So... her mentality has collapsed.

"Calm down, Hui."


"Hui, as long as you don't stop, the road will extend infinitely. Believe in yourself, being fat is only temporary!"


No matter what Kujo Tetaro said, the girl with dull eyes always answered with one word.

Kujo Tetaro had a sad expression on his face, but the corners of his mouth were crazily raised, "In that case, Megumin, then you just sit here, and I'll take the snacks and so on."


Kujo Ditaro lowered his head slightly, looked at the little hand that was strangling his wrist, and said in surprise, "Isn't there no response?"

Kato Megumi didn't answer, and kept his head down, but his hands were getting stronger, obviously sending out a warning.

Kujo Ditaro was taken aback for a moment, and couldn't help but sigh in his heart, this meal is not for free, this strength is really not bad...


Kujo Tetaro stopped insisting, and motioned: "I'll pick up the snacks for you. As for whether you want to take them back, it depends on your self-discipline."

Kato Megumi let go of her hand, whether it was intentional or not, her long hair cleverly covered her expression at this time.

Kujo Tetaro took a bag, picked up all the snacks, and left a word with sincerity.

"Self-discipline, Hui, if you don't discipline yourself, everything will be too late."


Kato Megumi was silent, not even nodding in response.

As the footsteps went away, she sighed softly, turned around and was about to pick up the snacks and go back to the house.


No snacks in sight, nothing.

Kato Megumi opened her mouth slightly, and after being in a daze for a while, her expression gradually changed slightly.

"So that's how it're playing dirty with me...isn't it?"


Bang bang bang!

"Hui, since you can't discipline yourself, I'll help you discipline yourself."

Hearing the knock on the door outside, Totaro Kujo, who was sitting on the chair, replied calmly.

"Cousin, I didn't tell you about this, please open the door first."

"Hui, if you have something to say, just say it at the door, I'm listening."

"No, no, this kind of thing must be face to face..."

Toshitaro Kujo was unmoved, and his stand was very firm, but he didn't open the door.

Kato Megumi put one hand on the door, and after a while of contemplation, the corners of his lips began to rise.

"Cousin, do you know how to draw ghost cards? I won, you give me back the snacks, I lost, I leave, how?"

"Oh? You want to play games with me? That's fine."

Kujo Tetaro became interested, got up and went to open the door.

After Kato Megumi entered the room, he immediately asked to start the game of drawing ghost cards.

When Tetaro Kujo was rummaging through the cards, he heard the sound of the door closing behind him.

bad feeling....

Kujo Didaro was right.

In the room at this moment, whether it was Kato Megumi who came to challenge the battle, or the big bag of snacks on the bed, they all disappeared.

"On the surface, he lied to me to play cards, but in fact, he was trying to steal snacks... This is a bad example from me."

Kujo Ditaro sighed, and couldn't help but miss the quiet version of his cousin a month ago.

However, it is too late.

There was no plan to recover the snacks, Kujo Tetaro lay on the bed and slept until noon.

If it wasn't for the phone call in the middle, he actually wanted to sleep until night.

Kujo Tetaro rubbed his eyes, and after a long delay, he picked up the phone.


"Hi Mr. Kujo, I'm a staff member of SILVER MANGYM."

"It's like this, Mr. Kujo, Silver Mangym will hold a fitness event for couples on May [-]rd, which is Kiss Day, and you are our member, so you can sign up for this event in advance ..."

"I'm not sure about this, let's talk about it later..."

After Kujo Ditaro hung up the phone, he couldn't help muttering, "Kiss Festival? Neon and this festival? I didn't notice it. Is this a festival that couples deserve to know?"

The interested Kujo Tetaro opened the mailbox of Kamio Kiyoko, and immediately turned into a straight man of steel.

