Yang Mi stood at the door and poked her neck, "That's a must."

Zhao Liying said arrogantly: "The three of us worked hard for five or six hours to complete this! Of course it's not bad!"

Tong Liya helped Han Changsheng change his slippers, dragged him into the restaurant, pointed at the six-layer cake on the dining table and said, "How about our craftsmanship?"

"good very good!"

Looking at the beautiful cake in front of him, Han Changsheng praised it so much that his saliva almost flowed out.

This customized cake is really good, the bottom layer is one inch high, with a diameter of 0 cm, cream, and a lot of strawberries, mangoes, and coconuts dotted on it.

Each layer on the top is smaller in turn, besides... milky white cream, there are various fresh fruits.

The whole cake looks colorful and beautiful, smells delicious, and the taste must be very good.

Tong Liya took a small spoon and gently dug a spoonful from the bottom of the cake, handed it to Han Changsheng's mouth to offer a treasure, and said, "Master, quickly taste our craftsmanship."

Han Changsheng opened his mouth to take a bite of the cake, his eyes lit up immediately, he swallowed the delicacy in his mouth, and gave a thumbs up, "It tastes pretty good, next time when Sisi celebrates her birthday, I will also order it from this cake shop." cake!"

Yang Mi's face turned dark, her eyes were fixed on Han Changsheng, and her voice contained anger, "Master! Do you think this cake was ordered by the three of us?"

"Otherwise you still do it"

Han Changsheng naturally asked back, and pulled Yang Mi into his arms after realizing it, "Don't worry about these details, let's eat together."

Yang Mi struggled for a while, and said angrily: "No! Let's make it clear, this big cake was made by Yaya and Yingbao, and Yingbao's hands were scalded because of this, so why don't you Saying it hurts the hearts of the three of us!"

Han Changsheng was taken aback, and hurriedly grabbed Zhao Liying's tender hand, "Ying Bao is injured, show me quickly!"

"Oh, I almost got burned, not really burned."

Zhao Liying shook her hands, put her feet on Han Changsheng's neck and said, "Master, don't change the subject, and apologize to us three immediately!"

"Are you sure this cake was made by the three of you"

"Look! Here's a video of ourselves making a cake!"

Han Changsheng glanced at the video Ying Bao clicked on, only to realize that he was wrong, this big cake was really made by the three of them.


I would like to sincerely apologize for my mistake."

Han Changsheng put his arms around Mimi, Yaya and Yingbao, each giving an apologetic kiss.

Unexpectedly, the three 3 girls could make a perfect cake with their own hands, which really impressed him! Yang Mi groaned and pointed at the six-layer cake, "If an apology is useful, what should you do? If you really want to Express your apologies and take this big cake!"

“So big...eat it all”

Han Changsheng was stunned, his head covered with black lines.

Although he has a big belly, the six-layer cake is too big for a family of six, let alone him alone.

Zhao Liying gloated and said: "You guys made us three 3 sad, we must eat it all, otherwise we will be so sad that we cry."

"Okay, I'll eat."

Han Changsheng glanced at the newly cleaned kitchen, and did not raise any objections.

He sat down with a smile on his face: , eating the delicious love cream cake bite by bite with a small spoon, but that... the speed was so slow that it was a bit grinding.

Di Lieba swallowed her saliva, pinched Han Changsheng's shoulder and said, "Master, hurry up and eat, and cook soon after eating."

Liu Sisi nodded again and again, and echoed: "Yes, yes, eat and cook quickly, I'm so hungry that I can't take it anymore."

Han Changsheng waved the small spoon in his hand, curled his mouth and said with a smile: "Don't worry, your eldest sister let me eat cake to express my apology, and we will talk about cooking after I finish my apology."

Fat Di pursed his mouth and cried, "No, we'll both starve to death after you finish eating."

"Then it's none of my business, anyway... My task now is to eat cakes, and I don't have time to cook right now."

Liu Sisi hugged Yang Mi, and said weakly: "Eldest sister, I'm so hungry!"

