It was the first time for Mrs. Han Jiawu to appear on the screen together, which led to the number of people in the live broadcast room of Three Little Flowers being at the top of the list.

Zhao Liying: 14.

Liu Sisi: 13.

Di Lieba likes to publish her family's Weibo dynamics the most, causing her number to reach as high as 80, almost reaching 200 million.

Huang Bo is alone with only 110 million followers.

Xie Na: 12.

Guli Nazha: 12 Sha Yi: 80.

Today is a working day, and the fans of the seven people are all in the middle-aged age group, it is very good to have these people watching the live broadcast.

Finally... Han Changsheng's live broadcast room, 34, is less than one-fifth of Fatty's.

Although Han Changsheng has a lot of die-hard Weibo fans, but the base is small, having these... has already surprised Wang Zhengyu.

More importantly, Han Changsheng has lived enough! The entire screen of the live broadcast room is covered by dense barrage, if you don't close the barrage, you can see Han Changsheng's face clearly.

Seeing Huang Bo brought out a plate of roast mutton and a large bowl of wontons, Wang Zhengyu had no choice but to remind him of the mission.

But Huang Bo ate three 3 wontons in a row, pretending not to hear, and beckoning to the surrounding staff, he said with a smile: "This is the love breakfast made by Mr. Han himself, you don't want to try it a taste"

Han Changsheng asked Wang Zhengyu, "Did they not have breakfast?"

"Didn't eat."

"Then you are too incompetent as a director. If your partners don't have enough to eat, you force them to be strong men, which is even more immoral."


Wang Zheng's fish eyelids twitched, his head covered with black lines.

At this time, shouldn’t it be said that we should eat together without eating? What kind of ghost is the director?


The surrounding staff lowered their heads and held back their smiles, and secretly gave that teacher Han a thumbs up.

As the saying goes, justice is in the hearts of the people, and the only one who dares to be fair is Mr. Han.

Huang Bo finished two bowls of wontons and a plate of roast lamb in one go, and only then remembered Wang Zhengyu's reminder.

He brought the tableware into the kitchen, and then wandered over to Han Changsheng, "Mr. Han, I originally came with a task, but looking at the situation in your house, it seems that this task can be completed without doing it."

Han Changsheng rolled his eyes, "You are so confident today, who gave you the courage to be handsome?"

Huang Bo shrugged his shoulders noncommittally, "The first task of our program is to choose the team captain. The eight people will vote according to the number of people, and whoever has the most will win. Sha Yi and I will be deducted and there will be six people left. Depending on your relationship with me There are three little flowers here who must vote for me, if you can also vote, then I will have four votes, isn't it a sure win!"

Han Changsheng took a few glances at the arrogant Huang Bo, and nodded slowly, "It's true, if I choose you as the captain, with your good looks, I'm not worried about a fire in the backyard at all."

Huang Bo's face darkened, "Mr. Han, please don't sprinkle salt on my wounds arrogantly!"

Han Changsheng smiled lightly, and sang comfortingly, "It's not a crime for a man to cry, it's not a sin to cry, to taste the tears after a long absence, even if it rains, it's a kind of beauty, why don't you seize this opportunity and cry bitterly..."

"Mr. Han, you are really good. I even made up a song for the arrangement. You really think highly of me."

Huang Bo glanced sideways and waved his hands, "Let's decide on the voting and so on. I'll go find the other two little flowers and have a face-to-face meeting."

"Don't worry, the vote will definitely be for you!"

Han Changsheng waved his hand vigorously, but after ten minutes he started to mutter.

Sha Yi, who was competing for the position of captain, also came to visit, and Han Changsheng was very comfortable listening to the mandarin of the Northeast version.

This... Sha Yi, who became popular on the Internet because of his distress, is exactly what Han Changsheng imagined.

As time goes by, he becomes less and less handsome, even a little comedian.

What's more important is that Sha Yi is not familiar with him, so during the initial recording process, Sha Yi will definitely not dig holes for him.

"Mr. Han, I saw the situation in your house, and you are like this."

Sha Yi gave Han Changsheng a thumbs up, showing a married man who knows how to admire his smile, "How about you listen to my plan and vote for me?"

Han Changsheng smiled lightly, "Teacher Sha, please tell me."

Sha Yi handed over several well-prepared road maps with clear photos on them.

"According to the requirements of the program group, we will fly to Hohhot in Inner Province today, and decide the travel route by ourselves, so I asked the local tour guide and planned a most suitable route.

Let's go to Shangri Hotel to rest after getting off the plane, and we can go out to see the night view of Hohhot at night.

Then go to Xilamu Grassland early tomorrow morning to experience Mongolian food and local customs, and have a bonfire party by the way.

Go to Yinkenshawan the day after tomorrow to experience the life of a desert pine.

The day after tomorrow, I went to see the Dazhao Temple, and then visited the Introspection Museum.

The entire four-day and three-night travel itinerary is... so, what do you guys think?"

