"Ten thousand per person? Isn't that enough to go to the funeral parlor? How about asking for more?"

"It's not your car. What are you barking about? I'm asking the owner of the car."

Kitahara Iori spread her hands, turned to look at Kujo Tetarou, and asked with a smile, "Brother, what do you think should be done? Why don't you give them some more and send them to the funeral home?"

"What are you talking about? We have always made money with kindness. The brothers worked hard at night running orders. They finally got a deal. How could we let them go home empty-handed?"

Kujo Ditaro raised the corners of his mouth, and his tone was quite polite.

Kitahara Iori frowned, realizing the seriousness of the problem.

After Kohei Imamura took two steps back, he still felt that it was not safe enough, so he took another few steps back.

Nayuta smelled a strange smell, but she didn't know why, and still followed Kujo Tetaro.

After the four people who touched porcelain looked at each other, the driver took the initiative to speak.

"For the sake of brother who understands us so well, then just give [-]. You should still have something to do, don't you want to delay?"

"Twenty thousand? How can twenty thousand be enough? Your car costs at least one hundred thousand."

Kujo Tetaro said, and casually walked to the small broken car with double flashing lights.

The four people on the side were a little puzzled, but they didn't speak.

Kujo Tetaro raised his foot and kicked it out violently.


The door of the small broken car was directly dented by a large piece, and the body moved a certain distance inward.


The driver of the small broken car took a deep breath and said forcefully: "What do you mean, we are just trying to make a small money, if you are so arrogant and unreasonable, then we can only call the police, yes, we will call the police !"

"Then why don't you report, I didn't stop you..."

Kujo Ditaro turned against the guest, and suddenly squatted down and covered his feet, "Hiss...my leg, my leg hurts so much, you are so vicious...you actually plotted against me..."

"What... you are too fake! Porcelain is a skill, not as easy as you..."

"Brother! What's wrong with you! Your leg..."

Kitahara Iori rushed to the side of the muscular man, and said in disbelief: "This leg...I'm afraid it will have to be amputated...Brother!"

"..." Kujo Ditaro hesitated to speak, speechless in his heart, why can't you act so exaggeratedly?

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

As we all know, Porcelain does not require much technology, just enough rascals.

If not, those old people can't rely on this trick alone to buy cars and houses for their children.

Kujo Tetaro originally wanted to question Kitahara Iori's flamboyant acting skills, but after thinking about it, he didn't care.

There is no way, after all, I am not a professional touch porcelain, and it is reasonable to be unskilled in business.

"You bastards!"

Kitahara Iori stood up and rushed towards the four of them furiously.

The four instinctively pushed and shoved, Kitahara Iori seized the opportunity and fell down.

"You...you hit me...my mother never hit me!"

"My feelings are beyond words."

The driver among the four of them scratched the back of his bare head and sighed, "Don't treat the police as idiots, they will come over when the time comes, you guys, all of a sudden... damn it! What is it?"

The driver who suddenly sensed something coming from the side subconsciously waved his hand.

With a bang, Kohei Imamura, who was covering his face, let out a sinister grin.

"Now... is it enough to collect evidence?"

"You...you are amazing, if you don't want the money, let's go to the head office, shall we?"

"Go? You can't go anymore."

At some point, Kujo Didaro, who was supposed to be squatting on the ground to care for his injured leg, stood up.

Kitahara Iori, who felt that the overall situation had been settled, was no longer performing exaggerated acting skills, and said with a half-smile: "It seems that the form has been reversed."

"Damn...why did I lose a tooth?!"

To be honest, the reason Kohei Imamura made the move was just to cheat a wave of fake damage.

But what he didn't expect was that the price of this wave of cheating injuries was that he lost a tooth.

After Kohei Imamura spit out a bloody tooth, he kept yelling that I'm sorry.


Nayuta, who witnessed the whole development of the matter, was surprised and speechless.

Kitahara Iori walked up to Kohei Imamura and knelt down, whispering, "Is it true? Open your mouth and let me see."

"Why did I lie to you, the teeth are all in my hands..."

Kohei Imamura spread his palms, revealing his bloody teeth.

At the same time, he opened his bloody mouth.

