After all, Kiyoko Kamio's upright lolita attributes still hold a lot of weight in his eyes.

But the girl in front of him was someone he had known for more than two years and who had shown clear signs of being moved.

As we all know, love in high school is a treasure in many people's hearts.

Because during this period of time, everyone has not been severely beaten by society, and their material needs are not strong, so even if they sit in a milk tea shop for a day, men and women in love will feel very happy.

Although Toshitaro Kujo has never been in love, he still remembers the experience of going from classmates, to friends, to confession, and then being rejected.

Hug it!

Big deal... big deal... you're going to kill me!

While Kujo Tetaro was thinking wildly, Sayaka Sumino gave up the hint.

She stood up, pointed to the wine bottle on the shoe cabinet with a little disappointment, and reminded: "Di Taro, you remember to bring that bottle of red wine, and don't forget to drive, luck is often the beginning of human mistakes, eh...!? "

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Sayaka Sumino blinked, looking at Tetaro Kujo with his hands on his head, a little confused.

As if treating a small pet, Kujo Tetaro petted it affectionately back and forth.

Sayaka Sumino blushed, hesitating and speechless.

"Wang Wang..."

The untimely barking of the dog interrupted the atmosphere between the two.

Kujo Tetaro withdrew his hand, turned around and picked up the wine bottle, and walked straight to the door.

"Then let's see you next week, Sayaka."

"Eh...well, be careful on the road."

Watching the man close the door and leave, Sayaka Sumino picked up the brown-haired puppy, and said softly, "Little Hiromi, are you jealous? You're not good."

"Wang Wang..."

The brown-haired puppy tilted its head, with an innocent appearance for no reason, which aroused the owner's love for a while.


Kujo Ditaro walked unhurriedly on the quiet street with a wine bottle in his hand.

It was close to ten o'clock in the evening, and there were almost no pedestrians on the road.

I don't know if it was an illusion, but after taking a look from a distance, Kujo Tetaro saw two familiar figures.

"Could it be..."

Kujo Tetaro thought for a while, and his face instantly turned ferocious.

With the momentum of a child rushing towards his favorite toy, he moved.

"Eh? I'm in a hurry to pee!"

Kitahara Iori noticed the movement, glanced back, and ran away subconsciously.

Imamura Kohei was puzzled, and after shouting twice that he didn't want to keep anyone, he turned his head and looked.

"What, you're so nervous... Damn!"

"Don't run towards me! Separate!"

While Kitahara Iori was running for his life, he didn't forget to look behind him, seeing the blond man who was chasing him, he was a little out of breath.

"You really want me to be the queen, and I will drag you to death!" Imamura Kohei gritted his teeth and ran hard without being moved.

Kitahara Iori curled her lips and slowed down silently.

Seeing the black-haired man getting closer, Imamura Kohei sneered in his heart, and then kicked up.

"Digo... poof!"

Kitahara Iori originally wanted to repeat his old tricks to be the horse boy, but he missed a trick.

After Kohei Imamura kicked the black-haired man over, he immediately jumped on him.

"Digo! I got him!"

"What the hell are you..."

Kitahara Iori's buttocks were in severe pain, and her voice was intermittent, "It hurts me to bastard!"

"Once or twice, you want three or four times, Brother Di! Come on!"

Imamura Kohei raised the corner of his mouth, turned around and yelled, and said with a smirk: "This incident was originally your idea, and you bastard, you deliberately slowed down just now, because you want to use me as a vote of honor, right! ?!"

"What are you talking about, in your heart..."

"Get lost! It's an old-fashioned emotional card!"

Kitahara Iori was at a loss for words for a while, and groaned in pain: " kicked too hard, I feel like my tail bone is broken, hiss..."

"How is it possible?" Imamura Kohei instinctively didn't believe it, but to be conservative, he still reduced the intensity of suppression.

Kitahara Iori wailed continuously, and her heart-piercing screams almost resounded through the heavens and the earth.

After Kujo Ditaro caught up with the two, he was not in a hurry to settle the score, and asked, "What's wrong with you?"

