Seeing this, Han Changsheng shook his head and didn't say anything else.

Some things can be understood but cannot be expressed in words, otherwise once it is spread out, there will be an uproar, which is not what he wants to see.

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Chapter 354 Yaya: I Don't Fight Unprepared Battles

Near five o'clock in the afternoon on, Han Changsheng and Tong Liya walked into the Han family villa.

Before the slippers were changed, Di Lieba jumped directly onto Han Changsheng, kissed Han Changsheng a few times, and praised: "Master, you are really good. After going out for half a day, this matter will be solved immediately!"

Han Changsheng was taken aback, "How did you know so quickly?"

Liu Sisi walked over and handed over the tablet, "All the articles on the Internet that slandered Buddhism about "Green Snake" have been removed, and there are also many movies and TV dramas about Buddhism, such as "Da Tang Xuanzang", "Sakyamuni "Biography of Nirvana", "Patriarch Bodhidharma", "Living Buddha Jigong", "Legend of Avalokitesvara"..."

Han Changsheng took the tablet and turned it over a few times, a strange thought flashed through his mind.

Perhaps, it's okay for him not to go during his trip to Jinshan Temple.

It took him and Yaya just over four hours to return home from Jinshan Temple.

In such a short period of time, how could there be so many film and television drama names suddenly appearing? The most likely reason is... some people had already planned this matter yesterday or even earlier.

And his going to Jinshan Temple was just a push.

Inferring from this, if he doesn't go to Jinshan Temple, the news about "Green Snake" slandering Buddhism on the Internet will sink in a few days, and then it will disappear.

Just thinking of this, the muscles in Han Changsheng's neck tensed up, his body paused, and he recovered after three seconds.

Tong Liya supported her, and said anxiously: "Master, what's wrong with you?"

Han Changsheng patted Yaya's tender hand, "Don't make a fuss, it's fine."

"It's really okay"

Yaya is suspicious.

Master's situation just now seems to be a stimulus reaction to physical pain, and it doesn't seem to be all right.


Tong Liya touched Han Changsheng's face, and said strangely: "But why do I feel that you are more handsome?"

Han Changsheng laughed and said, "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder!"

"That's how I describe me. To you, you should be a hero in Xi Shi's eyes."

"Do beautiful women love heroes?"

Han Changsheng pursed his lips and smiled, letting Yaya hang on him.

His trip to Jinshan Temple was not without benefits, at least he was stimulated by Zen Master Fahai, and he absorbed a little bit of the evil emperor's soul essence, as Yaya said, he became even more handsome...

After dinner, Tong Liya told the four 44 sisters how she and the master went to Jinshan Temple.

Hearing that Zen Master Fahai finally appeared, Yang Mi and the four daughters couldn't believe it, but they yearned for it.

In the entire Han family, the least likely to tell lies is Han's second child.

So this mythical story, which sounds the most incredible, is covered with a layer of mystery.

Zen Master Fahai reappears, it is a pity that such a big melon has not been eaten with his own eyes.

After secretly admiring, the eyes of the four daughters of Yang Mi fell on Han Changsheng, who was standing aside as if nothing had happened, their eyes were very strange.

Zen master Fahai reappeared, and he even called the master a little friend. This kind of equal address that is equivalent to forgetting friends feels a little strange.

Is this because the master is a senior schizophrenic patient or because of other unknown and mysterious reasons? Han Changsheng... felt the probing eyes of the five girls, but he was still unmoved, and even his expression did not change.

At this time, silence is the best answer.

Everything else raises more questions.

Seeing that Dili Reba couldn't ask anything, Tong Liya said: "Second Sister, are you sure you don't need me when you pick up your uncle and aunt tomorrow?"

Tong Liya flipped through the beautiful one, "Why are you going to make my parents angry?"

Fatty pouted and said cutely: "I'm so cute, how could I offend my uncle and aunt?"

Tong Liya said unhappily: "Why did the parents of our five sisters get angry before? You don't know that our five 55s married the master and they are already angry. If you go to pick up someone, it will add fuel to my fire. How can I make them accept it?" my master"

"But eldest sister's parents like us very much, especially me the most!"

"That's because uncle and aunt are very satisfied with our master, Ai Wu and Wu Xia will like you, otherwise you think they will let you visit to give you a good face"

"Pang Di, don't make trouble, stay at home obediently."

Yang Mi took a picture of Fatty and said to Tong Liya: "Yaya, rice noodles, oil, beef, mutton, and vegetables have all been delivered to your house. You can go and see what is missing with the master tomorrow morning. Then add some."

The house, of course, is Tong Liya's house.

What this girl longed for was a stable life, so when housing prices in the capital hadn't risen, she spent more than four million yuan to buy a house in Jiadu on the East Third Ring Road.

Although it is only more than [-] square meters, the sparrow is small and well-equipped with five internal organs, two bedrooms, one living room, one kitchen and one bathroom. It is more than enough for a family of three to live in.

And the first time to receive Tong Liya's parents, naturally they can't stay in Han's villa, the first choice is Tong Liya's house.

