Han Changsheng smiled lightly and said, "This is the cut version, and the scenes that cannot be played are all in the original version."

The original version of "Green Snake" has a lot of images of emotions and desires, those...of course cannot be shown in the cinema.

But since it is a selection competition, we have to come up with the best, anyway... the judges of the Golden Dragon Awards are all over [-] or [-] years old, and they will use the perspective of appreciation to watch the original version of "Green Snake".

"Master, you are wonderful!"

Zhao Liying's eyes lit up, and she jumped down on Han Changsheng in surprise, and said, "Dear.

With Ying Bao's children's shoes making a fuss, the atmosphere at home suddenly eased up a lot, not to mention fighting, at least they started talking and laughing.

After chatting and laughing for a while, Yang Mi sighed suddenly: "I don't know how much the box office of "Green Snake" will drop..."

She has high hopes for "Green Snake", because "Green Snake" is the second film made by the master with real director skills, and because of the second sister, the third sister can compete for the Golden Dragon Award for Best Actress with "Green Snake". main character.

If this award can be won, Mixing Tianxia will become the new darling of the media group.

Zhao Liying asked curiously: "Sister, what was your original expectation for "Green Snake"?"

Yang Mi said: "One billion, now it's [-] million, but even if it's [-] million box office, it should be able to recover the cost."

Zhao Liying waved her hand and said: "It's okay, master is so talented, this "Green Snake" will recover the cost, and the next one will make more money."

Yang Mi nodded Zhao Liying's little nose, "It depends on you and the second sister. If you can win the Golden Dragon Award for Best Actress, you might be able to increase the box office."

"But the Golden Dragon Awards will be presented on March 3th, and "Green Snake" should have been released by then."

"The release does not mean that it cannot be re-released. Many movies are re-released after winning awards."

From what you said to me, the time slowly passed until 12:[-] in the morning.

The five girls stopped talking and stared at the tablet in their hands.

At exactly 0000:[-], the movie tickets for "Green Snake" were pre-ordered for three days on time.

"Wow! In one second, 10 copies were sold."

"Ah, so fast, 30 in five seconds."

"Thirty seconds! One million"

The number quickly rose to 20, but it stopped, rushed all the way to 350 million, and then went straight to the top, winning a virtual box office of 125 billion.

Dili Reba jumped three feet high, "Yeah! My lord, the tickets for "Green Snake" are sold out tomorrow!"

Liu Sisi patted Fatty, "Don't be too happy, the pre-sales will start tomorrow and the day after tomorrow."

After cheering, the five girls were surprised again.

2% of the tickets for the No. 60 movie were pre-sold, and 40% of the No. 2 movie tickets were pre-sold, pushing the virtual box office of "The Green Snake" to [-].

5 million.

This number is astonishing.

Tomorrow, the 25th is both Christmas and Sunday, so it is unexpected that the movie tickets are sold out.

But also within reason.

But why are so many movie tickets sold in the next two days? You have to know that on Mondays and Tuesdays, you have to go to work. It is normal for tickets to be sold at night, and the vacancy rate is always high during the day.

"Look at the message!"

Zhao Liying pointed at the tablet and smiled happily.

"The movie that Heizi sprays must be a good movie, I want to watch it anyway."

"This "Green Snake" is a movie about our family's mental illness. If you don't support ten movies, you can be worthy of it.......Is he?"

"Don't buy tickets indiscriminately upstairs, don't be said that our Han is mentally ill and buys tickets at the box office."

"Don't worry, these ten photos are all read by my family."

"What the hell! Didn't we say that Emperor Shennong bought the box office? I just bought him [-] tickets. I just want to treat guests to a movie!"

"Damn me! Our boss is also a big fan of our Shennong Emperor. He bought 00 tickets for "Green Snake", saying that we will not go to work the day after tomorrow, and we will go to see "Green Snake" together."

"Envy, envy, hate, I have to work an extra day tomorrow, and I can only go to see it the night after tomorrow."

Fat Di held his little head in his hands, and looked at Han Changsheng with eyes full of stars, "Master, you are really good. You bought reviews and maxed out the ratings of "Green Snake", but it rebounded immediately, and the box office exploded."

