"The best actress nominees are Bai Baihe's "Monster Hunt" and "Lu Yao Knows Ma Li", Fan Shuishui's "I'm Not Pan Jinlian", Tong Liya's "Green Snake", and Zhao Liying's "Green Snake".

As Huang Bo, the best actress award presenter, stood on the stage, the photos of the five 55 nominated best actresses suddenly appeared on the big screen, and then the movie clips about the five of them began to be played one by one.

Tong Liya and Zhao Liying held Han Changsheng's arm tightly, feeling tense all of a sudden.

Even if they think that [-]%% of this game will be lost, they still don't give up and want to see if the remaining [-]%% will come back.

Compared with the nervous second daughter, Fan Shuishui in front of her was much more generous, with a casual smile on her lips, ready to let the camera record her most beautiful moment.

Huang Bo on the stage opened the envelope and took a look, his pupils shrank, then he looked up at Tong Liya and Zhao Liying beside Han Changsheng, and read according to the words on the small card.

"From the perspective of a green snake to see the warmth and coldness of the world, and to show the good and evil of people with white emotional lines, although they are two heroines, they are evenly divided, expressing the Buddha's nature is also good and evil, love and hate thoughts, the 88th Golden Dragon Award for Best The heroine winners are "Green Snake" Bai Suzhen - Tong Liya, "Green Snake" Xiaoqing - Zhao! The pain in both arms passed into his brain and Han Changsheng didn't have time to pay attention to it. Huang Bo on the stage winked again and again.

Brother Bo will not really change the awarding lines like the joke he said just now, right? It is exactly the same as what Huang Bo said.


Tong Liya and Zhao Liying wanted to stand up and cheer, but found that they had no strength.

Han Changsheng patted the backs of the two girls, crossed the two paths of anger, and said in a low voice: "Relax, relax and take a deep breath, this is just the first actress award in your life, there will be more in the future, no need So nervous."

Tong Liya took a deep breath, got up and kissed Han Changsheng, "Thank you, dear master."

Zhao Liying clenched her fists, then let go..., held Han Changsheng in her arms and said, "Love you, master."

Papa... Papa... Liu Sisi and Di Lieba took the lead in applauding, and then thunderous applause from all around.

Everyone looked at the second daughter who was walking up to the podium step by step, and then looked at Han Changsheng, with strange eyes.

Didn't it mean that this... was targeted by Zhang Guoshi? Why did "Green Snake" win the best actress, and it was Fan Shuishui who was sitting in the second row after the double heroines, gritted his teeth, and his face was livid.

Clenching her hands tightly, the bright red nails pierced her palms, but she didn't feel any pain at all.

She originally regarded the best actress of this year as her bag, but who would have thought that the boiled duck flew from her mouth, and turned into two after flying out, which made it difficult for her to control her anger .

In terms of relationship, status, and popularity, she, Fan Shuishui, is better than the two on stage. Why should she give them the best actress! Why! Director Feng Dagang and Feng Da on the side patted Fan Shuishui's hand, "Water Water, calm down, it's just a best actress, don't lose your composure."

Fan Shuishui took a deep breath, lowered his voice, but his anger was clearly visible, "Director Feng, you're right: it's light, just pay it back, do you know how long it's been since I got the Best Actress trophy in China?"

In the past few years, Fan Shuishui has indeed won many international best actress trophies, but everyone knows the moisture content of these trophies.

The real queens in film history have always won various domestic and international awards with a single film.

She thought with all her heart that she could win this honor by relying on "I'm Not Pan Jinlian", but she never thought that she would fail at the first step in China.

Feng Dagang frowned and said: "I know all of this, but don't worry, I'm not going to retire after finishing this film, there will be opportunities in the future, the most important thing now is...to keep your image, don't mess around. "

Fan Shuishui gritted his teeth and took a few deep breaths, finally forced a smile, but everyone could see that the smile was fake.

The Golden Dragon Award is one of the best movie awards in the Ming Empire, and it has ruined its image here, not to mention being blocked, it will take several years.

Han Changsheng can't control other people's random thoughts.

It's fine if the jury doesn't give Yaya and Yingbao the best actress, if they do, then continue.

The big deal is that starting from tomorrow, the requirements for Yaya and Yingbao will be stricter.

Under the eyes of all, Tong Liya and Zhao Liying finally stepped onto the podium, and then took over the actress Xiao Jinlong from Huang Bo's hands.

