Han Changsheng scanned around, without hesitation, said in a low voice: "You guys came to talk to me, I don't know what you want to talk about"

"Han Shizhu, "Green Snake" slandered the image of my Zen ancestor Fa Hai, and also slandered the image of my Buddhist school. We ask Han Shizhu to remove "Green Snake" and apologize to Buddhism!"

Except for Cimei, the twenty monks stood up in unison, glaring at Han Changsheng, and seemed to attack Han Changsheng in groups.

Han Changsheng shook his head and laughed, "The "Green Snake" is adapted from the folk tale "The Legend of the White Snake". The Sea of ​​Fa in Jinshan Temple has become your Sea of ​​Fa”

"Benefactor, slandering the Buddha is no small matter. Under the cause and effect, the donor may not escape catastrophe!"

Twenty monks spoke in unison, and the combined voice had the taste of Zi Hong Lu Da Zhong.

It's a pity that Han Changsheng didn't notice the sound, and plucked his ears quite leisurely and elegantly.

He scanned the circle of angry-eyed monks, and said with a sneer: "Slandering Buddha "Green Snake" is obviously a movie about the demonic nature of Buddha and human nature, why does it become slandering Buddha in your mouths? To slander your Buddha or to slander your Buddha yourself”

"Almsgiver, my Buddha is merciful, let me pass on the Dharma to you through our mouth, don't get deeper and deeper, and be obsessed with not being enlightened!"

"My Buddha"

Han Changsheng curled the corners of his mouth, stood up calmly, and glanced around with condescending eyes.

"Since you talk about your Buddha, then I will also talk about your Buddha! If your Buddha is not greedy for money, why do you accept the worship of the world? If your Buddha is not evil, why can't you tolerate the world's disrespect? , why are there three, six, and nine classes of Bodhisattva, Bhikkhu, and Dharma protectors? Have you ever asked your Buddha, which of your previous lives was the animal realm, the asura realm, the hungry ghost realm, or the hell realm? Have you ever asked your Buddha, how many times have you been fried in hot oil in the [-]th floor of hell, and how many times have you been cut into pieces? Have you ever asked your Buddha why he can only survive others, but not you. ...the Fangkong monk in cassock!"

Being scolded so superiorly by Han Changsheng, the twenty monks were immediately angry.

They have always been the ones who scolded others, never had anyone dared to speak to them like this, "Benefactor, you are already possessed, put down the butcher knife quickly, and turn around!"

"Amitabha, Almighty, you have been deeply infatuated with demons, and you will definitely be haunted by evil obstacles, and will also affect the people around you, so it is better to enter my Buddhist gate to clear away evil obstacles!"

"Almsgiver, you are already on the way to hell, maybe we need to chant sutras for you thousands of times to clear away the demonic obstacles."

These...all for you slogans fell into my ears, and Han Changsheng smiled even brighter.

Boom! A pause: the brass Zen stick in his hand, the trembling sound of gold and iron strikes the surroundings, the monk in front of the stab frowned and closed his mouth, staring dumbfounded at the broken bluestone bricks in front of him.

Han Changsheng suddenly put away his smiling face, and angrily reprimanded with sword eyebrows.

"Devil, is this your new name for Lao Tzu? Compared with your Buddha! Lao Tzu sees that the devil is greedy for money but does not need to be worshiped by the world.

Lao Tzu sees that the demons are not good but can be judged by others.

The devil I saw said that all living beings are divided into ranks, but the lower class can also become the upper class! It is said that the family members are all empty, but Lao Tzu sees the three poisons of greed, hatred and ignorance in the eyes of you... monks! After all, you Is my Buddha a demon, or Lao Tzu's demon is a Buddha!"

"Well said! Buddha statues are like monkeys locked in a zoo. If you don't give money, the filial sons and grandsons of the Buddha statues will not let you go in to worship!"

"Nowadays, the Buddha statues in temples are all fake Buddhas! Only the parents in your own family are the real Buddhas. As long as you are filial to your parents, that is... you have met the real Buddha!"

"The Buddha said to save all living beings, but no one has passed through.

The Tao says to take good care of oneself alone, but to help one another in times of adversity.”

