Tong Liya got into Han Changsheng's arms and lay down, suddenly sighed, then wrinkled her little nose, stared straight at Han Changsheng's chin, without saying a word.

But her action is indescribably beautiful, and then that... small expression makes people feel pity uncontrollably.

Han Changsheng carried it over and over again, but he couldn't hold back Yaya's pitiful expression.

He helped his forehead helplessly, lowered his head and pinched the dimple on Yaya's face, and said in a helpless tone, "Yaya, if you have something to say, just talk about it, don't look at me with such an expression of being hit by the wind and snow, okay?"

Yay! Acting like a baby is successful! Tong Liya made a victory gesture secretly, and said pitifully and helplessly with her mouth flattened: "I don't want to do this either, but I have something in my heart, master, can you promise me this first?"

Han Changsheng scratched Tong Liya's little nose, "Can you speak up first?"

Tong Liya shook her head again and again, and continued to be pitiful, "Impossible! Please promise me first, please."

Han Changsheng nodded helplessly, "Okay, okay, I promise you first, but don't pick stars for you...something I can't do."

Knowing that Yaya is pretending to be pitiful, how can he perform such an extreme performance like Yaya, he has no ability to resist at all.

"It's definitely not that difficult!"

Tong Liya stood up swiftly, leaned on Han Changsheng's ear and exhaled like a dragon, "My parents came to Beijing on the [-]th and said they wanted to see you."

"Then go."

Han Changsheng nodded without any hesitation.

Yaya's parents rushed over and said that they wanted to see her son-in-law, and if he didn't go, they would feel sorry for her... Is Yaya's affection for him "You don't seem to be nervous at all."

Tong Liya tilted her master's eyes, her small expression seemed a little aggrieved.

When the master was going to meet the eldest sister's parents, the tense situation almost made them laugh, but why did he come to her, the expression on the master's face was flat, as if he was nervous about meeting an ordinary guest, did he have to choose?

"Nervous! But am I not a good actor?"

Without blushing, Han Changsheng reached out and grabbed Yaya's tender hand, and put it directly on his heart.

Then his heart started beating wildly, his face turned pale, his forehead was sweating, he didn't look nervous, but he seemed to be dying of illness.

Tong Liya was startled, and hurriedly threw herself on Han Changsheng. Xiaonen ran her hands along her heart, and said anxiously: "Master, don't be nervous! Don't be nervous! I'm here for everything, my parents are very good, absolutely not I'll put on a face for you."

"Don't worry, I'm not nervous, I'm not nervous."

Han Chang fell ill in Yaya's arms, smelling the fragrance of orchids on the beauty, and enjoying her gentle service.

Isn't it just pretending, Yaya pretends to be pitiful, he pretends to be sick, and those who come and go are called husband and wife.


Yang Mi next to her squinted at her master, and curled her lips.

Yaya is so focused on the master, of course she can't see that the master's sickness is just a faux pas.

But she is enjoying the service of the three third sisters, and she can see all the words of the two just now, so she can naturally see how fake the master's pretending to be sick.

It's a pity, I can't remind the second sister at this time, otherwise the second sister will be more nervous than the master. …

On the first day of the month and during the New Year's Day holiday, the box office of "Green Snake" once again surpassed 1 million in a single day, and the total box office reached 8.

5 million.

3 The daily box office of "Green Snake" dropped sharply to 500 million, and the total box office reached 9.

0 million.

Even though the single-day box office of "Green Snake" dropped by 500 million, the outside world dare not say that the box office potential of "Green Snake" is exhausted. It is really because Black Monday is not a joke.

Even for the funny comedy "Love", which was just released on December 12, the box office fell to 30 million on Monday the 448rd, a drop of [-]%.

On the other hand, Han Changsheng's "Green Snake" has been released for ten days, but it still managed to win 500 million box office on Black Monday.

[-] million in ten days, this achievement is [-] million more than "The Great Wall" which was [-] million in ten days.

As long as there are no mistakes in the middle, "Green Snake" has basically booked the box office champion of the Christmas file before it is released.

