"No, no, no... it's up to you." Sayaka Oeno shook her head again and again, her face flushed a little.

"Then let me tell you, Sayaka, did my behavior of confessing to you earlier cause you trouble?"

"No, it's not like that."

Sayaka Oeno raised her hands in front of her body, and said in a panic, "I didn't cause trouble, I'm sorry Di Taro, I caused you trouble."

"Sayaka, you don't need to blame yourself for this kind of thing. It's my problem. If I don't confess to you, wouldn't there be nothing wrong?"

Kujo Ditaro leaned back, looked up at the electric light above his head, and thought: "And Sayaka, you are usually too easy to talk, you are really easy to talk, and occasionally you have to know how to reject others cruelly, don't do it for the so-called Isn’t it tiring to compromise with affection?”

"Ah? Hmm..." Ouno Sayaka responded, her fingers facing each other, and after a long time of contemplation, she spoke.

"Di Taro, I really don't know how to reject others, but it's not as exaggerated as you said. After all, I'm not a child anymore, and I have a confession about you... I'm sorry, I lied to you!"

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"Yeah, just lie to me if you lie to me."

Kujo Tetaro's reaction made the girl, who had been preparing for a long time, unable to react for a while.

Sayaka Sumino pursed her lips, looking hesitant to speak.

Kujo Ditaro took a deep breath, and said in a flat voice: "It's been several months, and I let it go, Sayaka, how the truth is to me, it's already..."

"No... no, sorry, I got excited."

Sayaka Sumino stood up abruptly, and after realizing that she had lost her composure, she sat back down again.

"I know it's late to say this, but Di Taro has the right to know the truth. Are you... willing to listen?"

"Well, I'm willing to listen, so go ahead."

Kujo Tetaro has been very stable, as if he really got out of the failure of the confession.

Sayaka Sumino patted his face with his hands, and said seriously: "Di Taro, first of all, I want to apologize to you, because when I rejected you, I didn't tell you the truth, and it was this that confused me for a long time .”

Is it...

Sayaka was really hit by Jiazi. Not having a relationship in high school is not a reason, but a fact?

No, I have girlfriends now, you tell me this...

Thoughts in Kujo Tetaro's mind were racing, but the surface remained calm.

"I've been confused for a long time. I've been thinking about it for the past few months."

"I want to explain clearly to Di Taro, but I don't know how to speak, and I'm too embarrassed to contact you."

"Actually, even if there is no Jiazi today, I guess I will find a time, even if it's hard to say."

Sayaka Sumino is very polite. After each sentence, she will wait on purpose, obviously to facilitate Kujo Tetaro to ask questions.

However, it is a pity that Kujo Ditaro is as steady as an old dog, always in a state of listening, and has no intention of speaking at all.

Sayaka Sumino wanted to use interaction to alleviate the embarrassment in the atmosphere, but seeing the man's focused expression, she could only let it go.

"Di Taro, the reason I reject you is that I can't fall in love in high school, but in fact... I can!"

Fuck!bad feeling...

Could it be that the previous good person cards were not fully issued, and now they are whipping corpses again?

Do you want to be so cruel?Sayaka!

Kujo Ditaro held his breath, and decided in his heart that if Sayaka really came to whip the corpse, he would not be polite, and just whipped back!

"I can fall in love, Di Taro, but I still rejected you, not because of anything else, just..."

Sayaka Sumino clenched her fists, took a deep breath, and added, "I don't have the courage! I don't have the courage to be with strange people!"

"You..." Kujo Ditaro pointed with one hand, and complained: "Sayaka, I am a strange person, but haven't you heard that like attracts like, you may not know, in the eyes of other high school students, we It's a kind of people."

"Di Taro, you misunderstood." Sayaka Sumino stood up and bowed: "I have never disliked you, and I have never regretted getting to know you. You are right. We are all strange people!"

"Then you..." Kujo Titaro's expression softened slightly, doubts flickered in his eyes.