"In the troubled times, the Buddhist gates closed the mountain gates and did not care about world affairs, and the Daoist sects led the crowd out of the mountains to hang pots to help the world."

"In the peaceful and prosperous age, the Buddhist sect will save all living beings and transform the world, and the Taoist sect will retreat to the mountains and forests to understand Taoism."

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Chapter 353 I Believe I Don't Believe in Buddha

On m.com "You...you..."

Twenty monks pointed at Han Changsheng, opened their mouths but didn't know what to say in rebuttal.

The other party regarded themselves as a demon, but the words they said were all the words of the Buddha. To refute the other party was to refute the Buddha, and not to refute was to agree with what the other party had scolded them. This feeling made them want to vomit blood.

"Amitabha, the poor monk thought that he had already achieved great enlightenment, but now that he thinks about it, it turned out to be only a small enlightenment."

The compassionate monk recited a Buddhist name, twisted the rosary in his hand, and recited words.

"Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva, when practicing the deep Prajna Paramita for a long time, sees that the five aggregates are all empty, and overcomes all hardships.

Shariputra, form is not different from emptiness, emptiness is not different from form, form is emptiness, emptiness is form.

Want to know that line, same is the case.

The relics are the emptiness of all dharmas..."

When the "Prajna Paramita Heart Sutra" was being recited, the voice of the merciful monk began to get higher and higher, and invisible sound waves hit the surroundings, bounced back again, and gradually formed a sound barrier.

The audience in the live broadcast youth studio, only saw the screen start to flicker, and then the live broadcast youth was directly stunned, the screen suddenly flickered, and the signal was directly interrupted.

"I'll go, what's going on, I'm looking at it right now, why is the signal suddenly interrupted?"

"Haven't you seen that there is a golden light on the body of the compassionate master?"

"I seem to see it, but are you sure it's not sunlight, are you?"

"It's noon, it seems that it really should be sunlight."


The mountain behind Jinshan Temple.

The Buddhist voices of the compassionate monk became louder and louder, and every word he uttered was like a deafening bell.

At this time, the young novice monks around him had already knelt down, followed by the monks from Jinshan Temple, twenty monks who came to find trouble.

At the end, even Cimei and Shi Yongxin, who had a very high level of xinxing cultivation, also fell to their knees.

Under the protection of Han Changsheng, Tong Liya was... fine, but she looked at the golden light on the compassionate monk with horror.

This golden light is different from my master's, it is more soft and less sharp, although it has the illusion of carrying a hundred catties on her body, it does not hurt her.

Han Changsheng squinted his eyes and looked at the compassionate monk, his eyes flickered.

According to his induction, the great monk's external vitality surged, but the dead energy inside was suppressed, and the spiritual power of the compassionate monk also skyrocketed, basically more than half of his.

This half is no small matter, Han Changsheng's current mental strength is twenty times that of ordinary people, which is equal to the spiritual strength of the compassionate monk ten times that of others.

"Jieti Jieti, Parajati, Parasangjajati, Bodhisattva Pohe."

After the last part of the "Prajna Paramita Heart Sutra" was recited, the merciful monk opened his eyes. The black and white pupils were covered with a layer of golden light, which looked miraculous.

He turned his head and glanced at Han Changsheng. Although his eyes were surprised, there was more of a feeling of age rings that had experienced many vicissitudes.

There is also a thin layer of fluorescent light emerging from the whole body, which looks like a Buddha more than a compassionate monk.

Fluorescent Buddha clasped his hands together, and his voice sounded like a bell, "Amitabha, I didn't expect that when I opened my eyes again, I would meet such a Buddha-natured person as Xiaoyou. This is really my blessing."

Han Changsheng's eyes moved, and he nodded slightly, "Zen Master, I believe that I don't believe in Buddhism, so our Buddha is the same Buddha?"

The Fluorescent Buddha smiled slightly, "Although the Buddhas are different, their good thoughts are the same. What does it matter if you believe in it?"

Han Changsheng pointed to the twenty monks kneeling on the ground, "But these monks who insist on recognizing you as a patriarch want me to believe in Buddhism. I don't know what you think about it."

