"Uh...um." Kujo Tetaro didn't know how to answer, so he could only answer vaguely.

Sayaka Sumino rubbed her eyes and laughed to herself.

"That's good, and we both went to different universities, and we don't have much chance to meet each other. After we get even, it's the best result."


Kujo Tetaro is caught in a decision.

Regarding Kamio Kiyoko's feelings, if he said it was very deep, it would be a bit artificial.

After all, the two have only dated for a month. In such a short period of time, no matter how quickly the relationship can be cultivated, there is a limit.

However, in fact, apart from chatting on the mobile phone, they rarely met each other, so their relationship warmed up very slowly.

Now, facing the change of heart of his former favorite, if he remains indifferent, he must be lying.

what should I do now...? !

Sayaka is good, but I can't be sorry for Kiyoko...

But Qingzi doesn't get along well with me, and she also likes to gamble...

No, no, no... Kiyoko is getting smaller and smaller!

Kujo Didaro didn't want to know, but was startled when he thought about it.

In order to prevent himself from being a scumbag, he hastily dismissed the image in his mind.

At the same time, the whispers at the door became more and more unscrupulous.

"The words just now are all Bai Lianhua's special lines. I don't even bother to use this method of retreating to advance."

"Auntie, you are wrong, you are a bitch yourself, how can you..."

"Shut up, two scumbags who haven't even held a girl's hand, I'm just passing on experience to you, aren't you grateful for Dade's acceptance?"

"Old woman! Are you looking for trouble?"

"Stinky brat!"

With a bang, three wrestling figures smashed open the half-closed door.

Sayaka Sumino forgot her heartbreak, blushing, and hurriedly hid behind Kujo Tetaro.

"Are they...are they eavesdropping?"

"Huh? Did you realize it now?"

"I... I didn't pay attention... Di Taro, please don't move..."

After hearing this pleading, Kujo Tetaro stood still and raised his eyes to look forward.

As we all know, ginger is still old and spicy.

Even in the face of two men in their prime, Mrs. Hanabata is still not at a disadvantage.

"It's useless, it's useless! You are too tender! Look at your wrists."

"What...? When?"

"In order to become the final winner, this trick of handcuffs has long been pure and innocent. My husband also hated it for the first time, hahahaha..."

After subduing the two, Mrs. Hanabata smiled wildly and looked towards the living room.

Maybe it was because of her high spirits that she was a little flustered.

"Di Taro, you have to be careful."


"This girl is very scheming, and she is also the type to grab a good man."

"Old woman, do you live too comfortably? Do you want to make yourself unhappy?"

Mrs. Huabata pointed with one hand and said affirmatively: "If you don't believe me, let her show her fat."

"..." Kujo Ditaro thought for a while, and his expression was instantly ferocious, "It seems that I have to give you a set of massage with excellent curative effect."

"If you don't listen to the elders, you will suffer in front of your eyes." Mrs. Huabata shook her head and sighed: "The essence of a woman can be known only by looking at her underwear. It’s good for men to see that she’s enlightened, and now that she’s coming to you to talk about this, she probably has already changed into the decisive underwear that seduces you.”

Hearing this, even Sayaka Sumino, who was ashamed to express himself, couldn't help it.

"...Aunt Hanabata, what are you talking about..."

"Little girl, you are out of temper. If you want to defend yourself, just use your fat times to speak."


Sayaka Sumino hesitated to speak, obviously not knowing how to respond.

Kujo Tetaro stopped the conversation between the two of them.

"Old woman, once you are old, don't rely on your old age to sell your old age..."


Mrs. Huabata bent slightly, the corners of her lips raised strangely.

The next moment, this forty-year-old woman not only flipped over the sofa vigorously, but also swooped out like a cheetah.

"My old lady has walked through the Asura field, which is more than the food you have eaten. Let me show you today, the judgment from the senior! Show me your... eh? Pain!"

"Old woman, you really know how to fix things."

Kujo Ditaro pinched the woman's face, and lifted her into the air with one arm.

While Mrs. Huabata cried out in pain, she did not forget to implement her beliefs.

"Bet... Bet everything on me, she must be wearing the underwear for the decisive battle!"

"Old woman, you are fully responsible for your daughter becoming what she is now."

"Di Taro, why don't you believe me, only women understand women."

"Don't... don't do it, I... I'll show you how fat you are!"

Kujo Ditaro turned his head, looked at the anxious girl, and comforted him: "Sayaka, it's not like you don't know Kako's mother's character, don't worry, I'll bury her in the back mountain immediately."

"Don't... be careful!"

Kujo Tetaro reacted quickly and subconsciously squatted down.

A black object with a little heat, spinning and flying over the man's head.

After Mrs. Huabata regained her freedom, instead of running away, she threw herself at the girl.

"do not..."

Sayaka Sumino's eyes widened, her face turned pale.

Looking at the skirt in front of her eyes, Mrs. Hanabata's face was distorted beyond human appearance.

"Your fat times..."

"I have tolerated you for a long time!"

Kujo Tetaro raised his elbow and slammed it down.

Sensing the crisis, Mrs. Huabata was grabbing her hands towards her skirt, but she suddenly pushed her on the ground, pushed forward by the recoil, and her body fell to one side.

Kujo Ditaro was not in a hurry to make up the knife after rushing into the air, but covered the frightened girl behind him.

"Yeah, yay.... Ditaro, your reaction is quick."

Mrs. Huabata stood up, and after twisting her neck, the corners of her mouth gradually raised, "But I have mastered your rhythm, it is impossible for you to hit me again!"

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------


Kujo Tetaro could hardly contain his anger.

To be honest, he is not a master of beating women, and he even resents this kind of behavior very much.

But now, he realized.

It is wrong to hit a woman, but if you kill a female animal, then there is no problem at all.

"Don't fight, you don't fight..."

After feeling Kujo Tetaro's murderous intent, Sayaka Sumino hurriedly dissuaded him.

Seeing that the good show was about to be interrupted, the two people who were handcuffed by the table started yelling in a hurry.

"Sister, what are you doing, Di Taro is killing harm for the people!"

"Since you like Di Taro, you should respect his choice and let him do it."

"Yeah, if you love him, you should stand behind silently. This is your man's decision!"

"Huh? What man...not...uh..."

Sayaka Sumino blushed and was speechless.

Kujo Ditaro glanced over his head, and stared viciously at the two of them until they shut up completely, then looked away.

At the same time, Mrs. Huabata, who was waiting impatiently, took the opportunity to launch a sneak attack.



Seeing the figure leaning over and rushing forward, Kujo Titaro raised his leg and kicked.

Mrs. Huabata followed the vines, not only was not kicked over, but instead used her thighs as a springboard, her body took advantage of the momentum to fly into the air.

"Di Taro, let me blow and kick you to death!"


Kujo Ditaro raised his head, looked at the feet kicking towards his face, grinned grinningly, raised his hand to grab it, and then threw it hard.

As we all know, when a person is in the air, he cannot move freely.

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