4 "Green Snake" sold another 400 million, and the total box office reached 945 billion.

On the 5th, "Green Snake" has pre-sold 250 million, bringing the total box office to 9.

7 million is close to one billion levels.

If you add the box office that is about to increase today and the 200 million pre-sold tomorrow, "Green Snake" has basically completed the task of hitting one billion.

[A genius dark horse! Director Han Changsheng's second film "Green Snake" breaks the 5-billion mark again] [Two movies a year, both break 6-[-] million, Han Changsheng's genius dark horse! The name of the director is getting stronger and stronger 】【"Green Snake" handed over a satisfactory answer sheet, Honey Traveling World will once again reap more than [-] million profits] [Golden Dragon Awards will be unveiled tonight, with [-] nominations for "I'm Immortal" and [-] nominations for "Green Snake"]【 "I'm Immortal" and "Green Snake" compete with each other for the best feature film, best director, best screenplay, and best music. I don't know how many little golden dragons Han Changsheng can win] [Han Changsheng is shortlisted for "I'm Immortal" Best Actor, nominated for Best Supporting Actor with "Green Snake"] [Tong Liya and Zhao Liying were nominated for Best Actress with "Green Snake", who will win the sisters' dispute] The outside world has a high evaluation of "Green Snake" , because it broke five or one billion in [-] days, and the number of nominations was more than that of "Wo Wu".

Compared with "I" breaking five or one billion in fifteen days, perhaps "Green Snake" looks more dazzling.

But if we compare some situations between the two, "I" is more impressive.

"I" cost 12 yuan, and it took three days to spread across the country after it was screened in civilian theaters. The actual number of days to break [-] billion was [-] days, and the final harvest was [-] billion.

"Green Snake", with a cost of 24 million, was screened alone in civilian theaters on Christmas Eve on 13th, and the actual number of days to break [-], billion was [-] days, and the final harvest was greater than [-] billion.

[-] times and how many times, the difference is too big to compare.

Feilu Reminds You: Three Things to Do When Reading Bookmark, Push to Read the Latest Chapter

Chapter 344 Being Targeted for No Reason

In Hohhot in, the place where the 20th Golden Dragon Award was held.

Han Changsheng, Tong Liya, Zhao Liying, and Liu Sisi came here when they participated in the first issue of "Flowers and Handsome Guys".

But the last time I came was in midsummer, this time it was a cold winter with a low temperature of minus 014 degrees.

Fortunately, there was no snow, otherwise I would have a better understanding of the concept of cold.

This time, all six members of the family were there.

Han Changsheng, Tong Liya, and Zhao Liying were shortlisted for awards, so they deserved it.

Yang Mi, Liu Sisi and Pang Di were invited to be guests again, and Pang Di said that he wanted to experience what it would be like to win the Best Actress in advance, so they reunited here.

Apart from their family of six, Huang Bo, Gu Li Nazha and Sha Yi all came.

Because Lin Fenyu wanted to cut "New White", after sending her blessings, she cut the film in Honey World.

Shangri Hotel, the place to entertain guests participating in the Golden Dragon Awards.

After the awards ceremony is about to start, many guests will take a special car to the cultural and sports center for ethnic minorities in Inner Province.

"With an approval rating of four to six, is my winning percentage so low?"

Ying Bao's children's shoes stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows of room 810, shaking the tablet in his hand, pouting.

There are three people who are competing for the Golden Dragon Award for Best Actress with the highest voice 3, she, the second sister, and that...Fan Shuishui.

According to outside speculation, Fan Shuishui has a [-]% chance of winning Little Golden Dragon, while her and Second Sister have a [-]% chance.

But according to the calculations of the family, the chances of her and the second sister getting the film queen are [-]%.

Han Changsheng came over and tapped Ying Bao's little head, "Look what's the use of this? If the awards are judged according to the media's inference, there will be no judges.

Learn from your second sister, everything is normal."