Liu Sisi relieved her hatred and said: "That old woman from Fuyu is stealing chickens instead of losing money, but has become the driving force behind the box office growth of our "Green Snake"."

Tong Liya worshiped: "Is our master a genius? He can handle such trivial matters with ease."

Being collectively praised by five 55 wives, Han Changsheng didn't feel the slightest bit of complacency, instead he frowned, not knowing what he was thinking.

After a while, he stretched out his hand to Di Lireba, "Fat Di, log on to my Weibo."


Although Di Lieba was puzzled, she didn't ask carefully. After logging in, she handed the tablet to Han Changsheng, and hugged his shoulder to see what he was going to do.

The four daughters of Yang Mi also surrounded her.

This is the first time the master has posted on Weibo. I don’t know what the content is. Han Changsheng: "Concentrating on work is for the prosperity of the country, but it is also for making more money 1.

, and the purpose of earning money is to make parents, wives and children live better, so don't chase stars blindly, and don't spend money blindly.

Thank you fans for your affirmation of me, Han Changsheng, but please do not buy more movie tickets for "Green Snake" because of a momentary...excitement, if you have extra tickets, please refund!!!”

As soon as the news came out, it was directly pinned to the top, and then no one replied within 30 seconds, as if Han Changsheng's fans had become fake fans.

Starting from 3 seconds, the number of replies at the bottom began to scroll rapidly at a rate of [-] per second, and quickly surpassed a million, moving towards tens of millions of high-rise buildings.

"Sister who rides the wind and waves: My sister has been chasing stars for so many years, this is the first time I met a man who asked fans to refund tickets. I didn't say anything, my sister will depend on you Han Changsheng for the rest of her life!"

"If I'm poor, I have money left over: Emperor Shennong! You are your emperor, I chase after my emperor, I am willing to buy your movie tickets, and I am willing to invite employees to watch "Green Snake", that is my business, you have nothing to do with it! "

"Don't chase stars blindly: I really bought five more tickets for "Green Snake", and I will refund the tickets now."

"Man with the fastest hand: Great, if you bought too many tickets, hurry up and get a refund. I have to grab the tickets quickly so that I won't be able to watch "Green Snake" tomorrow night."

Huang Bo: Support rational pursuit of stars.

Sha Yi: Support Teacher Han.

Hu Ke: Support Teacher Han.

Tang Yan: Support Teacher Han.

Guli Nazha: Support Teacher Han.

The five wives of the Han family glanced at their master, and then at the virtual box office in front of them, which jumped to 2.

The figure of 6 million, I have to suppress the idea of ​​telling the master.

The master originally wanted fans to refund the extra movie tickets, but in the end, he sold more movies instead.

Wouldn't it hurt him more to tell him?

Feilu Reminds You: Three Things to Do When Reading Bookmark, Push to Read the Latest Chapter

Chapter 337 Lao Tzu Would Rather Fahai Would Not Dawei Tianlong Prajna Buddhas (Second update for subscription)

Yu m.com [[-] million virtual box office - Han Changsheng fought back the false rumors with "Green Snake" powerfully] [The number of people who rated it is greater than the audience who bought tickets to watch the movie, when will Douban's rating return to reality] [Dark horse genius! Director Han Changsheng once again proved his identity as a genius director with his second movie "Green Snake" [Han Changsheng, a director who really cares about fans, will definitely be liked by more fans] Early this morning, the major media seemed to forget Their wanton abuse of Han Changsheng last night turned into one-sided support.

Even those... celebs whom Han Changsheng was not familiar with all expressed their support one by one, and even followed Han Changsheng in saying that many fans should follow stars rationally.

In fact, [-]% of the stars who expressed their support think that Han Changsheng's behavior of persuading fans to return the movie tickets is stupid.

What do these stars rely on for food? Of course, they rely on many fans! Without fans, there is no popularity. Hold back and think about it, but still can't say it.

Otherwise, Han Changsheng is fine, and those who say this will be boycotted by the entire network.

