"Fourth sister, don't just run away, fight back while running, or you won't be beaten out of blood for nothing?"

"Oh, I'm dead again, help me get revenge!"

Si Si, Fat Di, and Ying Bao who was taken to play games together, the three little girls were lying on the sofa chattering, and Rainbow, who was watching the battle, also joined in the fun.

But this voice doesn't make people feel annoying, on the contrary, it makes Yang Mi and Tong Liya feel very warm.

At this time in the past, they were either...in the crew, or...in some cities where the Spring Festival Gala was held, it was rare for them to be at home, lying leisurely like this.

During the Chinese New Year this year, all local TV stations want to invite their family of six to the evening parties.

But this is the first year of their six-66 marriage, so they naturally wanted to celebrate the New Year at home, and finally decided not to go anywhere, just stay at home and have a big reunion year.

Laughing on the TV, chattering in my ears, the master is busy in the kitchen, and the smell of food is still in the air, this feeling is wonderful! Feilu reminds you: three things about reading books, push to see the latest chapter Baidu search 99 play Find 99 Novel Network

Chapter 367 Fatty: Do you look like a big sister? (Second more for subscription)

Yu m.com "I'm so hungry!"

At two o'clock in the afternoon, Pangdi's children's shoes, who had been playing games for several hours, suddenly fell on the sofa clutching his stomach, and his face was pulled into a ball.

Since she married the master, she has changed from a fake foodie to a real foodie.

Under the meals of the master chef, her three meals a day are always very punctual, and even occasionally add a fourth and fifth meal.

The reason why I didn't feel hungry just now was purely because I was distracted by the game.

At this point, the game is over, and my hands and feet feel weak from hunger, and I feel that I have no strength to get up.

It's a pity that the meal time on New Year's Eve is different from the normal one, one meal in the morning, one meal at four in the afternoon, and then... the dumplings at ten o'clock in the evening.

At this time, there are still nearly two hours before four o'clock, and she doesn't know if she can hold on till that time.

Liu Sisi sniffled, swallowed, pointed to the kitchen, and said: "Fatty, master has delicious food, why don't you steal some?"

Di Lieba blinked, got up and lay down again, and said cleverly: "It's not good! The master cooks so hard, but we eat ready-made dishes."

Liu Sisi slyly said: "Isn't the master cooking for us to eat? This is also a matter of eating early and late. I can go if you want, but don't grab it when the time comes."

In terms of hunger, she is not much worse than Fatty, but she can bear it! It would be too embarrassing to be caught stealing food, let Han Lao Wu go, anyway...she is the most favored at home Yes, it's okay to be caught by the master.

"I'm not going to steal. The master cooks so hard, I must have lunch with the master, but I'll go and see how the master's dishes are doing first."

Di Lieba spoke high-sounding words, but her body was very honest, stooping like a thief, she moved step by step towards the kitchen.

She is not afraid of being caught stealing food by the master, just relying on her Pang Di's coquettish skills, she will definitely be able to defeat the enemy and escape the punishment of the master.

Di Lieba walked to the door of the kitchen silently, hid by the door like a high-ranking agent, turned a blind eye to the master who was cooking with her behind his back, and his eyes drifted aside Cooked beef in a stainless steel pot.

There are twelve pieces of cooked beef in the basin, each piece weighs more than a catty, the color is dark red and shiny, and the ultimate aroma can be smelled from such a distance, so it must be very delicious.

Fat Di swallowed, seeing the master concentrating on cooking, he tiptoed into the kitchen.

Talking with his right hand, he grabbed a piece of cooked beef, turned around, and ran out quickly.

Only after Di Lieba's figure disappeared, Han Changsheng's ears moved, and the corners of his mouth curled up in a doting arc.

With his current facial sensitivity, how could he not hear Fatty's footsteps.

The reason why he didn't turn around and catch this girl was not because he spoiled her...

Di Lieba ran to the living room like a happy little girl, and before she sat on the sofa to eat, Liu Sisi stretched out her hand like lightning, and took away a small piece of cooked beef.

"Oh my stinky fourth sister! Why are you robbing me of beef?"

"What about your cooked beef? This is made by my grandfather, and the ownership belongs to our six."

Liu Sisi raised her eyebrows with a smile, tore off a piece of cooked beef and threw it into her mouth, feeling very happy.


Han Laowu did it, she Han Lao ate it ready-made, and the taste was so good.


Just as Di Lieba was about to raise her leg to kick Han Laosi, three thieves appeared next to her, and with three swipes, they took away three small pieces of cooked beef.


Fatty looked at the cooked beef that was so small that he wanted to cry without tears, his mouth was flattened and he could be called the poorest little girl in the world.

This is the cooked beef that she worked so hard to steal. Because of it, she was almost caught by the master just now. Why did she shrink from grandpa to grandson before taking a bite? Yang Mi: "Master's cooked beef is... …Delicious, mouth-watering: fragrant and chewy.”

Tong Liya: "Such a delicacy, I must eat more later."

Zhao Liying: "Yes, yes, such a small bite can't satisfy my hunger at all."

Hmph! The moment the four pairs of thief eyes came over, Di Lieba bit the cooked beef, chewed it three times, five times divided two times, and swallowed it directly.

