"Do you have anything to explain? Scumbag."

After Imamura Kohei looked at Nayuta, his expression became more distorted and hideous.

Nayuta showed fear on his face, and hid behind Kujo Tetaro in fear.

Kohei Imamura bared his teeth and squeezed out a word angrily.

"Di Taro, you are not a human being, are you? How old is she!"

"I didn't do anything, as for why I went to the hotel..."

"Stop making excuses, you've already gone to the hotel, why don't you do anything? Iori, what are you doing? Are you going to let this scumbag go?"

Kitahara Iori pinched Imamura Kohei's shoulders, and shook his head meaningfully, "Di Taro probably didn't do anything, trust me."

"Are you blind or something? Isn't it obvious? The two of you came out of the hotel, it's already stone hammer, okay?"

"Young man, listen to me tell you..."

Kitahara Iori leaned into Kohei Imamura's ear and whispered, "If... that... this girl... can't... walk."

"What...so that's the case."

Kohei Imamura suddenly realized, but the way he looked at Tetaro Kujo remained unchanged.

Kitahara Iori is quite rational. After all, he is not a lolicon, and he can't get Kohei Imamura's anger at all.

"Di Taro, why are you going to the hotel? And this middle school student, what's going on?"

"It's a long story, let me summarize it, vomiting, clothes, hotels, understand?"

Kujo Tetaro's overview is really concise and clear.

Nayuta originally thought that this was an impromptu joke, but what surprised her was that the black-haired man in front of her was...understand?

Kitahara Iori pinched her chin and said thoughtfully, "Your clothes were soiled, so you went to the hotel to take a shower? Are you not in good health?"

"Hey..." Nayuta nodded dully in a daze.

After analyzing the truth, Kitahara Iori patted Imamura Kohei on the shoulder with a smile, and said, "Okay, that's how it happened. We misunderstood, Kohei."

"Why don't you question it? And the generalization just now, you should understand it? Did you take money? You bastard!"

Kohei Imamura pinched Kitahara Iori's collar, his beautiful face was stretched out of shape.

Kitahara Iori still smiled, and said calmly: "Why do you question it? In your heart, Di Taro is a scum who will attack middle school students? But I don't think so, why do you think so?"


Kohei Imamura was a little wilted.

Kitahara Iori raised the corner of her mouth, clapped her hands and said, "So, there is no need to argue about this matter."

Kohei Imamura gritted his teeth, looking extremely unwilling.

Kitahara Iori didn't take the blond man's expression seriously. After straightening his somewhat messy collar, he asked Kujo Tetaro.

"Di Taro, are you going to send her home first?"

"I didn't expect you guys to block me here. I originally planned to go to the video game city to find you, but now, let's send her back first."

After Kujo Tetaro finished speaking, he lowered his head and saw Nayuta clasped his hands together, looking at him expectantly.

Looking at the scene in front of him, Kitahara Iori couldn't help thinking of his sister, so he suggested it sincerely.

"Di Taro, it is said that the video game city here is of high standard, why don't you go and have a look?"

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Kitahara Iori's proposal was well received by Nayuta.

Nayuta gave this strange black-haired man a grateful look.

Kitahara Iori waved his hand, indicating that you are welcome.

Afterwards, he looked at Tetaro Kujo and asked, "How is it? It's only past six o'clock anyway, so there's plenty of time."

Nayuta raised his head again, his clear eyes were full of hope.

Kujo Tetaro did not refuse, but nodded silently.

"Thank you Di Taro brother."

"Di Taro...brother?"

Imamura Kohei's shoulders trembled, and his breathing became more and more rapid.

Kitahara Iori was taken aback for a moment, looking at Kohei Imamura, something was not quite right.

"Gengping, you won't...fuck you!"

After Kitahara Iori didn't stop the blond man rushing past, she couldn't help but exclaimed.

"Anyway! Please call me brother too, this is all my belongings, I will buy you a beautiful little dress..."


Looking at the blond man who was kneeling before him and took out the money, Nayuta's childish face tensed without warning.

"Be...perverted, no...don't! Get lost!"

Nayuta hid behind Kujo Ditaro, and said in a panic: "Brother Ditaro, I am yours, you won't let me go with this pervert?!"

"Young age..."

"What? Already a member of Di Taro? Scumbag Di, what the hell are you... poof!"

"Shut up! Don't interrupt me!"

"Stop arguing! A car is coming."

The four people in the middle of the aisle walked towards both sides.

Several cars drove past one after another, and the dazzling lights shone on the faces of the four of them again and again.

Kujo Tetaro took Nayuta who was following him, and returned to the car first.

After Nayuta sat in the passenger seat, he asked worriedly: "Brother Ditaro, is that perverted sister-in-law coming up too?"

"Don't worry, he won't do anything to you, just ignore him."

Toshitaro Kujo knew Kohei Imamura's disposition, although he was an out-and-out perverted sister-in-law, he would never do anything coercive to girls.

Nayuta didn't know what kind of person Kohei Imamura was, so he was still not at ease.

"But he suddenly knelt down in front of me and said such perverted words, I'm afraid..."

"Don't be afraid, if he really wants to do something to you, tell me, I'll kill him for you!"

Kujo Tetarou looked at Nayuta, showing a spring-like smile.

Nayuta was taken aback, his heart beating faster.

this.. what is this?Sue.. Confession?

No... no way?But it feels safe... great!

Nayuta held his face in his hands, and his earlobes were a little red.

In fact, what Kujo Tetaro wanted to convey was only the last few words in his words.

That's right, he wanted to find a reason to persecute Kohei Imamura, and planned to be ruthless. As for the degree of ruthlessness, he would only remember the kind for a lifetime...

On the way to the video game city, an accident happened.

Kujo Ditaro was driving on the road normally, but the car in front was driving very slowly.

It was impossible for a person with his personality to follow slowly, so he overtook the car.

Just when Kujo Ditaro was about to drive the car back to the main road, the small broken car that was not driving fast suddenly came up.

Even if Kujo Ditaro reacted, he didn't dare to turn the steering wheel indiscriminately. After all, the speed of the car just passed was still quite high.

If he fiddled with the steering wheel at this moment, he might overturn the car.

Kujo Ditaro considered this, so he didn't evade, and let the car behind him come up.

Bang, the car accident happened.

Since there were no vehicles around, the two cars that collided with each other stopped safely.

When Didaro Kujo got out of the car, he saw his own car, which happened to be on the center line.

Suddenly, he figured out the cause of the car accident.

As we all know, driving is not afraid of killing people, but afraid of not hitting people.

Kujo Tetaro didn't quite understand this sentence, and even thought it was quite inhumane.

He didn't understand the essence of it until he watched the showy operations of some potters.

That's right, the most terrifying thing on the road is not a female driver who is not skilled enough, but a person who touches porcelain with malicious intentions.

Kujo Ditaro can be sure that he has been touched.

Looking at the four men coming out of the small broken car, he smiled.

"Not bad, the collision is quite accurate, and the business is very skilled."


The driver among the four immediately had a showdown after hearing this.

"Brother, what are you talking about, brothers, this is a lesson for you, are you planning to be private, or what?"

"It turned out to be a Porcelain dog. It's a pleasure to meet you."

Nobody stays in a car after an accident.

After Kitahara Iori saw the intentions of several people, she resolutely smeared honey and started a group of ridicule.

"When you take the money back, are you planning to use it to cure your terminal illness? If so, brother, I can reward you a little bit."

"Boy, don't waste time, give us [-] each, and we will leave immediately."

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