Just as Kujo Didaro finished speaking, a soft female voice came from ahead.

"Two Pab classmates, it's the first time to come to the dance club, sit down and have a drink."

In the middle of the dance club, there was a circle of girls.

The girls were seated in a dense and sparse manner, and the three of them sat down right away.

On both sides of Kujo Tetaro are Hanako-level beauties.

Similarly, Kohei Imamura is not badly treated, holding two beauties at the Hanako level.

As for Kitahara Iori, it was a bit miserable, and there was not a single beautiful woman by her side, which was a real reality.


While drinking, Kujo Tetaro glanced at everyone's expressions from the corner of his eye.

I don't know if it's because the beer alcohol is too high or the heating in the room is too high. The girls started shouting about the heat one after another, taking off their coats one after another.

Suddenly, the originally serious friendship was a little bit brighter.

Beside Kujo Tetaro, a long-haired beauty, very lively and outgoing.

"Student Kujo, can I call your name?"


"Kujo-kun, you have a great figure, what kind of exercise do you usually do?"


Kujo Tetaro had a smile on his lips, and his tone was natural.

The long-haired beauty was taken aback, "It must be very tiring."

"Fortunately, if you enjoy it, you won't be tired."

Kujo Ditaro looked at the long-haired beauty, and gave an example: "Dancing in your dance club is not easy, but you all persevere."

"That's right, Kujo-kun." The long-haired beauty smiled, "Kujo-kun, do you have a girlfriend, we have many single sisters here."

"I have a girlfriend."

Kujo Tetaro nodded without changing his expression.

The long-haired beauty twirled her fingers around her hair and began to strike sideways.

"That's right, how come Kujo-kun doesn't have a girlfriend, then your girlfriend must be pretty?"

"Well... I'm face-blind, I can't tell who's pretty. I'm not with her because she's pretty. After all, I don't know if she's pretty."

As Kujo Tetaro said, he scanned the girls symbolically.

Kitahara Iori kept drinking, and kept hinting in her heart that she should calm down!

As the saying goes, unintentionally inserting willows and willows into shade.

Kujo Didaro didn't know that what he said made those ordinary-looking girls ignite their fighting spirit.

A short-haired girl with average looks suddenly raised her hand.

"Teacher Kongtiao, do you still remember me, at that signing event."

"Huh? Sorry, I'm face blind."

"It's okay. After all, a manga artist like Teacher Kongtiao probably met thousands of people that day. It's normal if I can't remember. Teacher Kongtiao, I'm your fan!"

"It turns out that Kongjou is a cartoonist. It's really amazing. My friend has a painter who spends millions of dollars every year. Kongjou, your parents should have trained you to learn painting at a very young age." , are really capable parents, of course, classmate Kujo is also up to the challenge, it really is a tiger father without a dog."

Kujo Ditaro looked at the speaking girl with glasses, shook his head and said, "You're joking, our family is just an ordinary family, but the house is a bit bigger than others, and everything else is fine."

"Kujo-kun, cartoonists should be paid royalties. We don't know much about this industry, so I'm really curious."

"I don't know much about the copyright fee, because I don't read the text messages of the bank card very much. To be honest, I haven't touched the copyright fee so far. I am not interested in the copyright fee. Comics are my hobby. Even a month With an income of only 100 yuan, I will continue to paint, and I am very happy."

Kujo Tetaro's answer caused an uproar.

The most obvious reaction was Kitahara Iori who sprayed the wine into the cup.

Similarly, Kohei Imamura's face turned red, apparently unable to hold back anymore.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

There are no impervious walls in the world.

The people in the dance club more or less knew about the situation of Kujo Tetaro.

But the one who knows the most is Hanako.

By chance, she saw Tetaro Kujo coming out of an office building, and then got into a luxury car.

In order to verify her conjecture, she conducted a survey on Kujo Didaro.

As she expected, Kujo Tetaro is a very rich existence.

Who in the world doesn't like money?

In order to be able to get close to Kujo Didaro without being obtrusive, Hanako specially spread some information about Kujo Didaro in the club.

Sure enough, most of her social friends wanted to become rich.

So, there was this friendship.

In fact, Hanako also wants to impress Kujo Tetaro.

But she knows that rich people don't lack women, what they lack is sincere feelings.

Therefore, she had to keep to herself and put on a simple and well-behaved appearance.

Only in this way can she stand out from the ranks of material women.

However, the reality is cruel.

Kujo Tetaro knows countless people, and he can tell at a glance that Hanako is not a good person!

The reason why he agreed to the friendship was because he was free and had nothing to do, so he came here for fun.

The reception is still going on.

Perhaps because he was worried that asking Kujo Tetaro too many questions would cause resentment, the topic turned to Imamura Kohei.

Kohei Imamura is not good at communicating with others, and he behaved very far-fetched in the face of these eloquent strange girls.

Although Kohei Imamura is very handsome, the cartoon pattern on the clothes is really downgrading.

Therefore, the eyes of many girls fell on Kitahara Iori.

I don't know if he has opened up the two veins of Ren and Du, but between the lines of Kitahara Iori's words, there is a profound aura.

"Student Beiyuan, where are you from?"

"I'm from Kyushu."

"Kyushu, it's a bit far away from here, how did you think of going to Izu University?"

"Ah...well, when I was in high school, I went to an all-boys school. It was a surprise that I was able to get into Izu University. Although it is a bit far away, Izu is also okay. In fact, the main reason is that as long as I go to university , I don’t have to go back to inherit my family’s hot spring hotel, even if I’m still being threatened by my family, if I don’t study hard, I’ll go back and learn business immediately, and I’ll have a headache...”

Kitahara Iori scratched her head with a look of helplessness.

Kujo Tetaro glanced at him with a strange expression.

Hot spring hotel?

Some girls looked at Kitahara Iori, not with contempt, but gradually with enthusiasm.

"That was really hard work, Kitahara-kun."

"Hahaha... There is no way, I can only study hard."

"Oh, my phone is dead again, it's so annoying, I have to withdraw the message!"

At this moment, a girl was shaking her mobile phone with an anxious expression on her face.

Imamura Kohei, who was stimulated by something, suddenly waved his hand regardless of social fear.

"Can you show me, is there a computer in the club?"

"Ah? Yes, we need a computer to play songs for dancing, and a laptop."

The girl brought the notebook and handed it to Kohei Imamura along with the mobile phone.

Kohei Imamura took out the data cable in his pocket, connected the two electronic devices, and quickly tapped the keyboard.

We all know that men are most attractive when they are focused.

Kohei Imamura's beautiful face, combined with his dazzling typing speed, is really eye-catching.

Soon, Kohei Imamura completed the repair of the mobile phone.


"Ah? Thank you."

The girl took the phone and thanked her with a smile.

After closing the notebook, Kohei Imamura casually added a sentence.

"You're welcome, I haven't done this for a long time, and my hands are a little slow, but there should still be time for you to withdraw the message."


Kitahara Iori looked at Kohei Imamura and opened his eyes wide.

The corners of Imamura Kohei's mouth turned up slightly, as if talking about each other.

Kujo Tetaro regretted it for some reason.

He felt that he was leading the two of them on a road of no return.

The outstanding performance of the three of Pab made all the girls in the dance club feel a little itchy.

They kept looking for topics, and their intentions became more and more obvious.

"Kujo-kun, since you don't know what your girlfriend looks like, then... what can she do?"

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