Sumino's father shook his head, "He knocked on the door, and when I came out, I only saw you."

"Let's go." The man in black sunglasses was stunned for a moment, and muttered, "That's weird, why did he just leave after he knocked me down?"

"Ah Liang, what exactly happened, please tell me in detail."

"The thing is like this. When I went out from here, I saw that suspicious person sneaking outside the door. He ran away as soon as he saw me, but I stopped him. Then he said that he was a college student passing by. I think Impossible, after all, no bodybuilding champion is as strong as him, so I launched a sneak attack, but I don't know... I lost consciousness all of a sudden."

"College students passing by? Sneaky? Tall and strong..."

Sumino's father was thoughtful, and his expression gradually became strange.

The man in black and sunglasses noticed the element, and asked, "Boss, do you have any clues?"

"The clue is a little bit, but I'm a little surprised that you are not that person's opponent?"

"Sorry boss, I underestimated that person, but if we meet next time, I will definitely not miss it!"

Sumino's father nodded, "It's okay, you go to treat the wound first, I think you may have a chance to meet again."

"What?" The man in black and sunglasses opened his mouth and said affirmatively, "Boss, I assure you, I will definitely be able to take down that man easily next time!"

After Sumino's father waved people to go down, he turned and went back to the living room.

Mrs. Sumino poured a cup of hot tea thoughtfully, and asked, "Husband, how are you? Is Ah Liang okay?"

"He has no problem." Sumino's father sat on the sofa, pondered for a while, and smiled, "It's interesting, let Saya come down, I have something to ask her."

"Good husband." Mrs. Sumino went upstairs, and after a while, she brought someone down.

Sayaka Sumino had a smile on her face, and her tone was a little brisk, "Dad, what do you want from me?"

Sumino's father picked up the teacup, with the corners of his mouth slightly raised, and said bluntly, "Saya, isn't the man you like tall and strong, with black hair and wearing a short sleeve?"

Hearing this, Sayaka Sumino stood up suddenly.

"What's the matter! Dad, did you know? Could it be...he came back to get his clothes?"

"It looks like it's an oolong." Sumino's father couldn't laugh or cry, and asked: "Yes, he was indeed looking around at our door just now, but he was stopped by your Uncle A Liang, and then there was a little conflict for some reason. Did your friend practice something?"

Sayaka Sumino thought for a while, and replied: "He just exercises by himself. I don't know if he has practiced anything, but his reflexes are very powerful, and his strength is enough to break the dynamometer of the video game city. Do push-ups with two Uncle Liang all right?"

"He's fine, but your friend, can you bring your parents to see him?"

Sumino's father closed one eye with a slightly funny expression.

Sayaka Sumino shook her head resolutely, her face was extremely red.

Suddenly, beautiful music came from her coat pocket.


Sumino's father's expression remained unchanged, the corners of his mouth began to rise, and his smile became more exaggerated.

Mrs. Sumino held her forehead with one hand, and sighed in her heart, she shouldn't have let him play diving...

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

After Ditaro Kujo finished beating the man, he actually had the idea of ​​getting lucky, but finally gave up.

After all, there are many valuables in the mansion of a rich family, so it is completely understandable to install surveillance cameras to prevent theft.

So he made a frank and lenient call.

But unexpectedly, before he said anything, Sayaka Sumino on the other end of the phone gave an overview of the matter and said that it was an oolong, and there was no need to worry.

After listening to the words, Kujo Tetaro was surprised, but he also accepted it.


After Sayaka Sumino hung up the phone, she walked back to the living room from the corner.

Sumino's father cast his gaze, with an inexplicable smile on his face.

"Dad, I'm going upstairs."

"I'm going upstairs now? Didn't you say anything?"

"Didn't Dad say it? He won't get involved in my business, so just leave it alone."

Sayaka Sumino stuck out her tongue playfully, and trotted upstairs.

Sumino's father hesitated to speak, but his smile never disappeared.

Mrs. Sumino looked up, stared for a while, and said in a low voice: "Husband, do you want me to tell Saya that our Sumino family cannot marry outsiders?"

"No, free love. It's not enough to talk about marriage. Besides, Saya is very sensible. She can understand this kind of thing without us talking about it. After all, she is the only child we have."

