In the conference room, whether it was the school or the parents of the perpetrator, they couldn't help but look at Nayuta's parents.

To be honest, Nayuta's parents did not expect that a lawyer would come to help them, and from the tone of their voice, it seemed that they would help them unconditionally.

It doesn't matter whether the cat is black or white, a cat that can catch mice is a good cat.

Nayuta's parents did not ask why the lawyer came here to help, but secretly planned in their hearts that they should thank the lawyer and the company behind it afterwards.

With lawyers in the lineup, the content of the meeting's conversation gradually became more rigid.

The school, which was originally biased towards the side with more people, returned to neutrality again.

"Listen to me, everyone. This incident has a very bad impact. If it spreads, it will not be good for each other's children. So, why don't we all take a step back and apologize in private, and our school will punish those students..."

"It's okay to apologize, it's just that punishment will affect our children's enrollment rate, which is hard for us to agree with."

"That's right. In another year, I will be promoted to high school. The punishment will affect the children's further education."

"That's right, things have happened, so an apology is enough? Children are still young and ignorant, so they will inevitably make mistakes. As adults, we shouldn't understand."

The dean became more and more amused as he listened, and after nodding with a smile, he announced abruptly.

"Okay, then publicly criticize and punish. I don't know if your children are sensible, but I think they will be sensible after this time!"

After the words fell, the dean didn't give him a chance and left directly.

The parents of the students who committed the violence chased them out one after another, apparently dissatisfied with the punishment.

However, whether they are satisfied or not, it is undeniable that they have gone too far.

No one likes a greedy person, let alone a greedy person.

The school, which was supposed to be neutral, completely fell for Nayuta's parents.

The decision to report criticism and impose punishment was finally finalized in the principal's office.

After venting their anger for their daughter, Nayuta's parents felt a little relieved.

A family of three stood at the gate of the school, bowing together to thank the lawyers who came from afar.

"I'm sorry to trouble you. If you don't mind, let's have a light meal together at noon?"

"You are welcome. I can't help you with this matter, and I still have a job. If something goes wrong, you can call me. Okay, then I'll go first."

"Dad, is he the lawyer you hired?"

Watching the lawyer drive away, Nayuta couldn't help asking.

Nayuta's parents shook their heads in unison.

"It's not the lawyer we hired. He came to us suddenly, but he mentioned your name first. I think this lawyer should be called by your good brother."

"Brother Ditaro called here?" Nayuta widened his eyes and said happily, "I knew it, I knew it."

"Well, Kazuko, they helped us a lot this time, we can't help but say, do you know where that big brother Di Taro lives?"

"He didn't tell me, but it should be from the city next door. I don't know where it is, but I have his mailbox."

"It would be rude and insincere to ask him. Didn't the lawyer mention a company called Xinggai? We can go here to inquire."


Kujo Tetaro's life rhythm is no longer as chaotic as before, and gradually has a clear plan.

In addition to going to school normally, he will arrange recreational activities for himself to relieve worries.

For example, the diving training and reception of the diving club, or drawing some pictures at home to reflect the mood.

Occasionally, if you are free, go to the company to inspect it, to show the work attitude and demeanor of the boss... To put it plainly, it is to be embarrassed in front of the employees.

Unknowingly, Kujo Tetaro's desire for women fell to the lowest point in his life.

It's like entering an indefinite sage mode.

Toshitaro Kujo felt that his performance of asceticism was somewhat sudden.

After all, his physical condition has always been great.

Desire is a primitive reaction of human beings, which is a very healthy physiological characteristic.

"Could it be... that I have become stronger? Also frigid?"

Kujo Tetaro laughed at himself half-jokingly, then calmly watched the sex video.

It doesn't matter if you don't see it, you'll be shocked when you see it.

Kujo Ditaro thought that his own situation was just that his thoughts were not dirty enough, so he couldn't make up exciting pictures in his mind.

But now, after watching a video with an excellent plot, his reaction was actually mediocre.

After Kujo Tetaro took a deep breath, he began to think deeply about the problem.

