short sleeve, and hurried downstairs.

Coincidentally, when she walked up the stairs with a large bag of snacks, a person came out of the corner in front of her.

Kujo Ditaro coughed lightly, and stopped him: "Mei, you should understand how high the calories in these snacks are."


Kato Megumi bowed his head and walked forward, his voice was low and urgent, "It's okay, cousin, I'll go upstairs first..."

Kujo Ditaro inhaled slightly, seeing the girl was about to walk by, he couldn't help it after all.

"Hui, you're fat! I can see it clearly!"


Kato Megumi was taken aback for a moment, and the snacks in his hand fell to the ground with a clatter.

Cousin... what did you just say?

I am fat?Am I fat?I gained a lot of weight?

No...he said he could see clearly, that is to say...where I couldn't see...a lot of flesh? !

Thinking back on his recent overeating, Kato Wheaton felt his heart tremble, and stepped back in a vain manner.

The girl who missed the stairs once, only ten minutes later, stumbled again at the same place.

"Calm down, Hui!"

Kujo Tetaro, with quick hands and quick eyes, hugged the girl who fell backwards, looked at the latter's lifeless eyes, and shouted.

"Hui, wake up! You can't give up yet, the weight loss has just begun!"

"Just fall...it's over, it's over..."

Kato Megumi smiled miserably, with a lazy and paralyzed expression, as if he had lost his soul.

For some reason, Kujo Ditaro always felt that the girl's posture at this time had a strange sense of sight, as if a cigarette was missing...

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Girls are very concerned about their body shape.

According to reliable data analysis on the Internet, [-]% of conversations between girls will involve topics related to body shape and weight.

This shows how important body shape is to them.

Although Kato Megumi is easy-going, it doesn't mean that she doesn't care about anything.

On the contrary, except that she is more easy-going, her living habits are almost the same as those of ordinary girls.

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