"Where did the two-point party go? Didn't it mean that two points are the result, and praise is the attitude?"

"Two points for fart, if the new movie of our Han Psycho is two points, there will be no movie in the entire Douban that can exceed two points."

"Master, master, your iron fans are so interesting. A few days ago, I said that I would give you two points, but today they all turned into ten points."

Di Lieba, who was lying on the sofa, stabbed Han Changsheng next to her, and Xiaobai's feet flicked.

"Just look at it, why do you want me to accompany you? Can you let me go to sleep on the third floor?"

Han Changsheng slapped Di Lieba and was speechless.

It's okay for these girls not to sleep in the middle of the night, it's okay for us to chat together.

But they have been: swiping the tablet and ignoring him, this is unbearable.

"You can still sleep at this time, your heart is really big."

Yang Mi squinted at her master, then continued to stare at the tablet computer, looking very restless.

Although the Douban score of my master's new movie has remained at 9.

9 points, but the score is just a score after all, many of which are impulsive behaviors of fans, which cannot represent the box office.

Most of the people praise the movie well, but if you want to slap that old woman in the face, you have to rely on the box office to speak.

Han Changsheng rolled his eyes, "Didn't you tell me all about it? The cost of our movie is only [-] yuan, and the box office of [-] yuan sells for more than one million yuan. Even if you can't sell a single ticket in the future, it will still make money A hundred times."

"Crow mouth! Don't speak!"

Yang Mi took the lead and directly raised her hand to cover Han Changsheng's mouth.

They are anxious about the box office results here, but their master is discouraged behind, and they love him too much if they don't beat him.

Time passed, and soon it was 00:[-]:[-].

The five girls began to click to refresh quickly, looking very nervous.

"Sister, [-] tickets were sold in five seconds."

"[-] sheets, one minute!"

"[-], [-], yay! The [-] tickets for tomorrow's seven shows are sold out!"

"Don't worry, keep refreshing, our pre-sale is for three days, now we start selling tickets for the next day."

Zhao Liying told the four 44 sisters not to worry, but she quickly clicked on the tablet with her own hand, appearing more anxious than anyone else.

Maybe it's because the number of movie tickets is small, or maybe it's because there are many people who want to see it. In less than [-] minutes, a total of [-] movie tickets were sold out in three days.

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Chapter 240 How Did You Be Controlled So Much In This Life?

Yu m.com "Hey, 770 a day, three days is... 231 million, our box office tomorrow is... 231 million."

Liu Sisi patted the dazed Han Changsheng awake, and proudly raised the tablet.

Tong Liya said happily: "Sisi, you made a mistake. I didn't add today's 110 million, it should be 242 million."

Han Changsheng squinted his eyes and thought for a while, then said lightly, "We don't need to be fooled, tomorrow's box office is... Maoyan's statistics are 880 million, not the next two days."


"What if there is a refund."

Refunding tickets is a very normal thing. After all, some people have to refund the ticket to stop the loss after buying the ticket and find that they can't go on the same day.

But if the number of refunds exceeds a certain number, it will embarrass the filmmakers, and it will also cause headaches for the movie theaters that have arranged the screenings in advance.

This kind of large-scale pre-purchase of tickets will make passers-by viewers think "this movie is very popular, you need to grab tickets"

I was worried that I would not be able to buy a ticket, so I squeezed in to buy a ticket.

Affected by this, the movie theater line will increase the film schedule for accuracy.

But when the wave of ticket refunds occurs, the previously added filming can no longer be cancelled.

When the number of screening halls is fixed, there are fewer other movies that can sell tickets, and the money earned is less.

Wealthy's "Space Battlestar" has encountered this situation today.

She announced the box office of 1 million 1 on the first day, but on the second morning, the false box office did not rise but fell, and it directly became [-] million [-].

In contrast, Han Changsheng's "I'm Immortal" achieved a high multiple growth with the auspicious number of [-] million.

There are a total of 44 movies in the summer file.

The No. [-] box office was "Jedi Escape".

"Cold War 2", which ranked second at the box office with [-] million dollars,

The third place at the box office is the imported animation "The Secret Machine of Pets" from the United States.

The latter ones are all low-budget romance movies, with box office box office ranging from a few million to fifty to sixty million,,, ranging:.

And there is FusionExcel's Battlestar in it, not 1.

4, but 11 million, ranking [-]th.

