Kujo Ditaro waved his hand and refused, "Your Pomeranian is a bit small. I used to pinch Kako's dog before. Don't hug this one. It won't hurt if it hurts."

Sayaka Sumino didn't force it either. After putting down the brown-haired puppy, she reached out to pick up the hot tea on the table.

"Di Taro, don't you drink tea?"

"I'm not used to tea..."

"Then what do you want to drink? Drink or coffee? Or red wine?"

"Red wine?"

Kujo Tetaro's eyes brightened slightly, but he still shook his head.

Sayaka Sumino knew how to be polite, so she got up and went to get a bottle of red wine.

"Di Taro, my alcohol capacity is very poor, and I even get drunk when I smell alcohol, so you should open this."


Kujo Tetaro took the bottle, but didn't ask for a corkscrew.

Pull out the cork with your hands, and a strong aroma of wine overflows.

Kujo Tetaro raised his head, looked at Sayaka Sumino who was hiding far away, and said with a smile, "It's not that exaggerated, you'll get drunk just by smelling it?"

"I don't know why, anyway, just by smelling it, I will get drunk..."

Sayaka Sumino had a serious expression, as did her tone.

Kujo Ditaro pursed his lips, hesitant to speak.

Sayaka Sumino thought of something, turned around and went back wearing a mask.

"You can rest assured to sober up, I should be fine like this."


Kujo Tetaro fixed the bottle of red wine, after a long silence, he finally poured half a glass.

Red wine needs a process of sobering up, but most of the red wine on the market can be drunk immediately after opening the bottle.

Only high-quality red wine is eligible to accept the baptism of sobering up.

Kujo Tetaro can be sure that the bottle of red wine in front of him must be sobered up.

"Di Taro, when did you fall in love with drinking?"

"This is a long story..."

After listening to some of the incidents about the diving agency, Sayaka Sumino showed yearning eyes.

"very nice..."

"Huh?! Don't you have any friends in college?"

"No... It's just that the friendship in high school is too deep, and the new classmates in college feel too serious..."

Kujo Tetaro picked up his wine glass and sighed: "It seems that you will never go back to the past."

"You have to look at the front first in life, and I am really happy to meet you."

Sayaka Sumino blushed as she spoke.

Kujo Tetaro didn't care, and sipped the fine wine in his glass slowly.

I have to say that the taste of this glass of wine is quite different from those high-strength wines he drank.

The former is like flowing water, which needs to be carried out step by step, while the latter is a waterfall, except for being reckless, it is reckless.

After Kujo Tetaro drank half a glass of red wine, he habitually continued to drink some more.

Sayaka Sumino blinked vigorously, and murmured: "Di Taro, this wine was brought by my father from abroad, does it taste okay? If you are not used to drinking it, you can come with me to have a look and find a bottle you like .”

"How embarrassing, this bottle is very good, I'm used to it."

Kujo Didaro didn't even think about it, and directly refused.

Sayaka Sumino hummed, a little slow in responding.

Kujo Tetaro was a little puzzled, but he thought it was impossible, so he simply thought it was a sign of drowsiness.

"Sayaka, do you usually go to bed at this time?"

"Well... almost...well, I will go to bed before ten o'clock, maybe... a little sleepy."

Sayaka Sumino lowered her eyes, her tone was a bit abnormal.

Kujo Ditaro picked up the wine glass, drank it in one gulp, got up and said, "Since you're sleepy, I'll go back first, please clean up here."

"Wait a moment....!"

As if waking up from a dream, Sayaka Sumino's volume suddenly changed from low to high.

Kujo Tetaro was taken aback, and stood still.

Sayaka Sumino patted the sofa, "Come here... sit here."

"Could it be..." Kujo Tetaro looked at the wine glass on the table, thoughtfully walked to the girl and sat down.

Sayaka Sumino turned sideways and raised her hands high, like a child, she yelled.

"You are so tall, your breasts are so big, hahahaha... they are bigger than mine, woo woo woo woo..."

"Sayaka, you're drunk."

Kujo Tetaro took off the girl's mask, and what came into view was a flushed face.