Seeing that the two girls were still a little excited, Huang Bo said, "You two must have a thousand things to say now, but I also want to say something..."

He waved to Han Changsheng in the audience, "Director Han, your "Green Snake" won two best actresses, when will you also praise me?"

Han Changsheng smiled gratefully at Huang Bo, and joked: "This will have to wait for Brother Bo to go to Taiguo for a while, when will you complete the biggest change in your life, and when will I let you be the heroine of my movie."

Huang Bo rolled his eyes, and gave up his position to Tong Liya and Zhao Liying who came over slowly.

Going to Taiguo changed my life and acted as a heroine. Is there any need to talk about the change?

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Chapter 347 Going Further and Farther on the Path of a Supporting Role (Second Update Please Subscribe)

Yu m.com "Second sister, you come first!"

Zhao Liying took a step back and signaled Tong Liya to speak first.

Her excitement has not completely eased up to now, but the steady second sister has gradually calmed down.

Tong Liya squeezed Ying Bao's hand as a comfort, stared at Han Changsheng in the audience, and smiled Bai Meisheng, "I am very grateful to my master, because without him, there would be no "Green Snake", and there would be no "Green Snake". "Snake" would not have my Bai Suzhen, and without Bai Suzhen I would not be able to get this best actress, in conclusion, without him I would not be able to stand on this podium.

In addition, I am very grateful to everyone in the crew of "Green Snake", it is their hard work that makes "Green Snake" more perfect, thank you everyone!"

Amidst the applause, Zhao Liying calmed down, "Second Sister said what I wanted to say, and I am also very grateful to Second Sister, because without her, my Xiaoqing would not be what everyone sees.

I would like to thank the jury for awarding this award to me and my second sister. This is not only an encouragement to us, but also a spur to us. We will continue to work hard! Thank you everyone."

Papa... There was thunderous applause, and Fan Shuishui in the audience applauded, with a faint smile on his face, but whispered two words, "Hypocrisy!"

Director Feng Dagang frowned and didn't try to persuade, women, it's normal to have a small belly.

Tong Liya and Zhao Liying bowed and stepped off the stage before returning to their seats. Liu Sisi and Di Lieba's little thieves stretched out their hands, "Second Sister, Third Sister, quickly show us the trophy."

The second daughter, Tong Zhao, gave out the trophy carefully, and said: "Be careful, don't break it."

"Oh, this trophy is so strong, how could it be broken."

"Wow, so heavy, is this the little golden dragon?"

"Best Actress, I didn't expect our family to have a best actress."

The two little ones looked at each other for a while, Yang Mi made another move, and then put the two little golden dragons into Han Changsheng's hands.

Start with Xiao Jinlong: It's quite heavy, according to Han Changsheng's estimate, it should be brass inside and gold-plated outside.

Above is a hovering golden dragon, below is a square base with "The 88th Golden Dragon Award for Best Actress" engraved on the front


Han Changsheng took a few glances, returned the little golden dragon to Tong Liya and Zhao Liying, and said in a low voice: "Although you have been crowned movie queens, don't be arrogant and complacent. You must take every movie and TV series seriously in the future, and don't show up." The acting skills are getting worse and worse."

"Master, don't worry, we will take it seriously."

The two girls nodded in unison, feeling that the pressure on their bodies increased a lot in an instant.

No wonder the master said that the honor needs to be matched with the strength. If they have enough confidence to win the actress this time, they won't have the kind of... uneasy and then excited mood just now.

The family of six whispered in the audience, and the trophies were awarded one by one on the stage, and when it was almost time for Best Supporting Actor, Yang Mi and Di Lieba got up and walked to the stage.

Dili Reba took the envelope from Miss Etiquette and handed it to Yang Mi, "Sister, read it!"

Yang Mi took it subconsciously, and joked: "You are also an award presenter, do you really want to not read a word?"

Dili Reba said pitifully: "I can't help it, are you the boss of our family? If you want me to read it, you can save some for me."

"Then leave the second half for you, waiting for you to be said to contribute."

Yang Mi joked, and directly opened the envelope to complete the award presentation quickly.

Master's Best Actor contest was kicked into the Best Supporting Actor category, obviously he won't get this award, why not go back to comfort Master quickly.

Yang Mi opened the award card, was stunned for a moment, and glanced at Fat Di, "My eyes are blurry, please help me see if the words on it are wrong."