"Could it be that this period of time has been too self-cultivating? Or is it because of Sayaka? It shouldn't be something wrong with my body?"

Kujo Tetaro didn't think it was really something wrong with his body.

After all...he is so strong.

According to Kujo Tetaro's initial prediction, this is likely to be a symptom caused by living habits plus psychological hints.

Just like being bitten by a snake one day and being afraid of well ropes for ten years, human beings are easy to deceive themselves and others.

In order to verify his speculation, Kujo Tetaro planned to do something.

First, he found his girlfriend.

At this critical moment related to each other's sexual well-being, Kujo Tetaro believes that Kamio Kiyoko should show something.

But this matter was too difficult to tell, so Kujo Titaro didn't tell the truth, he could only find a reason to trick Kamio Kiyoko into his home.

"What happened? Di Taro, asking me to come over so suddenly doesn't feel like what you said on the phone."

After Kujo Tetaro opened the door, a purple-haired girl in a hat came in chattering.

Kamio Kiyoko walked to the sofa and sat down, took off the sun hat casually, "It's really hot today, is there any water?"

"Yes, it's in the refrigerator, let me get it for you."

After putting down a bottle of steaming oolong tea, Kujo Tetaro looked at the girl in front of him seriously.

Fair and tender skin, reddish face, delicate body under the long skirt...

"What are you... doing?"

Sensing something, Kiyoko Kamio covered her chest with her hand while blushing.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

As the saying goes, those who are close to Zhu are red, and those who are close to ink are black.

If there is a naive and optimistic person around you, then your life style will also become positive.

Otherwise, you will become very negative.

After seeing the reaction of the purple-haired girl, Kujo Tetaro looked away.

"Qingzi, you have become more beautiful."

"When did you become so talkative? It wasn't like this before."

As a girl, Kamio Kiyoko naturally wouldn't resent others' compliments on her appearance.

After letting go of the arm covering her chest, she smiled calmly.

Kujo Ditaro sat on the sofa and asked meaningfully: "People, there will always be changes. Kiyoko, what have you been doing lately?"

"'s nothing, it's just the same as usual."

Kiyoko Kamio didn't want to delve into this topic, so she raised a new question without saying a word.

"What about the signing? I think it's the tenth, so that's the day after tomorrow, right?"

Kujo Tetaro nodded, "I have to be there early, are you going to come with me? Or are you with your friends?"

"I'd better go with my friends. After all, we have an appointment. After attending your autograph session the day after tomorrow, we still have to go shopping."

As Kamio Kiyoko spoke, she reached for the oolong tea on the table.

After unscrewing the bottle cap and taking a sip, she showed a relieved expression.

"Sure enough, you have to drink cold drinks in summer, it's much cooler."

"Is it hot outside?"

Kujo Tetaro moved to his seat and sat beside Kamio Kiyoko.

Kiyoko Kamio blushed, subconsciously dodged to the side.

"It's...very hot, why are you sitting here all of a sudden?"


Kujo Tetaro didn't answer, just a further test.

Many men have said that girls are like wine, and they get drunk when they smell it.

However, the reality is cruel. Not only do most girls have no body fragrance, but even a small number of girls have body odor that makes people feel sick.

Fortunately, Kiyoko Kamio was clean, and there was no peculiar smell under her armpits, otherwise, Kujo Tetaro, who had a great sense of smell, would have exploded on the spot.

Kiyoko Kamio belongs to the steel class girl, and she seldom dabbles in perfume, so the whole body only has the mixed fragrance of body wash and shampoo.

After taking a serious sniff, Kujo Tetaro said, "Kyoko, you don't seem to use perfume, do you?"

"What's the matter with you? Asking strange questions, I don't use perfume and it still affects you?"

Kiyoko Kamio complained, but she was thinking in her heart, should she buy a bottle of perfume...?

"Not really..."

As Kujo Tetaro said, he suddenly raised his hand and pushed.

A move without warning is not something that a weak woman like Kiyoko Kamio can react to.

The moment she collapsed on the sofa, Qing Zi's mind was screaming crazily.

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