Under such circumstances, the result is... "Warcraft" has strong explosive power in the early stage, but insufficient spare power in the later stage, and then the box office trend has changed from a big river to a thin stream.

On the other hand, "East Makes West", Han Changsheng's current number of fans has jumped from 500 million after opening Weibo to 500 million, but this is only the total number of fans, and the number of active fans has only increased to 200 million.

After deducting some of the fans who are too young and have no spending power, in the end there are only 100 million people who have watched "East Makes West".

Can these people earn more than 720 billion at the box office? Is it possible that all of these people will go to "Dong Cheng Xi Jiu" five times and six times? Absolutely impossible! reputation of the film.

According to Han Changsheng's filming idea, this is a pure New Year's comedy martial arts movie, without any pessimism about thinking about life.

in spite of……

Fans who have read the novel "The Legend of the Condor Heroes", or just passers-by, can be amused by the various jokes in it, and the audience is all movie fans who have a laugh.

Under such circumstances, the explosive power of "East and West" is strong enough in the early stage, and the spare power in the later stage is also sufficient, and now there is a big scene that is about to break [-] or [-] million.

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Chapter 375 You are the biggest on your birthday

Yu m.com [The box office of "East and West" will exceed [-]-[-] billion, the first domestic director of [-] billion is about to appear, and the total box office of the Spring Festival will hit a new high] [Genius dark horse! Director Han Changsheng has since changed his name to genius director, Strength proves that there are no dark horses in the world! Only one's own talent is permanent] [Three films created six billion box office records, and the ten billion box office record may appear soon] [Huang Bo was awarded the title of tens of billion actor, and thanked Han Changsheng for posting This genius director said that without Director Han, there would be no box office of tens of billions] [Honey World's New Year's first hit, the revenue of "East and West" may exceed [-] billion] Hua Yi's villa.

Crack! The goblet was shattered, and the blood-red wine flowed wantonly, staining the [-]-square-meter Persian carpet with blood.

Wealthy, who was once proud of "Warcraft" breaking [-] billion in five days, was so angry that he almost exploded on the spot.

"Han Changsheng! It's this damned Han Changsheng again! 30 billion "East and West"! This damned Han Changsheng stole my 30 billion tickets!"

Boss Wang frowned slightly, "Be more sensible, even if there is no "East and West", the box office of "Warcraft" will not increase by another 30 billion."

"Do you know why the box office of this year's Spring Festival is so big? Without Han Changsheng's "East and West", the box office of "Warcraft" can reach at least 40 billion!"

Fu Yu opened his eyes wide and stared at Boss Wang, his eyeballs turned bloody with anger.

"Warcraft" was introduced to China by her and served as the producer. She has great confidence in it, so she celebrated when "Warcraft" broke [-] billion in five days.

Who would have thought that her celebration at the peak would be just the beginning in "East and West".

Especially the final box office of "Warcraft" was 14.

[-] million, even less than half of "East and West", which made her unbearable.

Boss Wang frowned, and didn't argue with the irrational woman.

The box office of this year's Spring Festival stalls is indeed nearly 30 billion more than last year, but isn't it because of "East and West" that it can increase so much? Evaluation, according to the analysis of the group's analysts, the box office of "Warcraft" will even be [-] to [-] million less...

There was a lot of disturbance from the outside world, all related to Han Changsheng and the five wives of the Han family.

But the five wives of the Han family ignored some news from the outside world, or they didn't focus on that right now.

All their attention is now on Han Changsheng, because today is their master's birthday.

Birthdays on the fifteenth day of the first lunar month are not considered the greatest, but people who celebrate their birthdays on this day must be very happy, because people all over the country celebrate this day together every year.

Yang Mi surrounded Han Changsheng with her four 44-year-old sisters, and said crisply: "Master, today is your birthday, you are the biggest, whether you want to go out to play or eat, you have the final say!"


"Of course, wherever you want to go, whether it's the capital or the surrounding area, other places in China or abroad, we will accompany you wherever you go!"

Han Changsheng pondered for a while, "It doesn't matter where to go, I want to eat birthday cake."

The five sisters were stunned, and said in a daze, "Are you sure about the birthday cake?"

How old is the master, it's too childish to still like to eat birthday cakes!" "Of course!"

"Why eat birthday cake"

"Because when you celebrated your birthday, I didn't get a piece of birthday cake."

Han Changsheng spread his hands and spoke the truth.

When the five 55 wives celebrate their birthdays, they will be in the crew, or else they will take him out to play.

Sisi, the only one who didn't have a birthday, took him for a walk for a day when she did.

Such a situation resulted in him not having any birthday cake, and now that it's his birthday, naturally he has to satisfy his hunger.

Yang Mi apologized and said, "I'll order it for you right now! Order the biggest and most luxurious one!"

Tong Liya raised her hand to stop, "Sister, what are you buying! We have an oven at home, let's make it ourselves!"

Zhao Liying nodded again and again, "Yes, yes, let's five 55 do it together, let the master eat the most delicious and caring cream cake!"

