When he glanced around, he saw pairs of indifferent and heartless eyes.


"Hey! Kohei Imamura, I found a girlfriend! She's so cute!"

"What the hell are you...!"

Kohei Imamura pinched the black-haired man's face, his slightly protruding eyeballs were covered with terrifying bloodshot eyes.

However, it is a pity that if you spread a rumor, you will lose your legs if you refute it.

The engineering class, which can only be engaged in the basics, ignited the murderous intent with the same hatred.


"A mere pervert, a mere pervert!"

"Even Kohei Imamura can find a girlfriend..."

Imamura Kohei wanted to ask his teammates for help, but when he turned his head, he saw the two standing at the far door.

Two wolf-hearted beasts!

Kohei Imamura bared his teeth, his beautiful face was distorted beyond human appearance.

At the same time, those students whose eyes had lost their brightness gathered around one after another.

"Everyone... Everyone calm down... How can you trust Bei Yuan, his character is obvious to all of you..."

"Shut up! Just having your face is enough to sentence you to death!"

"You kid can do it. I thought you were a pervert before, so I didn't want to impose sanctions on you, but now, you have taken a taboo step. There is no way."

"The back mountain is a secluded place of geomantic omen, let's go there and have a chat."

Looking at the grim faces of the crowd, Kohei Imamura suddenly became wise and shouted hysterically: "Iori! Iori lives with Furutegawa! Di Taro has a girlfriend!"

"You think we'll believe your nonsense."

"I have evidence, it's in my phone... eh."

Kohei Imamura raised his head, and saw two people at the door, whistling leisurely and naturally, with a very comfortable expression.

"My phone is with them, you..."

"Shut up! Grit your teeth! Tape set, get on!"

"Ya Butterfly...!"


As we all know, killing is illegal.

After being tortured, Kohei Imamura lay naked on the ground as if he had been drained dry, his body twitching faintly, setting off the tragic experience before.

As the culprit, Kitahara Iori has no humanity at all, not only does not have the intention of introspection, but also asks gossip.

"Di Taro, is Genghei's partner real? Why don't I believe it, it's impossible for a perverted otaku like him?"

"It's the name of a woman, but it should be a netizen. These two chatted and talked about two-dimensional topics, and I don't think the other party seems to be an adult..."

Kujo Tetaro was distracted to answer while flipping through the chat history on his phone.

"Netizen? Not an adult?" Kitahara Iori squeezed her chin and said thoughtfully: "Crime must be killed in the cradle, we can't let Kohei step out of the abyss, Di Taro, give me the phone, Let me ask the other party's age."

Kujo Didaro didn't hand over his phone, and questioned, "How long has it been since you chatted with a normal girl?"

"What do you mean?" Kitahara Iori's face was tense, and his expression was not very friendly.

"It's generally impossible for a girl to truthfully report her age on the Internet. If you ask, it's useless. The best way is to use cryptic questions to guess her age."

Kujo Tetaro talked and acted, imitating Kohei Imamura's chat mode, and sent some strange questions.

After some simple probing, Kujo Titaro calculated the opponent's age.

"It's probably a middle school student, no more."

"I see...."

Kitahara Iori walked up to Imamura Kohei and stepped on the latter's round buttocks.

"You pervert! You can even kill middle school students! You are simply inhuman!"

"What... what?"

Imamura Kohei, who was on the verge of dying, suddenly became energetic.

"Middle school student? How...how is it possible, hahahaha..."

"Pervert! How dare you laugh!"

Kitahara Iori slapped his face quickly, intending to wake up the pervert who was committing a crime.

Imamura Kohei did not sit still, and quickly broke free.

In order to prove his innocence, he immediately argued.

"You misunderstood, this matter is not what you think, no matter whether the other party is a middle school student or not, I will not be excited!"


Without thinking, Kitahara Iori took out her mobile phone.

"Hey, 110, I have a perverted college student who molested middle school students...Can he be sentenced to death?"

"Iori! There's no need for this!"

"Stop arguing, for some reason, the other party sent a location."

Kujo Tetaro's words successfully attracted the attention of both of them.

"It's indeed a middle school, and...not too far away."

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

I don't know whether it is the distortion of human nature or the fall of morality.

The despised lolicon is not only accepted by the majority of netizens, but even deified.

What a three-year start, the death penalty is not a loss.

Another example is that copper smelting is cool for a while, and copper smelting is always cool.

Even more exaggerated, there will be a terrifying situation where millions of people watch Lori taking a shower online.

That's right, when the cute series was updated to the seventh or eighth episode, the group of self-proclaimed hunks...

All in all, copper smelting is wrong.

Since a netizen of Imamura Kohei sent the address of a certain middle school, according to the law, Imamura Kohei should be sentenced to death.

Fortunately, Kohei Imamura admitted his mistake sincerely and expressed his willingness to give up this never-before-seen relationship, but the premise is to see the netizen for the last time.

For this kind of gossip, most people have the heart of gossip to find out.

So, Toshitaro Kujo put off his studies and drove to a middle school in the next city.


"Is this the place?"

"Middle school, it's been a long time since I've been here, what do you think, Animal Ping."

"Ah? What did you call me just now?"

"Beast life, you attack middle school students, what is it if you are not a beast?"

The three people standing at the gate of the middle school aroused the vigilance of the school police.

You know, there are endless news about middle school students being harmed.

As the security officer of a school, he has the responsibility to eliminate all potential dangers.

"What are you doing? If you have nothing to do, you won't be here anymore."

"Uncle, we are not bad people, don't be too nervous."

"I didn't say you were bad people, did I?"

Kitahara Iori, who was caught talking, smiled awkwardly.

Kujo Ditaro pulled the two of them, signaling to leave here first.

Seeing the three people walking away and gathering together under the streetlight, the campus police frowned.

"It seems that we are under suspicion."

"After all, here are the flowers of the motherland, so naturally they should be protected better."

"It's a pity, I still want to go in and walk around."

Kohei Imamura watched the situation inside the school through the guardrail, his face full of anticipation.

The corner of Kitahara Iori's mouth twitched, and he said contemptuously: "You scumbag, put away your perverted eyes, we are here to help you correct your mistakes, now that school is over, let your netizen come over, you guys speak clearly, this is right Everyone is fine."

"Oh, I didn't even mean that. The relationship between me and her is pure communication. Why don't you believe it?"

Kohei Imamura showed helplessness.

In fact, there was no other interaction between him and this netizen except for talking about Two-dimensional topics.

Although he had more or less unrealistic fantasies, after learning that the other party was a junior high school student, his unrealistic thoughts suddenly swelled up.

Yes, he was excited.

Of course, his excitement is not based on sex, but his preference for young girls.

If possible, he would like to convince this netizen to call him...Onijiang.

"Your nature has already been exposed, scumbag. If I'm not wrong, after you learned that the other party is a junior high school student, you imagined that the other party called you O'Neill sauce, right?"

"Wha... I don't know what you're talking about."

Kohei Imamura took out his mobile phone and asked about the netizen whom he had never met.

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