Huang Bo muttered something and then stopped talking.

This can be said to brother Han, but if people come and go around, if people listen to it, it is not good for him or brother Han.

Han Changsheng glanced left and right: the passing crowd changed the subject and teased: "Brother Bo, you are miserable too! There is not a single shortlisted."

Huang Bo shrugged, "There is no way, I recorded "Extreme Challenge" last year, and participated in various activities, so I filmed "Under the Ice", which cannot be broadcast now and is still in production. : Modifying."

"Then you can make a few more movies this year, and I want to see your acting style."

"It's up to you, director Han Da, if you make a few more films where I'm the leading actor, if I choose one out of five, I'm sure I'll win the Best Actor Award!"

Huang Bo chuckled, then winked and said: "I'm the award presenter for Best Actress today, why don't I read the names of your second son Han and third son Han when I read the award speech anyway... Whoever reads counts, The jury can no longer be changed."

"If you are not afraid of being blocked, I don't care."

Han Changsheng responded indifferently, leaving Huang Bo speechless.

If he really dared to read it like this, not only would he be banned, but all six members of the Han family would be affected.

"Director Han!"

Seeing Han Changsheng, Gu Li Nazha, who just went out, walked quickly, with a happy smile on his face.

And Sha Yi also went out at this time.

"Naza children's shoes, Mr. Sha."

Han Changsheng smiled and said hello, and walked downstairs together.

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Chapter 345 Fan Shuishui Does Not Give Face

On "Hello Sister Shui Shui."

"Sister Shui Shui is still so beautiful!"

"Sister Shui Shui, I wish you the best actress award."

"thanks, thanks.……"

The corridor opposite was suddenly bustling, and a tall, well-built actress came out.

None other than Fan Shuishui, Tong Liya and Zhao Liying are the strong contenders for Best Actress.

Seeing Han Changsheng's group of seven people, Fan Shuishui, who was wearing a translucent silver dress, suddenly smiled, and the corners of his mouth became sweeter.

It's really a coincidence that the rookie director Feng is going to beat, and the best actress competitor he's going to beat, these people are all together.

Fan Shuishui greeted Yang Mi and the others, brushed her wavy hair around her ears, and smiled at Han Changsheng.

She stretched out her white right hand, staring at Han Changsheng's sharp and handsome face, "Although it's the first time we meet, Shui Shui has admired Director Han's name for a long time. It's an honor to meet Director Han."


Han Changsheng smiled lightly, but his right hand was placed at the line of his trousers, and he didn't even intend to lift it up.

Damn it! How dare you ignore my mother's grace! Fan Shuishui's smile faltered, and then he retracted his right hand as if nothing had happened, and bent his mouth meaningfully, "Director Han is really a dark horse with talent! Director's demeanor, it seems that you are going to Xiao Jinlong, the best director, is in the bag."

"If you dare to think about it or not to take it, whoever can take it counts!"

Han Changsheng replied indifferently, holding Sisi and Fatty's tender hands on the left and right sides, and strode down.

Fan Shuishui stared at Han Changsheng's back with sharp eyes, and let out a hum from his nose.

There are too many arrogant people in the showbiz, and few of them end well. This Han Changsheng is... the next one.

"This Han Changsheng is really awesome, Fan Shuishui doesn't even give him face."

"His two films were shortlisted for awards with Director Feng's "I'm Not Pan Jinlian". He probably lost his mind because of his upset mood."

"It's useless to be upset. The best director doesn't belong to Han Changsheng, and the best leading actress doesn't belong to Tong Liya and Zhao Liying. He's probably going to lose everything this time."

"What do you think of the jury? This Han Changsheng is obviously a newcomer, the director, but he was selected for the best director, and Fa Hai is obviously the leading actor, but he was selected for the supporting actor."

"I don't understand, do you know who is the chairman of the Golden Dragon Award jury this year? Zhang Yi, Zhang Guoshi, this Han Changsheng's "Green Snake" is about to overwhelm Zhang Guoshi's "Great Wall". His.....all the shortlisted awards are not bad."

"I was shortlisted for 12 categories, reminding me of the "Red Cliff", which was shortlisted for [-] categories at the Golden Elephant Awards but accompanied me all the way!"

Whispering voices around him could be heard, and Sheng Sheng frowned.

He really doesn't care if he wins an award or not.

Even if Yaya and Yingbao lost the competition, at worst he would continue to make movies for her.

But if a family of six accompanied them all the way, it would be tantamount to slapping his old Han family directly, so don't blame him for getting mad.

"You are... powerful enough, so you don't give Fan Shuishui face."

Huang Bo gave Han Changsheng a thumbs up and quickly changed the subject.

Fan Shuishui's limelight among actresses can basically be ranked among the top three. The entire showbiz, no matter who it is, has to give her face even if they look down on her.

Who would have thought that she would fall into the sand at Brother Han's place.

"That woman has too much hand cream on her hands, I'm afraid I'll slip."

Han Changsheng shrugged, and just opened his mouth to speak nonsense.

It wasn't that he didn't want to raise his hand, but Sisi and Fatty's tender hands were placed on the soft ribs of his waist.

