They made "Flowers and Handsome Guys" because they want the ratings and the audience, and they don't really want to embarrass the guests. If there is such an effect, it will be very good.

As for the wallet issue, it's a trivial matter. These guests are not criminals. If they really want to spend money to buy a gift and post it home, who can control it? Snacks and other things were put back into the boxes of Tong Liya and the others.

No one can guarantee that no one will call during the filming, so just follow the normal rules, there is no need to be too rigid.

A family of four went out with their suitcases, and there was a row of cars parked on the road outside.

The conscience of the program crew is obviously good, in order to take care of the lonely Sha Yi, the seven-seater Dongfeng Honda came.

Sha Yi got on the co-pilot in front with great eyesight, and then ate the Han family's dog food together with the surrounding program staff.

Tong Liya, Zhao Liying and Liu Sisi hugged Yang Mi and Di Lieba and got into the car. They watched and said goodbye to the eldest sister and the fifth sister with a smile on their faces.

Han Changsheng kissed the foreheads of Yang Mi and Di Lieba, and said softly: "Put the newly made sauced beef and other cooked food in the first compartment of the refrigerator, just steam it before eating, and be careful not to burn it .

Ten 10 jars of pickles from left to right are from non-spicy to super-spicy! Don’t make a mistake when choosing.

If you are not used to eating outside, please call me, and I will guide you on the spot.”

Yang Mi kissed back, reluctant: "Master, don't worry, if we can't eat outside, I will take Fatty to my mother's place, you should pay more attention outside, don't take care of Yaya and the others Three."

Han Changsheng smiled and said, "Don't worry, I'll be fine. If you feel bored, go to work at the company. If you're not bored, just stay at home and wait for me to come back."

Yang Mi smiled softly, "Let's go, have a good trip, give us a call when you get there."


Han Changsheng kissed Yang Mi and Di Lieba again, then got into the car, and then watched the two get smaller and smaller with his hands.

Seeing the motorcade disappear, Yang Mi and Di Lieba got into the BMW 5 and went straight to the company.

The master is not at home, so in order not to miss him, I can only devote my mind to work. …

Zhao Liying didn't turn her head until she couldn't see the villa at home, then she turned her head and sighed, "I've been homesick since I left home, and I miss Eldest Sister and Fifth Sister even more, how will I live the rest of my life?"

Liu Sisi happily held Han Changsheng's arm, without any parting sadness on her face, "With the master here, where is the home?"

Tong Liya rolled her eyes at Liu Sisi, shook her head and said, "Fourth Han, you are really good at it. The elder sister helped you pack the boxes for a long time in the morning, but you forgot about her when you left the house."


Liu Sisi scratched her head timidly, and said pitifully: "How can I forget my eldest sister? I decided to bring her back the best beef jerky and the best dairy products."

Han Changsheng touched the faces of Zhao Liying and Tong Liya, and gave a gentle smile.

After the two girls really got together with him, they immediately focused on family, not like Sisi, but also like Fatty, a little playful.

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Chapter 175 Did You Drink Too Much? (four more subscriptions)

Yu Sha Yi turned his head and said in doubt: "Mr. Han, the third wife out of the five wives in your family was known as the hardworking Thirteen Lang before she married you, and the others can also be called workaholics. How did you transform them into such a home-loving girl?"

Han Changsheng showed his love to the three 3 wives who came over, with a gentle smile that could make people faint, "One word for love, two words for very love, three words for wholehearted love."

The three girls wanted to laugh, but they knew it was too much food for the dog.

Biting his lip and enduring it, he still grinned and giggled.

The master never said such things to them at home. What happened today? Did you drink too much? Sha Yi gave a thumbs up, and then handed over a notebook and a signature pen, "Ms. Han, please sign for me. "

Han Changsheng was startled, "Mr. Sha, you don't worship me, do you?"

"How is it possible? It's my Ke'er who likes your God Emperor, so I asked for your autograph for her."

"You are not afraid that my signature will set your backyard on fire"

Sha Yi smiled confidently, "Then don't worry, my daughter-in-law likes handsome, rich and handsome like you on the surface, but actually loves a man like me who cares about his family and loves her."

Han Changsheng finished signing, and gave Sha Yi a thumbs up, "I can see that you must love your sister-in-law very much, otherwise you wouldn't ask for my autograph just to make her happy."

After Sha Yi collected his signature, he smiled, "Actually, I also really like the God Emperor played by you, Mr. Han."

Han Changsheng's pupils widened and he waved his hands again and again, "Don't, I don't like men."

Sha Yi rolled his eyes, "I don't like men either, I admire the God Emperor's desperate attitude for love."

"That's good."

Han Changsheng heaved a sigh of relief, and wiped the cold sweat that suddenly appeared on his forehead.

If Sha Yi really liked men, then not only would he not participate in this show, but he would also have to take his three wives away, otherwise this place would be too dangerous.

Sha Yi was speechless, and then seemed to think of something, "Tell me, Mr. Han, when are you going to have a child?"

"You old man, why are you still curious about this?"

"It was my Ke'er who asked me to ask. She said that your family is a fairy, and if you give birth to a daughter who descends from a fairy, she will be my Xiao Yu'er's wife."

Han Changsheng raised his eyebrows, and said proudly: "Why are you so sure that I will definitely have a daughter so I can't have a son?"

Sha Yi laughed and said, "You have five 55-year-old wives in your family, you can't all have sons, at have to have a daughter."

