"A letter from Pan Jinlian to Mr. Wang Dalin Dear Wang Dalin, President Wang Dalin: Little girl Jinlian, I have long heard about the great achievements of President Wang Dalin. It is obvious to all that not only has he made outstanding achievements in the field of commercial real estate, but in the film and television production and distribution industry alone, apart from forming a monopoly in China, buying Hollywood is just around the corner.

At this time of triumphant advances and destruction, there is a small company named Huayi, in order to save the fate of destruction, poach a small corner from your group..."

The content is exactly the same as what Han Changsheng has seen before. Feng Dagang's words are both internal and external, saying that Wanda Cinemas has too few films for the literary film "I'm Not Pan Jinlian".

But Han Changsheng knew the original reason. Huayi poached the vice president of Wanda's cultural industry group, which caused Wanda's horse to accidentally lose a lot of money. Cut on Feng Dagang's "I'm Not Pan Jinlian".

Han Changsheng asked strangely: "Isn't this movie released very early?"

If his memory is correct, "I'm Not Pan Jinlian" should be released in summer, right? Why is it starting to shoot for the second time now? Di Lieba shook her head, "No, this movie was only released today, the first scene It hasn't started yet."

Han Changsheng, who was released today, glanced at the screen and patted his forehead.

The world is different, and the movie's appearance time is also different.

Read on, the comments below are very interesting.

"Director Feng Da, you are allowed to push "Fantastic Beasts" back by a week and not to be released at the same time as your "Pan Jinlian". If there is a private company theater lineup, it can't be less for you."

"Director Feng, when your "19" was released, you had to squeeze out "Youth Pi", when "Pan Jinlian" was released, you had to push "Fantastic Beasts" for a week, and "Captain Sully" was delayed until next month.

394 films across the country are still not satisfied, you are really good!"

"To sum up, everyone in the world is my mother. If you don't take advantage of me, I will command the people to deal with you verbally and in writing!"

"To tell the truth! Director Feng Da's Weibo post makes people very uncomfortable. Don't be too obvious about sarcasm. Just say what you say. Why do you want to make a good movie? You have to find the reason for many things in yourself!"

"No matter what Wanda and Huayi have...it is not as good as the movie, especially "I'm Not Pan Jinlian", which has such a good reputation and sincerity, if the film market of the Ming Empire cannot tolerate such a movie Domestic films are too sad.”

"Upstairs you are collecting money, don't you come out and talk nonsense under the guise of patriotism, I love the country but I don't love Pan Jinlian! In addition, I can't believe that this Weibo is not a hype!"

"I don't know! The movie directed by Feng Da has signed a gambling agreement, and the box office is less than 5 million. His media company can't get a penny, so Wan Da doesn't schedule the film, so he is in a hurry. Do you think it's true? It’s for the work, it’s all for the money! What a shitty director! Is the next step going to be pointing guns at audiences all over the country to buy tickets to watch movies?”

"Just because you are director Feng Da, the theaters of the Ming Empire have to revolve around you? Do you think that the Ming Empire is directed by you, Feng Da?"

Han Changsheng flipped through a few more posts, and finally found an interesting message.

Fuyu: It's not just once or twice that Wan Dagong avenged his personal revenge. Hua Yi's "Rock Tibetan Mastiff" and my "Space Fortress", which one is not 5 in the film schedule? "Warcraft" released in the Spring Festival, the scheduled film production is also %, this "Warcraft" is a sincere work of Blizzard's 10 billion production. Unlike some "snake movies", Qu Qu 35 million dares to be called a big production, and was given a [-]% schedule by Wanda.

Dili Reba noticed Han Changsheng's gaze, and murmured: "Master, Fuyu is too clingy, she flattened our "Green Snake" and promoted her "Warcraft", so don't leave a message to retaliate against her."

Han Changsheng raised his eyebrows, "Why did you hit her back?"

Dili Reba took it for granted: "That Fuyu old woman is mocking our "Green Snake" again! If she doesn't go back, she will keep it for the New Year."

Han Changsheng shook his head and said, "Then we can't hit her back, isn't that the same as promoting her "Warcraft"?"

"What to do then"

"What to do, just treat his words as dog barks, and our focus should be on "I'm Not Pan Jinlian"."

