"Don't worry about the price. Your son-in-law is so capable and earns so much money. It's more than enough to buy Rainbow."

"Yes, yes, mother knows that longevity has the ability."

Tong's mother saw through her precious daughter's petty thinking of raising her son-in-law, she shook her head and couldn't stop laughing.

Their son-in-law really made them very angry before, but now the old couple has become more and more satisfied during this period of time.

Tong Liya realized that her mother had seen through her little thoughts, she stuck out her tongue with a sweet smile, took her parents' hand and walked to the bookshelf, "Mom and Dad, come with me, take a look, this is the Golden Dragon Award I just won for Best Actress Trophies and awards."

"This trophy is heavy enough!"

Mother Tong picked up the trophy and let out a cry.

"Not bad."

Tong's father looked at the words on the certificate, and was quite relieved.

He has been a musician for many years, but he knows how rare this award is.

Some actors may not get one movie in their whole life, but my daughter got it when she was in her thirties.

Tong Liya took Han Changsheng's arm, smiled, and Bai Meisheng said, "I can get this trophy thanks to my parents, if he didn't write the script of "Green Snake" without rest for seven days and nights, I wouldn't have won this trophy at all." Trophies.

And my parents won the best director award in their lifetime!"

"Longevity is better."

Tong's father pursed his lips, but did not tell his daughter's lie.

He is not stupid, how can a person not rest for seven days and seven nights, if it is said that Changsheng worked so hard for several days, he still believes it.

But this is a piece of good intentions of his daughter, and it is not easy for him to dismantle it.

Tong's mother held her precious daughter's hand, turned around and walked to the next bedroom, "Don't disturb your dad talking to Changsheng, show mom a tour of your home."

"What is my home? Isn't my home your home?"

Tong Liya smiled sweetly, turned around and gave Han Changsheng a cheering gesture secretly.

She has made a good start, the rest is up to the master.

Han Changsheng returned a reassuring smile, and went to the living room with Tong's father to drink tea and chat.

It's just a lie to the old man, he has already experienced it once, and this time he will definitely be able to complete the task satisfactorily...

Tong's mother and Tong Liya walked in the house, and found that not only the kitchen supplies were neatly arranged, but also the sheets and quilts were replaced with new ones.

She took her precious daughter's hand and said, "You usually live here"

Tong Liya shook her head and said: "No, our family of six has been living in the villa, and it was cleaned here to entertain you and my dad. The eldest sister and the others helped me clean up the house. The rice, flour, and oil in the kitchen are all from the eldest sister and the others. bought it for me."

If you want to tell a lie, you have to tell her... script writer's nine lies and one truth, because only in this way can the parents believe it.

As for the [-]% lie that she and the master have been living here, it is better not to say it.

Mother Tong took Tong Liya's hand and walked into the kitchen, "Then why does this seem to have been fired?"

Tong Liya pointed to Han Changsheng who was sitting in the living room, "Changsheng cooked it when we were cleaning up the house. The food he cooked is delicious. Otherwise, let Changsheng show you his skills at night."

She now understands how the elder sister felt when she returned to her mother's house.

Master will make money 1.

I don't like to spend money, I always hide my talents from outsiders, I know how to cook so that they don't get oily smoke, and I pamper them everywhere.

All these things made her want to show everything about the master to her parents, so that they would know how happy she was.

Tong's mother shook her head and laughed, "Mom is here, how can I let Chang Chang do it? Tonight, Mom will cook."

Although my precious daughter has always said that her son-in-law's cooking skills are so good, she can't believe it as a mother. After all, beauty is in the eye of a beholder, and all shortcomings will become advantages.

It's better for her to do it, so as not to have too embarrassing dinner.

Tong Liya cheered, patted the horse and said: "That's great, I miss the food you cooked!"

"You, you are just... sweet-mouthed, help mom."

"it is good."

When Mother Tong was cutting the beef, she asked seemingly casually, "How will longevity treat you?"

Tong Liya said: "Very good, in order to prevent the five of us from getting oily smoke, he didn't let us into the kitchen to cook."

Tong's mother glanced at her daughter's skillful action of washing spinach, "Then you are so familiar with washing vegetables."

Tong Liya smiled and said: "We can't eat ready-made ones every day, and we always help Changsheng wash and cut vegetables, and beat him up."

"That's right, husband and wife can't be just one party giving, you have to follow suit, or else you will get used to each other's giving after a long time, and you will have an unbalanced mentality."

"Mom, don't worry, we will do well."

"Why don't you have kids yet?"

"I want it, but it has never been successful."

Tong Liya touched her smooth belly, her little expression was a little frustrated.

She is the eldest in the family, so she has always been the most active in the family when it comes to conceiving a child.

