"If you have any questions, you can ask them now."

, Yang Mi raised the microphone and acted as a temporary host.

"Director Han, what was your original intention for making this movie?"

Han Changsheng smiled lightly and said, "That's right...Brother Bo said that I am immortal, and Teacher Sha said that I am eternally young. I just wanted to see if I could make up a deceptive story."

Huang Bo and Sha Yi looked at each other, and they both smiled wryly, they were really cheated miserably, but fortunately, a lot of people below were cheated miserably, and they are not alone.

The people below were watching the Huangsha combination with resentment in their eyes, but at the same time they admired Han Changsheng in their hearts.

Relying on the two sentences of this duo to produce such an unimaginable movie, it should be said that Han Changsheng's deceiving skills are too strong, or his brains are too big "Director Han, what kind of movie is this movie of yours? "

"sci-fi movie."

"Science fiction is a movie"

There was a lot of noise underneath, and I really didn't agree with this definition.

"Then what do you say?"

"I feel like a documentary!"

Han Changsheng spread his hands, "Are you sure this movie is a documentary recording my life of immortality? Then you really have to kneel down and call me ancestor."

".……Ha ha ha ha"

There was a silence, and then everyone burst into laughter.

If this movie is defined as a documentary, isn't this cutting-edge director on stage the ancestor of everyone?

"Director Han, how much is your total investment in science fiction films?"

"Ten thousand!"

Yang Mi rushed to talk, not giving Han Changsheng a chance to answer.

She knows that her master must be several million when she speaks, but she just wants to blow it up, just...to make the topic of "I'm Immortal" more exciting, and it's best to burn the rich and burnt out! "One... ten thousand"

The audience below was stunned, unable to recover for a long time.

Ten thousand can make a sci-fi movie. The subtitles of sci-fi movies are more than [-]! "Mrs. Han! Is there a "thousand" missing in your words

or change the word "billion" to "ten thousand"

Yang Mi shook her head, "The total investment is... [-]. Our filming scene is the residence of my family's racecourse, and we only consumed some photographic equipment during filming."

"But as far as the Lu Qiqin and the five calligraphy and paintings are concerned, their total value should exceed [-] million!"

Shan Qiyu raised the microphone and said with a smile: "Let me talk about this matter. The six props in the movie are the most exquisite modern imitations made by Mr. Han himself. These six fine imitations have been officially collected in the Palace Museum. It will be returned to the new owner after being exhibited for a month."

Everyone who was admitted to the Palace Museum swallowed their saliva, and was shocked by this new news, a little unsteady and hurried to their feet.

In recent decades, it is not that there are no imitations entering the Palace Museum, but which of those imitations is not produced by the masters of the contemporary antique industry for several years or more. A master can have a piece of work included The Palace Museum, that is a great blessing.

This Han Changsheng is fine, he made six movie props but all of them were collected in the Palace Museum, what the hell is this? The former director of the Palace Museum can’t even say it’s fake news.

"Does Director Han have the idea of ​​selling six imitations?"

A spectator rolled his eyes and spoke with great interest.

Han Changsheng waved his hand, "I don't need to ask me about that, I gave away all six props."

Sha Yi raised his hand, "Director Han gave me the Preface to Lanting Collection."

Huang Bo: "Mine is "Han Xizai Night Banquet Picture""

Gu Li Nazha smiled sweetly, "Mine is "Luo Shen Fu Tu""

Guqin: "Green Qiqin belongs to me."

Lin Fenyu: "Mine is "Hundred Birds Facing the Phoenix""

Shan Qiyu didn't say anything, but anyone could have guessed that "The Walking Chariot" belonged to him.

"Director Han, may I ask Boge how much their salary is?"

Han Changsheng made a gesture, "Three hundred yuan, no more!"

"Chi Chi..."

There was a lot of laughter underneath, and I felt that those three fingers were worth a million every day.

Six movie props that can be exhibited in the Palace Museum, the lowest price is [-] million...

After the audience's questioning session in the Civilian International Cinema, Han Changsheng invited Huang Bo and others to have a meal. Sha Yi's wife, Hu Ke, was naturally also invited.

Guqin, Lin Fenyu and Shan Qiyu happily drank a few cups, and then went home cheerfully.

Huang Bo called his daughter-in-law, Xiao Ou, and went to Han's house with Sha Yi and Hu Ke, where they continued drinking and chatting.

Huang Bo clinked glasses with Sha Yi, and asked curiously, "Mr. Sha, why did you suddenly appear just now and brought your wife with you?"

Sha Yi took a sip of his wine, and said ambiguously, "Why can't Ke'er appear in the movie I participated in? Ke'er is a big fan of Mr. Han, so naturally he has to come."

"You should know what I'm asking."

Huang Bo shook his head, dissatisfied with the answer.

"Hua Yi..."

Sha Yi paused, and said: "I signed a contract with Huayi, but I still belong to the air administration, and Ke'er has shares in Huayi, so don't worry about other things.

In addition, in recent years, Wang Da and Wang Er have gradually turned everything to money."

Everything depends on money, and the result is... Sha Yi's resources are not good enough, he can't get out of the TV drama circle, and the movies he participated in basically have no protagonists, or the movies he starred in are all movies with a rating of less than six.

