After Kamio Kiyoko finished taking notes, she didn't forget to ask the last question.

"Besides Mana, how many boyfriends did you date in high school?"


"What? You haven't talked about it? Then you just talked about it with me!"

"I haven't eaten pork, I haven't seen a pig running, and I'm in love, so I just want to stimulate it."

Kamio Kiyoko suddenly felt that the way she took notes seriously just now seemed to be a big bad guy.


Since the release of "JOJO", Kujo Ditaro occasionally visits the manga website to check the comments.

It is unexpected, but also reasonable, because of the style of painting, there are praises and criticisms in the comment area.

At the beginning, Kujo Ditaro was quite disgusted with these people who talked about their painting style, but as time went by, his mentality improved a lot.

Therefore, in order to create a stable creative environment, he blacklisted all these malicious trolls.

"Hmm... Another troll, bye bye."

Kongtiao Di Taro is familiar with the road, and after blacking out a troll who has nothing to do with trouble, he suddenly feels refreshed.

To be honest, he also knows that an excellent cartoonist should accept anyone's opinions, and only in this way can he improve his creative strength.

But the problem is....

Kujo Ditaro is not a real manga artist, and the plot of "JOJO" is already fixed, if he accepts the opinion to change the plot, it will definitely affect the whole body, and even lead to a complete collapse of the plot.

So, since he can't absorb opinions to modify the plot, why is he still so used to trolling?

【Rubbish! 】

Kujo Ditaro just blocked one person, when he saw the information bar flashing, he simply clicked to check it.

"Oh? You're not convinced, are you?"

Kujo Ditaro raised the corner of his mouth, and quickly typed a reply.

After spraying each other across the screen for half an hour, he was surprised to find that this troll was a master.

After all, his typing speed is not something that ordinary people can keep up with, and this troll actually fought fiercely with him for half an hour.

Kujo Ditaro scolded badly, so he asked for an offline touch.

Unexpectedly, the keyboard man, who was supposed to attack hard on the Internet, not only agreed to the matter, but also offered to meet him.

Kujo Ditaro preconceived that this is a fake address, so he started to sneer.

【I'm afraid you won't dare to come, brother. 】

[Whoever doesn't come will see pus below, rubbish. 】

[Aren't you all rotten below? Does it make sense to say that? 】

[Stop beeping, add up your mailbox if you have the courage, and post the location. 】

Seeing the keyboard man who sent the email, Kujo Ditaro was taken aback, and then added decisively.

The two switched battlefields, from the private message section of the comic website to the email exchange.

[Dog thing, turn on real-time positioning! 】

[What's the dog's name, eat too much shit? 】

[Whoever coaxes the bottom will rot. 】

【Are you an empty-handed white wolf?Forget it, you've eaten shit, so I'll save you some face. 】

Kujo Ditaro turned on the real-time positioning and confirmed the location of the keyboard man. When he was only [-] kilometers away from him, his face began to look hideous.

The two had been spraying for half an hour, and they were naturally very angry at the moment. Seeing that they were not close to each other, they immediately made an appointment for a meeting time and place.

Kujo Ditaro is not afraid that the other party will break the contract. After all, this poisonous oath is so fierce, if he is afraid that he will not come, there will be a hurdle in his heart for the rest of his life.

"Hey, Iori, is Kohei next to you?"

"Huh? What's wrong?"

"You guys go somewhere with me at night, don't forget, wear clothes suitable for sports."

After Ditaro Kujo hung up the phone, he found a suit of clothes in the closet that was suitable for hands-on work.

Immediately afterwards, he walked to the corner of the room and took two metallic baseball bats.

Bringing a weapon is not for beating people, but for Kitahara Iori and the two to use for self-defense. As for him, is he still using a weapon?


"Ditaro, what's the matter?"

After Kitahara Iori got into the car, she immediately asked about the situation.

"I met a troll on the Internet, scolded me for half an hour, and finally made an appointment with me, let me meet him offline."

"What? You also believe what the troll says, maybe you'll let us dove."

"Just look at this record and you will know."

Kujo Ditaro was too lazy to talk nonsense, and handed out the phone directly.

After watching this gunpowder-flavored conversation, the two asked in unison: "What about the weapons, judging by this man's tone, it might be a hard fight. It's too bad to use bare hands."

