"Officer, I'm serious."

Kujo Toshitaro's methods are cruel, and he intends to kill relatives righteously.

The patrolman didn't take it seriously, and after handing back the documents of the three people, they rode away.

"What the hell...what is the bottom line of being a human being!?"

"You can sneak into private houses, why can't you let me report with my real name?"

Kujo Ditaro spread out his hands, and the corners of his mouth curled up inertially.

Kitahara Iori gritted her teeth, but was speechless.

Kohei Imamura took out his mobile phone and changed the subject tactfully.

"It's almost ten o'clock, it's getting late, should we go back?"

"Don't worry about this, Di Taro, what's the situation with the wine in your hand?"

Kitahara Iori pointed and asked curiously: "I really don't understand, what kind of topic can make you come out with a bottle of red wine?"

Kohei Imamura nodded secondarily, "I wanted to ask before, and this red wine looks very high-end. You must have done something enviable, right?"

"Are you kidding? This is what my friend promised to send me off. Otherwise, why do you think I'm going there at night?"

Kujo Ditaro knew that the two had great hidden dangers, so he was very tight-lipped.

Kitahara Iori shook her head, and said noncommittally: "Impossible! You can't just get over this, Di Taro, I'm sure, something must have happened between the two of you."

"I think so too, Di Taro definitely did something!" Imamura Kohei raised his chin, his eyes gleaming with wisdom.

"Believe it or not, you wear yellow glasses to look at people, so everything you see is yellow." Kujo Tetaro refused to explain, showing very casual.

"So it turns out..." Kitahara Iori laughed, her face suddenly ferocious, "Di Taro, where's your coat! Since you got a drink, why did you leave your coat behind? Did you do something enviable? Um?"

"Yeah..." Kohei Imamura took out his lighter, his facial features became more and more distorted under the reflection of the flames, "I don't know why, I suddenly want to burn something."


Seeing the two people with contrasting performances, Kujo Tetaro was unmoved, and said in a flat voice: "Didn't you follow me all the way, my coat was draped over Sayaka, and you didn't see it? I walked fast just now, so I didn't Bring it on, is there a problem here? Huh?"

"Indeed, your excuse is very reasonable, but...I refuse!" Kitahara Iori waved his hand and said firmly: "Di Taro, men understand men best, and in the situation just now, you couldn't just go get the wine. "

"That's why I said, don't wear yellow..."

"Di Taro, you probably didn't notice it, there is...something in your place?"

Kujo Ditaro was stunned, and subconsciously raised his hand to pinch his earlobe. Just this action confirmed his guilt.

Kitahara Iori was not complacent, but asked an inexplicable question in a deep tone.

"Then what are you going to do? I have reminded you before that once some people are provoked, it is difficult to get away easily."

"I seem to understand."

Kohei Imamura put away the lighter, and said thoughtfully: "Di Taro, your girlfriend's attributes are not as stable as they appear on the surface. The color pictures are still black and white, and Shidou is still Makoto, but it's just in your mind."

Kohei Imamura's words, Kujo Tetarou half understood, but Kitahara Iori's question caused him to think deeply.

"How should I put it, this matter is very complicated, you don't care, I will find a way to solve it."

"It's up to you, but I support Qingzi."

Imamura Kohei had a stance on the surface, with sharp teeth gleaming in the corners of his mouth.

Kitahara Iori pinched her chin and muttered, "It's better for a rich woman to be more reliable..."

"...You take this wine, I'll go get the clothes back first, and the car is parked far away, I don't plan to drive."

Kujo Tetaro handed out the wine bottle and trotted away.

Seeing the figure going away, the two met each other and said in unison: "Let's go."

"Are you betting that Tetaro will come back?"

"Even if I come back, it will be early morning at least."

"This kind of red wine doesn't taste good at all, but it looks like a high-end product, and she really is a rich woman."

"Di Taro has reached the pinnacle of his life, alas, he has lost his troubles."

The two walked farther and farther until they disappeared at the end of the street.

At the same time, Kujo Tetaro came to the door of Sayaka Sumino's mansion.

Compared with the quietness before, the two black cars parked inside the iron gate caught his attention.

Could it be that Sayaka's family is back?

This is really dangerous, if you leave later... I'm afraid you'll run into a dead end.

I hope that dress won't cause Sayaka any trouble...

Kujo Ditaro looked at the iron gate twice, and was about to leave here.

"Who are you? What are you doing here?"

"I'm just passing by."

Seeing the man in black and sunglasses walking out of the mansion, Kujo Tetaro smiled and waved his hands.

The man in black and sunglasses didn't stop, and went straight to the iron gate.