It's rare to meet such a talented director as Han Changsheng, and it was the first time he made a movie.

If you don't give charcoal in the snow at this time, if you wait until the icing on the cake, how many friendships are left in these words, some can be said and some can't be said, but with the speed of Han Changsheng's brain cells, he can also think clearly.

He directly raised his wine glass and touched Sha Yi, "Teacher Sha, do it!"


Taking a sip of wine from the drinking glass, the three men looked at each other and smiled.

Huang Bo wants to go one step further on the road of being an actor, Sha Yi wants to break into the film circle, Han Changsheng has countless scripts in his mind, and together they form a small triangle.

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Chapter 239 Your Heart Is Really Big (Fourth Watch Subscription)

On m.com, the time went back to a few hours ago, before Han Changsheng's movie was screened, Fu Yu was also interviewed by media reporters at Huayi Film Center.

"Director Fuyu, may I ask if you have seen "I'm Immortal" filmed by director Han Changsheng?"

Fu Yu, who was dressed in black gauze, picked the corners of his eyes and said indifferently: "I don't need to watch the works of a new director, I will only focus on my works, such as this "Battlestar."

"Director Fu, what do you think of your film "Battlestar"?"

Fuyu smiled slightly, but raised his neck high, "It looks like a sci-fi movie in my mind. I'll give myself a score of 90."

"Director Fu, I heard that "I'm Immortal" is also a sci-fi film, what do you think about it?"

Fu Yu curled his lips, "Are you sure what you heard is true? A normal movie takes at least a month to finish shooting, and a sci-fi movie, if it doesn't take a year, nothing can be made."

"But Director Han said that his new movie is indeed a sci-fi movie, and I heard that it took [-] yuan to shoot it in one day."

"Ha ha.……"

Fuyu laughed mockingly, "This is the biggest bullshit I've ever heard. I want to tell some newcomers and directors that a real sci-fi film requires a large investment to shoot. For example, my "Space Battlestar" requires a huge investment. There are one billion!"

"Excuse me, Director Fu, what is your estimated box office?"

"Three billion!"

This is FusionExcel's conservative estimate of the box office. Comparing the three billion box office is equivalent to recovering the cost, but one must not be humble! Perhaps to prove his modesty, FusionExcel's "Battlestar" premiere ceremony just ended, an interesting box office comparison topic appeared.

The difference of 1 million 1010 million [-] in "Space Battlestar" and "I'm Immortal" makes the latter look very pitiful.

"Tsk tsk tsk, Han Changsheng is too miserable for a great director of sci-fi films to bully a new young director."

"No way, who told him to... classify the new movie as a science fiction movie, Fuyu doesn't take advantage of the heat to speculate, can it be worthy... Is this an opportunity?"

"Do you think that Han Changsheng can really finish filming a movie in one day? Would he have finished filming long ago?"

"Almost! I heard that his new movie only has two scenes."

"Anyway... I don't believe that he can make a movie in one day, especially a science fiction movie."

"If you don't believe it upstairs, go to the movie about my family's mental illness, and if you get slapped in the face afterwards, don't say I didn't remind you."

If there is a lot of noise on Weibo, the comments on Douban will be interesting.

"Strongly Amway "Battlestar", this movie, you can swear all year long."

"A patriotic sci-fi film not only kills aliens, but also makes love, and it takes up half of the time, and I pay back my one thousand yuan ticket!"

"It's the first time I've seen a battle in space at close range, and with knives and swords. Do you think this is a martial arts movie on the ground?"

"I also said that according to the concept calculated based on the physical fitness of modern people, if you really have this physical fitness, what the hell are you doing on the surface and fly up to shoulder to shoulder with the sun?"

"I strongly recommend you to watch this "Battlestar". The fighting is terrible, and the special effects are terrible. Anyway... I have never seen such a terrible two-point movie. If it doesn't have zero points, I will give it to him. Zero points."

"Battlestar" basically collected all the mistakes that Ming's sci-fi films can make. If you want to talk about romance films, it is okay, because it was actually released on the Qixi festival."

With a lot of abuse, the Douban score of "Battlestar" fell from the initial six points, and soon fell to five, and continued to fall.

On the other hand, Han Changsheng's "I'm Immortal", among the more than [-] comments, most of them are all [-] points, only a few sporadic [-] points, and the comments below are also quite interesting.

Movie Traveler: "Is it really beautiful to be immortal? When you find that the longer you live, the less you dare to love someone, do you really want to be the...immortal male protagonist in the movie?"

Movie Gold Digger: "People are only willing to believe what they want to believe, this has never changed, but true legends are history, false legends are also culture, no matter...

Both history and culture are part of our Ming Empire."

"Strongly Amway "I'm Immortal", this is a brain-burning movie that almost made me kneel down and call my ancestors."

"A new way to open science fiction films, a film that will be engraved in the history of film."

"I must give it an eight. The missing two points are because I didn't understand it. I have to watch it again."

"Don't just brag, tell me about the plot!"

"If I can understand the plot, do I need to watch it a second time? I'll tell you when I understand it."

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