"I'm sorry! In fact, a few months ago, deep down in my heart, I thought I was a normal person, so I rejected your confession, but after a few months of thinking, I realized that I was wrong!"

Sayaka Sumino is no longer bowing, but...Sir, get down.

"What are you doing?" Kujo Tetaro stood up, and just took a step forward when he was blocked by high decibels.

"I'm sorry! Di Taro, it's my problem, which caused an irreparable gap between us, and even gave birth to the idea that I shouldn't continue to communicate with you, I'm sorry..."

"We can understand your thoughts, after all, our reputation..."

Kujo Tetaro was cut off in the middle of his words.

"It doesn't matter! It's all my problem. They are all best friends, but I... I'm sorry!"

"Sayaka, this is someone else's house, you will disturb others."

"This... I'm sorry!"

Sayaka Sumino raised his head, then buried it down again.

Kujo Tetaro ignored the others, approached in two steps, and directly pulled the girl up.

Sayaka Sumino had tears in her eyes, her voice was hoarse, "I'm sorry..."

"Are you a repeater?"

Kujo Ditaro took the tissue on the table and pressed it on the girl's face.

The faltering voice came through the tissue.


"Okay, okay, don't be sorry."

Kujo Ditaro took down the wet tissue, looked at the pitiful and beautiful face in front of him, and couldn't help sighing: "I have deeply felt your sincerity, I forgive you, and we are back together, OK? "


After taking a deep breath, Sayaka Sumino silently leaned her head back.

Looking at the girl who was leaning against his eight-pack abs, Titaro Kujo breathed a sigh of relief, but he couldn't help but think to himself, the girl really... has a lot of water!

Sayaka Sumino seems to have heard the advice and is no longer turning into a repeater, but...

"In the past few months, I have thought a lot, and I understand that when you confessed to me that day, I was... happy in my heart, so Di Taro, I like you too, let's... be together."


Kujo Tetaro's mood is a bit indescribable.

Similarly, the three people who eavesdropped at the door, as well as the two people upstairs, felt the same way.

"Why is this happening? It's Di Taro again, he obviously has a girlfriend... I hate it!"

"It seems that Di Taro is stumped this time, this video...hehe."

"This seemingly well-behaved girl is indeed a bad girl who snatches good men."

"Auntie, you have to speak with your conscience, the girls don't know about it at all, okay?"

"Are you kidding me? She has my shadow on her body, and that's who I am."

"Your one-for-one operation...is really powerful."

These scum...

Although Kujo Tetaro noticed the whispering at the door, he couldn't control it.

There is no way, compared to the group of garbage that can be disposed of at any time, the girl in front of me is the big problem.

To be honest, if this confession can be made sooner, even if it is only a month, he will be very happy.

But now....

Kujo Ditaro blinked, trying to push the man in his arms away, but couldn't.

After all, according to the length of time, the opposite sex in front of him is the one he has liked the longest.

Even if it was cut off for a few months, the emotions deep in my heart were not so easy to let go.

But no matter what, he couldn't respond to this sudden confession.



At the end of the stairs, there was a crazy laugh, followed by the dull sound of heavy objects falling to the ground.

Indistinctly, there was another sound of objects being dragged upstairs.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"What happened upstairs?"

Kujo Ditaro looked up and took advantage of the situation to push the man in his arms away, but his hands did not leave the latter's shoulders.

Sayaka Sumino was taken aback, her face filled with anticipation.

Kujo Ditaro couldn't bear to look directly at him, so he glanced at the stairs and said, "What's wrong upstairs? Let's go up and have a look."


Sayaka Sumino lowered her eyes, bitterness spread in her heart, and tears overflowed uncontrollably.

This is a failure?

Di Taro felt the same way back then...


Sayaka Sumino suppressed his emotions and forced a smile: "That's great, Di Taro, so we'll be even. I rejected you once, and you rejected me once, which is pretty good."

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