Fatty pursed his lips, and then quietly gestured, "Then why don't you buy three roast ducks, and keep them for the eldest sister and the third sister."

",Listen to you."

Han Changsheng waved his hands to the two little ones, and pulled Tong Liya out of the house...

Although New Year's Eve and New Year's Day have just passed, the air is still filled with the smell of the New Year, the most obvious one is... the faint smell of gunpowder.

Cannons are not allowed within the third ring road of the capital, but Han's villa is outside the fifth ring road.

The population of this location is not too much, but there is no need to abide by the mandatory regulations, the result is... the air is very bad under the unscrupulous shooting.

"Master, put on your mask! This smells too strong."

Tong Liya took out a mask and helped Han Changsheng put it on without any explanation.

Han Changsheng frowned and did not refuse.

No matter how good his body was, he couldn't handle this physiological reaction. The smell of gunpowder made him want to sneeze continuously.

Tong Liya drove the Mercedes-Benz Vito and drove Han Changsheng to the nearest Wanda International Cinema.

Han Changsheng accompanied Tong Liya to pick up the tickets, and he could still hear the conversation at the ticket office.

"Two pieces of "Magic" at 9 o'clock, and two pieces of "East and West" at 11 o'clock."

"There are no tickets for "Warcraft", only "East and West", and it's at 11 o'clock."

"Then two 11 o'clock "East and West"."

There are currently 8 movies shown in this Wanda International Cinema, but the ones that appear the most are... "East and West" and "Warcraft".

It’s just that under the 10% screening rate of “Warcraft” in Wanda Cinemas, if you don’t buy online, you can’t watch “Warcraft”.

Han Changsheng and the audience around Tong Liya were all wearing masks, so the two didn't attract any attention. After receiving the 3 glasses, they sat in the "Warcraft" screening hall smoothly.

A few minutes later, loud music sounded and the movie began to be shown.

"So ugly!"

Seeing the ugly orc on the screen, Tong Liya frowned, she didn't even want to look at it.

Han Changsheng explained: "This is the chief of the Frostwolf clan of the orc tribe living in Draenor. Orcs are not born to be good-looking."

Tong Liya curled her lips, "It's really ugly."

"This is Gul'dan, the most powerful mage of the orc race, he..."

There are many audiences like Han Changsheng explaining to the same class, and most of the explaining objects are the girls next to him.

Only a small number of female players know who is on the screen without explaining. Noticing this situation, Han Changsheng had a strange idea in his heart, and then he focused on the movie again.

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Chapter 374 Will be Ling Jueding at a Glance

Crack on m.com! After the movie was shown, Han Changsheng stared blankly at the screen with flashing subtitles, and so did the boys nearby.

Stormwind City, Dark Portal, Westfall, Hellfire Peninsula, Ironforge...Draenorfang, Gul'dan, Blackhand, Garona, Medivh, Khadgar, Moroes...Familiar scenes , familiar, let their memories go back to the youth they once were, and back to the nightly battle for their beliefs.

It's just that the drastically changed plot made Han Changsheng frown.

This kind of player who is familiar with the game is quite troublesome to watch this movie, let alone Yaya.

Looking sideways, Yaya was soundly asleep, apparently hypnotized by an incomprehensible plot.

And girls like her accounted for more than half of the screening hall, basically they were forced to come here after not playing "Warcraft".


Han Changsheng pinched Tong Liya's ear and called out in a low voice.

"Master... the movie is over"

Tong Liya was confused for a moment, and fell into Han Changsheng's arms.

She slept a little late last night, and woke up a little early in the morning, and after a while, she was so sleepy that she couldn't stand it and fell asleep.

"After the broadcast, sleep for a while if you're sleepy."

"No, we have to buy roast duck for Fatty and Sisi."

Tong Liya yawned, stretched her waist, and walked out holding Han Changsheng's arm.

But because the two of them didn't wear masks, they were seen by the surrounding audience soon after they left the screening hall.

"Southern Emperor! Junior Sister Suqiu!"

"I didn't expect them to watch "Warcraft" too."

"Ya Ya help me sign it!"

"Sorry, Yaya is a bit sleepy, it's not convenient to sign."

Han Changsheng raised his hand to block it, and when the surrounding fans stopped, he walked out with his arms around Tong Liya.

