Han Changsheng moved the big table in the dining room to the living room, and seeing the two little girls who were about to fall asleep again, he shook his head and said with a smile: "You two are really good, you can sleep all afternoon, if you sleep until tomorrow morning , you two have been so lazy this year."

The two little ones are always very energetic, but...it's hard to see them so lazy.

Liu Sisi waved her hands weakly, and said vaguely: "It's okay, as long as the master is at home, everything will be fine."

Di Lieba pupaed like a silkworm chrysalis, turned over and said in a daze, "It would be nice to be lazy for a year, I also want to eat the master's soft rice."

Zhao Liying stopped Yang Mi and Tong Liya, smiled lightly and said, "Look at me."

Han Lao San took out his mobile phone and said casually: "Oh, it's almost ten o'clock, and I'm offering a Wufu red envelope. I don't know how much I can get out of it."

Swish! Liu Sisi and Di Lieba came over in an instant, rolled down to the ground, and looked for their mobile phones, "Quick, quick, I want to see how much money I can win."

Han Changsheng said helplessly: "There are at least 8 million people who collect the five blessings. So many people are divided into [-] million, and one person can only get one or two yuan. Is it necessary to be so active? Fat Di found the phone and cheered. Hun didn't care and said: "Master, you don't understand, it's not a question of more money, but a question of everyone's luck, it's less than [-]:[-]"

Fatty stared at Zhao Liying dissatisfiedly with his mouth puffed up, "Third Sister, you are good enough, it's not yet eight o'clock and lied to me that it's almost ten o'clock."

Squeak... Fubao opened the Wufu red envelope at 101pm, so she got up in a hurry when she heard that it was almost ten o'clock, but she didn't expect it to be less than eight o'clock.

Yang Mi gave her a slap by herself, and said angrily, "You two really want to sleep until 10:[-], why don't you hurry up and wash your hands, making dumplings together as a family is better than sleeping!"


The two little ones puffed their mouths to wash their hands, and when they came back, they started to do more harm than good.

Compared to sleeping, the two of them really didn't feel how happy making dumplings was.

"Every audience, dear friends, I miss you so much..."

"A crooked river in front of my brother..."

A familiar voice came from the TV, and Han Changsheng immediately knew that the Spring Festival Gala had begun.

Since the Spring Festival Gala was first opened in 198, it has gradually become an indispensable event for every household during the Spring Festival.

The whole family gathers in front of the TV to watch the Spring Festival Gala, make dumplings and have a reunion dinner, and then wait for the 12 o'clock bell to ring at night, and then welcome the new year with the deafening sound of firecrackers.

Slowly, the Spring Festival Gala began to become a symbol of family reunion on New Year's Eve for the people of the Ming Empire.

Although people's lifestyles have changed with the changes of the times, the Spring Festival Gala has become a national topic.

Watch it or not, you will still know that the Spring Festival Gala is there, waiting for you to appreciate or wait for you to complain.

Gulu Gulu... a family of six makes dumplings, so there is a clear division of labor.

Han Changsheng rolled the dumpling wrappers with both hands, Yang Mi, Tong Liya and Zhao Liying made the dumplings, Liu Sisi and Di Lireba were in charge of the simplest arrangement of the dumplings.

As for Rainbow, the flattering parrot, he was naturally responsible for shouting cheers from the sidelines.

With concerted efforts, the speed of making dumplings is really fast. In just half an hour, nearly two hundred dumplings have been wrapped in two curtains.

Seeing that Han Changsheng was still there: quickly rolling out the dumpling wrappers, Fatty asked curiously, "Master, how many... dumplings do we have to make?"

Yang Mi interjected: "My mother said that we can't finish eating these dumplings on New Year's Eve, we have to keep them until the first day of junior high school, and the ones we take are... more than auspicious, which means more than every year."

There are six people in the family, plus the old man with a big belly, if there are really too few dumplings, it probably won't be enough...for dinner.

Tong Liya echoed: "My mother also said the same, she also said that there must be vegetarian fillings in the dumplings, which means that the coming year will be safe, plain and clean."

"Dumplings in the first grade of junior high school, noodles in the second grade of junior high school.

The zygote in the third grade of junior high school is going home..."

Zhao Liying smiled and opened her mouth, Liu Sisi and Di Lieba followed suit.

There are not many other things in the Ming Empire, and the folk proverbs are the most.

In addition to...the proverbs of the twenty-four solar terms, there are the most custom proverbs for Chinese New Year, and there are even so many sayings from Laba to the second dragon in February.

"I never thought that in a beautiful sunset in the future, you will think of me gently..."

Hu Ge's deep and hoarse voice came from the TV series, which attracted Han Changsheng's attention.

He kept looking up at Hu Ge, who was in a suit and leather shoes, and said with a smile: "My Hu Ge is really good. I started singing at 830:[-]: [-]: Is he going to go home after singing?"

Yang Mi said: "After the CCTV Spring Festival Gala performance, it seems that most of them have to stay at the scene, so let's be the audience!"

Tong Liya nodded and said: "It's for sure, if the camera scans occasionally, there will be another chance to appear on the scene."

Liu Sisi wondered: "Master, why didn't you ask Hu Ge when you were filming "East and West"? You seem to have promised Mr. Cai to let Hu Ge participate in a movie."

Han Changsheng shrugged his shoulders and said, ""East and West" is a purely commercial film, and you don't need to sharpen your acting skills. It's a bit deceiving to find Hu Ge. I'll find him someday when I think of a good movie!"