【Qingzi, do you know about the Kiss Festival?On May [-]rd. 】

[There is this program?I don't know, I haven't noticed it. 】

【Don't you know?That seems to be an insignificant folk festival. 】

Kamio Kiyoko, who was chatting with her friends, stared at her phone for a while, then asked the three people beside her thoughtfully.

"Do you know about Kiss Day?"

"I know, the one on May 5."

"Really, what is this festival for? It's for couples to kiss? It's all boring."

Kiyoko Kamio's words caused people from all three parties to complain one after another.

Suzuki Keiko rubbed her forehead and said angrily, "Qingzi, the interaction between couples is very important. If you continue like this, you will be dumped sooner or later."

"Yes." Kanako Iida nodded in agreement, "It's hard to find a boyfriend who is willing to accept you to play horse racing and pachinko. If you don't manage your relationship well, you will be crowned king at that time."

"Stop talking crows." Mana Yoshiwara rolled her eyes at the two of them, and comforted them, "Qingzi, don't listen to their nonsense, at most you'll be on the prairie..."

"Get out!" Kamio Kiyoko interrupted with a wave of his hand: "You guys can't spit out ivory. I have a very good relationship with him. He even went to bet on the horses with me last week."

"Awesome." Suzuki Keiko gave a thumbs up and said with emotion: "I know that some people go to the cinema, the zoo, and the amusement park on dates, but the ones who go to bet on the horses... are awesome! This is really awesome! "

"Qingzi is an uncle's heart, isn't this basic practice, don't Liu sit down."


"Stop laughing, there's nothing funny about it." Kamio Kiyoko argued with her face flushed, "What's the matter with going to the racetrack, where there must be nature, animals and animals, the air is still good, and you can make a small profit, Why can't it work?"

As soon as the words fell, the three of them laughed even harder.

Kiyoko Kamio puffed up her cheeks, she was so angry that she had a bun face, but she had nothing to say.

After laughing for a long time, Keiko Suzuki, an old driver, began to come up with ideas.

"Qingzi, love has to be managed. When you feel good about yourself, it is often a harbinger of collapse. Listen to me, next time you go on a date, take him to the hotel and let him understand. Kiyoko Iromanaka..."

In the middle of Keiko Suzuki's words, she saw the purple-haired girl in front of her and rushed towards her.

"You pervert, let me see if you have grown up recently..."

"Since you want to know so much, then mom, I'll give you my blessing..."

Kamio Kiyoko didn't have time to react, and was pushed into the turbulent waves.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"How is it? Is it comfortable?"

"No no no..."

"Look at how happy she is smiling. Isn't mother's arms very warm?"

Kamio Kiyoko struggled desperately, but the effect was minimal, even counterproductive.

Suzuki Keiko smiled exaggeratedly, the corners of her lips kept rising, "The more you struggle, the more excited I am."

"If Qingzi is replaced by any boy, this wave will be a lore."

"It's a pity that I can't change it, and Keiko is not stupid."

The two onlookers, not only did not go to rescue, but talked and laughed.

Kamio Kiyoko raised her head vigorously, barely broke free from the restraints, and gasped heavily.

"You... you cow."

"What, this is mother's love for you, what are you talking about, baby Qingzi."

Keiko Suzuki covered her mouth with her hands, her laughter became more obscene.

The corners of Kamio Kiyoko's eyes twitched, and he said weakly: "Don't play anymore, let's talk about business, okay?"

"It's not impossible to talk about business."

Suzuki Keiko hugged the purple-haired girl from behind, and whispered in her ear: "Just call me mom, mom can do anything for you."

"Don't be too small." Kiyoko Kamio shook her shoulders and snorted coldly, "Mom, I have dignity. Shall we start?"

"OK, no problem." Suzuki Keiko didn't let go, still clinging to this purple-haired loli who looked like a porcelain doll, but her tone was quite serious.

"Keiko, what business do you want to talk about? How to date properly?"

"Are you kidding, Mom, you've got the point."

"Okay, let's discuss this problem."

The four faced each other and began to exchange ideas.

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