"What happened to this movie"

Han Changsheng clicked on the name above, "Don't look at that Fan Shuishui has always been called the Queen of Hype, but her performance in this movie is very good, she is a competitor of Yaya and Yingbao."

"You know that Fan Shuishui's acting skills are good even if you don't watch it"

Di Lieba looked at Han Changsheng suspiciously, wondering whether her master had taken a fancy to Fan Shuishui.

But as far as he knows, the master seems to be a clean freak.


Han Changsheng tapped Fatty's little head, but didn't explain.

He has never watched "I'm Not Pan Jinlian", but Fan Shuishui won the Golden Muscle Best Actress, St. Sebastian Best Actress, Asian Film Awards Best Actress and various small awards with this movie.

There may be reasons for spending money as the outside world said, but Fan Shuishui must also have certain acting skills, otherwise no one would blindly vote for her.

But Yaya and Ying Bao also want to compete for the Golden Dragon Award in a few days, if Fan Shuishui and Feng Dagang use money or favors to corrupt the judges of the Golden Dragon Award, there will be a big change.

He didn't think it would be good for Yaya and Yingbao to win the Golden Dragon Award by chance, but it didn't mean that he hoped that the battle for the best actress of the two girls would be squeezed out by others with small tricks before it even started.

He quickly made breakfast, accompanied the five girls to finish eating, and said to Yang Mi: "Mimi, are you sure the judges of the Golden Dragon Award will not be corrupted by something?"

"something means something"

"Money, favors, and even giving away a body..."

Yang Mi frowned and said: "The probability of money is very small. After all, those people are not short of money. If it is a favor, it is very likely that they will send their body... I don't know about this, but it is possible."

"Master, why do you ask this?"

Zhao Liying asked curiously, Tong Liya and Liu Sisi also looked curiously.

Han Changsheng pointed to the tablet next to Fat Di's hand, "Yaya and Yingbao's competitors have appeared, take a look."

""I'm Not Pan Jinlian", Fan Shuishui is the heroine."

Zhao Liying took a few glances and said suspiciously: "Master, with Fan Shuishui's acting skills, are you sure she can compete for the Best Actress of the Golden Dragon Award?"

Fan Shuishui won the Golden Dragon Award for Best Actress in 200 with "Mobile Phone". After that, she went further and further on the road of topic queen, and the later best actresses were not worth much money.

"I'm not sure, so I'm going to the scene, to have a look."

Han Changsheng thought for a while, and then said: "Well, Yaya and Yingbao, you two will accompany me to the cinema to watch Fan Shuishui's acting skills in "Pan Jinlian". Only by knowing yourself and the enemy can you win every battle."

"it is good!"

"Master, I asked someone to inquire about the selection of the Golden Dragon Award."

Yang Mi suggested from the side.

The Golden Dragon Award is not only related to the honor of the second sister and third sister, but also the honor of the Han family. She does not want to make mistakes.

Han Changsheng shook his head, "If you ask someone to inquire about it, you will owe favors after all. First, you should stay the same. If Fan Shuishui's acting skills surpass Yaya and Yingbao's, you won't blame others if you lose. But if Fan Shuishui's acting skills are not good, you can still take them away." The words of the actress..."

Han Changsheng didn't say what happened next, but his eyes were sharp.

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Chapter 341 Know Yourself, Know Your Enemy, and Win a Hundred Battles (Wake Up Early for Subscription)

In the m.com Mercedes-Benz Vito, Han Changsheng, Tong Liya and Zhao Liying sat at the back.

They had just watched "Pan Jinlian", and then quietly returned to the car.

Han Changsheng said: "How about Fan Shuishui's acting skills?"

Zhao Liying frowned and said, "Compared to my second sister, the difference is almost the same."

When a beautiful woman becomes an ugly woman, the sensory collision is already great.

In addition, Fan Shuishui looked like an ordinary person throughout the whole process, this kind of unpretentious acting is naturally very good.

Tong Liya said: "The acting skills are very good, but I always feel that there is something wrong with the story of "Pan Jinlian"."

Han Changsheng said with a smile: "Of course it's not right, this thing can't happen in reality, it can only appear on the screen."

