
Hu Ge smiled helplessly, "Director Han, please!"


When Han Changsheng walked into the small kitchen, his eyes fell on the relief on the screen wall in front of the door.

This relief carving is the picture of Liu Guanzhang and Zhang Taoyuan's trinity, which is golden and dazzling.

Cai Yinong noticed this, and introduced to Han Changsheng: "The owner of Tianxia Xiaochu is from Sichuan, so he wanted to get an object with the characteristics of his hometown, and among all the objects, the three knots of Liu Guan and Zhang Taoyuan are the most hometown. I can feel it."

Han Changsheng nodded suddenly, "It's true, the biggest celebrity in Sichuan and Sichuan is... Liu Guanzhang."

The Romance of the Three Kingdoms is so deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, it is very appropriate to think of it as a relief sculpture.

Liu Sisi tilted her head and looked at the golden relief, curiously said: "Master, the one who is sworn sworn is Guan Gong now, then who was the sworn sworn brother of Liu Guan and Zhang Taoyuan when they sworn three sworn brothers?"

Han Changsheng pointed at the relief, "What is the most popular in this Taoyuan?"


"Then what they worship is... the peach."


Liu Sisi pouted, not believing what Han Changsheng said.

In ancient times, getting married was a big deal, how could he worship a few rotten peaches? Seeing this situation, Han Changsheng said with a smile: "In "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms", the scene of the three sworn brothers in Taoyuan wrote, 'Read Liu Bei, Guan Yu, Zhang Fei, although he has a different surname, has become a brother, and they will work together to report to the country to rescue the poor and help the poor.

I don't want to be born in the same year, the same month, and the same day, but I only want to die in the same year, the same month, and the same day.

Empress Dowager, learn from this heart, betray righteousness and ungratefulness, and heaven and man will kill together!" From this, it can be deduced that the one who worshiped at that time should be the Empress Dowager."

"It's almost there."

Liu Sisi smiled with satisfaction, and walked into Tianxia Kitchen holding Han Changsheng's arm.

Behind, Cai Yinong and Hu Ge shook their heads with emotion.

It is said that Han Changsheng is a genius, but now it seems that if you want to be a genius, you have to have enough knowledge reserves.

The ancient texts in this kind of novels are all at your fingertips, no wonder he can show so many talents in music, novels, film and television dramas, etc.

Entering the house, the interior decoration is also antique, and quite characteristic of Sichuan.

In addition, there is also a layer of spicy aroma in the air here, which makes the mouth water.

After sitting down, Cai Yinong handed Han Changsheng a piece of paper and a pen, "The rule here is to write down the name of the dishes and place the order, as long as we write down all Sichuan dishes, the boss will cook according to our menu.

Director Han is a master of cooking, so help us order together!"


Han Changsheng didn't do any phony tricks, and with a swipe of a pen, he wrote the names of five 55 dishes on it.

Fish-flavored eggplant, mapo tofu, boiled beef, Kung Pao chicken, fish-flavored shredded pork, five of the top ten Sichuan dishes.

Cai Yinong took the pen and paper, and added a Nanchun crystal sword and two bottles of Evian mineral water.

With the pen down, she handed out the menu and smiled at Han Changsheng: ".

I declare in advance that Si Si and I need to drive without drinking, this bottle of wine is for you and Lao Hu."

Han Changsheng raised his eyebrows, "Two big men are in a bottle"

It is natural for Si Si not to drink, and even he is not a person who likes to drink too much, but is this bottle of wine enough for Lao Hu? Hu Ge rubbed his nose and smiled wryly: "Director Han, don't say that, I know you With the title of God of Dionysus, I don't want to compete with you for wine."

"How do you know my title?"

"Brother Bo and I are also very close! When we talked about you, he mentioned your drinking capacity, and I kept that in mind."

"Good memory!"

Han Changsheng gave a thumbs up and smiled appreciatively.

The showbiz circles say that Bo Ge has a high EQ, obviously this Hu Ge's EQ is not too much.

The chat lasted only 10 minutes, and the five Sichuan dishes were served quickly. The taste was really good, at least what Liu Sisi ate was a feast for the eyes.

This little girl likes to eat Sichuan food since she was born, and she was still there when she was not married to Han Changsheng: to control her body shape, and even only eat vegetables and not staple food for a while.

But now I don't have this worry anymore, so I naturally let it go... My belly is full and I drink it.

Cai Yinong and Liu Sisi chatted and laughed, while Han Changsheng and Hu Ge exchanged cups and chatted, and the conversation was very speculative:.

Hu Ge became popular because of "Legend of Sword and Fairy". He was also a young and unrestrained youth, and he was also passionate.

But after experiencing the rest of his life, Hu Ge grew up in an instant.

After that time, he is no longer that... the fledgling Hu Ge, who sees many people and many things very clearly.

Modesty, prudence, prudence and calmness.

