"Eh? Xiao Ming, isn't this Di Taro?"

"Huh? Di Taro? Really... Long time no see."

"Long time no see, Jiazi, Xiao Ming."

Kujo Tetaro stopped, took a chair and sat down.

The orange-haired girl was quite excited, and the corners of her mouth kept rising, "Di Taro, I didn't expect to meet you here. What are you doing here?"

"You are still the same, Jiazi, just ask nonsense."

Kujo Ditaro shook his head, looked at the man beside him with a half-smile, and asked, "Xiao Ming, you've already gone to college, are you applying for a college?"

The man rested his forehead with one hand, and sighed, "How could this idiot get into college? I'm going to a college in the city, and I'm just coming back on weekends."

"Xiao Ming, I also went to college, you're making me lose face." The orange-haired girl spoke loudly, ignoring the strange gazes of the people around her.

The man got up and bowed apologetically to the surroundings, then looked at the girl with a ferocious face, "Talk down to me, idiot, believe it or not, I'll kill you?"

The orange-haired girl covered her mouth with both hands, and said shyly: "I hate it, Xiao Ming, so many people are watching, and you just flirt with me here, it's natural for this kind of thing..."

The man grabbed the lower half of the girl's face, his arms were bulging with veins, his eyes were full of murderous intent, "Shut up, understand?"


Finally, the orange-haired girl fell silent.

After the man withdrew his hand, he turned his head to look at Kujo Ditaro, and said with a smile: "You know the character of this idiot, don't listen to her nonsense, Ditaro."

"What... obviously we've slept together..."

The neck of the orange-haired girl was strangled.

Looking at the scene in front of him, Kujo Tetaro didn't take it seriously, as if he was used to it, but the corners of his mouth were crazily raised.

"I can't pretend that I didn't hear that sentence just now. Have you guys slept?"

"No, Kako was talking nonsense..."

The man tried his best to argue, but the red ears had already proved a lot.

Kujo Ditaro nodded, and asked tortured: "Although I don't want to gossip, I still want to know the process, Xiao Ming, is it you who are talking about it, or should I find a chance to ask Kako in private."

"Di Taro..." The man opened his mouth slightly, with an extremely complicated expression, "This is really not what you think, Kako took advantage of my unpreparedness..."

"OK, I understand."

Kujo Ditaro smiled with satisfaction, his face gradually flamboyant, "One of my high school classmates is already married, and I didn't go to his, but I will definitely be there for the two of you, and I will come with a big gift, after all, these are two It's a big deal between races."


The orange-haired girl was unable to speak, but still made an OK gesture.

While the man strengthened his hands, he did not forget to explain with a serious face, "Di Taro, you have to believe me, it is impossible for human beings to fall in love with apes!"

"The love that crosses races is the real greatness. Xiao Ming, Jiazi is also pretty good. Look how much she looks like a human being."

"What the hell...you don't feel pain in your back when you stand and talk, have you not seen Jiazi for a long time, have you forgotten how she looks like eating bananas?"

"It's useless for you to tell me these things. You have been together for more than ten years, Xiao Ming, some things are predestined. The more you resist, the more excited she will be."

Kujo Tetaro pointed out his hand, smiling very strangely.

The man turned his head stiffly, and what caught his eyes was the face of an idiot with a smirk.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"Di Taro, that girl doesn't look... not very smart."

"Be confident and take the look off."

"Di Taro, your friend is quite strange."

Kujo Ditaro returned to his seat, and after eating the remaining noodles, he led the two of them out of the noodle shop.

As soon as they left, an orange-haired girl chased after them.

"Di Taro, wait a minute."

"Huh? Go to the car and wait for me first."

Kujo Tetaro waved his hands, and the two left with interest.

The orange-haired girl held a banana in her hand, and said excitedly: "Di Taro, the owner of the noodle shop actually sells bananas, it's amazing."

"Kako." Kujo Tetaro lifted his hair on his forehead and said with a smile, "Did you just come here and tell me this?"

"Of course not." The orange-haired girl shook her head, her expression suddenly serious, her voice lowered, "Di Taro, let me tell you, actually Xiao Ming and I..."

Kujo Tetaro sensed the element, and couldn't help but bend down a little.