He doesn't easily agree to other people's requests, but since he agrees, he must do his best.

The request made by Cai Yinong is obviously to let Hu Ge play a leading role in the movie he directed, and to take this opportunity to win some awards to increase his influence.

Then "East Becomes West" is obviously inappropriate.

In the future, if you write a good script, not to mention the best actor award for Hu Ge, at least you have to let his acting skills be recognized by the film industry.

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Chapter 369 Winning 500 million (subscribe for the fourth update)

At [-] o'clock on m.com, nearly [-] dumplings were finally wrapped.

Yang Mi helped Han Changsheng cook the dumplings, while Tong Liya and Zhao Liying were responsible for placing the leftover cold dishes on the dining table. The main dishes were...beef in soy sauce and cold cucumber.

As for Liu Sisi and Di Lireba, they kept shaking their mobile phones, clicking on the red envelopes presented by various companies on Weixin, and cheering from time to time.

"Another seven cents."

"I'm sending you a ten-yuan coupon."

"This time it's a penny, no matter how small a mosquito is, it's still meat, keep it."

Tong Liya rolled her eyes at the two little ones, and said angrily: "I said, you two young ladies, can you come over and help me out, don't always eat ready-made ones every day?"

Now she is more and more envious of these two happy little girls at home, she only needs to act coquettishly and show cuteness to make everyone happy, and rarely do other things.

Liu Sisi squinted her big eyes and continued to shake her phone, "We are busy making money for our family."

Although the amount of money drawn out each time is very small, it can always make up enough money for a meal.

Zhao Liying said speechlessly: "Does a penny count as money? You two must have hundreds of pennies for a meal of ice cream!"

Fatty's children's shoes thought for a while, then ran into the kitchen, "Master... shake your phone and see how much money you can make."

Han Changsheng was speechless: "This thing is all a lie!"

Fat Di shook his head, "Impossible, after I shake it, the money will be directly transferred to the Weixin account."

Seeing that Fatty insisted, Han Changsheng had no choice but to take his phone and shake it casually, and then looked at the information on the screen with strange eyes.

Seeing this, Fatty put his feet on his feet and said curiously: "Master, how much did you shake...how many dollars or hundreds of dollars?"

Han Changsheng counted the number above, "It seems to be... five million."

Yang Mi was taken aback, "Are you sure there is still five million in Weixin red envelopes?"

Fat Di exclaimed: "Wow! Master, it's too exaggerated for you to win the five million Weixin red envelope prize!"

"Let's see, let's see, I haven't seen the five million yet."

Hearing the exclamation in the kitchen, Tong Liya, Zhao Liying and Liu Sisi outside also ran into the kitchen.

They knew that the master's luck was very good, but they really couldn't believe that his luck would be so good that he won five million in every Weixin red envelope.

Han Changsheng flipped the screen, allowing the five 55 wives to see the above information.

Boeing red envelope 500.

, effective date 201...


"Pfft! I really thought you won the five million cash prize, but I didn't expect it to be a red envelope voucher for a Boeing airplane."

"The award designed by Weixin Red Envelope is really insane!"

Fat Di thumped Han Changsheng, feeling that Yang Mi's four daughters also thumped each other, and then clucked.

Boeing planes are so expensive, what is the use of a red envelope? It is not as practical as a five yuan.

Han Changsheng shrugged, "I said this thing is a lie, you still don't believe it."

Just about to delete it, Fat Di snatched it up, "Don't delete it! I'll take a photo and post it on Weibo, condemn Weixin!"

Crackling... "Dili Reba: My master won the five million prize by shaking the Weixin red envelope!"

This text, as soon as the news came out, immediately deceived quite a few fans, even Huang Bo and the others showed up.

"Is this true or not, is your master so lucky?"

"The people upstairs don't know. In terms of luck, no one in our family will accept Han's mental illness!"

Huang Bo: "Walk home and pick up money tired, back pain and leg cramps, what I'm talking about is... Our Han is mentally ill!"

Gu Li Nazha: "Sister Fatty, please send me the red envelope photo, I will use it as a screen saver for my mobile phone, bless me more and more lucky in the coming year!"

Under the million-foot-high building, Di Lieba sent out the photo of the red envelope, and the fans below exploded with laughter.

Sha Yi: "Hahahahaha! It turned out to be a [-] million Boeing airplane red envelope coupon. It's so funny!"

"It's booming and in a trance, Weixin is really Shenjing Bingxin's scheming bitch, and it's so hypocritical to get a red envelope."

"Transfer half the price of this voucher to the local tycoon! You can still earn more than two million yuan."

"Weixin is too cheap. By the way, Ms. Fat Di, your family can indeed transfer this voucher, and you will make a lot of money with a 10% discount."

"By the way, how much is a Boeing plane?"


"What do you mean, I'm short of the 500 million people? I'm short of the 10 billion banknotes!"

In the quick swiping of the comments below, Civil Aviation's official Weibo suddenly posted Dili Reba: "First of all, I wish your family of six a happy new year, and you can also sell us this red envelope voucher, because we are going to buy a Boeing plane. "

Fatty shook the tablet at Han Changsheng, excitedly said: "Master, you are really good, the official Weibo of Civil Aviation will buy your red envelope voucher."

Han Changsheng shook his head and laughed, "What are you selling? Just send it over. This thing is not as good as a scrap of paper in our hands."

If their family really dared to buy a plane, they would definitely become the object of jealousy, and the consequences of verbal criticism are hard to predict.


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