The five sisters went there to clean it on the [-]rd, so Yang Mi also has the key there.

Tong Liya hugged Yang Mi for a moment, "Thank you, big sister."

"Thank you for what."

Yang Mi smiled, and whispered in her ear: "For you, our master will definitely suppress his temper, but I'm worried that he won't be able to control it. You bring the rainbow with you tomorrow, and it can make jokes to adjust the atmosphere when necessary."

"Okay, it's still Eldest Sister's thoughtfulness."

Tong Liya responded with kindness and kindness, and Yang Mi took another bite.

Fatty is my sister, if she goes, my parents may be angry.

But Rainbow is a parrot, and it is smart, well-behaved and sensible. Its ability to adjust the atmosphere is not much worse than that of Fatty...

At four o'clock in the afternoon on the 4th, Han Changsheng and Tong Liya appeared at the Beijing International Airport, and then picked up Tong's father and Tong's mother.

The two elders are not the kind of... super photogenic celebrity parents, dressed in ordinary home, with a suitcase in each hand, just like an old couple who go out for a normal trip.

Tong's father has a literary style on him, and he probably was a literary youth when he was young.

Mother Tong has an oval face, kind eyebrows and kind eyes, and looks a little kind.

From the eyebrows and eyes of the second elder, it can be seen that Yaya's beauty basically inherits the advantages of the second elder.

"Mom and Dad!"

Tong Liya rushed over excitedly, hugged her mother directly, and then introduced Han Changsheng with all her heart.

She has done so much preparatory work, but it's just for this moment! Mother Tong looked at Han Changsheng and smiled kindly, "It's the same as what I saw, he looks really energetic!"

Father Tong patted Han Changsheng on the shoulder, seeing that he was motionless, he nodded in satisfaction, "Standing like a pine, not moving like a mountain, you are a man!"

"Hello, Uncle and Aunt."

Tong's mother waved her hand vigorously, "Don't call me uncle and aunt, call me mom and dad!"

Han Changsheng saw that the attitude of the two elders was really very kind, and their smiles were also very kind, so he took advantage of the opportunity to call his parents and heaved a sigh of relief.

This is his father-in-law, no matter...

No matter how bad the other party's attitude is, he has to endure it for the sake of Yaya.

But it's better now, at least...don't be sorry... Yaya.

Han Changsheng sent the two elders to the Mercedes-Benz Vito, took Tong Liya to put the suitcase together, and took the opportunity to ask curiously: "Yaya, why is your parents' attitude towards me so good, which is different from what you said!"

The reason why Mi Mi's mother treats him well is because the eighteen bachelor camellias are blooming.

Comrade Lao Yang's attitude is good, so there are many factors.

But the gift he gave to Yaya's parents has not yet been delivered, and the second elder treats him so kindly after seeing him, which is somewhat unreasonable.

Tong Liya smiled triumphantly, and said in a low voice: "Of course it's different. I told my parents that you wrote the script of "Green Snake" without rest for seven days and nights in order to praise me as the best actress in the Golden Dragon Award, and I also wrote it every day. When you make up and change clothes, you do it yourself."

"Is it necessary to be so exaggerated?"

Han Changsheng smiled wryly.

It was the first time he gave Yaya makeup by himself, and then handed it over to a female makeup artist.

Changing clothes by hand is only done by Yaya when she is soaking in the water, and the female dressmaker is responsible for other times.

Tong Liya raised her eyebrows, and her dimples bloomed, "It must be exaggerated! Only in this way can I show how good you are to me, and make my parents feel more at ease."

She knew everything about the master's first visit to Yang's house from her eldest sister, so she could naturally feel the anxiety of her elder sister.

The master can endure the difficulties of their parents for them, but they don't want the master to endure it.

The best way is for them to do all the work in advance, and when their parents see the master, they will give...the kindest and kindest smile just now.

Han Changsheng put his arms around Tong Liya and kissed her, feeling warm in his heart.

Yaya's heart is really on him, even this kind of thing is prepared in advance.

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Yaya: Chapter 355 I Want to Show My Master Everything to My Parents

After more than an hour on, the four of Han Changsheng walked into the house Tong Liya bought.

This girl is also clever enough, knowing that there is an elevator here, she directly bought the sixteenth floor, the highest one, and it will be bright as soon as she opens the door.

The two elders just entered the house, and a rainbow flew from the window and landed on Han Changsheng's shoulders, and said to the two elders crisply: "Welcome, welcome, warm welcome, welcome the two elders to the Tong's hut, and the humble house suddenly glows with brilliance."

"What a beautiful and smart parrot!"

Mother Tong's eyes lit up, and she immediately fell in love with this colorful little parrot in front of her.

As she grows older, she is more and more fond of small things: cute things, such as children, kittens and puppies, etc.

And this clever, cute and beautiful parrot captured her love instantly.

Tong Liya touched Rainbow's little head, and introduced half-truthfully: "It's called Rainbow, it's a rainbow honey-sucking parrot, it was bought by Changsheng to play with us."

“very expensive”

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