"I'm so tired..."

Yuan Ying sat on a low stool, bent over and reached out to draw circles on the ground, complaining constantly.

Mana Yoshihara patted the red-haired girl's shoulder with compassionate comfort.

"It's over, it's all over, life is always a bit regretful, I understand you."

"No! You don't understand!"

Yuan Ying raised her head excitedly, the round thing on her chest shook violently.

Yoshihara Mana's eyes widened, and she screamed without warning.

"I understand! I really understand!"

"You don't understand, you don't understand anything."

"No...I understand! I have understood since junior high school."

Yuan Ying was stunned: "You too... have been unlucky?"

"Hmm!" Mana Yoshihara nodded her head heavily, moved her eyes down, and choked up: "It's very unlucky, it has always been unlucky, and it has confused me for a long, long time."


Yuan Ying, who hated seeing each other so late, hugged Mana Yoshihara.

"That's great, I actually met you, that's great!"

"Eh? Is this something to be thankful for?"

"No...just, I'm happy."


The corner of Yoshihara Mana's mouth twitched, and the smile was a bit far-fetched.

Suddenly, she saw a person walking towards her.

Kujo Tetaro stopped in front of the two women, and slowly handed out a blank sheet of paper.

"Since you are so destined, you can keep in contact with each other a lot in the future. This is the application form for joining the company. Just press your fingerprint."


Mana Yoshihara winked crazily, signaling not to act too hastily, so as not to startle the snake.

In fact, Yuanying, who is full of alcohol, has no sense at all.

She took the application form for joining the company, and said in a daze, "Where is it pressed?"



In a daze, Yuan Ying stamped her own big red fingerprint on this application form that meant joining the diving club.

Kujo Tetaro folded the application form in his hand and gently put it in his pocket.

After doing all this, the corners of his mouth rose up unscrupulously.

"Okay, I'll leave this newcomer to you, Mana."

"Leave it to me? No way, she's like this... I'm panicked."

Mana Yoshihara looked at Mino Sakura who was embracing her arms, with a look of embarrassment on her face.

Kujo Tetaro smiled, but did not speak.

Yoshihara Mana's expression froze, feeling genuinely uneasy.


"Are you awake?"

Yuan Ying opened her sleepy eyes, and looked at the few people in front of her in a daze.

"You are..."

"You really forget things a lot, don't you remember us?"


Yuan Ying came back to her senses, rubbed her forehead and sat up.

"What's wrong with me, where is this place?"

"This is our community classroom. You were drunk before, so we took you here to rest."


Yuan Ying suddenly widened her eyes and glared at a member of the crowd.

Kujo Ditaro didn't take it seriously, and said with a smile, "Just wake up, we happen to have something to tell you."

"say what?"

"Congratulations on joining our club."

"When did I say I joined you?"

"You can tell by looking at this kind of thing."

"Oh? Really?" The corner of Yuan Ying's mouth twitched, showing a disdainful expression.

Kujo Tetaro smiled, reached out his hand and took out a blank sheet of paper from his pocket, and spread it out unhurriedly.

"This is the application form you signed, black and white, and your handprint."

"How is it possible, this kind of thing..."

Yuan Ying didn't believe it at first, but after a closer look, she did see her name and red fingerprints on the white paper.

For a moment, she froze.

After a brief silence, a subtle change occurred on the girl's delicate face.

"From that glass of wine, it turned out to be like this...you're plotting against me!"

"Oh, really?"

As we all know, history is always surprisingly similar.

Kujo Ditaro raised the corners of his mouth, revealing an exaggerated grin without concealing it.

"The process is not important. The important thing is that you signed the application form for membership, and I, the president, agreed to your joining."

"Impossible! I'm quitting..."

"Exit? Yes."

Yuan Ying was puzzled and a little surprised.

"Can you really quit?"

"Of course." Kujo Tetaro nodded, and said with a vow: "As long as you can drink us down, let alone quit, it's fine even if you want to be the president."

"Are you kidding me?!"

Yuan Ying bared her teeth, her face became more and more fierce.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Yuan Sakura was furious.

She threatened that even if she died of starvation, she would not join any society if she jumped from here.

I can't blame her for being so mournful, after all, anyone who hides from bad luck since childhood, and does whatever tragic encounter will cast a lingering shadow in his heart.

As long as a person is in a negative environment of failure for a long time, he will gradually become unconfident. Over time, that person will fundamentally deny himself, and then completely become a hopeless useless person.

Yuan Ying had already reached the last step, but fortunately, at the critical moment, she made a group of strange friends, and her mentality improved a little, so that she would not be lost to the core.

Of course, compared to ordinary people, Yuan Ying is still very sad.

As we all know, the diving club is a positive sports club.

Good sports symbolize sunshine and vitality. A person full of positive energy can illuminate all directions wherever he goes, bringing tenderness and kindness to people.

Obviously, including Kujo Tetaro, the people in this diving agency all have the light of righteousness in their hearts.

Regarding Yuanying's reaction, everyone expressed their understanding and sympathy, but they never repented.

You must know that most of the people present did not join the society voluntarily.

But even so, so far, no one has quit the company halfway.

It can be seen that this club is not as bad as the rumors say, and there are still many bright spots in it.

Others dare not say, but those who can stay in this club for three years will basically not suffer a loss when they enter the society.

Because, the loss that should be suffered, the memory that should be long, have already been imprinted in the DNA of these people in advance.

"Sister, I understand you, Di Taro did something wrong."


Yuan Ying raised her head and looked at the black-haired man gratefully.

However, in the next second, her facial features and skin froze.

Kitahara Iori had an angry look on her face, and reprimanded Kujo Tetaro.

"How can you be so sloppy, Di Taro, you can't tell her about it after the application form is handed in, so that she has no way out, and her ideas won't be so vacillating now."

"It makes sense. It's my first time as the president, and my heart is not dark enough. Be careful next time."

"Are you... are demons?"

Yuan Ying bit her lip, unable to speak to herself for a long time, after a while, she managed to hold back a word.

Kujo Tetaro smiled and told a chilling fact.

"Why would you ask such a meaningless question? Go out and find out. In this Izu University, except for you newcomers, no one knows the reputation of our club."

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