If you shake hands, you will be pinched, and he doesn't want to ask for it.

Oops! I've caused trouble for the master.

Liu Sisi and Di Lieba looked at each other, wanting to take back their hands and say to their master, "I'm sorry..."

, but was dragged back by Han Changsheng.

Han Changsheng squeezed the two small tender hands, and said with a faint smile: "You don't allow me to shake hands with other women, just like I don't let you wear naked clothes, it's our instinctive reaction, there is no need for other things idea."

The two little ones looked at each other and smiled, tightly holding the master's hand, and followed him forward.

Gu Li Nazha looked at the three people in front of her eyes, and silently cheered for herself! The road to entering the Han family is long and difficult, but she will not give up...

The custom of various stars walking on the red carpet can be traced back to the Greek period thousands of years ago, which is the earliest record of laying the red carpet.

When the Hollywood movie "Robin Hood" premiered in 1, the first red carpet in Hollywood was laid in front of the Eji Theater, and in the following decades, the red carpet became the standard configuration for various festive ceremonies.

In Han Changsheng's opinion, the reason why stars walk on the red carpet is because many stars want to express that they are already popular, or they want to be popular.

After getting off the concierge car, we walked forward amidst the cheers of many fans, and the flashing lights of major media also continued to shine.

Han Changsheng pointed to the female star who was shivering from the cold in front of him, and whispered to the five female stars: "Did you see it? This is called a beautiful frozen person. I don't care about want to be beautiful or not to be healthy." But I can control you, cover me tightly when you go out in the future, whoever is sick is taken care of by the family law!"

"Yes, yes, sir, you are the greatest, and the slaves dare not refuse to listen."

The five girls agreed obediently, and then Fat Di raised his hand and pinched Han Changsheng, "Take your eyes that are looking around everywhere, and don't let me look at them randomly."

Han Changsheng held his forehead speechlessly, "Aren't I just making a metaphor?"

Fatty pouted and said: "The analogy is over, don't read it anymore, if you want to read it, it's up to us."

The family of six was underestimating in a low voice, and was stopped by the location host.

After answering several identical questions, the six people 6 continued to move forward, but the pace was much faster.

The six members of their family didn't need to take this opportunity to be exposed to the flashlight again, so naturally they walked as fast as they could.

And their hasty pace fell into the eyes of the major media reporters, and was immediately recorded under the flashlight.

"Look, I haven't seen it yet, this Han Chang was so angry that he even forgot to take a picture."

"Normally, his two films were shortlisted for 11 awards, but in the end he may not win any of them. He will be weird if he is not angry."

"I've heard that Fan Shuishui took the initiative to shake hands with him just now, but he ignored him. That's quite arrogant."

"Tong Liya, Zhao Liying and Fan Shuishui are competitors for the Best Actress, and Director Han Changsheng and Feng Da are also competing for Best Director. There is a high probability that they won't win these two awards. It's no wonder he has a good face."

"You are still young after all! I don't know that winning awards is not important, it is important to make more friends in the entertainment industry."

Amidst the discussions from the outside world, Han Changsheng and others finally walked into the Culture and Sports Center, and sat down in their respective seats.

This time, Han Changsheng's position is not in the second row, but rather in the back.

What the Ming Empire is talking about is ranking seniority, except...Huang Bo, everyone is considered a novice in the film industry, and they are not qualified to be ranked.

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Chapter 346 The family has a queen (please get up early to subscribe)

At exactly four o'clock on, magnificent music sounded, and what Han Changsheng was familiar with was the singing and dancing of the Mongolian people.

And then, there are... two hosts who Han Changsheng looks familiar but whose names he doesn't.

"Honorable guests……"

After the same opening remarks, the names of the jury for this year's Golden Dragon Awards were displayed on the big screen, and the first one at the beginning was... Zhang Yi, Zhang Guoshi, whom Han Changsheng was familiar with.

Han Changsheng's deepest memory of this Zhang Guoshi is not his movies, nor his Olympic opening ceremony, but that he would rather be fined 748 million to have his three children registered in the Ming Empire.

This Zhang Guoshi also has many mistakes in life, but Han Changsheng appreciates this point very much.

But if you are targeted by this person, you can put away what you appreciate.

"Wu Yanshu's "Relocation" won the Best Supporting Actress..."

Just as he was thinking wildly, he realized that a rather old grandmother on the right stood up.

Looking up, I realized that the awarding of this Golden Dragon Award is very simple, it is directly...Supporting Actress, according to the process, the next one is...Best Actress.

His right arm sank, Ying Bao pressed over, and said sickly: "Master, it seems that the best actress for me and my second sister is gone."

"how do you know"

"The national teacher Zhang is sitting in the first row, look at who is behind him on the right,"


Han Changsheng lowered his gaze in bewilderment, only to realize that Zhang Yimou was sitting behind him on the right...Fan Shuishui, and the two were talking happily.

Han Changsheng frowned, "Zhang Yimou is just the chairman of the judging committee, can he alone decide who the best actress is?"

Tong Liya on the left put her arm on her and said unhappy: "He can't make a decision alone, but he can influence the judgment of other judges."

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