Kujo Tetaro slowed down the car knowingly, and the two cars, one fast and one slow, gradually merged in a row.

"Di Taro!"


Looking at the orange-haired girl behind the truck, the three people in Pradori were speechless in astonishment.

The orange-haired girl used both hands and feet, and began to move to the left.

"Damn it! Eldest sister, don't make trouble! You will die!"

Kitahara Iori waved her hands again and again, and shouted hoarsely: "This is not a movie, think twice, sister!"

The orange-haired girl remained indifferent, and continued to move to the left. She even made an OK gesture to show her confidence.

"That idiot!"

Kujo Ditaro suddenly slowed down the speed of the car, and the distance between the two cars instantly opened up a large distance.

The orange-haired girl stopped moving and said loudly, "What are you doing! I can't dance like this!"

"This sister... really wants to dance."

"She can chase after her in this way, what else is she afraid to do? By the way... how did she get on the truck?"

"I guess... run-up jump?"

Kujo Tetaro ignored the discussion of the two and continued to slow down the speed of the car, but did not lose track of the truck.

At the same time, seven or eight locomotives that opened vertically rumbled from behind.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------


Anyone who saw the scene of climbing a person behind the truck would fall into a momentary state of confusion.

These bikers who came by riding slowed down one after another, obviously wanting to watch in the front row.

Kujo Ditaro had already noticed the group of motorcycles behind him, but he didn't pay too much attention to it. After all, the most indispensable thing in this place of Neon is the motorcycle party who likes to run wild.

"Di Taro, why don't we just keep following?"

Kitahara Iori poked her head outside, looked back and forth, then turned around and said, "I'm still following a group of gangsters, and I don't know what I want to do."

"Follow first, there is still a way to the destination." Kujo Ditaro raised the corners of his mouth, his tone gradually turned cold, "If it's really impossible, just leave her alone, she won't die anyway."

Imamura Kohei was taken aback, and said in surprise: "Di Taro, isn't she your classmate and friend? So ruthless?"

"Oh? Then you introduce your child to her, and I will immediately..."

"Di Taro, hurry up! Hit her to death!"

Imamura Kohei waved his hand, and changed his words: "How about we take a step back and save the person, and we use Iori's child as a sacrifice, how about it?"

"Oh?" Kujo Ditaro thought for a while, and his laughter became more and more weird, "It's a good way to kill two birds with one stone."

"Hey, hey! You are not human anymore, are you?" Kitahara Iori originally wanted to stay out of the matter, but at this moment she couldn't bear it anymore.

"Iori, what are you afraid of?"

Kohei Imamura pinched the shoulder of the black-haired man, and whispered into his ear.

"Whether you can have children is unknown. If you make an oath now, isn't it just milking yourself in disguise? Do you think this business is a good deal? As long as the oath is [-]%, you will have a wife and children. Even if the child is not yours in the end, then you Isn't it more profitable?"

"You put this curse on your father, get out of here."

Kitahara Iori shook off the salty pig's hands on her shoulders, and thought: "Gengping, let me ask you, if you find a girlfriend, and she asks you, who is more important, you or La Lazi, what should you do?"

Kohei Imamura waved his hand without hesitation, "What's the problem? Girlfriends are not as important as Lalazijiang."


Kitahara Iori's eyes flickered, and after a reply, he stopped talking.

Imamura Kohei felt uneasy, but he didn't know where the source was.

"Hey, what are you doing?"

"It's filming."

Looking at the biker riding beside him, Kujo Didaro replied coldly.

"With your configuration, it's just a small video, and you're bragging?"

"A micro-movie isn't a movie? Don't look for trouble, go back to the side."

"Oh, my temper is quite aggressive, if I don't leave."

The motorcycle driver has a bad temper, and if he disagrees with him, he will blow his horn to demonstrate.

Kujo Ditaro glanced at him, but didn't speak, but waved back.

The two understood each other, their faces became ferocious, and their words became sharper.

"Brother, your car is not good. I see this configuration, it must be remodeled second-hand."

"What are you talking about, Gengping, how can someone buy a second-hand car? They are at least seven or eight hands-on. When you see the smoke coming out of the small exhaust pipe, it feels like that asthma."

"When you say it like that, it's really impressive. Brother, how much did you charge for it? I'll collect one another day. I don't want anything else, just your asthmatic little windpipe."

"Brother, I'll take one too. Is five hundred enough? If not, add another two hundred?"

The motorcycle driver glanced, and what he saw were two exaggerated twisted faces.

These two... old trolls!

The motorcyclist had a firm guess in his heart, but he was not afraid.

You know, when it comes to the ability to spray people, he hasn't lost to anyone yet.

"You guys made me laugh, I'm so jealous that I'm beyond recognition, tsk tsk tsk."

"Jealous? Thank you, I was offended, and there is a bend ahead."


The motorcycle driver looked forward, but after not finding any corners, his face became more and more gloomy.

"Why are you kidding me?"

"I'm just kidding you, why?"

Kohei Imamura pouted, his beautiful face was so broken that it looked out of place.

"You...you can!"

The locomotive put down his harsh words, stepped on the accelerator, and the locomotive drove to the front of the Prado.

Kujo Ditaro became interested, and sneered, "What does he want? Why don't you stop me?"

"Di Taro, do you think this person is that troll, after all, his mouth is so stinky."

"I can't say for sure, but one thing to say, the mouths of the two of you are much more stinky than his."

Kitahara Iori's words, Kujo Tetaro thinks there are some possibilities.

After all, it is indeed suspicious that a group of unfriendly gangsters appeared during this time period.

Kujo Ditaro was thoughtful, so he simply stopped overtaking and let the locomotive in front twist and turn.

"Di Taro, how can you get used to him?"

Seeing that Kujo Tetaro was indifferent, Kitahara Iori couldn't sit still.

"Yeah, Di Taro, you should kick the accelerator and knock him into the sea." Kohei Imamura nodded, and wiped his neck with his hands.

"Wait, I'll see if they are that group of people. If they are, then we will settle the old and new grievances together. If not, it's not too late for us to pursue them."

Kujo Ditaro took out his mobile phone, glanced at the navigation, and said with a smirk: "It's almost there, the fork of the road leading to the beach is ahead, as long as he drives down, then their identities will be confirmed. If you block the road, you will die."

"I see, Kohei, go get the club."

"OK, those who dare to run later... all have their legs broken."


Kujo Didaro guessed right.

Looking at the locomotive turning into the fork, his eyes flickered with coldness, but it was fleeting.

Prado did not follow, but continued along the main road, followed by a U-turn.


The orange-haired girl riding behind the truck looked at the back of the white car that abandoned her and took action immediately.

With inhuman and weird climbing movements, the girl came to the roof of the car, and then walked forward.

When she was about to tell the driver to stop, the cave that came into view made her change her plan.

The orange-haired girl bent her knees, jumped high, and then began to spin. Even though she landed smoothly, she did several backflips one after another.

"Sure enough, when I jumped out of the car, my legs were still numb."

After kicking her leg, the orange-haired girl turned around and ran in the direction she came from.

at the same time.

Kujo Tetaro drove to the fork, in order to catch them all, he didn't rush to drive in.

"You two go down first, lead them all off the locomotive, and prevent them from driving away."

"What? Di Taro, what if we are surrounded?"

"Yeah, seven or eight people, you can't beat them at all."

When the two heard that they needed to lead the way, they immediately made excuses.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

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