"Sorry, I didn't look at the road just now, are you okay?"

"It's okay, I'm used to it."

"Habit? Sorry to bother you."

Yuan Ying's mood was damaged, and she lost the idea of ​​drinking, so she put down the paper cup casually.

Kujo Ditaro didn't change his face, and said calmly: "It's okay, I'll pour you another glass."

"No need, I'm not thirsty, I just have something to do, so I'm leaving first."

"Wait a minute, Yuanying, you haven't understood the daily situation in college, have you?"

Yuan Ying froze for a moment, showing a confused expression.

Kujo Tetaro took his time and poured a cup of rich brown drink first.

"It's not the senior. I'm talking about you. Everyone is an adult. You can't do things carelessly. The drink that the senior gives you is equivalent to the care of the seniors at the wine table. It is inappropriate for you to leave now."

"You're exaggerating. This is not a reception."

"Hey, this wine is not that wine, and this drink is not that drink." Kujo Tetaro smiled, shook his head and said, "It's not for the sake of our acquaintance, and I won't stop you from saying this, I don't want to go to college in the future You have to be harsh, you have to be tactful."


Yuan Ying squinted at her feet, the corners of her mouth curled up, feeling a little speechless in her heart.

Indeed, society is very complicated, and one has to be tactful.

She understood this truth in the mental hospital.

However, Kujo Tetaro's remarks felt too deliberate, as if he was hiding something.

Yuan Ying was not at ease, and when she was thinking, her pupils suddenly shrank.

This is...

Yuan Ying looked at the drink that fell on the ground before, and it was volatilizing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Looking up at the sky and finding that the sun was not very hot, her heart suddenly thumped, like a boulder falling to the ground.

If it is a normal oolong tea, at such a temperature, it is absolutely impossible to volatilize it in a short time.

Yuan Ying recalled Kujo Tetarou's words and deeds before, and couldn't help taking a half step back, her eyes were extremely complicated.

at the same time.

Kitahara Iori and Imamura Kohei, who left earlier, turned back sweating profusely.

They were familiar with the road, picked up the drink bottle on the table, and poured two glasses full of drinks.

The gurgling sound shocked the red-haired girl beside her.

"Shuang, when you are indeed thirsty, this iced oolong tea is the best way to quench your thirst."

Kitahara Iori wiped the corner of her mouth and showed a satisfied smile.

Imamura Kohei understood, and answered the words cleverly.

"Yeah, it's a hot day, who can stand it without a cold drink, anyway, I can't stand it."

"This is for entertaining newcomers. What do you drink, go and recruit people."

Kujo Tetaro took the drink bottle and hid it under the table pretending to be stingy.

Kitahara Iori looked at the red-haired girl, and sighed: "How could there be newcomers to our club? We have really tried our best. Aren't you the girl from last time? What are you doing here? Do you want to join the club?"

Yuan Ying waved her hands again and again: "No..."

Imamura Kohei snorted, and interrupted: "Kitahara, what are you talking about in your sleep? How could she join the club? At most, she has the intention to learn about diving. You don't understand it. Let Furutekawa teach her."


Kitahara Iori didn't give the chance, and said with a sneer: "It seems that you are much better than me, yes, Chisa's diving knowledge is much better than mine, I have no objection to her teaching newcomers, but what qualifications do you have to compare?" Narrative, you are a house of fear of death."

"Ah? Are you looking for faults?" Imamura Kohei grabbed the black-haired man by the collar, and his beautiful face became more ferocious and distorted.

At this moment, Furutekawa Chisa, who felt that the situation was similar, came out to make a rescue.

"Stop arguing, you two, or the new couple will be frightened."

"Eh? No..."

"Okay, then give the newcomer a face, go, go to the toilet!"

Yuan Ying, who interrupted reading the article three times in a row, felt a little reluctant to speak.

Seeing the two men walking away, she breathed a sigh of relief.

Soon, however, a new storm reappeared.

"Sister Yuanying, right? Take this underwater guide first."

Furutegawa Chisa smiled and handed out the book with clasped hands.

Ok? !

When did I agree to join you?

This has always been what you say and guide yourself!

The corner of Yuanying's eyes twitched, and she said with a sneer: "No need for this, I don't really want to join the club... sorry."

"Yeah, sorry to bother you."

Furutegawa Chisa let out a long sigh, and left with a complicated expression.

Yuan Ying felt ashamed, but reason told her that once her heart softened at this moment, there would be big problems.

In fact, she guessed right.

"It seems that it's a pity that you have no luck with the diving agency."

Kujo Tetaro poured himself a glass of drink, and took a long gulp.

Looking at the three empty cups below, Yuan Ying didn't hesitate, picked up her own cup of drink, and took a sip.


The paper cup rolled to the ground, swaying out a stream of brown liquid.

Yuan Ying covered her mouth and coughed forcefully.

I don't know how long it has passed, but her face is a little rosy.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Yuan Ying took a sip of oolong tea and almost choked herself to death.

When she regained her strength, her brain was shaking.

"This is oolong tea?!"

Facing the girl's gnashing of teeth questioning, Kujo Tetaro answered without changing his expression.

"Yes, pab special drink, oolong tea cocktail, how about it, doesn't it taste good?"

"Not bad! Why didn't you make it clear that it was wine, did you do it on purpose?!"

"Hey, I've always said it very clearly, it's just that you didn't pay attention."

Yuan Ying slapped the table with both hands, her eyes widened with anger, and her red cheeks made her even more angry.

"You think I'm stupid! You're talking nonsense! Not at all!"

"Little girl, how can she be so dirty? Didn't I say that this wine is not that wine, this drink is that drink, don't you remember?" Kujo Ditaro raised the corners of his mouth, and smiled just right, revealing a profiteer Only the sinister atmosphere.

"You..." Yuan Ying was taken aback, and became even more angrily.

All of a sudden, her mind sank and she almost lost her balance.

The degree of special oolong tea is conservatively estimated to be more than [-] degrees.

Not to mention a weak woman like Yuanying who doesn't drink alcohol, even a strong adult, as long as she doesn't drink much, and basically drinks a cup of special oolong tea, she will become unconscious and go crazy.

Although Yuanying didn't drink a whole cup of special oolong tea, she drank a lot in one gulp without any precautions.

The higher the concentration of wine, the faster the effective time.

Yuan Ying is still clear-headed at the moment, but her body is gradually not quite right, and her cheeks are very hot.

Obviously, it was the strength of the wine.

Yuan Ying supported the table and squatted down slowly.

Kujo Tetaro glanced back at Yoshihara Mana, indicating that it is time to do it.

Since joining the diving club, that innocent girl is gone forever.

Mana Yoshihara understood Kujo Tetaro's hint in seconds, but she hesitated.

But soon, she made up her mind not to be a human being.

There was no way, for the future of the organization, she had to sell her conscience.

"Are you okay?"

Mana Yoshihara walked to Minaura's side and helped the latter up.

Yuan Ying shook her head, indicating that she was fine.

"Let's sit and rest for a while, I'll help you over."

"No, I'm fine, I can go by myself."

Mana Yoshihara was used to Mino Sakura's drunken talk, and didn't take it seriously at all.

With a tougher attitude, she took the wobbly girl aside to rest.

I don't know how long it has passed, Yuan Ying, who had a complete outbreak of alcohol, couldn't control herself.

"Why am I so unlucky, why!"

"It's okay to fail the high school entrance examination, but the same is true for the college entrance examination. How can I fail in my life like this?"

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