Liu Sisi and Di Lireba jumped three feet high and ran into the kitchen, "Eldest sister, second sister and third sister, come and make cream cake!"

Han Changsheng: "..."

He felt that his proposal just now should be changed, maybe it would be nice to go out and have a big meal by the way.

After all, with the culinary skills of these five 55-year-old girls who fried their eggs into a pot, the cake they make is likely to be coke, which may poison him to death.

"How to make cream cake"

"I checked online, flour, water, sugar, olive oil, cream..."

Han Changsheng looked at Di Lireba directly pouring in a small half bag of flour, and said with his hand on his forehead, "Fat Di, don't put so much flour, our oven can't make such a big cake."

Glancing at Liu Sisi who started to drink cold water frantically, "Sisi, add less cold water and pour it in: add hot water, and use warm water to knead the noodles. If there is too much water, the dough will be baked."

"Ying Bao, eggs..."

"Come on!"

Yang Mi yelled, pointed at Han Changsheng and said, "Sisi, Fatty, the task for you two today is to take the master out of the house, so don't come back until the elder sister calls you two."

"Obey sir!"

The two little ones saluted mischievously, and each of them hugged Han Changsheng's arm, trying to drag him out of the kitchen.

Han Changsheng's feet were nailed to the kitchen floor like nails, no matter how much the two little ones pushed, they would not move.

He looked at the three girls who were watching the cream cake video, and said helplessly: "I think the cream cake I bought is also a love cake, and in fact, I don't really want to eat cream cake."

Although he still wanted to eat cream cake, but for the sake of his own life, he reluctantly gave up.

Tong Liya came slowly, kissed Han Changsheng on tiptoe, and said softly, "Master, do you believe me?"


Han Changsheng held back for three seconds, and forced an answer out of his throat.

He naturally didn't believe it at this time, but if he said this, it might be his death day next year, and the cause of death was probably... food poisoning caused by eating too much coke cake.

Tong Liya pursed her lips and smiled, and her two dimples bloomed, "Believe in Yaya's words, just go out to play with Si Sisi and Fatty for a day, and when you come back, I will definitely let you eat the most delicious cream cake of!"

Noticing the confidence in Yaya's eyes, Han Changsheng suddenly realized.

That's right, if he doesn't leave the house, the picture of how the cream cake ordered by the three 3 girls is delivered to the house, such a cheating scene, can't be seen by him, a birthday guy.

Wanting to understand this... Han Changsheng kissed the three girls in his arms, and said kindly: "Then let's go out to play now, and send the cake... Don't forget to call us when the cake is ready."

"Don't worry! When it's ready, I will ask you to taste it yourself."

Tong Liya pushed Han Changsheng into the cloakroom, helped him change his clothes and put on a scarf, and said: "It's cold outside, you go to the video game city and other indoor places to play! Don't catch a cold."

"Don't worry, we won't be so stupid."

Han Changsheng waved his hand, and left home in peace.

Based on Boss Yang's idea of ​​not looking for the best but the most expensive, the cake she ordered must taste good, and it can well feed the gluttons in my stomach.

"Master, where are we going?"

Di Lieba sat in the driver's seat and looked at Han Changsheng in the rearview mirror.

"Or let's go to the video game city to play video games!"

Liu Sisi said happily: "You won such a big Pikachu for the third sister, and Fatty and I also want one."

"Yes, yes, master, let's go to the video game city!"

Di Lieba's eyes lit up, and she looked at Han Changsheng eagerly.

"Then go to the video game city."

Han Changsheng nodded noncommittally, and let Fatty cheer and drive fast.

Order the cake, make the cake, deliver the cake, and stay together for two hours.

When the two little girls have had enough fun, they can come back. As for the big Pikachu, there must be no one.

The waiting time for the phone call was longer than Han Changsheng expected. After two hours of playing video games, the envisioned phone call was still not received. On the contrary, the physical strength of the two little girls was consumed by too many games.

Han Changsheng walked out of the video game city with the two little girls in his arms, and looked at the still gray sky, "Why don't you go to the movies!"

Liu Sisi shook her head again and again, "Don't watch "Warcraft", the characters in it are ugly."

Fat Di blinked, "Why don't we watch "East and West"! I heard that if more people watch it together, there will be more laughter."


"Set off!"

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Chapter 376 Surrounding You Forever And Forever (Wake Up Early To Subscribe)

Yu m.com "Tears are a little sweet and a little salty, your..."

After finishing "East and West", Han Changsheng's cell phone rang.

He glanced at the caller ID, smiled and connected, "Mimi, the cake is ready."

Yang Mi said happily: "Okay, come back and taste our craftsmanship."

"Okay, go back right away."

Han Changsheng waved to Liu Sisi and Di Lireba, and the two hungry little girls jumped three feet high.

It has been more than five hours since they left home, and the breakfast they both ate has already been exhausted.

When the family of three returned home, they opened the door of the villa, and a scent of cake wafted into their noses.

Han Changsheng smiled and said, "Just because of the taste, this cake must be good."

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