However, what was unexpected was that this forty-year-old woman completed the difficult force-relieving movement of spinning and landing backflips under the condition of weightlessness.

At this moment, even a person like Kujo Tetaro, who has seen the world, was shocked.

Mrs. Huabata was very satisfied with the shocking gazes of the people around her, her laughter became more exaggerated, and her eyes were almost narrowed.

"Hahahaha...It's useless, it's useless, you can't stop me from moving forward, aha!"

Mrs. Huabata took advantage of the victory to pursue and charged again.

Kujo Ditaro clenched his fists, apparently unable to bear it any longer.

"You are enough!"

"It's useless, it's useless, your rhythm...poof!"


Looking at the woman kneeling on the ground clutching her stomach, Kujo Tetaro showed no mercy in his eyes.

Mrs. Huabata raised her head, her expression was extremely painful, and her voice was slightly weak, "No...impossible...Your rhythm is obvious..."

"Okay." Kujo Tetaro waved his hand, and said in distaste: "People in their forties, stop doing all these fancy things, go home and stay."

Mrs. Huabata didn't appreciate it, she lowered her head and muttered to herself, "Could it be... Could it be that there is still a possibility of keeping his hand from his previous attack of anger..."

"Stop fighting..."

Taking advantage of the calm after the battle, Sayaka Sumino hurried forward to mediate.

Mrs. Huabata raised her eyes slightly, took a glance, and rushed out.

Kujo Ditaro took the first step, and slashed down hard with his powerful hand knife.


Looking at the woman lying in front of her, Sayaka Sumino took a step back and covered her skirt with lingering fear.

Kujo Titaro squatted down and checked casually.

"Not dead, still breathing, OK, let's put it here first."

"Or... move her to the sofa."

"No, just let her lie here."

Kujo Ditaro clapped his hands, got up and said, "Sayaka, I'll take you home first."

"Hey..." Sayaka Sumino lowered her head, neither responding nor refusing.

Kujo Tetaro had something to say, so he simply pushed the girl and walked out.

"Di Taro, we..."

"Brother Di, go and do your work first."

Kitahara Iori covered the mouth of the blond man and gestured with a smile.

Kujo Tetaro nodded approvingly, and threw a bunch of keys casually.

"I don't know that one is yours, try it yourself."

"Good Ledigo."

Sayaka Sumino glanced sideways, secretly noting the looks of the two of them.

Kujo Tetaro supported the girl's shoulders from behind and led her to the door.

"Let's go a little further."


Sayaka Sumino let the man push gently, and after walking an unknown number of meters, the two stopped under a streetlight.

Kujo Tetaro let go of his hand, and began to contemplate an anecdote.

Sayaka Sumino didn't turn around, and stood still quietly.

The night wind was bleak, and the chill entered the body.

Sayaka Sumino shrank back, her shoulders trembling slightly.

Without hesitation, Kujo Tetaro took off his bare-arm coat, and when he was about to put it on for the girl, he hesitated.

"Sayaka... is this better?"

"Much better...thank you."

Sayaka Sumino clutched her clothes tightly and murmured, "Di Taro, what do you want to say to me?"

"Sayaka, about the previous confession..."

Kongtiaodi took a deep breath, and before he could finish speaking, the girl in front of him suddenly turned around.

Sayaka Sumino lowered her head, held the hem of the skirt with both hands, and said in a trembling voice: "Di Taro, I... I don't wear that kind of fat underwear, it's very ordinary and normal underwear."

Hearing this, Kujo Didaro became anxious.

"Sayaka, don't be fooled by the old woman. She, like her daughter, can infect others and her IQ will be lowered."

"No... Aunt Shahata is right. The essence of a girl can indeed be seen from her underwear. So, I want to prove to you that I am not... not that kind of girl!"

Sayaka Sumino closed her eyes tightly, squeezed her skirt with her hands, and moved upwards abruptly.

Kujo Ditaro didn't have time to stop him, and the kitten pattern that caught his eyes made his heart tremble.


Infected too!

Humanity... a crushing defeat!

Kujo Ditaro pressed down the girl's arm, and said: "Sayaka, don't give up, stick to your own path."

Sayaka Sumino, who was in a state of extreme shyness, couldn't help opening her eyes after hearing this, and said in surprise, "Really? Do you really want to persist?"

"Of course, as long as you don't give up, the road will extend infinitely, Sayaka."

" long as...don't give up?"

"Well, as long as you don't give up, no, you must never give up."

Kujo Tetaro speaks righteously, with an extremely sincere tone.

Sayaka Sumino nodded and said affirmatively: "I know, I will not give up, even if it is far away, even if there is a gap, I will not give up."

"Eh?" Kujo Tetaro was taken aback, and asked tentatively, "That Sayaka, you..."

"Huh? What?" Sayaka Sumino smiled, with a flash of light in her eyes.

"It's's okay." Kujo Totaro shook his head silently after thinking for a while.

Sayaka Sumino took two steps back, bowed and said, "Di Taro, send it here, and I will go back by myself for the rest of the way."

After the words fell, the girl turned around, but did not leave immediately.

I don't know how long it has been...

"That...Di Taro, can you take me back?"

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

In the middle of the night, it is very normal for men to escort their female friends home.

Therefore, even if Sayaka Sumino doesn't say anything, Kujo Tetaro will follow.

After the two walked for more than [-] minutes, the surrounding buildings had already transitioned from residential houses to large villas.

Kujo Titaro turned his head to look, deeply moved in his heart, but nothing changed on the surface.

"Di Taro, thank you for taking me back, come in and sit down."

Sayaka Sumino opened the iron gate of the outer courtyard, inviting with a smile on her face.

Kujo Tetaro wanted to refuse, but the expectation in the girl's eyes made it hard for him to shirk.

Just like that, the two entered the villa.

Sayaka Sumino's home is very spacious and has a luxurious layout.

Even though Tetaro Kujo came once, he couldn't help but look around.

Expensive furniture, incomprehensible art paintings, exquisite vases filled with flowers...

"Tutaro, come in."

After preparing the slippers for the guests, Sayaka Sumino reminded with a smile.

Kujo Ditaro withdrew his gaze and said casually, "It's so late, your parents haven't come back yet?"

"They have traveled abroad, and Bomei is the only one at home to accompany me."

"That puppy, by the way, when you go to college, who will take care of Pomeranian?"

The two walked and chatted, and entered the living room one after the other.

Sayaka Sumino made a pot of hot tea, and after each poured a cup, she sat on the sofa on the other side.

With the ringing sound, they approached rhythmically.

"Little Bomei."

Sayaka Sumino picked up the brown-haired puppy and stroked it affectionately back and forth.

Toshitaro Kujo picked up the topic that was halfway through the conversation just now, and asked, "After you went to university, did Hiromi take it with you?"

"There's an apartment my parents bought over there that allows pets, so I'll take it with me."


Between the lines reveals the aura of a rich man...

Kujo Ditaro smiled inexplicably, and responded: "It's good to have a pet, but it's not easy to be a shit-shoveling officer."

"It's okay, just get used to it." Sayaka Sumino handed out the brown-haired puppy and asked, "Do you want to hug it?"

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