"Beiyuan-kun, can I go to your house to play next time, the hot spring hotel is really suitable for this weather."

"Imamura-kun, you are so good at using computers, you can write codes, I mean programmers."

As we all know, universities are the epitome of society.

Here, there are all kinds of girls, among which gold diggers are the most common.

In order to satisfy their material desires, they can even sell their bodies.

Then when you get tired of playing, you will find an honest man to marry.

Because this kind of gold diggers are very good at acting, most boys can't tell the difference, and they will basically be played around, and finally end up wearing a hat.

Unfortunately, none of the people in Pab are ordinary people.

In the category of normal people, they are all perverts.

As a pervert, thinking naturally cannot be bound by common sense.

"A competent person may not necessarily be excellent, but may also be cheap, don't you think?"

"Come to my house? Of course you can. If you come a few more people, I will give you a discount."

"I can write code, but people who are stupid and rich die early, but it has nothing to do with me."

The girls in the dance club, who are accustomed to being courted by men, were a little dazed when faced with the thorny answer in these words.

"Okay, today's fellowship is here."

After Kujo Tetarou stood up, Kitahara Iori and Imamura Kohei did not sit down either.

The three of them left directly regardless of the girls' persuasion.

"what the hell."

"What the hell are they? They actually left before the girls like us. Did you make a mistake?"

"Tch, you don't have any arrogance at all to open a broken hotel, you deserve to be single."

"Waste of time, I'm going to find my boyfriend, goodbye."

Hanako was different from these friends who were thinking about it, and left quietly.

She caught up with the three who walked away, and apologized pretending to be out of breath.

"I'm sorry, is it our words that made you unhappy, if so..."

"how could be."

Kujo Tetaro turned around, looked at Hanako, and said with a smile: "We just have something to do, you misunderstood."

"Well, that's good, I thought we made you unhappy."

Hanako wiped the sweat from her forehead, and the lipstick, which is commonly known as Zannan's color, looked even more colorful.


Kitahara Iori let out a sigh and didn't pay attention to Hanako.

Imamura Kohei lowered his head to read a book, isolating everything around him.

After Kujo Tetaro hummed, he turned around casually.

Hanako's expression became a little stiff.

Am I so unattractive?

These three guys don't even look at me?


Huazi suppressed the distracting thoughts in her heart, and continued: "It should be a very important thing for you to leave the friendship?"

"Well, we're looking for Bichi."


"Yes, it's probably in the women's toilet. Can you go in and help us see it?"

Hanako was a little puzzled, but she agreed gently.

Just like that, the beautiful Hanako, as soon as she entered the women's restroom, she turned her head and saw herself in the mirror...

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

After leaving school, the three went their separate ways.

Kujo Tetaro returned home, turned on the TV, and a strange news was playing inside.

According to reports, when an idol group was performing, a bolt of lightning suddenly fell from the sky and struck the side of an idol.

Although there were no casualties, the idol was so frightened that he became delirious and was admitted to the hospital.

Afterwards, the TV station urgently interrupted another piece of news.

It is said that a passenger plane flying to a foreign country suddenly lost communication, and its whereabouts are now unknown. The Nihong government has linked neighboring countries to search and rescue.

"What an eventful year."

Kujo Tetaro turned off the TV, sighed, and walked upstairs slowly.


Time flies, and a week has passed in a blink of an eye.

In the past seven days, Kujo Ditaro often went back and forth to the publishing house to discuss the trivial matters before the release of the "JOJO" animation.

Because of spending enough money, the animation company that took over has already produced the first episode of the animated version of "JOJO".

As the author, Kujo Tetaro can naturally watch it first.

It is no exaggeration to say that as long as the animation company develops steadily according to the level of the first episode, the animated version of "JOJO" is likely to be called a masterpiece by netizens.

Of course, it's hard to say.

Kujo Ditaro does not want to satisfy the appetite of all readers, as long as there is no situation of driving high and low.

On this day, as usual, Kujo Tetaro was walking home.

Because of a car accident, the Prado that Kujo Didaro used to go to and from school has been sold.

So in the near future, Kujo Didaro goes to school on foot.

When Kujo Ditaro passed by the original accident site, he couldn't help but stop.

Staring at the clean ground, he thought about it, and his mind was full of pictures.


The middle-aged man who pushed the door out opened his eyes wide as he saw the scene in front of him.

"Mr. Kongtiao, why are you here?"

"I'm just passing by. How is your daughter doing? Is she feeling better?"

When Titaro Kujo spoke, the middle-aged man had already walked outside the guardrail.

The two faced each other and started talking.

Yuan Ying's father sighed softly, with a sad expression on his face.

"Sakura's body is fine, but her mental state is not very good. We are afraid that she will do something stupid, so we decided to take her to Kyoto to relax, and take a look at a well-known local mental hospital by the way."

"It's time to relax."

Kujo Tetaro nodded, but he was not optimistic in his heart.

It's not that he didn't know about Yuan Ying's situation.

To put it bluntly, if Yuanying hadn't encountered the inflection point of the miracle, according to the trend of the first half of her life, the second half of her life would be miserable to death.

And this point, Yuanying herself must be the most clear, otherwise she wouldn't fall into that kind of loveless state.

"Let's not talk about that. Did you know about the plane crash that happened last week? It is said that the plane was found the next day after the crash. Unfortunately, although the plane made an emergency landing, there were still many victims, especially None of the work groups that were wearing seat belts seemed to have survived."

"I know this. It is a blessing in misfortune that the plane was able to make an emergency landing."


Yuan Ying's father answered, while rolling up his sleeves and looking at his watch.

Kujo Ditaro smiled, said goodbye and left without further delay.


Kyoto Psychotherapy Center.

This is a gathering place for industry elites from all walks of life.

Since outsiders cannot enter, outsiders affectionately call it the Kyoto Sanyuan, commonly known as a mental hospital.

People in mental hospitals just take medicine, sleep and play games every day. It seems relaxed, but it is actually boring.

At the beginning, Yuanying resisted psychotherapy.

But when she entered the Kyoto Sanyuan, her mind changed.

The reason for this is because the feeling of staying here is really good.

After all, it is difficult for a bad luck person like her who can't work part-time and can't do things well to maintain the current normal life.

But here, she doesn't have to worry about the future at all, and can be a salted fish with no desires or desires.

In addition, everyone here is talented, and they speak nicely, which is very interesting.

If there is any dissatisfaction, it is the patients who sleep with her.

Minato Sakura put down the novel and looked at the girl with short purple hair who was sitting on the opposite side of the bed with her head in her hands.

The purple short-haired girl named Mizuno Ai is a famous idol.

The reason why she changed from an idol to a mental patient was mainly because when Ai Mizuno was acting, a lightning strike struck her side, which frightened her into a daze.

If it hadn't been before the car accident, Yuanying would have unconditionally pursued this light of life that had given her hope again.

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