The closer the award ceremony is, the closer this girl Yingbao is, the more impatient she becomes. Looking at Yaya, she doesn't feel nervous at all, she looks very calm and calm, just like herself.

"Fourth sister, please help me see if my skirt is okay, don't walk around and open the thread."

Tong Liya's nervous words made Han Changsheng roll his eyes.

He just praised Yaya, and this girl got him off the hook.

Liu Sisi helped Tong Liya tidy up the white velvet dress, and muttered: "I made your dress by myself, how could it be possible to untie it for a while... Don't forget to put on your coat when you walk on the red carpet, or you will catch a cold , A certain old man will say that the clothes I designed don’t even have a function of keeping warm.”

Facing the mirror, Di Lieba sorted out the suit she was wearing, posing gracefully, "These are warm fleece pants and a windbreaker, aren't we wearing too much?"

"If it's too much, you can just wear a suit, but if you catch a cold, don't ask me to press your waist in the future!"

Han Changsheng glanced at Di Lireba indifferently, and Fat Di children's shoes stuck out his tongue in fright, not daring to say that there were too many clothes.

My master is good everywhere, but...he likes to preserve his health too much, he doesn't allow food that is too hot, and food that is too cold, and only allows him to eat eight percent full.

The last time she happily bought a lot of ice cream, she planned to finish it in three days, but she could only eat one box a day. In the end, she ate it for half a month before eating "Can you let the master eat it every day?" Don't worry about it, but I don't have time to talk to you."

Yang Mi gave Fat Di a slap on the back, brought tea to Han Changsheng, and stared at him with roving eyes, "Master, I can't win the best director."

Han Changsheng shook his head, "I can't get it."

Yang Mi frowned, "Why Han Changsheng shrugged and said: "Under normal circumstances, I should participate in the selection of the best newcomer and director, and I will definitely win this little golden dragon, but the jury somehow moved me to the selection of the best director In the selection, who do you think I can compete with?"

Han Changsheng was nominated for the best director selection, so he looked at the other nominees.

Feng Dagang's "I'm Not Pan Jinlian", Chao Baoping's "Scorching Sun and Heart", Cheng Er, "The History of Romantic Disappearance", and "Old Paoer".

Although Han Changsheng didn't want to underestimate himself, but these five people are all directors who have made many films. He is a newcomer without any connections. If he remembers correctly, Feng Dagang should be the one who finally won the best director.


Yang Mi's beautiful eyebrows frowned, her eyes flickered.

Although she very much hoped that Master would win the prize, it was to make Master happy.

Such an inexplicable removal of the master's best newcomer, the director, made her a little bit embarrassed.

Zhao Liying shook the invitation letter on her hand, and said suspiciously: "Best Newcomer, Director becomes Best Director, Best Actor becomes Best Supporting Actor, why do I feel that the judging committee is targeting us?"

Di Lieba was puzzled, "Will we give us so many nominations for the two films and 11 awards, and there are no small awards."

"Silly girl, it has happened before that she was shortlisted for 12 awards but didn't win any of them."

Yang Mi scratched Pang Di's little nose, squinted her eyes and said: "Master, Yaya, Ying Bao is the invitation letter for the finalists, Pang Di and I are the best supporting actor award presenters, and Sisi is the performer, our family All six of us have arranged things, is the organizing committee trying to take advantage of our traffic to increase the ratings of the Golden Dragon Awards?"

"Okay, stop thinking about it, it's time, go downstairs."

Han Changsheng waved his hand, interrupting Mimi and the others' speculation.

It's useless to think too much at this time, and you have to see the truth in the end.

When you go out the door and go down all the way, you will naturally see familiar or unfamiliar faces.

The one I am most familiar with is Huang Bo who lives opposite.

Huang Bo patted Han Changsheng on the shoulder and said with a smile: "This is not a dark horse of genius! Director, how do you have the confidence to win the best director?"

Han Changsheng shook his head and laughed, "Brother Bo, don't make fun of me, how can I win this award as a rookie?"

"I don't know what the jury thinks, you are obviously a newcomer, the director, I have to... get you into the selection of the best director."

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