Is it possible for Li Xuelian in "Pan Jinlian" to appear? Of course it is possible! But the real result is not the situation of looking for people from one level to the next in the movie, but that they will disappear halfway.

However, if director Feng Dagang really dare not make it like this, "Pan Jinlian" may not be released.

"Then do you need my eldest sister to find someone to inquire about the selection of the Golden Dragon Award?"

Zhao Liying hesitated a little.

Naturally, she still hopes to compete for the Best Actress of the Golden Dragon Award. After all, this is a test paper for her. Although there is only 99 point difference between the full score and 1 points, the difference is actually much worse.

"No need, a win is a win, a loss is a loss, the big deal is this one... if you lose the next one, you will win back."

Han Changsheng tapped Yingbao's little head and told her to drive, but he didn't say what was on his mind.

Fan Shuishui's acting skills may be comparable to Yaya and Yingbao's, but the selection of the best actress is not... just relying on one person's acting skills.

The sense of picture, story, soundtrack, and ideological realm are all additional points.

Her Fan Shuishui's change is from a beautiful woman to a village woman, which brings about a collision of senses.

The changes between Yaya and Yingbao are even greater. The two of them directly turned into a strange snake demon. After adding special effects, the image on the screen has a greater impact! As for the story, he doesn't think the story of "Pan Jinlian" The performance is on par with "Green Snake".

For music, "Green Snake" won.

The realm of ideology, the modern yamen's appearance record, compares the good and evil of human nature in the seven emotions and six desires of human beings, and it is half and half.

In the end, it would be fine if director Feng Dagang didn't bombard Wanda, because this is a proper literary film that can win awards.

But he has to... bombard Wanda, the purpose is nothing more than to get word of mouth, awards, and box office.

Now he has made a lot of hype in order to earn the director's commission, it would be great if the box office can reach 5 million.

If it can't be achieved, then it's really a loss to the wife and the army. …

On Sunday, January 1, 1, the single-day box office of "Green Snake" bucked the trend again and rose to .

2 million, the total box office reached 7.

5 million, which is more than 10 million short of the [-] billion box office of "The Great Wall".

With the momentum of "Green Snake", there is... a very high probability of winning the first place in the Christmas file.

"I didn't expect the box office of Han Changsheng's second movie to be so high. This is to compete with Zhang Guoshi for the first place!"

"What's the competition? Zhang Guoshi's "The Great Wall" is not... only domestic box office, "The Great Wall" is released worldwide. If you count the overseas box office, "The Green Snake" is not the opponent of "The Great Wall" at all."

"It can't be compared that way. After all, Zhang Guoshi has been famous for decades, and Han Changsheng has just entered the film and television industry this year. The first movie cost [-] and charged [-] billion, and the second movie cost at least [-] billion. Just these two things You can't underestimate him."

When the outside world was guessing who would be the No. [-] Christmas box office box office, in an office building in the capital, Zhang Guoshi, who filmed the billion-dollar production "The Great Wall", was in a daze under the shining sun in the sky.

As a man who would rather be fined 748 million than change his child's nationality, his biggest dream is... to export the culture of the Ming Empire to the world. He thinks so, and has always done so.

But he found that this road seems to be gradually going astray, or he has never taken the most correct road.

He filmed "Red Sorghum", "Qiu Ju's Lawsuit", "Raise the Red Lantern", "To Live", "No One Can Be Less", and indeed exported Ming culture abroad, but the output seems to be old and outdated of Daming.

Afterwards, he changed his mind and began to shoot "Heroes" and "House of Flying Daggers", in which the architecture, clothing, music and other historical culture of the Ming Empire were attached.

But maybe there are too many historical cultures attached to it, which makes the plot somewhat empty, making the word-of-mouth and box office fail to reach the predetermined goals.

Now he has filmed "The Great Wall" with an investment of one billion. In order to continue to promote Ming culture, he even agreed to the investor's request to join foreign actors.

But under such circumstances, "The Great Wall" has completely become a hodgepodge.

The final result is that the box office looks very high, but even if the overseas box office is counted, the overall situation of the movie still has to lose money.

Now he is already a little confused, and he doesn't know how to go in the future. Fortunately, he saw a dawn when he was confused.

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