The Fluorescent Buddha recited the Buddha's name and said, "The old man was ordained in Miyin Temple, practiced hard in Miyin Temple, made great achievements in Zexin Can Temple, passed away in Jinshan Temple, and never taught Buddhism to the outside world. Patriarch, please don’t mislead me to practice.”

"I dare not wait!"

Cimei and others knelt on the ground and dared not even open their eyes, as if they were afraid of disturbing the fluorescent Buddha in front of them.

Just listening to the narration of the Fluorescent Buddha, it is not the patriarch of Jinshan Temple, Zen Master Fahai, but who is the great monk of compassion... With his cultivation base, he still can't reach the point where they dare not stand up just by reciting Buddhist scriptures .

"Jinshan Temple...didn't expect it to change so much after so many years."

Zen Master Fahai glanced at the surrounding bamboo forest, moved his eyes to the gate of Jinshan Temple with emotion, and seemed to see through the layers of red bricks and blue tiles, and saw the bustling crowd at the foot of the mountain.

His eyes are deep and complex, three points 3 gratified, three points 3 helpless, four points 4 sighs.

"From now on, Jinshan Temple will be divided into two parts. The front temple receives people who sincerely worship the Buddha, and the back temple is a place for monks to practice meditation. Although there is no incense and money, you can't practice with peace of mind, but you must also bear in mind that if you don't practice, you are not qualified to accept it." Incense money.

Amitabha, good and good."

Zen Master Fahai opened his eyes and looked at Han Changsheng, clasped his hands together and whispered a few times, then gradually fell silent.

The golden Buddha light disappeared, and the great pressure around him disappeared.

The merciful monk suddenly opened his eyes and looked at Han Changsheng in surprise, "Han benefactor, I...I..."

In his induction just now, the patriarch seemed to have told him some Dharma, which made him feel enlightened, but he couldn't believe what he sensed.

The patriarch descended to pass on the Dharma in person, which has never happened in hundreds of thousands of years.

"Congratulations to the Great Monk Compassionate, oh, now I should call you Zen Master Compassionate."

Han Changsheng bowed his hands to Zen Master Mercy, took Tong Liya's hand and walked out, without looking at Shi Yongxin and others who were sitting or kneeling.

Boom! The brass Zen rod suddenly produced sound waves, and the live broadcast young man who was lying on the ground woke up with a shake. He glanced at the monks around him, got up and quickly caught up with Han Changsheng.

"Emperor Shennong, why did I faint just now?"

"The Dharma recited by the merciful monk is too profound, you are stunned."

"Impossible. It's not like I haven't heard of the "Prajna Paramita Heart Sutra". It can't be regarded as a profound Buddhist law."

"You believe in Buddha"

"I don't believe it, but I have read Buddhist scriptures."

"You don't believe in Buddhism, so you will faint when you hear the Buddha's voice."

Han Changsheng made some nonsense, stopped what Tong Liya was about to say, and dragged her all the way out of Jinshan Temple, then got into the car that Yang Mi helped rent, and drove all the way to Jinling International Airport.

Tong Liya endured and endured, and finally did not hold back after getting on the plane.

She looked left and right: she clung to Han Changsheng's ear, her voice was as low as a mosquito's, "Master, that compassionate monk just now has really turned into that Zen Master Fahai from Jinshan Temple."

"How is it possible, the compassionate monk can only be the compassionate monk."

"But I clearly heard you call him a Zen master!"

"Didn't I also call the Great Monk Mercy the Zen Master of Mercy later on? Don't keep thinking wildly, that kind of thing can't happen."

"It's strange to believe you!"

Tong Liya pouted, not believing what her master said at all.

The Great Monk Compassionate has the same status as those monks, at most a little higher, how can I make them kneel down.

But when I saw Shi Yongxin and others' posture just now, they knelt on the ground and didn't even dare to raise their heads, they looked very much like juniors kneeling down to worship their ancestors.

Han Changsheng said lightly: "You can think wildly, but don't talk nonsense."

Tong Liya lowered the corners of her mouth, two cute little dimples loomed, "Don't worry! I'll just tell the elder sister and the others, and it will never be rumored."

With just this one sentence, she can tell that what she just thought is true.

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