Dili Reba let out an oh, and took the award card nonchalantly, her pupils opened wide and subconsciously said: "The sentence 'human' shows the superiority of Fa Hai, and the sentence 'monster' shows the great power of Buddhism and decisiveness in killing , "Xiao Qing's words are filled with regret.

When the Buddha has a demon in his heart, the Buddha can also become a demon. Only by experiencing the seven emotions and six desires of human beings, and distinguishing the true good and evil in the three realms and six realms, can he achieve the great virtue of Buddhism..."

Before Dili Reba could finish reading the speech on the award card, Yang Mi snatched it up and read it loudly: "The winner of the 88th Golden Dragon Award for Best Supporting Actor is "Green Snake" Fahai——Han Changsheng! "

Wow! There was an uproar, and most of the people looked at Han Changsheng in a daze.

The Best Actor in the competition was changed to Best Supporting Actor. Everyone thought that this person would not get any awards, but who would have thought that he was upset again and directly took away the trophy for Best Supporting Actor.

"I just asked you to take a look at it for me. Who asked you to read so many words for me?"

Yang Mi pinched Di Lireba and muttered, then raised her head and smiled sweetly at Han Changsheng in the audience, "Master, it's time for you to go on stage to receive the award."

Han Changsheng got up and hugged Tong Liya, Zhao Liying and Liu Sisi, and walked to the stage doubtfully amidst Huang Bo's blessing.

He really didn't expect to win another Best Supporting Actor with Fa Hai.

Because under normal circumstances, unless a movie can crush other movies in all aspects, it will get quite a lot of awards.

But taking "Green Snake" as an example, because his directing experience is not very good, he did not perfectly present everything in the original "Green Snake", so he thought it would be enough to get two best actresses, but unexpectedly Here comes a trophy.

Just walked onto the stage, Zhang Yimou suddenly asked for a microphone.

He got up and stared at Han Changsheng and said: "Here I have to explain the birth process of this best supporting actor. "Green Snake" is a fantasy movie with two heroines. The role of Xu Xian is to help Bai Suzhen grow into a human being. Fa Hai Its role is to help Xiaoqing grow into a big demon, so these two characters cannot be fully defined as male protagonists, so we will classify them as supporting male roles.”

After saying that, Zhang Yimou sat down again, and looked at the young man on the stage with a faint smile.

It was his idea to move the role as the chairman of the jury, because with this young man's acting skills, he is not strong enough to compete for the best actor, but it is more than enough to move to the supporting actor.

As for why he didn't give two Best Supporting Actors, in fact Xu Xian's cowardly and sentimental performance made him feel a little bit hated. After discussing with other judges, the roles that were too hateful were dropped.

Han Changsheng bowed his hands to express his gratitude to Zhang Yimou, and stood between Yang Mi and Di Lieba.

"To be honest, I don't want to accept this Best Supporting Actor Award."

Swish! The eyes of the audience in the audience moved back and forth between Han Changsheng and Zhang Yimou, and their eyes were a little weird.

They are very familiar with this sentence, and they should shoot Fa Hai or Xu Xian to death later.

Yang Mi secretly tugged at the corner of Han Changsheng's clothes, "Master Zhang Guoshi explained it to us to save our face, don't be too violent, keep it down."

Han Changsheng didn't say anything, he patted Yang Mi's little hand to tell her not to worry.

"I don't want to accept this award because I don't want to be judged as if I have been a monk, and I don't want to be delineated as only a supporting actor and not a leading actor. After all, I am still young and my artistic path is still very long. , if I really go farther and farther on the road of supporting roles, then my dream of being a leading role will be gone forever.”


There was laughter all around, this... Best Supporting Actor is supposed to be the director, isn’t he the leading actor in his movie? Thank you very much for the affirmation given by the jury. I hope that if I come here again in the future, I will get a Xiao Jinlong for Best Actor! I hope I will be called the Best Actor like Brother Bo!"

There was applause from below, no matter...

Whether it's contempt, envy, jealousy, or admiration, in short, you have to applaud if you put on a show.

It's true enough! Huang Bo and a few other people gave Han Changsheng a thumbs up.

Those... Actors who don't want to win the best actor, and other modest words are just cover-ups, and this kind of words are the real truth.

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Chapter 348 The Best Director is Unpopular Again (Subscribe for the third watch)

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