9 million ranked second.

There seems to be a difference in the screening rates of these two films in major movie theaters across the country, both are about 0%, but there are three 3 differences.

"Warcraft" has a screening rate of 10% at Wanda Cinemas, and as high as 65% at Huayi Cinemas.

And "East and West" had a screening rate of 40% in Wanda Cinemas and then raised it to 42%, but there was no screening in Huayi.

The common people's theater chain is naturally 100% "East Makes West".

In the case of "East and West" in China's No. 0 theater line with a [-]-line rate, it cannot surpass "Warcraft".

However, Wanda Cinemas is one of the top ten cinemas, and Huayi Cinemas is more than one level behind.

Coupled with the small straw of civilian theaters, the box office of "East and West" is more than [-] million more than "Warcraft"...

Brother Huayi President's Office.

"Damn Wanda! You're too petty!"

"East and West" written by Boss Wang is out of breath.

"Warcraft" is a big hit, he should be very.

Too bad he's not happy now.

The opponent's movie was unexpectedly strong. For a whole day, the box office of every show was a little bit lower than that of "Warcraft". , Boss Wang also secretly regretted it.

If there is no poaching from Wanda, the screening rate of "Warcraft" will also increase to 0%, and the current box office should exceed 3.

3 billion.

Unfortunately, there is no if in this world, and there is no medicine for regret.

Fu Yu, dressed in black gauze, said: "Wan Da is ignorant, so they don't want to make too much profit from "Warcraft" this time. On the other hand, our Huayi can earn at least [-] million this time, which is more than Wan Da Quite a few."

Wang Laoer shook his head and said, "Wanda has "East and West", and the profits from the Spring Festival stalls will not be less than ours."

Fu Yu frowned, and said with contempt: "So what if there is "East and West"! I said that this movie is a shoddy martial arts movie, and it will definitely not have much stamina. It will start tomorrow." The box office will definitely drop, and after seven days, Wanda's profits will be dragged down by "East and West"!"

Feng Dagang glanced over, and said in a low voice: "Didn't you see the double high scores of "East and West" in both Maoyan and Douban? The word "crude production" can't be attributed to this movie."

He still has a lot of opinions on being rich.

It's normal to take advantage of Han Changsheng's popularity to hype, but to belittle others every time and get slapped in the face again and again without vigilance, it's a bit brainless.

Now relying on a hot release of "Warcraft", I started to feel proud again.

Such a person thinks highly of her when calling her an ally, why not call her a pig teammate! Fuyu was furious, "Director Feng, why do you let other people's ambition destroy your own prestige!"

"I am seeking truth from facts!"

"Have you watched "East and West"?"

"I had dinner and watched the 7 o'clock show."

When Boss Wang and others watched, Feng Dagang sighed and said, "I watched it with a judgmental eye, but it's a pity that I still couldn't control the laughter many times."

Boss Wang frowned and said, "Does this movie have so many laughs?"

Feng Dagang nodded and said: "There are a lot of jokes, and even everyone has a joke after they appear on the stage. The combination of all the jokes has caused this movie to have such a high evaluation!"

Boss Wang: "Is Han Changsheng's shooting technique good?"

Feng Dagang shook his head, "It's not really a good filming technique, in my opinion it barely passes the mark, but this movie is... a purely funny commercial martial arts movie.

Under this premise, all the lacking shooting techniques are for the sake of being funny, so the score has been raised all at once, anyway... it can be ranked in the top ten among funny movies."

Wang Laoer was taken aback, "You have such a high opinion of this movie"

Feng Dagang nodded, "Yes! It's...so tall."

Although he doesn't want to admit it, Feng Dagang knows that his Feng's cold humor always carries his criticism of this society.

On the other hand, in "East and West", the lines, actions, special effects, and shooting techniques are all for funny, which makes the biggest selling point of this movie, laugh! With "laugh"

One word can cover all the shortcomings, and even turn these....deficiencies into selling points.

Wang Lao Er opened his mouth, but still didn't say what he wanted to say.

Based on his understanding of Gang Zi, what he said just now is [-]% true. If this is the case, they can't continue to look down on "Dongcheng Xijiu".

Fu Yu said: "Find some more public knowledge.

Just pinch Han Changsheng and ruin "Legend of the Condor Heroes" for the sake of being funny."

Boss Wang waved his hand and said, "You should stop! "Legend of the Condor Heroes" was created by Han Changsheng. It is his business that his own work is destroyed. Hate Han Changsheng, at least no one dares to accept the job during this period of time."

Publicly known people will praise or criticize the target for money, but they are not stupid.

What they want is a long-term money-making account, not a well-known account that takes money once.

And in the current incident of criticizing Han Changsheng a few days ago, [-]% of the public officials who collected the money were caught, and the remaining [-]% were also very deep-rooted, for fear of being "I have never seen such a brazen person."

Another meal:.

Under such circumstances, no one can find a knife and pen official who can be a pen holder.

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Chapter 373 Yaya Accompany Me

On m.com Hanjia Villa.

