They are like the growth process of a person, the family affection of young people, the love of middle-aged and young people, and the friendship of old people, there may be more love, but I can't think of it.

There are a lot of people like urban white-collar workers commenting as soon as they leave the screening hall, so Douban's ratings began to refresh rapidly.

Two to three hundred thousand,, under 10 points, the original 3.

4 points were quickly raised to 9.

3 points, but the comment at the bottom is very interesting, "I scored 10 points purely to fight against the 2 points that the sunspots made, but if next time our Han Jingyi is killed again or his other half is killed, I will Definitely give it two points!"

"I strongly protest Emperor Shennong's beating of Bai Suzhen to death. I ask Emperor Shennong to resurrect Bai Suzhen. As for Xu Xian's...cowardly dissimilar trash, I just want to say die well!"

"At the beginning of the movie, when Fahai's Dawei Tianlong Prajna Buddhas came out, I yelled along, but when Bai Suzhen and Xiaoqing flooded the golden mountains, I would rather Fahai not "Dawei Tianlong Prajna Buddhas" Buddha', I wish he wouldn't use that flying dragon in the sky."

""Green Snake" is a movie worth watching. If you don't watch it, you will definitely regret it, but after watching it, you want to give it two points. What a goddamn beauty killer! I think Emperor Shennong is...a killer of beautiful women! "

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Chapter 338 Sisi: Happiness is so beautiful that she is dizzy (subscription for the third watch)

In honey travel world, in the president's office, Yang Mi is on the phone with Dongfang Ruoshui.

"Sister Ruoshui, it's fine if you have full control over this matter. Remember that character is the most important thing, and everything else can be cultivated. Make an agreement with them. The contract period is a bit long, but if they go solo, I will let them go." of."

"Okay! Sister Ruoshui, let me take a look after you choose someone. Let's discuss who to sign."

Yang Mi hung up the phone and looked at the little snowflakes outside with a smile, seemingly very happy.

Seeing this, Zhao Liying walked over curiously, "Sister, what you said just now, our company is going to recruit new people."

Yang Mi smiled and nodded, "Our company has developed to the present level, if we don't... recruit people, then the so-called real media company is probably just a joke."

Before Mixing Tianxia, ​​the funds were not very sufficient, and the strength was not strong, so Yang Mi and Pang Di were the only first-line stars under her banner. rare.

It is also for this reason that "Life after World" needs to find some small fresh meat that can bring traffic to cooperate.

But now, Honey World has sufficient funds, and the traffic of the five sisters is so hot that they are hot, and there is a master behind them, so they can already let it go.

Zhao Liying said happily: "So, I will have real artists under my command."

"Didn't it happen before?"

"Those... are all unknown, how can it be better to have the feeling of cultivating them by yourself."

Yang Mi smiled lightly and said, "Then you plan to concurrently serve as the manager of the artist department."

Zhao Liying waved her hand indifferently, "Whatever, anyway... I just take the time to train, and the rest is up to them."


On the 25th, "Green Snake" single-day box office 1.

2 million, ranking fourth in the Christmas file.

And the few in front of it.

The first place, "The Great Wall", which was released on December 12, currently has a box office of 16.

5 million.

The second place, "The Ferryman", which was released on December 12, currently has a box office of 23.

8 million.

The third place, "Railway Flying Tiger", which was released on December 12, had a box office of 23.

1 million.

On Monday, January 1, "Green Snake" had a single-day box office of 26 million and a total box office of 1.

2 million, still ranked fourth.

On January 1, "Green Snake" scored 27.

9 million, total box office 3.

1 million, knocking out "Railway Flying Tiger" and ranking third.

On January 1, the single-day box office of "Green Snake" dropped to 28.

8 million, total box office 3.

9 million, surpassing "The Ferryman" and ranking second.

And at this time, on top of "Green Snake", there is only a cumulative total box office of 8.

7 million "The Great Wall".

"The Great Wall" was released on December 12st, after thirteen days, most of its current box office potential has been consumed.

Although its total box office in the mainland is expected to be 12 billion, but this time will be very long.

If "Green Snake" is sharp enough, it can even overtake against the trend and quickly win the title of Christmas box office champion.

It's just these things, Han Changsheng is temporarily, because he was invited by the sugar man Cai Yinong to attend a private banquet.

No. 147 Nanluoguxiang, Yinongfang, a secret private kitchen in the capital, named Tianxia.

Liu Sisi drove Han Changsheng to the outside of Nanluogu Alley, parked the car, and walked to Tianxia Kitchen where she had an appointment.

Although Han Changsheng didn't know the way, but Liu Sisi was from the capital, and she knew the streets and alleys very well, so there was no danger of getting lost.