Want to snatch her cooked beef again, but there is no way! After eating two taels of cooked beef, Fatty's hunger is temporarily relieved..., but he is not angry at all.

She jumped up on the sofa, pointed at the three 3rd sisters around her and shouted: "Eldest sister, second sister, third sister, and fourth sister are ignorant and just grab my cooked beef. How old are you three? Are you sensible?"

Yang Mi patted Fatty's leg angrily and amusedly, "You girl, as the fifth sister, you talk to your sisters like this, do you look like a younger sister?"

Fatty put his hands on his hips and snorted angrily, "You three are still grabbing my cooked beef, why don't you say that you don't look like sisters?"

Yang Mi bent her mouth and said, "Eating your own cooked beef is not called grabbing, it's called taking."

Tong Liya nodded and said: "The master belongs to the five of us, and his meals belong to the five of us."

Zhao Liying giggled and said, "Little Fatty, what you did just now was...bring out a piece of cooked beef for the sisters to taste. You are cute and sensible. Third sister gives you a thumbs up."

"You...huh! Ignore you!"

Dili Reba was annoyed by the four 44 shameless sisters, she immediately exploded, and turned her head to play the game by herself.

It's just that the little girl still had a lot of forgetfulness when she fell to the ground. In less than ten minutes, she even went to Zhao Liying and Liu Sisi and started a black game together.

"Go up, go up, hit Cheng Yaojin who is on the opposite side!"

"Woohoo! I beat King Lanling and Monkey King by a big second."


"Yingbao, Sisi, Fatty, stop playing and have dinner."

Near four o'clock, Yang Mi and Tong Liya came out of the kitchen and shouted.

"Yo ho! Let's eat!"

Fatty threw the phone away and ran into the kitchen in a hurry.

Zhao Liying and Liu Sisi also followed suit and jumped up happily.

If you don't...have dinner, the three of them will starve to death.

"Wow, it's delicious."

"I must eat three big bowls of rice!"

"Don't take my beef sauce!"

Compared with Yang Mi and Tong Liya who are fast but not losing their demeanor, the eating posture of the three little ones is simply... devouring, especially Di Lireba is the most ferocious.

The wind swept away, and the bowl of rice quickly bottomed out, and there was still enough energy to eat such a big mouthful of sauced beef.

Han Changsheng was speechless: "Pang Di, eat slowly, don't... choke again."

Before the words finished, Dili Reba let out a belch, and really choked.

Han Changsheng hurriedly handed over a glass of freshly squeezed orange juice, and then patted Fatty on the back: Help her calm down.

Fatty drank a glass of fresh orange juice in one breath, puffed his mouth and said pitifully: "Master, you must not say that when you are eating, otherwise I will definitely choke."

Han Changsheng: "..."

Does it have anything to do with whether he says it or not? With this eating speed, you won’t be able to choke sooner or later? Please download Fei Lu’s novels and read the latest chapters on Baidu search 99 playmates to find 99 novels.

Chapter 368 Fat Di: I also want to eat the master's soft rice (subscription for the third watch)

Yu m.com "Tears are a little sweet and a little salty, your fierce chest kisses my side face..."

Just after the happy lunch, Yang Mi's cell phone rang suddenly.

Then the mobile phones of the family of six kept ringing.

Calling at this time is naturally all kinds of New Year's greetings. Taking this opportunity, the family of six also gave New Year's greetings to others.

An hour later, the phone was boiling hot, and the New Year greetings finally stopped.

Then, at Dili Reba's suggestion, the family of six recorded another video to wish their fans New Year's greetings.

After all the busy chattering, the time has reached six o'clock:6:.

Han Changsheng went to make noodles to prepare the dumpling wrappers for the evening, but Liu Sisi and Di Lieba, two little girls who got up early in the morning, started to feel sleepy.

Zhao Liying grabbed the two cubs, "Don't go to sleep, hurry up and scan today's blessings, and see if you can get Jingye blessings."

"How could it be so easy, we are not masters."

The two little ones muttered something, but they scanned around with their mobile phones.

Tonight at 8 o'clock, Chi.....Alipay has a big red envelope to give away, but the prerequisite is to collect all the five blessings and get a Wufu card.

The two pups scanned for a long time, and there were only friendly blessings.

Zhao Liying curled her lips, "You two really have bad luck."

Liu Sisi cast a sideways glance, "If you were lucky, you would have collected all the five blessings on the first day, how could it be like this now."

Zhao Liying: "I'm just short of dedication."

Liu Sisi: "Even if one is short, it's also bad. Besides, it's so difficult to scan the professional blessings. I'm afraid you won't be able to get them all together tonight."

Fat Di agreed: "Don't worry, Third Sister, when I get the red envelope, I will definitely give you a penny."

Zhao Liying pursed her lips and said: "Fat Di, didn't the master draw your professional blessing for you? I don't need your help, I will go to the master, and with the master's luck, I will definitely be able to get another professional blessing. "

Tread..... Zhao Liying ran into the kitchen, and then her cheers came out. It was obvious that Han Changsheng got the dedication blessing...

Near 8:[-], Si Si and Pang Di were woken up by Yang Mi.

The two of them got up sleepily, staggered down to the living room, and then fell all the way down on the sofa.

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