Imamura Kohei raised his head and said nervously: "I seemed to kick too hard just now, and Iori's tailbone... feels a little hanging."

"real or fake?"

Kujo Ditaro squatted down and stared at the distorted face of the black-haired man. After looking at it for a while, he couldn't notice anything unusual.

Kohei Imamura swallowed his saliva, and suggested, "Why don't you send him out of the hospital first?"

"If it's true, then it must be sent to the hospital, but why do I think you're pretending?"

Kujo Ditaro stretched out his hand, patted the black-haired man's cheek, and asked tentatively, "Iori, how do you feel now?"

"Pain... unspeakable pain, like being run over by a truck."

"Well, it's confirmed, it's pretending."

"Eh? Isn't it? He's already like this..."

Imamura Kohei was taken aback, frowned and said, "It's better to send him to the hospital, get treated early."

"If there is really a problem with the tailbone, he will definitely rush us to the hospital, and just now, you actually used so many words to describe your pain, isn't it... very painful?"

Kujo Tetaro pinched the lower half of the black-haired man's face, his smile became more ferocious.

Kitahara Iori's eyes widened, and he secretly thought that something was wrong.

Imamura Kohei thought for a while, and said angrily: "Brother Di! This guy is too despicable, we... eh!"

Kujo Ditaro pinched the lower half of the faces of the two of them, and the cold light in his eyes was obvious.

"What? You still want to divert my attention? You actually followed me and sneaked into other people's homes. Do you know that this is enough to get you into prison?"


Kohei Imamura wanted to explain, but couldn't speak.

Kitahara Iori has become a self-medicated doctor after a long illness. Even though he has many restrictions, he still has no problem speaking.

"Brother Di, it's not what you think. We're not following you, but we want to tell you that you can't be half-hearted!"

"The reason for sneaking in... No, we are not sneaking in, we just want to visit and take you away by the way, we understand you, brother Di!"

"Facing the former lover's change of heart, it is definitely difficult to refuse this kind of thing. Even if we do it differently, we may not be able to do it right. Therefore, since you have no choice, we, as best friends, will naturally help you get back on track. "

Bibi babbled a lot, Kujo Tetaro didn't listen to a word, but let go of his hand.

After the two were freed, they stood together tremblingly.

Kujo Tetaro waved his hand and asked, "To be honest, I can consider it as appropriate, do you understand what I mean?"

"Di Taro, it's really true, those just now."

Kitahara Iori's tone was sincere and his expression was sincere.

Imamura Kohei raised the corner of his mouth and said, "Brother Di, don't listen to his nonsense, he is sour, so he wants to cause some damage."

"What nonsense are you talking about?" Kitahara Iori lashed out without changing his face, "It's not that you said you wanted to catch Brother Di, and then encouraged me to come here, and you don't forget the bet you lost, so..."

"Enough, this matter won't just end like this." Kujo Tetaro interrupted the dispute between the two, and said with a smirk: "If you dare to do it, then dare to do it. Don't worry, I will not use violence against you."

"Huh?" Kitahara Iori raised her head and questioned, "Di Taro, if you don't use violence, this is not your style."

"Problems solved by violence are only superficial after all. Now I prefer to treat others with their own methods, right? Two close friends."

Kujo Tetaro put his arms around the shoulders of the two of them, speaking very kindly.

"Oh I got it..."

"It's a battle of wits... a short friendship."

"Of course, violence can't convince you after all, can it?"

A gust of cold wind blew by, and the three of them under the street lamp laughed in a particularly ferocious and distorted manner.

At the same time, the patrolman passing by on a bicycle showed a polite smile.

"Three, please show your health insurance cards."

"Officer, the two of them entered privately just now..."

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"Officer, I'm reporting with my real name. The two of them sneaked into the house just now."

"Sir, give me a chance... No, don't listen to my friend's nonsense, this is my health certificate."

"That's right, he drank a little wine and talked endlessly, hahaha..."

After receiving the IDs of the three people, the patrolman took a look and warned, "Are you still college students? Tomorrow is Monday, and it's midnight, so don't hang out outside."

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