Kitahara Iori didn't even look at it, she turned around and questioned the four of them.

"How are you guys? You actually knocked out my brother's teeth. Let's see if we don't blackmail you to death."

The four of them never expected that there would be a day when they would do the opposite, so it seemed quite sudden.

"If you want to touch porcelain, don't touch your peers!"

"Pengci? My brother's teeth were knocked out by you. You are deliberately hurting others. How did we touch porcelain?"

Kitahara Iori stepped aside and exposed Kohei Imamura, whose mouth was full of blood.

The four whispered to each other, intending to come up with a solution.

However, it is a pity that they only know how to touch porcelain, and have no experience in counter-touching porcelain.

In the end, in order to prevent the situation from getting worse, those of them who touched the porcelain first actually called the police.

The usual routine of the neon police, when encountering complicated situations, first bring them all back to the bureau first.

After arriving at the police station, the monitoring of that section of the road was called out.

"Officer, you saw it too, he rushed over, and they smashed my car..."

"There is no sound in this surveillance. We don't know exactly what you talked about, but in the video, you bumped into them on your own initiative, right?"

"But they're on the solid line, we're driving normally, officer, I don't think we have a problem."

The police officer in charge frowned, and said casually: "We are not in charge of traffic, but what you have done is suspected of intentional murder. There are no vehicles around, which meet the overtaking standards. White cars can overtake." , but at the critical moment, you accelerated and bumped into them, this behavior is very bad."

After the words fell, the police officer looked at Kujo Tetaro and the others, and said casually: "We are not traffic police, we can't control traffic, but we can handle other cases besides traffic, including criminal incidents of a bad nature."


Kujo Ditaro raised his mouth, "I also think this is not a simple matter. We were driving normally, even if we overtook, we had to confirm that the road conditions were normal, but they suddenly bumped into us, um...it's intriguing."

"Yeah, and they knocked out my friend's teeth."

Kitahara Iori supported Kohei Imamura to the front, and signaled the latter to open his mouth with a wink.

Imamura Kohei understood, and opened his bloody mouth with great effort.

"Officer, you also saw the surveillance, he rushed over suddenly..."

The driver of the broken car who was talking was interrupted seriously by the police officer.

"If you can make a prediction three seconds in advance, this matter will never happen. Also, your sudden acceleration and crash behavior is very bad. We can test your car. If the gas pedal is not faulty, then you He could even be charged with manslaughter."

"What... what?"

Hearing that they would be prosecuted for intentional homicide, Pengci's group of four panicked.

The police ignored the four people who had done bad deeds, and gave orders to Kujo Tetaro solemnly.

"Mr. Kujo, this matter is full of uncertainties just as you heard, my suggestion is..."

The meaning expressed by the police officer is very clear.

It's just that this matter can be big or small, if it is strictly investigated, it is enough to rise to the level of intentional homicide.

Kujo Ditaro doesn't think those who touch porcelain should be sympathized, so he demands strict treatment.

However, if it is dealt with strictly, there will be many problems involved, and it will take a lot of time and energy.

Kujo Ditaro will have to participate in the boxing competition after a while, it is impossible to waste time here, and he has no such idea.

So, he called Kamio Kiyoko's father and asked him to hire a lawyer to handle the matter.

After the matter came to an end, everyone left the police station.

Kohei Imamura, who lost his teeth, clamored to blackmail the other party to death.

Kitahara Iori felt the same way, saying that this matter cannot be tolerated and must be blackmailed to death.

Nayuta, who wanted to join it, directly learned a lot.

"That's right, that's right, go to hell, at worst, knock out a few perverted teeth, so that you can pay more."

"...It seems that you are also a middle school student in leather."

Imamura Kohei covered his mouth and looked at the silver-haired girl with somewhat distaste.

Nayuta didn't know, so Xiaobu walked to Kujo Ditaro's side, raised his head and said, "Brother Ditaro, shall we still go to the video game city?"

"It's so late, don't go, I'll take you home."

Kujo Tetaro's answer did not surprise Nayuta.

Nayuta had no objection, and followed quietly, but his eyes were complicated and changeable, and he looked preoccupied.

Nayuta's home is not far away.

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