"Nan Di! How would you rate "Warcraft"?"

Han Changsheng paused, and said in a loud voice: "The visuals are great, the alliance is gorgeous and grand, the tribe is wild and rough, and many details are well presented, but... the plot changes are a bit brain-intensive.

But as a Warcraft player, I still give it a 10."


The hall was silent for a while, and then it suddenly became bustling.

"I didn't expect Nan Di to play "Warcraft"!"

"But his "Warcraft" and "Warcraft" are in a competitive relationship. He is not afraid that "Warcraft" will surpass the box office."

"Do you think our mental illness Han is Hua Yi and Fu Yu's shameless fellows? He has always dealt with his competitors openly and clearly, and has never played tricks in secret."

"I suddenly became a fan of your family's Han Psychiatric Road. I'll go and watch "East and West". Let him talk about it in a few days."


"Woo delicious!"

Fatty children's shoes happily ate the delicious roast duck, and asked curiously: "Master, second sister, you two watched "Warcraft", but you were shocked by the plot of the movie."

Tong Liya shrugged and said, "I haven't watched it for five minutes, so don't ask me what's going on."

"It was really hit."

Han Tu let out a sigh of relief and didn't explain anything.

Liu Sisi raised her pink face covered with sweet noodle sauce, "Then, can the box office of "Warcraft" surpass that of "East and West"?"

"It must not be surpassed, it is estimated that it will stop 15 billion years ago."

"You're so sure"


Han Changsheng nodded, but he was not happy with the inevitable victory.

The characteristics of "Warcraft" are as he said, which can arouse the memories and feelings that have been hidden in the hearts of old players for a long time.

It's just a pity that the characterization is too thin, and the setting is a bit messy, and the fight starts when there is a disagreement. The one shot by Legendary Pictures is not the one in the dream... Azeroth.

Under such circumstances, the only ones who can really brush two, two, or even three brushes at once are only veteran players of Warcraft.

As for the game Xiaobai like Yaya, he probably either fell asleep in the movie theater, or...will be influenced by various comments and don't want to watch it.

Things went as Han Changsheng expected.

"Warcraft" broke the 10 billion mark in five days, Hua Yi warmly celebrated and showed off, and then got stuck when everyone started to be optimistic.

six days 10.

[-] million.

seven days 11.

[-] million.

eight days 11.

11 million nine days [-].

One hundred million and then one day is not as good as one day.

When it comes to Lantern Festival on the 2nd and 11th, there will only be 14.

The box office of 160 million yuan is the Saturday of the Lantern Festival. The box office of that day is still only [-] million. What's worse is that the pre-sale box office is less than [-] million.

On the other hand, "East Makes West", Lunar New Year's Day 3.

1 million at the box office, the increase in the number of films in the second year of junior high school led to an increase in the box office to 6.

5 million, broke through one billion in the third year of junior high school.

And then it's... breaking five or two billion in seven days.

After returning to work on the eighth day of the lunar new year, the single-day box office still maintained an increase of nearly [-] million.

The 28th day of the first lunar month even directly rebounded to [-] million, hitting the total box office to [-].

Billion levels.

In addition, the 1.

With a virtual box office of 5 million, "East and West" has basically unlocked the [-] billion checkpoint.

"What's the matter? You chased me before the two movies. Why did you see the outcome in three days?"

""Warcraft" is a big production of one billion in three years, it will not be able to keep up with "East and West", a martial arts comedy movie shot in seven days, this is the wrong script."

Everyone doesn't understand why "Warcraft" lost so quickly, and why "East and West" won so absolutely and overbearingly, but only a few people can understand the way.

Today's movies are different from before. To put it bluntly, today's movies are... fan economy, either fan directors or... fan actors, or fan theme songs or screenwriters.

Because if a movie is good or not, it is impossible to tell the box office trend. On the day of the release, most movie fans watch the movie to see the stars who appear in turn in the movie.

Only when word-of-mouth explodes, will the trend of this film gradually change from fan economy to movie fan economy.

"Warcraft" is indeed a big-budget sincere movie, but the audience is very single, basically they are old players who have played "Warcraft", the number is only over four million, plus some fans who like to watch magical masterpieces at most.

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