Liu Sisi took Han Changsheng's arm and walked forward slowly with a casual smile in her mouth, letting the snowflakes fall on the white down jacket on her shoulders, and then was blown down by the wind.

After walking the red carpet at Christmas, Sisi children's shoes finally entered the mature thought of wanting to be healthy rather than beautiful.

Under the high-waisted blue jeans she wore today, she had already put on warm fleece pants and a long down jacket, so she was not afraid of being cold at all.

However, the beauty's figure is so good that even if she wears one or two extra pieces, she is still so perfect.

The husband and wife stepped on the thin white snow under their feet, creaking...


A voice that exudes such a breath of life.

Liu Sisi blew a sigh of relief at the snowflakes in front of her eyes, and said with emotion: "Master, I really want to go on like this with you, and never go home until the end of the world!"

The longer the family of six stays together, the more she likes spending time alone with the master.

Although there is less fighting with Fatty, and less laughing and laughing with the three 3rd sisters, but being alone with the master is also an unspeakable happiness.

Han Changsheng smiled and said: "If you just walk like this, you will be too tired after an hour, and I have to carry you forward.

As for getting old forever, that’s impossible, you’ll be hungry after five hours.”

Liu Sisi stomped her feet and said coquettishly: "I hate it! When you are so poetic, you have to be so straight. Can you tell me something I like to hear?"

Han Changsheng said with a light smile: "I can say it, but I have to waste a lot of saliva, it's not worth it!"

I knew to take advantage of the opportunity! Liu Sisi pouted, raised her right index finger, "A promise!"

"It's a little less, how about three times?"

"Isn't it right for you to make me happy? It's already good to give you a promise."

"All right!"

Han Changsheng shrugged his shoulders, raised his hand to take a snowflake, and watched it melt into his palm, "You are like this snowflake, white and beautiful, I love you, with sharp edges and corners and personality, but I am afraid to hold you in the palm of my hand, because of this will flatter you."

Liu Sisi bit her lip to hold back her smile, and said coquettishly, "It's not enough, let me say one more."

Han Changsheng helplessly picked up... Liu Sisi's cold cheeks, lifted the down jacket hat from her head, and let little snowflakes fall on her head.

Ten seconds later, he kissed Liu Sisi's forehead, and warmed her Yintang point with his hot lips, "Our love is like this snowflake, when snowflakes fall on our heads Afterwards, it will dye our hair white, and we will grow old together under the blessing of God, holding hands to the end of the world."

Liu Sisi stood on her tiptoes and kissed back, she smiled sweetly and said, "I'm very happy, but it's still not enough... I'm happy, can I say one more thing?"

Han Changsheng supported his forehead, but he had no choice but to say: "You are still like this white snowflake, cold on the outside and cold on the inside, but under my hot temperature like lava, you will turn into warm water, falling drop by drop. between my heart."


Liu Sisi embraced Han Changsheng and kissed several times, excitedly said: "If you can say another more beautiful line, my promise will be doubled!"

"Then try it!"

Han Changsheng waved his hand, and Qingdi Changsheng became angry, snowflakes flew all over the sky, circling around the two of them continuously.

He picked up Liu Sisi and walked through the snowflakes all over the sky, his voice was like a thunderous cloud, echoing around.

"There is a beautiful woman in the snow, her beauty is beyond the world of mortals.

The spirit is like spring lake water, and the eyebrows are like Chundai mountain.

The lotus in water is invincible... the wind, the heart is pity and the emotion is pity.

Yi Ren is already in her arms, and she misses her everywhere."

"Giggle cluck..."

Liu Sisi smiled like a silver bell and stretched out her hand to reach for the snowflakes that were flying. She was so happy that she couldn't control the smile on her face.

This is the first time she has experienced what it feels like to be so happy that she is dizzy, both physically and mentally, it is warm from the inside out.

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Chapter 339 A Little Request

Talking and laughing on, the destination will arrive soon.

Then Han Changsheng saw Cai Yinong standing at the door of Tianxia Kitchen, and beside her was an acquaintance, Tangren's elder brother Hu Ge.

Hu Ge smiled heartily, and cupped his hands to the astonished Han Changsheng, "Director Han, Mrs. Han Fourth."

Han Changsheng cupped his hands in return, "Isn't this Shidi Laohu children's shoes? What a coincidence! I can still meet you here."

Hu Ge smiled wryly and said, "Director Han is joking, your fourth wife should have told you that I will also attend the banquet!"


"I forgot."

Liu Sisi blushed and stuck out her tongue, and the little leather boots under her feet rubbed and rubbed on the ground.

It's rare for her to come out to play alone with the master again, for a while... I forgot to mention it when I was happy.

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