Sayaka Sumino was indifferent, covering her flat chest with her hands, tears streaming down uncontrollably.

"In elementary school, it was only so small. In junior high school, it still didn't change. In high school, it was still the same. Now that I'm in university, I can't even compare to some elementary school students... woo woo woo woo!"

"This... is really a sad story... But it's really not good, let's lower the difficulty, kindergarten..."

In the middle of Kujo Tetaro's words, he saw the girl standing on the sofa, and then... threw him down?

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Kujo Didaro didn't expect that he would be pushed down suddenly.

Looking at Sayaka Sumino who was propping up above him, he regretted it.

"Sayaka, I'm just kidding with you, how can you level the world if your chest is not flat."

"Are you still mocking me? Woohoo...I know I'm very flat, just like a boy, yes, I'm just that pitiful."

On Sayaka Sumino's chin, tears kept gathering, and then dripped down.

Kujo Tetaro turned his head to the side, but he still got a face.

Sayaka Sumino leaned over, crying and saying sad words.

"I'm flat, drinking milk or eating papaya, it's completely useless, woo woo woo...I'm just an airport, you still laugh at me..."

"I apologize, I didn't mean it, I usually don't seem to care so much about you, so..."

"How can you not care! Jiazi used to talk about this. I am obviously very sad, but you are all laughing... woo woo woo."

After thinking about it, Kujo Tetaro explained: "No, the main reason is that you behaved normally at that time, and Kako was also joking. If it is really not good, I will help you do it?"

"What nonsense are you talking about again!" Sayaka Sumino leaned down and kept punching her small fists, her voice choked with sobs, "If you look like this, don't you really realize that I am an airport, and I can still hold on normally It's... huh."

"Did you keep it up?" Kujo Ditaro cast his gaze, sighed thoughtfully, and said, "Then you usually work really hard."


After thinking for a while, Sayaka Sumino cried even harder.

Kujo Tetaro said a few words of comfort, but it had little effect, and it even didn't help.

I don't know if it was because of being too sad, Sayaka Sumino suddenly took off her coat and skirt, revealing a sky blue vest style underwear.

"Look! Isn't it flat, isn't it pitiful?"


Toshitaro Kujo wanted to pretend to be a gentleman, but the scene that caught his eyes made him a little hard to describe.

How should I put it, Sayaka Sumino's breasts really didn't fluctuate at all.

That's right, not at all, it's almost as if it has been polished.

Kujo Ditaro couldn't bear to look directly at him, and said sympathetically, "Sayaka, I didn't expect you to be under so much pressure. I will definitely kill Kako for you next time."

"You don't feel anything, don't you say that men will have strange impulses when they see girls' underwear?"

Sayaka Sumino's eyes widened, tears streaming down her face.

Kujo Tetaro didn't change his face, and encouraged him: "It's very emotional, it's perfect, it's so feminine."

"Your perfunctory...I don't want it at all."

Sayaka Sumino grabbed the edge of her underwear, intending to show her true self.

Kujo Ditaro hurriedly stopped him, and said anxiously, "This can't be done, can't be done."

"Don't you have a strange impulse? You really look down on me. I know that I can be a Haier brother to you in an airport like me, but I really worked hard, but I really have no talent!"

Sayaka Sumino lay on the chest of the man below, crying heartbreakingly: "It's so big...it's mine countless times, I can't even compare to men..."

"Sayaka, God is fair. You see that you have excellent grades, a prominent family background, and outstanding looks. You have already won many others, so let others do it once."

Kujo Ditaro patted the girl on the back, sighing secretly in his heart, this airport is really horrible, it doesn't look like a girl at all...

Sayaka Sumino raised her face and said with tears streaming down her face, "But I'm so flat, so flat that I even cried."

"It's okay, as long as you relax your mind, everything will be fine."

Kujo Tetaro has heard that the attitude of girls to breasts is the same as that of men to their spears.

If it is only at the level of elementary school students, the blow to self-esteem will be very huge.

What's more, Sayaka Sumino is not an ordinary person. As the daughter of a rich family, she has much stronger self-esteem than ordinary people.

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