The Maoyan data only counts the box office of the screenings that have already opened and the screenings that have not opened that day, and will not help Fuyu calculate the virtual box office of the next two days.

As for Han Changsheng's "I'm Immortal", Wan, ranked 35th, so far it's still at the bottom.

But this is temporary, if there are not many refunds in the next two days, his ranking will start to rise steadily.

Early in the morning, Di Lieba flew directly to record Running Man, and Yang Mi took Zhao Liying to the world to deal with the affairs of her master's movie.

In the end, only Tong Liya and Liu Sisi stayed with Han Changsheng at home.

But this so-called "companion"

Obviously the other way around.

The family of three stayed in the greenhouse in the backyard. Tong Liya and Liu Sisi were lying on the reclining chairs beside them, constantly checking Weibo, Douban and Maoyan box office data, while Han Changsheng was playing the guzheng and practicing his fingers there.

The whole picture is very harmonious, the two Mrs. Han are like lazy princesses, and Han Changsheng is a craftsman playing a little tune beside him.

Some sad music came to my ears, Liu Sisi waved her hand, "Master, change the song, this song is too sad, our family should be happy."

Han Changsheng raised his head and glanced lightly, "I'm just practicing, and I'm not playing for you."

Liu Sisi pouted her lips in disgust, rolled her eyes, and jumped over, "Master, let's go out and watch a movie!"

"Love movies are fake, don't watch them!"

"Don't watch romantic movies."

"Then what to look at"

"Watch "I'm Immortal"!"

Han Changsheng paused, raised his eyebrows and said, "You're sick, aren't you just finished watching?"

Liu Sisi blinked, "Yes.

But I want to see the real table of the audience."

Hearing this, Tong Liya stood up and walked over, "Master, I also want to go and have a look. If we watch movies like a wave, then we can really feel at ease."

"Don't go!"

Han Changsheng waved his hand, his attitude was firm.

If the investment in this film is as high as hundreds of millions, he must be more anxious now than his wives.

But the cost of this movie is only [-] yuan, no matter how much the box office is, it must be profitable, and if you look at this trend, it is not a lot of profit.

If so, why bother to worry about it?

"Go, let's go..."

Liu Sisi tugged Han Changsheng's arm, and started the method of acting like a baby.

As the saying goes, a good man is afraid of cuddling, but what my master is most afraid of is... acting like a baby, but what Liu Sisi is best at is... acting like a baby.

Tong Liya was embarrassed to be coquettish, so she stood aside pretty, her mouth puffed out to reveal two small dimples, her big eyes clicked, and she just looked at Han Changsheng so pitifully.

Han Changsheng: "..."

Did he do something in his previous life to be sorry... these two wives, otherwise how could he be restrained so badly in this life.

"You can go, just watch one show, if you dare to act like a baby again, don't blame me for using family law."

"Promise not to act like a spoiled child again!"

Liu Sisi saluted out of nowhere, she didn't believe what she said.

She has now formed a habitual conditioned reflex of acting like a baby.

Anyway... no matter what, the master is reluctant to beat her up.

Going upstairs and then downstairs, the second daughter has already changed into a set of traveling clothes.

Tong Liya is wearing a white floral lace T-shirt, light blue jeans, and white casual sneakers, very youthful and beautiful.

Liu Sisi wears a round-neck slim-fit shirt, white high-waisted pencil pants, and black frosted short boots, showing a slender figure.

Han Changsheng was originally wearing an ordinary white shirt with five-point shorts and sneakers, but the second daughter added a straw hat and sunglasses to him.

According to Liu Sisi, the investigation of the enemy's situation cannot expose oneself, otherwise it will be counterproductive.

Thinking of the embarrassing scene after being discovered, Han Changsheng did not object.

Wearing these two things will not hinder him from walking, but if he is discovered, then the media reporters will write something about it.

At least one "Han Changsheng superficially cares about secretly nervous box office"

The topic can be heated for a long time.

Tong Liya drove a BMW and parked in the parking lot of Minmin International Cinema.

To investigate the enemy's situation, it is natural to choose a familiar place, and this is the largest movie theater in the civilian theater chain, so it is naturally the first choice.

Entering the hall, all the eyes are the posters of "I'm Immortal", and many viewers are taking photos with various posters.

This is the home court of the Han family, and 100% of the film schedules are naturally all posters of their own movies.

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