It's a pity that no matter how active she is, she can't compare to fate. She has worked so hard to this day that she still hasn't conceived a child.

Mother Tong frowned, "You're not in good health."

"I'm fine!"

"That's Longevity"

"His health is also in good condition. My eldest sister and I have secretly tested him. He is fine."

"Then why aren't you pregnant yet?"

"Oh, we haven't been married for a year, what's your hurry!"

Tong Liya stomped her feet, trying to change the topic.

Tong's mother glared at her precious daughter, and reprimanded in a low voice: "Mom, can you not be in a hurry? Mom is almost sixty years old. If you have a baby a few years later, can Mom help you?"

Tong Liya smiled and said: "Mom, don't worry, your body is so good, you will definitely be able to hug your granddaughter in a few years!"

"What kind of granddaughter! If you want to hug, you can hug your grandson!"

"But Changsheng said he likes girls."

"That's all a lie. Men have the responsibility to carry on the family line. Which man can like girls? In a few days, Mom will find a prescription for giving birth to a son. You can boil it for longevity and let him drink it."


Tong Liya responded obediently, but the corner of her mouth twitched.

The master is a genius doctor, if he wanted to drink this medicine, he would have prescribed it for himself, so there is no need to wait until the mother makes a move.

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Chapter 356 Don't Call Dad!call brother! (Get up early and ask for subscription)

In m.com living room.

Father Tong took out a pack of cigarettes, held one in his mouth, and handed one to Han Changsheng, "Smoking one"

Han Changsheng shook his head and said honestly: "I never smoke, because Yaya and the others don't like the smell of cigarettes."

"Your mother-in-law doesn't like the smell of cigarettes either, but dad can't control his mouth, so he can't keep up with you!"

Tong's father smiled appreciatively, after thinking about it, he still didn't smoke the cigarette.

The son-in-law said that the baby girl doesn’t like the smell of cigarettes anymore. If he smokes again as a father, wouldn’t he look like a loving father? “Drink tea! This is the good tea Yaya and the others bought at West Lake Tea House. not bad."

Han Changsheng knowingly poured two cups of light golden tea.

He doesn't smoke not only because Yaya and the others don't like the smell of cigarettes, but more importantly, he also hates the smell of cigarettes.

Because inhaling that stuff into the lungs will cause the loss of vitality, and if you smell it too much, your lifespan will be shortened.

But of course these words can't be said truthfully, everything is pushed on Yaya, it is obvious that this old man can be swayed.

"This West Lake Dragon Well tea is pretty good, a decent Mingqian tea."

Father Tong praised the tea, and looked at Han Changsheng who was also drinking tea, "Do you know what impression Dad had of you at first?"

Han Changsheng thought for a while, "The pig who beat Yaya wished he could go in with a white knife and come out with a red knife"

"Yes! That's what it means!"

Tong's father shook his head with his fingers and said: "I heard the news that Yaya married you suddenly, and she married you with three other people, so I wished I could bring a knife to the door and kill you with one blow! Then save my family Yaya."

Han Changsheng: "..."

He is... By the way, this guess is quite accurate! Father Tong took a sip of tea and continued: "Your mother-in-law stopped me at the time and said I don't care...

How I hate you, Yaya has already obtained a certificate from you and announced it, if I really do something wrong at this time, it will make Yaya have to live in pain and self-blame for the rest of her life.

I thought and thought, endured and endured, and finally forcibly controlled myself, so I didn't do anything stupid."

Han Changsheng raised his eyebrows, "It's silly to listen to what you said, Dad, you are very satisfied with me now."

"I can only say that I am satisfied, but there is still a certain distance from being very satisfied."

Father Tong shook his head insincerely, and said again: "Do you know when my first satisfaction appeared?"

Where can I guess? Han Changsheng cursed, and started the brain teaser mode.

The father-in-law can be satisfied, of course, after he and Yaya are really together, and there must be news about him and Yaya.

The Mushroom House is the starting point for him and Yaya, but with Yingbao here, the old man must not be satisfied.

After that, I will record songs for Yaya and the others, meet Mimi’s parents, record "Flowers and Boys", and then... shoot "I am Immortal"....Eh, the ending song of this movie is very appealing to the elderly I like it, plus my father-in-law is engaged in music.

Han Changsheng raised his eyebrows and said, "But because of the song "Where Has the Time Gone""

"Yes, it's because of this song!"

Tong's father snapped his fingers, looked at the moon that was about to be full in the sky, and reminisced with emotion: "Time is something that people can't see and can't touch. I've been in this year and time flies so fast.

In the blink of an eye, Yaya has grown up to be a mother from the age of babbling.

Sometimes I wonder, if you say that your Yue and I will leave one day, leaving Yaya alone in the world, will she live a very sad life, if you are with her, she will be very happy."

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