Han Changsheng raised his eyebrows, "You are so sure that I will give Yaya happiness"

Tong's father tapped his temple, and said with a smile: "Dad has been engaged in music all his life, and he knows that songs are the best..... The songs you write are full of nostalgia for your elders. It can still be heard.

As the saying goes, you should be a good person first, an unfilial person will not be kind to the people around him, but a filial person has a great chance to be kind to the people around him.

What's more, the last subtitle of your movie is dedicated to the parents of all the people of the Ming Empire."

Han Changsheng smiled and said nothing modest.

He got this song purely by relying on copywriting, but it was chosen as the ending song of "I" because he missed his parents.

But... I didn't expect to satisfy my father-in-law because of this accident.

"Old Tong, Changsheng, let's eat!"

Tong's mother's shout came into the living room, Tong's father subconsciously stood up to help.

Han Changsheng sat stupidly for three seconds, and then he remembered that he should get up.

He cooks at home every day, and it is the first time someone asks him to eat.

The dishes made by Mother Tong are basically what Yaya likes to eat, and they are also what Han Changsheng usually cooks, at least they look delicious and delicious.

Han Changsheng took a sip, and felt that he could use one word to describe the dishes made by his mother.

Eating it will not make you feel that this dish is so delicious, but the kindness inside is so full that it is about to overflow.

Tong's father took an empty bowl and shook it at Han Changsheng, "Changsheng, let's have a drink"

Han Changsheng subconsciously shook his head, "I don't know how to drink."

"Where are the old men who can drink, only dare to drink! If you don't drink, how can you get along with others and drink with Dad!"

"Changsheng, you can drink with my dad!"

Tong Liya stood up with a smile, took out a bottle of Beijing Erguotou from the cabinet, and poured it for Tong's father and Han Changsheng.

Dad seems to want to pour Changsheng brother down, and then let him speak the truth after drinking.

It's a pity, her parent's younger brother's drinking capacity is unfathomable, and it's not certain who will tell the truth after drinking in the end.

Toasts and cups are mixed, pushing cups and changing cups.

Han Changsheng's expression remained unchanged, but Tong's father gradually turned from sober to confused, and finally fell into a state of drunkenness.

At a certain point in time, Tong's father suddenly entered a state of excitement.

Father Tong put his arms around Han Changsheng, and patted the son-in-law's shoulder vigorously.

Although he could not speak clearly, his voice was very loud.

"Brother, your drinking capacity is much better than that of your brother, and you still say you don't know how to drink?"

Tong Liya slapped her forehead, "Dad, you are so inferior!"

Tong's father waved his hand and shouted loudly: "There is no father-in-law or son-in-law here. Changshengchun and I are just...brothers!"


Han Changsheng twitched the corners of his mouth, and glanced awkwardly at his mother-in-law, who was smiling but not smiling.

The first time I saw my father-in-law and my mother-in-law, I fed my father-in-law too much, even to the extent that my brothers were worthy, how embarrassing it is! Tong's father is not as embarrassed as Han Changsheng, he continued to hug Han Changsheng's neck, vomited Alcoholic shouted: "Longsheng! Let me tell you, Yaya lived with her grandmother since she was a child, and suffered a lot.

Later, she was wandering alone in the capital, and she didn't tell me, my father, what difficulties she had. My heart hurts too! Yaya looks strong on the outside, but in fact she is very fragile inside, so I always think about it. Find her someone who can give her a shoulder to lean on.

It's all right now, Yaya is married to you, and I finally have a shoulder to rely on, brother, I feel relieved! You have to promise brother to take good care of Yaya, and you can't let her suffer a little bit of grievance, no! Not at all! "

Han Changsheng thumped his heart, and said decisively: "Dad, don't worry, I will always treat Yaya well."

Father Tong waved his hand and said loudly, "Don't call me Dad! Call me Brother!"

Han Changsheng: "..."

If he dared to call him elder brother at this time, he didn't know how long he would be criticized by Yaya later.

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Chapter 357 It's time for some people to taste the pain (subscribe for the second update)

Although Yu m.com's dinner was a bit embarrassing, but fortunately Tong's father passed out after a while, and it didn't embarrass Han Changsheng too much.

When Han Changsheng and Tong Liya helped Tong's father into the room, Tong's mother wiped her husband's face with a towel, hating iron for not being able to make steel: "You old bastard, you drink and drink, but in the end you drink yourself up and down, Look at how I will deal with you tomorrow!"

Tong's father suddenly opened his eyes, took a towel and wiped his face, "Who's staggering?"

Mother Tong was taken aback, "You are not drunk"

Tong's father raised his eyebrows, "I'm not stupid, Changsheng's expression won't change no matter how much he drinks, if you don't... pretend to be drunk, I'll be really drunk."

"Then you still call him brother, you are too out of shape!"

Mother Tong glared at her husband and almost punched him.

The scene just now was too embarrassing for her and her son-in-law.

If the son-in-law really calls out brother, the future generations of the family will be messed up.