How else can it be natural?

Han Changsheng glanced at Yaya, Yingbao and Sisi, and the three of them nodded in unison.

"Master, I think Teacher Sha is much more reliable than Brother Bo, so choose Teacher Sha!"

"Brother Bo can see it at first glance.... A bastard who relies on connections, how can Teacher Sha be real, the road map is purely hand-painted, and the photos of the reservation location are all printed in color."

"I also support Teacher Sha."

"Then choose Teacher Sha."

Han Changsheng smiled and shook hands with Sha Yi, completely forgetting what he promised Huang Bo just now.

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Chapter 174 Master, You Must Spend My Money

Yu "Wow! Teacher Han seems to have promised Boge before, saying that all four members of their family will vote for Boge. Why did he change his mind in the blink of an eye? Could it be that the man's mouth is really a lie ghost"

"To tell you the truth, I think my family's mental illness Han made the right choice. When Brother Bo comes, he just eats and drinks and doesn't care about the task. How can Teacher Sha be fully prepared?"

"If it was me, I would also vote for Teacher Sha. Brother Bo seems unreliable."

"Brother Bo seems to be trying to win the support of Xie Na and Gu Li Nazha, do you want to tell him that Mr. Han is betraying here?"

"You must not tell. If you tell him, there will be a surprise scene in a while."

"Hahahaha! I'm looking forward to Boge's face-changing scene in a while..."

"Looking forward to +1"

"Looking forward to +10"

The agreement was reached again, and the five of Han Changsheng were ready to set off.

But before departure, according to the regulations of the program group, mobile phones, wallets, snacks, etc... all need to be handed over at this moment.

And the one responsible for collecting the items from the Han family is the female choreographer Han Changsheng has met... called Yearning.

Tong Liya, Zhao Liying and Liu Sisi pouted and took out a prepared high-calorie snack, then suddenly laughed.

Han Changsheng opened a large bag of beef jerky and a large bag of potato chips, and put them in the hands of the third daughter, "Snacks are mandatory, but what you eat on the road is not called snacks, it's called breakfast."

Yearning opened his mouth, but didn't make a sound.

Although this sentence is a bit unreasonable, it is not a rating point. You can know what to do by watching the director's gestures.

"I'm not in charge of the three Madam Han's breakfasts, but these...snacks will be taken away by me. In addition, the three Madam Han's wallets must also be handed over."

Han Changsheng nodded, "It is also necessary to hand over the wallet, but I don't have a wallet."

Yearning was taken aback, "Don't men all have wallets?"

Han Changsheng shrugged his shoulders, and said calmly, "That's a hard-working man like Mr. Sha. A person like me who eats soft food and hard food like me spends his wife's money. I don't need a wallet."


All the people present were stunned, and after recovering, they ran to the side to snicker.

It's only natural that I can say such shameless words so generously, except... this... There is no other person.

Yearning suppressed a smile, "Then I'll accept the three Mrs. Han."

"Wait a while and collect it!"

The three Mrs. Han took their wallets, handed them to Han Changsheng in a jerky manner, and looked at him eagerly.

Liu Sisi: "Master, choose my wallet!"

Zhao Liying: "Choose mine, I have a lot of money in my bank card."

Tong Liya: "Choose me! I don't have much cash here, so it's convenient for you to spend it, sir."

Longing for the question: "The three Mrs. Han, hand in your wallets according to the regulations, and you can only spend the consumption funds provided by the program group for the next few days."

"My master is not under the management of your program group, he can use the wallets of the three of us at will."

Tong Liya pursed her lips and smiled, and directly stuffed the wallet into Han Changsheng's hands, "Master, I am the second child in our family. If I want to take care of the third and fourth sisters, I will spend my money!"

"Second Sister..."

Zhao Liying and Liu Sisi stomped their feet in disbelief, their mouths so pouted that they could hang an oil pot.

Tong Liya patted the heads of the two younger sisters, and smiled, "There are twelve episodes in a season, and an average of four episodes per person. They can all get their turn."

".……All right!"

The two thought for a while and nodded reluctantly.

Barrages flew up in the live broadcast room, and the sour smell filled the sky.

"Damn it! Watch a live broadcast and give me dog food, are you trying to piss me off?"

"I'm really sick. I eat dog food and still eat it with gusto. I've been single for so long that I'm so pretty even when I look at my wallet?"

"Our family's mental illness Han really deserves to be number 1 in the world of soft rice and hard food. It is only natural that he can say such things as soft rice so lightly."

"Damn it! I just told my daughter-in-law to see Mrs. Han, but my daughter-in-law gave me a dollar to take the bus home and kneel down on the rice crust. She said that there is no soft rice, but there is soft rice. "

"Hey 120, take it away, I'm dying of dog food!"

Wang Zhengyu glanced at the barrage that filled the screen, and waved his hand at the yearning that came over, indicating that he didn't need to pay attention.

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