Therefore, it is conceivable that Sayaka Sumino was hit under the situation of ebb and flow.

"Okay, anyway, no matter what I do, my breasts will not change."

Sayaka Sumino sniffed and muttered, "I remember...if a man and a woman are together, girls' breasts will grow..."

Kujo Tetaro thought for a while, and argued: "Sayaka, instead of thinking about these things, you should focus on the front, inner cultivation is the key."

"No..." Sayaka Sumino narrowed her eyes, her tone was a bit weird, "I remember correctly... girls grow up when men and women are together."

"It's all a marketing account, you can't listen to folk remedies for breast enhancement, listen to me, don't think about it."

Kujo Tetaro spoke earnestly, intending to change the topic.

Sayaka Sumino bit her pink lips, and after thinking hard for a while, she said loudly: "I remembered, this is a method with scientific basis, but how did it come about..."

"Don't think about it, and you should get up first."

As Kujo Tetaro said, he just wanted to prop up his upper body.

Sayaka Sumino barked no, with a serious expression on her face.

Kujo Ditaro lay back on the sofa and suggested: "If you don't let me get up, then you should put on your clothes first. It's not good to catch a cold, right?"

"I'm so flat, I won't catch a cold."

"You're under too much pressure!?"

Sayaka Sumino smiled miserably, her blushing face was full of sad tears.

Kujo Tetaro was quite sympathetic, and it was hard to say anything more.

Sayaka Sumino got down again, but the position was very tricky.

Face to face, eye to eye, breath to breath...

"Di Taro... After a man and a woman are together, girls will grow up, I'm sure."


"if only..."

Sayaka Sumino's voice was soft, her eyes flickered obviously, and her mood fluctuated abnormally.

Kujo Ditaro sensed that something was wrong, but he felt a little hopeful in his heart?

That's right, it was really hard for him to refuse the teasing of this former favorite.

Unknowingly, the balance in favor of Kiyoko Kamio began to tip back.

Kujo Tetaro's inner world was shaken extremely violently.

Like angels and demons, volcanoes and icebergs, sky and earth...

All in all, his thoughts at the moment are already polarized.

Either feel sorry for your girlfriend, or stick to your loyalty...

"only U.S..."

Sayaka Sumino pursed her pink lips, her flushed cute face was extremely impulsive.

Kujo Tetaro's pupils dilated, his heartbeat accelerated, and his body functions also increased a little.

Relying on his extraordinary ear, even though he was separated by a wall, he still heard the sound of two approaching footsteps.


Kujo Tetaro felt his earlobe wet for a while, and the reminder... came to an abrupt end.

At the same time, there was a sound of pushing at the door.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Kujo Tetaro didn't know who the person was at the door, but just to be on the safe side, he immediately put on a nepotism for Sayaka Sumino.

Sayaka Sumino was in a state of half-drunk and half-awake. The movement from the door shook her spirits, and her brain was instantly sober.

"Could it be that my parents... are back? No... Impossible, they went abroad... traveled abroad."

Sayaka Sumino's face was pale, and she leaned on Kujo Tetarou's body, not daring to move.

Hearing the sound of closing the door, Kujo Titaro also had mixed feelings in his heart, and he was a little at a loss.

The two of them were lying on the sofa, so people couldn't notice it for a while, but it was by no means a long-term solution.

Suddenly, a whisper came.

"A big family..."

"Shh...we only have one chance...or die!"

"...They should have gone upstairs, let's go up and find out."

"Ring ring ring... woof woof!"

"Damn it! It's exposed! Get out!"

After the dog barked, there was the sound of the door closing.

These two evils!

Kujo Ditaro has a ferocious face, and the murderous intent gradually rises in his heart.

Sayaka Sumino raised his head, glanced at the entrance, but didn't say much.

"Sayaka, I should go back."

Kujo Tetaro sat up and didn't say a word about the ambiguous thing that happened just now.

Sayaka Sumino didn't turn her head, but her cheeks and earlobes were extremely red.