The orange-haired girl held her breath, looked around vigilantly, and said with a smirk: "My mother taught me that day. Xiao Ming caught a cold that day, so I used handcuffs...hehe."

Kujo Ditaro raised the corner of his mouth, guessing: "You handcuffed Xiao Ming, and then did whatever you wanted?"

"I handcuffed Xiao Ming, and Xiao Ming resisted with all his strength, but he was weak and not my opponent at all, hehehe..."

The orange-haired girl covered her face with her hands, and her body twisted strangely like a wave.

Kujo Tetaro took it for granted, and gave advice earnestly.

"You've done a good job. If you like someone, you have to do whatever you can. Next time, tell your mother and ask her to give you some secret weapon. It's the kind of secret weapon that two people will die from exhaustion."

"Di Taro, you are good or bad, I am not that kind of person, I believe Xiao Ming will succumb to my charm."

"Jiazi, Xiao Ming has gone to the city to go to university. Where is the university? There are so many beautiful women. If you don't prepare well, Xiao Ming will run away with others. You have to learn from your mother. If it weren't for her Gao Zhan Foresight, you have no chance of being born."

The orange-haired girl scratched her head, looking confused.

Kujo Ditaro hated that iron cannot be made into steel, and continued to instill fallacies.

"Jiazi, life is long. If you want to settle down and start a career, you must have a solid grasp of your mother's despicable methods."

"Di Taro, how can you say that about my mother."

"She has admitted herself that she is a whore, so don't wash her up, anyway, study hard, and I look forward to your next generation."

The orange-haired girl smiled when she heard this, and said affirmatively: "Di Taro, you are indeed my best friend. I have decided that when I have a next generation, I will make her and your child become childhood sweethearts. Can you be like me and Xiaoming... eh? Ditaro, don't run away!"

"Quick... get in the car!"

Kujo Ditaro rushed to the side of the car and urged: "Don't be dazed, let's go!"


The two didn't know why, but they did it anyway.

Kujo Tetaro started the car and drove out in a hurry.

"Di Taro, what's wrong with you? So exaggerated?"

"What the hell, almost... almost finished my junior."

"What's the situation? You've made us very confused."

Kujo Ditaro gasped, and said intermittently: "You don't even know, that idiot is terrible, she actually... actually wants my child to be a childhood sweetheart with her child, it's like revenge."


Kitahara Iori was stunned for a moment, and smiled bewilderedly, "What's so scary about this?"

"Isn't that scary enough? She's a stickler. If I let her finish her sentence, unless I move to a place where she can't find it, the tragedy will repeat itself. My child will definitely become the next Xiaoming. It's terrible. .”

Kujo Tetaro's unexpected reaction really made people feel confused.

But soon, the two... understood.

Kohei Imamura leaned slightly against the window, the sea breeze blowing in his face messed up his hair.

Indistinctly, a strange sound came from behind.


"Huh?!! Damn!"

Kohei Imamura looked back, and what he could see from a distance was a running figure.

"What's the matter? Gengping, what a fuss... what the hell!"

Kitahara Iori looked disdainful, and after taking a look, his expression froze instantly.

"Di Taro, that girl is chasing her, she is chasing her with her legs!"


Kujo Ditaro glanced at the car's exterior rearview mirror, and gasped: "It's still... It's been a few months, has the condition worsened?"

"Di Taro, she is still human. We have been driving for five or six minutes, and she can still catch up."

"Her physical strength does not belong to the category of a human being. Let alone, I want to speed up, so I have to get rid of her."

As soon as the words fell, the Prado, which was driving at a constant speed, suddenly accelerated and drove forward.

The orange-haired girl who was running wildly watched the car getting further and further away, but still did not slow down.

At the same time, a minivan with flashing headlights drove up from behind the girl.


"It should have been thrown away."

All three people in the car breathed a sigh of relief.

Kitahara Iori leaned back and said with emotion: "I now understand what Ditaro was afraid of just now."

Kohei Imamura nodded secondarily, "I've only seen this kind of people chasing cars in movies, that girl... a wolf!"

"Now you know, don't look at her as a girl, a dozen boys can't get close to her."

Kujo Tetaro slowed down and looked at the navigation with his mobile phone.

After an unknown amount of time, two horns sounded from behind, and a truck with its turn signal on began to speed up and approach.

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