"There is a baseball bat in the trunk, don't worry, you didn't fight in the past, but stopped people from escaping."

Kujo Tetaro started the car, his bare arms looked extremely thick.

Kitahara Iori nodded suddenly, and his face became ferocious, "I understand, it will be a massacre, right?"

"It's exciting." Imamura Kohei raised the corners of his mouth, and there was a red light in his eyes, "I've been annoyed by these online trolls for a long time, but now, my stick is already hungry and thirsty."

"When you guys show up, he will make an appointment for me on the road by the sea. I guess he will be a motorcycle racer. Let's not get off the car when the time comes. After confirming the target, we will take it for him in one fell swoop!"

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Kujo Didaro didn't rush to the appointment, but took the two of them to dinner.

The three of them sat in a tonkotsu ramen shop, slurping their noodles.

"Di Taro, how did that troll get on with you?"

"There is no special reason for scolding so fiercely, it shouldn't be."


Kujo Tetaro thought for a while, and truthfully told the reason.

Kitahara Iori froze and said in surprise, "It's true, you can still draw manga?"

"You come out to play, so you don't have too many skills." Kujo Tetaro picked up the noodles and said with a smile: "And I'm just a newcomer, so it's not that exaggerated. After all, everything is easier to get started."

"No." Imamura Kohei interrupted suddenly, with a slightly weird tone, "The illustrator is okay, but manga is quite difficult to draw, and there are many things to pay attention to."

"Kohei, please stop making trouble, it makes you look like you really know how to draw." Kitahara Iori snorted, but the good times didn't last long.

Imamura Kohei nodded, and said with a sneer, "I really know how to draw. I have drawn in high school."


Kitahara Iori didn't believe it at first, but thinking of Kohei Imamura's status as a technical geek, his face immediately became ugly.

Kujo Tetaro became interested, turned his head and said, "Kohei, do you still have this skill?"

"Of course, in order to change into various clothes for my beloved Lalazijiang, I specially learned to draw."

Kohei Imamura proudly took out his mobile phone, flipped through a bunch of colored pictures in the photo album, and gestured: "Look, I drew these."

After taking a few glances at it, Kujo Ditaro exclaimed, "That's right, this painting is very meticulous. Do you have a part-time job as an illustrator?"

"Occasionally there are orders..."

Imamura Kohei was halfway through speaking, the corner of his mouth suddenly raised, "Iori, what is your expression? Did you suddenly realize that you are a good-for-nothing?"

"It's because I'm too young." Kitahara Iori covered her face with her hands, and her tone was extremely resentful, "I thought that a normal person's amateur skills would only be good at a certain sport, or a strong game, alas... Blame me for being too young."

"Iori, what are you talking about?" Kujo Tetaro put his arm around the black-haired man's shoulders, and said in a deep voice, "Even if you are old, you are still a waste, it has nothing to do with whether you are young or not. "

"It's okay, it's okay, don't persecute me anymore, it's really...too difficult."

Kitahara Iori's face looked sad, and he ate the noodles happily.

As the noodles entered his mouth, he actually felt tasteless.

"Boss, I'm here to eat noodles."

"Don't bark so loudly, it will affect others, idiot!"

"Boss, boss, two bowls of noodles, Xiao Ming's bowl has more eggs."

"Okay, okay, Jiazi, you are still as lively as ever."

The sudden arrival of a man and a woman caught the attention of most people in the store.

Looking at the lively and active orange-haired girl who shared interesting stories with her boyfriend from time to time, the eyes of many older people shone with reminiscence.

On the contrary, two single people who have no lovers are so envious that they can't complain.


"Xiu Enai cools down quickly, the more beautiful she is now, the faster she cools down."

"You better not envy this couple."

Kujo Ditaro withdrew his gaze, smiled and said: "You may not know, but I really don't envy you too much..."

"Di Taro..." Kitahara Iori hesitated to speak, and tried to ask, "Do you know them?"

"Yes, she is my classmate in high school. Although that girl looks okay, she is actually an erect ape. No, I want to go over and say something."

After Totaro Kujo left a word, he got up and walked towards the couple.

At this moment, the orange-haired girl who was chatting with her boyfriend noticed something.

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