Kujo Tetaro hesitated, picked up the red coat on the side, and gently draped it on the girl's shoulders.

"It's cold at night, don't catch a cold, I should go back."

"I...I don't know what happened just now...dizzy..."

"Well... Sayaka, you should not attend the reception in the future, it's dangerous."

Kujo Tetaro stepped off the sofa, picked up the red wine and cork on the tea table, and was about to make a move when an urgent voice came from behind.

"Di Taro, my parents don't actually drink alcohol. They're just pretending. If you don't finish drinking, no one will drink."

"But I can't drink now, I'm afraid of meeting the police."

While putting the cork in place, Kujo Tetaro did not forget to explain why he was worried about the police.

Sayaka Sumino was taken aback, and subconsciously said, "But you've already been drinking."

"It's okay, this amount of wine adds up to only one glass, not much alcohol."

"You can't take any chances, something will happen..."

Kujo Ditaro felt his body sink, looked at the girl who was holding the corner of his clothes, nodded and said: "It's okay, then I'll walk home, and the car will be parked by the side of the road."

"That's good, take the wine with you, or if my parents see it, they will think I drank it. They don't want me to touch the wine."

After saying that, Sayaka Sumino let go of her hand.

After thinking about it for a while, Kujo Ditaro also felt that there was no problem with this, so he simply agreed.

The two walked to the entrance, and the brown-haired puppy beside their feet wagged its tail enthusiastically.

Sayaka Sumino knelt down and said affectionately, "Little Hiromi, you are awesome."

Sure enough... the voices of those two evils were heard...

These two guys are so brave, they dare to follow them, is it Gengping's idea?

No... It should be Iori's instigation... Forget it, kill both of them!

Kujo Tetaro put on his shoes while thinking about how to commit a perfect crime.

That's right, the two who sneaked in here just now are his superficial brothers, Kitahara Iori and Imamura Kohei.

He didn't need to know the purpose of the two sneaking in here, so he could guess.

It's nothing more than the right lemon, and at the same time I feel sore, I don't want others to be happy.

In addition, the two may have another starting point for implementing justice, which is to supervise him not to mess around.

Kujo Ditaro felt that the possibility of the two acting out of sour hearts was far greater than the implementation of justice.

In other words, even if the two are carrying out justice, they are actually doing it for themselves, such as his girlfriend's best friend...

I have to say that Kujo Tetaro saw it very thoroughly.

The purpose of the two sneaking into the mansion, apart from feeling sad, was to worry that Kujo Totaro would not be able to hold on, leading to the collapse of the whole situation and completely cutting off the chance to be friends with Kamio Kiyoko's best friend again.

Of course, they would be even more relieved if they could obtain some decisive secret information in this infiltration.

However, the reality is cruel. Not only did they fail, but they also exposed their whereabouts. The most frightening thing is that they didn't know that they had been exposed.

"Then I'll go first."

After putting on his shoes, Kujo Tetaro turned to Sayaka Sumino and said goodbye, "I'll see you next time, Sayaka."

"Di Taro...wait a minute."

Sayaka Sumino stood up holding the brown-haired puppy, and said softly: "Di Taro, I'm studying in the city, and I usually come back on weekends. I haven't had a gathering with you for a long time. Can we get together next weekend? ?”

"No problem, I will inform Jiazi and the others, the specific time and place, we can set up a discussion group to discuss, but Jiazi should not be brought in, so as not to create a new group."

Sayaka Sumino could understand the profound meaning in Kujo Tetaro's words, so he didn't argue at all.

After the two exchanged pleasantries for a while, Kujo Tetaro took out his mobile phone and looked at it, and said goodbye: "It's almost ten o'clock, don't you usually go to bed at this time, I won't bother you anymore."

"Wait...wait a minute."

Sayaka Sumino held the puppy in her arms, then picked it up, and then put it down again, as if implying something.

Kujo Tetaro blinked, wanting to be frank and lenient in his heart, but he hesitated.

To be honest, if the girl in front of him wasn't Sayaka Sumino, he would most likely not have such emotions.

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