".……That's true."

Han Changsheng thought for a while, then nodded slowly.

It's not good to be all sons, it's too noisy, at least you have to have a baby girl.

I just hope she is a warm little padded jacket, not a black hearted padded jacket.

Thinking of this, Han Changsheng glanced at Tong Liya, and his resentful eyes collided.

Han Changsheng took Tong Liya's hand, patted it comfortingly, and gestured.

These...days, Yaya worked hard every day, but unfortunately her dream didn't come true, and there was no breath of life in her stomach.

Sometimes, Han Changsheng wondered if he really didn't have the fate to be a father.

But one day, Mimi and Yaya went to the hospital for an examination and found that there was nothing wrong with their bodies.

According to the middle-aged female doctor, if everyone relaxes, they may conceive a child.

It can be seen that Han's second child's posthumous posture is still the same as scientifically pregnant with a child. …

In the living room of a hotel next to the international airport, eight chairs are lined up in a row, which is obviously the position of Han Changsheng's eight people.

Huang Bo, Xie Na, and Gu Li Nazha have arrived and are sitting and chatting.

Xie Na, who was wearing a long pink dress, sighed, and said familiarly: "Brother Bo, we are unfamiliar with Hohhot, so you have to take care of us."

Gu Li Nazha, who was wearing a white gauze dress, said with a slight smile: "Brother Bo, you must be worthy...that vote we voted for, otherwise we would say that you only know how to brag when we meet."

Huang Bo patted his heart, "Don't worry! Brother Bo has traveled all over the world for so many years, this little matter is easy to solve."

The second daughter breathed a sigh of relief, and Xie Na asked curiously, "Brother Bo, is that Teacher Han more handsome in real life than what he saw on the screen?"

Gu Li Nazha blinked her big eyes and leaned over, "Is it true that Mr. Han can write a song casually like the Internet said?"

Huang Bo said in surprise: "You two are very familiar with the five Mrs. Han, haven't you met Teacher Han?"

Xie Na shrugged: "My second brother said that her husband is the most handsome in the world, but I always feel that kind of words are like beauty in the eye of the beholder. It has a kind of fake taste."

Gu Li Naza nodded and said: "Sister Yaya and Fatty also said that Mr. Han wrote "One Eye Ten Thousand Years" with four tears. It sounds too exaggerated, and it is a bit too fake."

Huang Bo stroked his chin and thought for a while, then said: "In terms of being handsome, Brother Bo thinks that there are not many handsome teachers in the entire literary and art circle, and in terms of writing songs, the four 'Music Talents' The words are very pertinent, the last time Brother Bo was a guest at Teacher Han’s house, he wrote a song for my two daughters on the spot.”

"Brother, can you sing?"

The second daughter asked curiously, and pricked her ears.

Although my best friend's husband has written many songs, they are all about love, and this is the first time I've heard about children's songs.

Huang Bo thought for a while, then nodded slowly.

The Ming Empire has very strict regulations on... music copyright.

Although Mr. Han did not apply for the copyright of this song "Baby", as long as he, Huang Bo, said that this song was written by Mr. Han, then the copyright is... Mr. Han's.

Even if it spreads now, no matter whoever sings this song, the copyright must belong to Mr. Han.

Take "Mouse Loves Rice" as an example, Zhao Liying Children's Shoes did not admit that this song was written by Teacher Han before, so the songwriter column behind this song is... "Unknown"

, but the copyright fee has to be kept.

When it is confirmed that it was written by Mr. Han, the money will arrive as soon as possible.

Noticing Huang Bo closing his eyes, the surrounding staff were also very clever, and most of the cameras were aimed at him.

"My baby baby, give you a little sweetness, so that you can sleep well tonight.

My little ghost, kid, tease your eyebrows and make you like the whole world.

Crash la la la la my baby, there is someone to accompany you when you are tired.

Oh, oh, oh, my baby, let you know that you are the most beautiful..."

I don't know if I closed my eyes and saw the relationship between my two precious daughters. Huang Bo sang a gentle song, and at the end of the song, he even made a gesture of patting the child to sleep.

Papa... Although Huang Bo's gentle, fatherly voice slowly disappeared, the meeting room was still silent for a long time.

It wasn't until someone applauded that everyone came back to their senses and applauded enthusiastically.

Although their eyes were on Huang Bo, their hearts were admiring the upcoming musical talent.

It's rare to see such a heart-warming song.

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Chapter 176 Han Changsheng is going to be a father? (Fifth watch for subscription)

Yu Xie Na let out a long breath and praised: "This song is so good, it made me immerse myself in it all at once."

Gu Li Nazha agreed: "It's really nice, but it's like the kind of baby sleeping... nursery rhyme"

Huang Bo shrugged, "This is the song that lulls children to sleep!"

Xie Na suddenly said: "Ms. Han's reputation as a musical talent really lives up to his name. Not only can he write love songs, he can even write nursery rhymes."

Huang Bo glanced at Gu Li Nazha, and the corner of his mouth curled into a smirk, "Nazha, I advise you not to be wrong... Teacher Han is so curious, otherwise, I'm afraid I will call you you in the future. Madam Han."

Xie Na laughed and said: "Not bad, Nazha, you are the most dangerous, unlike me, because I have my brother Jie."

Gu Li blushed, "I hate it, I won't marry a man like Mr. Han!"

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