During this period, Kujo Tetaro asked Kitahara Iori to run errands to buy drinks.

The two chatted while drinking water.

"Di Taro, do you think there will be fake mothers? After all, there are many such examples on the Internet."

"It's not certain, but if this is the case, Gengping will probably have a psychological shadow."

"This perverted young girl is in control, let him suffer a little bit."

Kitahara Iori unscrewed the bottle cap of the drink and asked Kohei Imamura.

"How's the situation? A scumbag."

"Don't call me a scumbag, she said let's go in first."

"Get in? How to get in?"

Imamura Kohei glanced at the school police at the door, and said in a low voice, "She said that there is a hole to drill in the west."

"Can't she come out?"

Kujo Ditaro frowned, wondering, "Why do you have to go in?"

"I don't know, maybe she has something to hide. Anyway, she's here, so it's not too late."

Imamura Kohei took the lead and walked west after speaking.

Kitahara Iori glanced back, and said without changing his face: "The school policeman has been watching us, and if it's all over, he will follow. Let's split up."

"Let's separate then."

Kujo Tetaro said, and walked in another direction.

Kitahara Iori didn't talk nonsense, and quickly caught up with Imamura Kohei.

Under the watchful eyes of the school police, Kujo Tetaro stopped in his tracks.

"Hello, it's like this, I'm..."


Compared with Kujo Tetaro's relaxed and comfortable, the two who sneaked into the school by relying on the dog hole seemed a little embarrassed.

"Ditaro, how did you get in here?"

"Well, I came in over the wall."

"Turn it over? You are not human at all, you can turn it over."

The three gathered outside the teaching building did not know that someone was watching them at this very moment.


Kohei Imamura picked up the phone and said pleasantly: "Let's go in, she said she has long silver-white hair, really, she still plays this kind of guessing fun, hehehe..."

"Hey you, don't forget how old he is, how old are you, please speak clearly, don't force us to kill relatives righteously."

Kitahara Iori's words were radical, but every sentence made sense, and he couldn't refute it at all.

Kohei Imamura refused to argue, and rushed into the teaching building excitedly.

The two followed closely behind, looking like they were watching a show while eating melons.

Except for some universities, before entering the teaching buildings of Neon, you have to go through a process of changing shoes.

Kujo Didaro didn't want to take off his shoes, so he simply didn't go up.

Perhaps because of lack of confidence, Kohei Imamura began to persuade him with good words.

"Di Taro, it's all here, how can you waste all your previous work because of a small shoe off."

"Yeah, maybe there are melons to eat, and you will regret it then."

Kitahara Iori's words resonated with Kujo Tetarou.

So, not bothering him anymore, he took off his shoes and followed.

We all know that girls love to flirt.

Even though they are only a few floors away, Kohei Imamura's netizens are still playing with suspense.

First, it gave the clue of silver-white long hair, and now it is sending the information of the floor where the class is located.

Although there is some suspicion of tantalizing, it has to be said that this trick is indeed very effective.

The three of them had no dispute and immediately came to the fourth floor.

Because they don't know the specific location of the class, they can only go to find it.

When passing by the third classroom, the movement inside caught their attention.

"It made me laugh so hard. Thinking of that guy's innocent eyes, my stomach hurts."

"This time she has to give her table some new tricks and glue on the seat."

"Why was her textbook picked up again? Throw it into the trash can for her this time and see what she will do."

"That long hair like the old man is really disgusting."

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Where there are people, there is fighting.

As in society, so in schools.

Don't look at the young age of middle school students, but it is no exaggeration to say that even kindergarten children will engage in partisan disputes.

For example, children from rich families will be excluded by children from ordinary families.

Children who are particularly unattractive will be bullied by ordinary-looking children.

Even children who are not tall enough will be ridiculed and sighed.

All in all, as long as you don't follow the crowd, you will be treated unfairly differently.

And this is school violence.

When it comes to school violence, Kujo Tetaro has a great say.

You know, during high school, he received the highest isolation treatment.

Not only the students isolated him, but even the teachers didn't like him.

Although he has almost become the public enemy of the whole school, fortunately, he is strong and strong, and no one dares to play tricks on him.

Even some unscrupulous students who put power above everything else still admired him, threatening that if he wasn't the school bully, they wouldn't be in society.

Even if he has not suffered substantial persecution, Kujo Tetaro still has zero tolerance for school violence.

"Go in and have a look."

"It's time for us to save the stumbled students again."

"The last time, it was Poison Island, right?"

Kitahara Iori rubbed her neck and happily walked to the back door.

Imamura Kohei opened the front door of the class, and shouted in the first place: "What are you doing!"

The few people who were already guilty of guilt were so frightened that they stopped thinking on the spot.

Without giving a few people time to react, Kujo Daitaro took out his mobile phone, and after a mess of shots, the corners of his mouth rose strangely.

"It's very interesting, kids, if this photo gets out, it will be more interesting, right?"

"You... who are you? We're just scribbling, you..."

The short-haired girl in the lead argued inarticulately: "We are doing graffiti, yes, what does our graffiti have to do with you?"

"Graffiti? It's okay if you don't want to admit it. If this photo is posted on the Internet, I believe many people will appreciate your graffiti, and you may be able to create a young abstract genius by then."

Kujo Ditaro raised his mobile phone and said casually: "You guys probably like being famous very much, don't you want to try?"

"You...you are breaking the law and will be arrested by the police..."

The short-haired girl was scared to death, but as the backbone of the small group, she had to refute.

"Ah, ah, ah." Kujo Ditaro walked up to several girls, bowed his head and said, "To be honest, I rarely see middle school students who dare to call 110. Don't you have mobile phones? You can call the police now." Phone, please."

"Big brother... what on earth are you trying to do...we don't know each other..."

"There's no need to bully us like this..."

"If something offended us, we can apologize..."

Kujo Ditaro shook his head, and continued: "What? Don't dare to fight, then I will fight for you."

"You fight for us...?"

"It's right to help the younger generation. After the police arrive, I hope you can honestly tell me why you are wasting your talent here. Oh, if you are taken away by the police, the whole school will know your artistic talent. Then, you will be The whole school is famous, little sisters."

Kujo Ditaro raised the corners of his mouth, and held up the phone with a smile.

The short-haired girl turned pale and said with tears in her eyes, "No...don't! We were wrong! Don't call the police! Please...please!"

"Oh? How could it be wrong? Don't you guys do a great job. The graffiti is so good and the glue sticks well. My God, look at this neatly folded book. You are so ingenious, so, Let’s get out early.”

As soon as Ditaro Kujo finished speaking, he saw the girls in front of him and started crying.

"I'm sorry...we know we were wrong, please forgive us."

"We don't dare anymore, we really don't dare."

"What's the use of crying? If crying could solve the problem, the world would have been peaceful long ago."

Kujo Ditaro walked to the table and sneered: "If your table is painted like this, the stool is glued, and the books are thrown into the trash can, how would you feel?"


"I'm sorry, aren't you? Let me help you."

Kujo Tetaro walked up to the short-haired girl and raised his hands high.

Imamura Kohei, who was standing behind, hurried up to stop him, "Di Taro!"

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