After Kujo Ditaro drove to the destination, he urged Nayuta.

"It's here, you go back quickly."

"Will you miss me? Brother Di Taro."

"Hey! There are people behind."

Nayuta ignored the shouts from the back row and looked at Kujo Tetarou expectantly.

The lights inside the car are bright, and the movement inside is almost clear to outsiders.

The woman standing on the balcony on the second floor watched the scene in the car below, her pupils gradually shrank.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Indecision, quantum mechanics.

After he separated from Sayaka Sumino, Kujo Titaro already had his own set of opinions when dealing with girls.

Nayuta's ambiguous question was readily rejected by him.

Of course, considering Nayuta's mental state, his tone was relatively relaxed, which was a joke.

In fact, when asking the question, Nayuta already had the answer in his heart.

Although she didn't get an unexpected and perfect answer, she was not too disappointed and got out of the car consciously.

"And child..."

The vibrato coming from behind made Nayuta's body startled suddenly.

Nayuta turned his head, his eyes were wide open, and his tone was a little unnatural.


"Kazu... You came back a bit late... Have you had dinner...?"

A woman dressed as a housewife showed a forced smile.

After Nayuta was dazed for a while, he lowered his head and said, "Yes, eat, Mom."

"That's good, then let's go home, um... let's go home."

The woman walked up to the side of the silver-haired girl, hugged the latter's shoulder stiffly but tenderly, and then walked towards the house.

When Nayuta was about to enter the door, she wanted to turn her head to take a look, but the pleading voice in her ear made her lower her eyes.

"Hezi, come in quickly, mom is really worried about you..."


With a creak, the door closed.

The woman hugged Nayuta's body in front of her, and asked for warmth with a worried expression on her face.

"Hezi, who are they? How did they treat you? Mom is so worried about you, really worried about you..."

"Mom...I'm fine, nothing at all, they're good people."

"Good guy? Kazuko, how do you know them? Can you tell mom? No, you shouldn't be with them!"

Nayuta sighed softly, and said seriously: "Mom, they are all good people, don't think too much about it."

"It doesn't matter whether they are good people or not, but you, a middle school student, shouldn't stay with them. Be good, listen to your mother, Hezi, you have always listened to your mother, so this time..."

Before the woman could finish speaking, her voice stopped abruptly.

Looking at the silver-haired girl with a lonely expression and tears in the corners of her eyes, she was stunned.

"Hezi, did my mother say something wrong? But you are a girl, how can you stay with unfamiliar adults? Mom is really doing it for your own good...?"

"Mom, I have no friends, I have no friends my age! None!"

Nayuta turned his face sideways, a crystal tear slipped down quietly.

The woman's pupils contracted, and she couldn't help saying: "But... But didn't you say that there are many friends in school, Xiangzhi, Yangba, and..."

"I lied to you."

" lie to mom?"

"Yes! They lied to you and Dad. I have no friends. I'm not happy at school, but I don't want to make you sad!"

At the end of Nayuta's speech, he was sobbing.

Similarly, the woman's eyes gradually became moist.

"Hezi, what's the matter? Did someone bully you at school? Tell mom who it is. Mom will go to school with dad tomorrow!"

"They helped me, they are good people, Mom..."

Nayuta took out his mobile phone and dug out those infuriating photos.

After the woman saw all the photos, she said distressedly: "Hezi, your parents must please you for justice. I'll let your father come back immediately. Don't cry. Your eyes will be blurred by crying, so you're not cute anymore."

"Mom, after this incident, I want to transfer to another school..."

"Well, mom promises you, you can go anywhere!"

Nayuta buried herself in her mother's arms, choking on her heart.

At the same time, Totaro Kujo, who was standing in front of the door, silently put down his schoolbag.

After returning to the car, Kitahara Iori in the back row was surprised and said, "Why don't you send things in? Maybe the little girl still has homework."

"There's a tearful scene going on inside, and I'm not interested in being a shit-stirring stick."

"Tearful eyes? What's the matter? Could it be because of our relationship that she was hanged and beaten by her mother?"

"The dog can't spit out any good things. Is that how you came here when you were a child?"

Without hesitation, Kitahara Iori said frankly, "Didn't you guys get beaten?"


"Why do you want to fight? Can't you communicate?"

"Huh? Damn, don't you always do it first and then reason? Did you guys have such a happy childhood?!"


Nayuta's parents are honest people who are not good at fighting.

But as the saying goes, a woman is weak by nature, but a mother is strong.

Even honest people who are used to peace as the most important thing have the courage to splash five steps with blood.

Nayuta's parents, after learning about their daughter's persecution, immediately went to the school the next day to ask for an explanation.

School violence is something that happens in every school, and it cannot be cured.

The school wanted to calm down the matter, so they invited the parents of both parties to negotiate peace.

As we all know, when the forest is big, there are all kinds of birds.

A child's conduct and character are, to a large extent, influenced by their parents.

What kind of parents are like, children will get some inheritance more or less.

Therefore, children who can commit school violence show that their parents have problems.

Needless to say, at least in terms of education, they did not do well.

Nayuta's parents had no other request, but asked the school to publicly criticize those students.

The school is in a neutral position, and the opinions of both parties must be listened to, and they cannot act arbitrarily.

Although they knew they were wrong, the parents of the children of the perpetrators still insisted on vetoing this condition.

The two parties couldn't discuss it. The school, which was originally neutral, gradually favored the side with more people.

"What do you mean by that? Are you bullying us that we are weak? How can we ask too much? Those students are doing too much!"

"Our children are doing something wrong. We will educate them when we go back, but once you criticize them publicly, how do you make your classmates think of them?"

"It's funny, your child is a baby, but my daughter is not? Do you know how much torture she has suffered?!"

"What happened in the past has already happened, why are you holding on to it? Anyway, public criticism is definitely not allowed!"

"Everyone, stop arguing and listen to me to say something fair..."

After the dean in charge of mediation interrupted, the phone rang suddenly.

"Hello? What are you doing here? Looking for Kazuko Honda's parents?"

Nayuta's parents who were named looked at each other in surprise.

After a while, the door of the conference room was pushed open.

The middle-aged man with the briefcase saluted slightly before walking straight to the table where only two people were seated.

"Hello, I am the legal advisor of Xinggai Company. This is the business card of my law firm. Are you the parents of Kazuko Honda? If so, I can provide you with legal guidance and other related business. Of course, all It's free."

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Nayudo's matter, if you exclude the psychological impact on yourself, it is actually not a difficult problem to solve.

The lawyer sent by Kujo Ditaro was mainly to deal with the incident of touching porcelain last night.

As for what happened to Nayuta's parents at school, Kujo Tetaro couldn't have predicted it.

Kujo Ditaro just relied on his own guess and asked the lawyer to take a look at it. If he can help, he can help, and it doesn't matter if he doesn't need it.

As the saying goes, unintentionally inserting willows and willows into shade.

You know, who would a normal person seek help from a lawyer for no reason?

Even if a child is subjected to school violence, shouldn't they sit down and talk at the initial stage, and the conflict will only arise if there is no agreement?

Why bring a lawyer as soon as you come up, and don't play cards according to the routine at all.

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