Tong's father said: "If you don't tell me, how can you pretend to be drunk and not pretend to be like how to get out of Changsheng's heart?"

"Are you sure what Changsheng said is from the heart"

"I'm not sure, but no matter what, Changsheng... is quite satisfying to me. He doesn't smoke, he doesn't drink alcohol, he can make money if he is big, and he doesn't know how to spend money. He is a good man no matter what."

"Yes, Changsheng is a good man, but...he has too many wives."

Mother Tong sighed, and also worried about her precious daughter.

The son-in-law has five 55-year-old wives, and daughters only account for one-fifth, ranking second, and have no children.

The following days really don't make her feel at ease.

Tong's father waved his hand, "You don't care what those people do, Changsheng is so capable, isn't it normal to have more wives!"

"What do you mean, you also want to have more wives"

"Then you can't...sleep! We have to go out to play tomorrow."

Tong's father smiled dryly, and as soon as he covered himself with the quilt, he immediately turned on the sleeping mode...

Early the next morning, the old couple and the young couple met, and very tacitly forgot about last night's "father"


Han Changsheng made a breakfast that the old couple couldn't stop raving about, and accompanied the old couple to go out and wander around the capital, and this walk lasted... a day and a half.

On the afternoon of the [-]th, Tong Liya sent the old couple to the plane with tears in her eyes, and then fell into Han Changsheng's arms and started to cry.

Han Changsheng waited until Tong Liya was almost crying, and then he patted her on the back to comfort her: "Okay, don't cry, didn't parents say to move to your house in the capital as soon as possible?"

"But that also requires my dad to retire! He won't be retiring until half a year away."

"It's only half a year, soon."

Han Changsheng kissed away the tears from the corners of Yaya's eyes, pinched the girl's dimples, "Fatty made ten 10 calls today, saying that if she doesn't go back, she will starve to death."

"She has so much fat, she can't starve to death for a few days."

Tong Liya muttered something, and walked out obediently holding Han Changsheng's arm.

She has occupied the master for two days and two nights, if she doesn't go home, the four 44 sisters in the family will complain about her to death if they starve to death.

The husband and wife had just walked about [-] steps when Wu Qun suddenly rushed towards the exit.

"Hurry up! Wu Yanzu gets off the plane"

"Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo finally i can meet my male god!"

"I don't know how long he can stay in the capital. He came to the capital to promote "Warcraft", and he will fly to the capital tomorrow."

"Warcraft" heard the discussion from Wu Yanzu's fans, Han Changsheng looked up next time, and saw the promotional video of "Warcraft" played on the electronic screen not far away.

If I remember correctly, "Warcraft" is a part-time job of Fu Yu's old lady, and the publisher of Da Ming Empire is Brother Huayi.

Fu Yu, Brother Hua Yi, these two guys often find trouble for him, should he also find something for the other party, let them know that they are fine and don't pick things up, or they will be easily settled by Qiuhou.

Tong Liya wondered: "Master, what are you looking at?"

Han Changsheng pointed at the electronic screen, ""Warcraft"."

Tong Liya reassured: "Don't worry, "Warcraft" was released on the first day of the first lunar month, and it has no competition with our "Green Snake"."

Han Changsheng said meaningfully: "It won't be me who should be worried, but "Warcraft", that old woman from Fuyu, and brother Huayi."

"What do you want to do"

"It's nothing, just... I want to find something for them and let them suffer."

Han Changsheng smiled mysteriously, and walked away with Tong Liya.

He received the old father-in-law and the old mother-in-law these days, and he didn't have time to pay attention to Brother Fuyu and Brother Huayi. Now it's time to let them have a taste of Huanglian's life...

"Master, you are finally back. If you don't come back, I will go west."

Looking at Han Changsheng who came home, Di Lireba was lying on the sofa crying, that weak appearance seemed to have no strength to stand up.

Tong Liya walked over and took a picture of Fatty's back, and said in a bad mood: "Stop pretending there, the master made a lot of extra servings when making breakfast these two days, you can eat half of it by yourself!"

In order to prevent the four 44 sisters from starving, the master prepared a few breakfast sets and asked Fatty to pick them up.

If it wasn't for not going home to cook at noon, the master might even cook three meals a day remotely.

"One meal: Breakfast can't satisfy a whole day's hunger."

Fat Di jumped down and grabbed Han Changsheng's hand, letting his master rub his hungry belly, without saying a word, just looking at him with big black eyes.

"Okay! I know you're hungry, so let's cook."

Han Changsheng scratched Pang Di's little nose, and shook his head dotingly.

This girl used to be a fake good person, but now the good person is real, if one of the three meals a day is missing:, the whole person will be hungry and a little dizzy.

Even she occasionally eats the fourth meal at night and the fifth meal before going to bed.

"I'm going to help!"

Liu Sisi imitated Fatty by jumping off the ground, followed Han Changsheng and ran into the kitchen, washing the dishes unfamiliarly.

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