Sumino's father stood up, stretched his arms, and said vaguely, "It's been a long time since I went diving, and my bones are about to collapse. Brother Furutegawa, I heard that there was a car accident. It's time to visit tomorrow."

"Husband, you can't drink enough, remember not to mess with them, last time you vomited all over the place."

"It's all over, I'm going to dive, what kind of wine are you drinking?"


Mrs. Sumino rolled her eyes, left a sentence of "you take care of yourself", got up and went upstairs.


Monday afternoon.

In a spacious classroom.

"Di Taro, there is only more than a month left for the diving license. Sister Nanahua asked us to go to practice in the afternoon."

"Afternoon? All right."

"Are you going diving?"

The chat between the three caught the attention of the only person of the opposite sex in the venue.

Guate Chuan Chisa did not leave alone, but waited for a hand.

Kitahara Iori nodded, "Chisa, are you diving today?"

Guate Chuan Qiansa looked ahead, and said flatly: "I'm not going, but you really need to practice hard, after all, you haven't been home every day and night during this time."

"It's a long story..."

The four of them discussed and reached the gate of Grand Blue on foot.

Kujo Tetaro walked in front, stretched out his hand and pushed open the door, what greeted his eyes was a scene of surging philosophy.

The middle-aged man with yellow hair held the wine glass in his hand and laughed maniacally: "Ahahaha, you are so good! It's a piece of cake!"

"With your uncle, three of them have been killed!"

"Hahahaha... I really want to lose quickly, let me show you my big cannon!"

"Do you dare to say it? I'm afraid uncle is not a small toothpick?"

"When I was killing the Quartet, you were still in elementary school. This is a cannon that has been on the battlefield. You children, hahahaha..."

The words of the middle-aged man really exploded the atmosphere in the venue.

After all, most of the men present are engineering students with a disproportionate ratio of men to women. So far, they have still guarded themselves like jade.

"Who is this person?"

Kujo Tetaro turned his head, his eyes filled with confusion.

The three shook their heads, expressing that they were not clear.

"I'm going upstairs first."

Furutegawa Chisame walked straight to the stairs without squinting her eyes.

Kujo Ditaro looked around, stepped to the counter, and asked the long-haired beauty in front of him, "Miss Nanahua, do they still know people of this age?"

"Di Taro, that's my father's friend. As for why they drink together, you understand that, maybe they have common hobbies."

Nana Kawate said at the end, showing a smile like a spring breeze.

Kujo Tetaro was pleasing to the eye, but he didn't forget the business.

"We're here to dive, but they don't seem to be able to dive, so who will take us?"

"Well, if Qiansha is alone, I'm afraid she will be too busy, but I still have to watch the store..."

Furute Kawana Kawana put one finger on her chin, thinking, "I'll contact Sister Zi to see if she's free. If it's not possible, you can drink with them first today, and it won't be too late if you dive tomorrow."

"That's it."

Kujo Tetaro didn't react much, after glancing sideways, he went to the sofa and sat down in silence.

After an unknown amount of time, a gust of fragrant wind came from the front.

"It's really lively."

Azusa Hamaoka sat on the sofa, holding a bottle of beer in his hand, with a slightly relaxed expression.

Kujo Ditaro straightened his back and asked, "Miss Azusa, aren't you going to dive?"

"In such a lively atmosphere, wouldn't it be too disappointing if we went diving?"

Azusa Hamaoka leaned back, the towering mountain in front of her chest looked more three-dimensional.

Kujo Ditaro blinked, and sighed in his heart, as expected of Azusa sister, this is all revealed, and he is not wearing underwear?

"Di Taro..."

After Azusa Hamaoka took a sip of beer, the corners of his mouth curled up strangely, "Have you guys had a good time recently? Are the two of them making great progress?"

Hearing this, the muscular man's face began to collapse.

"Sister Zi, they are still a little bit close. I have to trouble you for this critical job."

"Oh? You mean, give them the whole job?"

"Preferably the know."

Kujo Tetaro made a gesture, and the cold light in his eyes was obvious.

Azusa Hamaoka licked the edge of the wine jar, smiled and left without saying a word.

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