Early in the morning, Yang Mi and Zhao Liying rushed to Mixing Tianxia to deal with matters, Tong Liya was cleaning the house, Liu Sisi and Di Lireba were lying on the sofa in cotton pajamas, looking at the new news that appeared today.

Di Lieba clicked on the tablet, pouted her lips and said contemptuously: "These...the entertainment media really has no bottom line. Yesterday they belittled the master, but today they praise the master."

Liu Sisi shook Xiaobai's feet, and reprimanded: "If they have a bottom line, they won't be called entertainment media. They can write black as white and good as bad for a little money. Zhong pointed at Sang Sang and scolded Huai Huai one day, and slapped himself a lot on the second day, and they have long been used to it.”

"These... the entertainment media can report some things about the entertainment industry every day. As long as the country's major events and small stories can't bring traffic and make money, they don't pay attention."

"It's still too long. These people have nothing to do when they are full and have nothing to do, and all the big things they encounter will be deflated."

"You two, don't be there as an entertainment reporter, come here and pack your clothes, or I'll throw them all away!"

Tong Liya's voice came, and the two little ones stuck out their tongues, jumped down to the ground in a hurry, and ran to the locker room.

The second sister usually doesn't speak, once she speaks, she must take it seriously, otherwise she will wait for more than half an hour for the magic voice to permeate her ears!... At 10:[-] in the morning, after the screening of "Green Snake" ended, many audience members Walking out of the auditorium, his face was very ugly.

"Damn it! Our family, Han Jingyin, filmed "Green Snake" well, but both Mao Bai Suzhen and Xu Xian died."

"Damn! That Xu Xian... is useless, Bai Suzhen is so beautiful, why is she dead?"

"Is the legend about Han Changsheng true? Any actress who plays with him will basically die!"

"Isn't Xiaoqing not dead? At least a couple survived."

"That's because Xiaoqing didn't fall in love with Fa Hai, otherwise Xiaoqing's life would not be saved."

Hearing the murmurs of the audience in the first scene, the audience waiting for the second screening of "Green Snake" couldn't sit still.

In the legend of "The Legend of the White Snake", didn't Bai Suzhen live with Xu Xian in the end? What happened to both of them? If I went in to watch a game, and then came out, would I regret it like this? A [-], [-],,,, year old girl in a sweatshirt couldn't help getting up, and walked towards a [-]-year-old urban white-collar worker in a suit and skirt, "Sister, does "Green Snake" look good?"

The urban white-collar thought for a while and said, "How should I put it, it's a huge shock to the soul, but "Green Snake" is definitely worth watching."

The athletic girl hesitated and said, "But according to you, Bai Suzhen and Xu Xian both died in the end! What's the point of this?"

The urban white-collar patted the athletic girl's little head, and said: "If you listen to my sister, you must watch this "Green Snake", and you must remember that even if you like a domineering man like Fa Hai in the future, you must definitely watch it." Don't marry a cowardly man like Xu Xian!"

"Thank you sister for your advice."

Although the sports girl didn't understand what she meant, she still nodded her head ignorantly.

The urban white-collar smiled lightly and shook his head, thinking to himself: What's wrong with me.

She has never cared about love affairs, why is she suddenly so sentimental because of the tear that Bai Suzhen shed? Comment.

Sister Riding the Wind and Waves: Xiaoqing said something to Bai Suzhen, which left a deep impression on me——Sister, you always say that there is love in the world, so the demon is ruthless. Have you ever thought that our two sisters have been together for five hundred years? No... When I was a human being, I thought that I have a lot of affection, family affection, love, and friendship in the world.

Family love is what you are born with, it is the weakest and longest, even irreplaceable, but sometimes everyone does not put it first, thinking that it can be remedied.

Love is the strongest, and it is also the easiest to change. Time will dilute the strongest love between men and women. Maybe only the true love that has become a family relationship will not disappear.

Friendship is the strongest, the most precious and the deepest. It may fade with time, but it will not be forgotten. When you think of each other and greet each other, it will change from weak tea to strong wine in an instant.

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