"It's late at night, what are you doing here?"

"Isn't it okay to look twice? You are too sensitive."

Kujo Tetaro didn't want to attract the attention of the people in the house, after a few perfunctory sentences, he turned around and was about to leave.

"Stop, what are you doing in such a hurry?"

The man in black and sunglasses stepped on his leather shoes and strode forward.

Hearing the sound of approaching footsteps, Kujo Ditaro turned his head and said, "You are too domineering, aren't you? I'll just take a look, what can I do?"

"In the middle of the night, we just came back, and you were peeping here. When I yelled, you ran away in a hurry. Do you think you are suspicious?"

"One, I'm just passing by, two, I don't mean to run away, three, I'm a college student, what can I do?"

The man in black and sunglasses raised his head, looked him up and down, and said with a sneer, "You are a college student? Your physique is enough to make a professional bodybuilder ashamed. I said, if you want to find an excuse, you have to find a reasonable one. ?”

"Then what do you want? I still have something to do, can you stop wasting my time?"

Kujo Titaro glanced at the mansion, looked at the still locked gate, and thought to himself, Sayaka's clothes might be difficult to explain, and it was so late, I was still here, I'm afraid it would cause a major misunderstanding...


The man in black and sunglasses narrowed his eyes, and leaped forward without warning.

Kujo Ditaro felt a black shadow coming, and instinctively waved his hand.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------


The sound of iron bars shaking came from outside to inside.

The whole family sitting on the sofa looked up in unison.

"Husband, what's going on outside?"

"No, Ah Liang is outside, he will come in and tell me, and compared to those, Saya, what's your explanation?"

"Dad, I called my high school classmates to play at home. They probably didn't pay attention, so they left their coats behind."

After folding the men's jacket in his hand, Sayaka Sumino asked curiously, "Dad, Mom, didn't you go on a trip, why did you come back so suddenly?"

Sumino's father picked up the teacup, took a breath of hot air, and smiled, "You girl, it's okay to fall in love. After all, you're an adult and have your own judgment, but there's no need to hide it from us, right?"

"Husband, don't ask too many questions. Saya is shy in the first place. I definitely don't want to talk about this kind of thing." Mrs. Sumino pursed her red lips and said, "Saya, who is the other party? High school has already started?"

"Mom and Dad, really no..."

Sayaka Sumino blushed, hesitating and speechless.

Sumino's father sighed, and said with emotion: "The older the child, the less he talks, Saya, parents will not interfere in your affairs, but we are only you as a daughter, and we don't care who you care about? Come on, tell your parents, the other party What kind of person is he?"

"Dad..." Sayaka Sumino snapped her fingers and said timidly, "It's not what you think, we...we're just friends, but he treats me very well, he's tall and strong, he's a very safe Sensitive people."

"Before you refused to admit it, we don't know what kind of character you are, girl? Parents are not unreasonable people, and it will be helpful for you to talk to us." Father Sumino took a sip of hot tea , glanced at his head and said: "Ah Liang hasn't come in yet? Are you in trouble?"

"It shouldn't be, we came back so suddenly..." Mrs. Sumino frowned, and changed her words: "Saya, it's late, you go upstairs and stay."

"Ah..." Sayaka Sumino picked up her clothes and went upstairs obediently.


Sumino's father waved his hand, signaling not to worry.

Mrs. Sumino felt at ease, so she stopped talking.

I don't know how long it has passed. After drinking tea, Sumino's father breathed out a hot breath, and calmly said: "You shouldn't come to trouble us. This is not in line with the rules, and the harm outweighs the benefits. Our company has always valued peace, and there are not many enemies. .”

"Husband, could it be that he is making trouble for Ah Liang, after all..."

In the middle of Mrs. Sumino's speech, there was a sudden knock at the door.

Sumino's father stood up, walked to the entrance without changing his expression, and stretched out his hand to open the door.

What came into view was a black-haired man in sunglasses lying flat on the ground.

Looking at the other person's swollen cheeks, Sumino's father was taken aback, and muttered: "No, if you came to trouble A Liang, why did you suffer such a little injury? Could it be to warn me? It's not right either... .”


"Eh? Ah Liang, are you awake?"

The man in black and sunglasses sat up, covered his cheeks, and bared his teeth: "Boss, am I swollen?"

"It's a big swollen piece, what happened to you?" Sumino's father took a step forward, stretched out his hand and said, "I'll pull you up."

"I don't need a boss anymore, I can get up by myself."

The man in black and sunglasses stood up and said anxiously, "Boss, haven't you seen that suspicious man? He's tall and strong, with black hair and wearing a short sleeve."

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