Dili Reba was lying on the sofa, with her head resting on Han Changsheng's belly, with her two little feet raised, looking at the tablet computer in her hand flickeringly.

"Master, is "Warcraft" so popular? The box office is more than [-] million less than ours."

Dili Reba is very dissatisfied with the situation that "Warcraft" is closely following "East and West".

In her mind, her master's third movie should directly suppress "Warcraft", and then go away all the way, so that "Warcraft" can't see the tail of "Warcraft".

But the current battle situation is so stalemate, if one fails tomorrow, "East Makes West" may be tied or even overtaken by "Warcraft".

Han Changsheng squeezed Fatty's chubby face, and said calmly: "This is a big production that Blizzard spent one billion yuan in three years, and there are so many game fans. It's normal to have such a box office. .”

Fatty held his master's hand in dissatisfaction, "Why do you seem so sure about this film? Don't forget that it is our opponent."

Han Changsheng said: "Because only by facing your opponents squarely can you grow yourself. Then you have all watched "Pan Jinlian". What do you experience the most?"

Fat Di raised his right hand and said first: "The round and square cuts make my eyes dizzy, and the characters are so ugly."

Zhao Liying said: "Ugly dressing up can create a strong visual impact!"

Tong Liya said: "In order to make the character fit the character setting, actions, language, and clothing all need to be changed."

Han Changsheng pinched Fatty's little nose, "Did you see it? This is why you can only act in TV dramas and Yaya and Yingbao can be the actresses. If you are not used to watching them, you don't want to watch them, but they can do it." Take what you need to learn from it.”

Fat Di curled his lips, "Then why didn't someone play the role of Lord Duan of the Southern Emperor? I'm afraid it's to prevent being too ugly!"

"Didn't I say before that I want to direct a play?"

"But in the end without you directing the film, wouldn't our filming be quite good."

"It's Boge and Teacher Sha who played well!"

Han Changsheng knocked on Fat Di's little head, put his arms around Yang Mi on the left, and changed the subject: "I'll watch "Warcraft" tomorrow, buy me a ticket."

"You have to know yourself and your enemy"

Yang Mi was stunned for a moment, and instantly understood.

The master has done this before. When Yaya and Yingbao competed for the Best Actress Award for the Golden Dragon Award, he dragged Yaya and Yingbao to watch "Pan Jinlian".

Han Changsheng nodded, "Yes!"

Yang Mi said: "Yingbao and I are going to the company, you can ask Yaya and the others to accompany you."

Sisi and Fatty raised their hands high, "Let's go!"

Han Changsheng reached out to check Tong Liya on the left side of Yang Mi, "Yaya accompany me."

Liu Sisi and Di Lireba pouted, "Why don't you take us with you!"

Han Changsheng said unhappily: "You two little girls are addicted to games every day. I'm afraid you two will go play games after watching it. Yaya doesn't know anything about games. If you go with me, you can test the general audience's perception of "Warcraft" view."

"Then I will go with the master."

Tong Liya smiled sweetly, agreed happily, and fiddled with her mobile phone to start buying tickets.

She doesn't have any feelings about whether to go to see "Warcraft", but going there can help the master, which makes him very happy.


! Ignore you!"

Liu Sisi and Di moved aside with their mouths open, no longer talking to their master.

Since he chooses the second sister and not her, then the two of them will not get along for three days: Master!... On the second day of the Lunar New Year, after breakfast, Yang Liying walked out of the house dressed as a domineering female president.

Liu Sisi and Di Lieba were wearing cotton pajamas, lying on the sofa playing games happily, and they didn't see any grievances from last night.

As for Tong Liya... the virtuous and virtuous second wife, she changed from being casual at home, wearing a loose white bat-sleeved sweater on her upper body, and light blue high-waisted slim-fit jeans that show off her long legs.

Put on a snow-white windbreaker, a pink princess hat on the head, and brown toad glasses on the nose, showing the elegance and beauty of the urban beauty.

Han Changsheng is simple, black shirt, black slacks, black jacket, anyway, it is black.

"Master, you are so handsome!"

Tong Liya stood on tiptoe and kissed Han Changsheng, holding the two dimples around her mouth, she walked downstairs with her master's arm in her arms.

When going out with the master, of course you have to dress up nicely to give him face, otherwise how can you be worthy of such a handsome master.

Hearing footsteps beside her ears, Di Lieba got up from the sofa, and shouted to Han Changsheng who went to the door to change his shoes: "Master, I want to eat Siji Minfu's roast duck at noon, when you and Second Sister come back Buy two."

Han Changsheng raised his eyebrows, "Someone seemed to say last night that he wouldn't talk to me for three days!"

Fatty froze, pouted and said: "This matter starts tonight, not during the day!"

Han Changsheng shook his head and laughed, "Okay! You can start whenever you want, but are you sure two roast ducks are enough for you?"

"I'm not a pig!"

"But you are a greedy cat!"

"I hate it!"

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