Perhaps in 10 or 20 years, he will become the next Tianwang Liu who still works hard after becoming famous.

Seeing that Han Changsheng and Hu Ge had a happy conversation, Cai Yinong at the side heaved a sigh of relief.

Although she was chatting with Sisi, she kept paying attention to this place, because she was afraid... this... Director Han had a weird temper and couldn't talk to her.

But now it seems that this person has a good personality, and he can say what he said later.

After he was full, Cai Yinong said to Han Changsheng: "Director Han, I completely agree with Si Si leaving Sugar Man, and there are no additional conditions, that is... there is a small request, I wonder if you can agree to it."

Here it comes! No strings attached, but a small request, it's really the same thing.

However, Han Changsheng had already prepared for this, so he didn't feel much about it.

He didn't know if he could nod his head, "Mr. Cai, please tell me."

Cai Yinong pointed to Hu Ge beside him, "If there is a suitable role for director Han's future films, can you consider Lao Hu?"

"Sister Cai..."

"Old Hu, let Sister Cai finish talking."

Cai Yinong raised his hand to block what Hu Ge wanted to say, and said to Han Changsheng again: "Director Han, I think Lao Hu's acting skills are not bad, I think if he can play a role in your movie, he should be qualified Bar"

Han Changsheng raised his eyebrows, "Is Sugar Man short of resources?"

Sugar Man is very famous in the film and television industry. "Sword One", "Sword Three" and "Xuanyuan Sword" are basically hit dramas. Under such circumstances, should you look for Han Changsheng? Cai Yinong said: "Sugar Man There is no shortage of small resources, but what is lacking is big resources such as Director Han directing movies."

Han Changsheng laughed and said: "Mr. Cai said so, some are flattering me."

Cai Yinong shook his head and said, "Director Han's first film cost 1 yuan and box office was 15 billion, and the shooting technique was recorded in the history of film, and it was also included in the books of major film schools.

I have also watched "Green Snake" directed by Director Han, it may be very high, but I think 8.

Points and higher scores are available.

Taking these two films as an example, Director Han's storytelling ability is already among the top ten directors in the country."

"Boss Cai's... compliments are useless to me."

Han Changsheng shook his head, and smiled lightly when Cai Yinong frowned: "But I appreciate Lao Hu's loyalty, so I accept this matter."

Cai Yinong said pleasantly: "Thank you Director Han."

Han Changsheng said with a light smile, "Mr. Cai, you're being polite. I also want to thank Mr. Cai."

Sisi's contract expires, so it's normal to leave Tangren directly.

But if Tang Ren still wants to renew Si Si, I'm afraid it will involve more troubles.

Now leaving peacefully like this is the best of both worlds.

After the topic was opened, the atmosphere resumed again, even more lively than before.

Satisfied with wine and food, Han Changsheng and Liu Sisi bid farewell and left, holding hands and walking in the car again.

Hu Ge looked at the backs of the two, and said in a low voice: "Sister Cai, why did you say that just now?"

Cai Yinong said: "Because after passing this village, there will be no such store. Let's not talk about it at this time. When this... Director Han really grows up, he will have a lot of actors to choose from, and he doesn't like this little favor. It's eye-catching."

The most indispensable thing in the film and television industry is handsome men and beautiful women. There are many images like Hu Ge.

If you don't take advantage of the time when Han Changsheng doesn't have such a handsome friend, get acquainted first, and then want to drink soup later, I'm afraid there won't even be a little salt.

"You are so sure that Director Han will grow up"

"Aren't you so sure of yourself?"

Hu Ge smiled, but did not answer.

Of course he affirms the genius of this... Director Han, but what he likes more is the attitude of this... Director Han.

This...doesn't make friends easily, but once you identify someone as a friend, this...can choose any role in the film and television drama cast, Boge, Teacher Sha is... that's it.

Feilu Reminds You: Three Things to Do When Reading Bookmark, Push to Read the Latest Chapter

Chapter 340 Contenders for the Golden Dragon Award Queen

On m.com on 29th, "Green Snake" had a daily box office of 700 million and a total box office of 4.

6 million.

On January 1, "Green Snake" won 30 million, and the total box office rushed to 600.

2 million.

On January 1, Saturday, the single-day box office of "Green Snake" bucked the trend and rose to 31.

1 million, the total box office reached 6.

3 million.

At this time, "The Great Wall" ranked first in the box office, with a cumulative box office of 9.

3 million, depending on its potential, there are two to three hundred million box office.

If there are no accidents, the box office of "Green Snake" and "The Great Wall" should be about the same. As for who is the first and who is the second, it is not easy to say.

But unfortunately, an accident happened.

"My lord, look!"

Early in the morning, Han Changsheng was making breakfast, and Pangdi children's shoes ran into the kitchen, letting Han Changsheng look at the tablet computer in her hand, Han Changsheng glanced at it casually, and was stunned for a moment.

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