I didn't expect the master to play such a trick! It's really too young! Yang Mi endured and endured, and took out five 55 small spoons, and handed them to the four 44 sisters angrily and funny, "Let's eat together Bar!"

Fatty jumped three feet high, "Yeah! Let's eat cake! It's delicious!"

Liu Sisi squinted her eyes and said with enjoyment: "Eldest sister, second sister and third sister, your craftsmanship is amazing! Next time I celebrate my birthday, you can also help me make a cake, okay?"

"No problem, as long as you don't think that we order cakes like some people do."

The three 3 sisters pursed their lips and smiled, their small eyes were as sharp as knives and flew towards a certain man who was eating cake slowly.

Han Changsheng rubbed his nose, and continued eating without saying a word.

At this time, no matter how much you say, you will be criticized. It is better to express it with actions.

Eat, eat, eat, if you accidentally drop it, only two layers of the six-layer cake will be eaten.

But Sisi and Fatty, who were still hungry just now, were already stretched out on the sofa, hugging their little bellies and humming.

Yang Mi, Tong Liya and Zhao Liying didn't stop either, they were sitting on the sofa to catch their breath.

Han Changsheng is... all right, he still has the energy to go into the study, pick up the photo of his mother, and stare at the smiling face of his loving mother.

He touched his mother's cheek and murmured: "Mom, today is the 21st year since you gave birth to me. I can eat cream cake again. It tastes as delicious as yours. It's still honey, Yaya and Ying Bao made it by himself.

I have taken all the four 44 daughter-in-laws you ordered, and there is also Yingbao, they are very kind to me, Sisi and Yingbao are with me today..."

The voice faded, and then fell silent.

Han Changsheng put his mother's photo on his heart again, and fell asleep quietly.

As if there was a tacit understanding, Han Changsheng fell asleep, Yang Mi, Tong Liya, Zhao Liying, Liu Sisi and Di Lireba walked into the study lightly, and saw the tears that had not yet fallen from the corners of their master's eyes.

"...Master misses his mother again."

Di Lieba stretched out her hand, then retracted it, as if she was afraid of waking up her master.

"You've seen it before"

Tong Liya carefully noticed something was wrong.

"The night before the master changed, I wiped the tears and covered the blanket for the master."

Di Lieba nodded and spoke the truth.

Yang Mi, Tong Liya and Liu Sisi suddenly realized that there was something wrong with Fatty that night, and he even acted differently towards the master the next day. It turns out that the root of everything is here.

The five girls looked at the teardrops that were about to fall from the corners of their master's eyes, and felt pain in their hearts, but they didn't know how to comfort them.

You can’t feel this kind of pain unless you experience it yourself. All the comfort may be a joke! Yang Mi thought for a while, then pulled the four 44 sisters and turned around to leave the house. When she came back, each of them had a black scarf in her hand.

The five sisters wrapped their scarves lightly around Han Changsheng's neck, and whispered in their ears: "Master, we will surround you for life after life. If you wish to be prosperous, we will accompany you with fresh clothes and horses. You talk about Sangma together."


The corner of Han Changsheng's mouth curled up, as if he had dreamed of some beautiful scene.

Feilu Reminds You: Three Things to Do When Reading Bookmark, Push to Read the Latest Chapter

Chapter 377 Come on, master!Second sister Ollie! (Second more for subscription)

On the 2nd of m.com, the tenth day of the first lunar month.

Early in the morning, Han Changsheng followed Yang Mi and Zhao Liying to the Honey World.

The two domineering female presidents were busy with the company's affairs, while Han Changsheng went to the editing room.

The editing of "New White" has been completed, and it is waiting for him to do the final finishing work, and then he can go to the special effects department for the next step of special effects production.

He has been busy with two movies in the past two months, as well as the best actress for Yaya and Yingbao, so he has been asked Lin Fen Yulin to help check it out.

Now that the [-]th day of the first lunar month has passed, if you don't take a look at it, it really can't be justified.

"Director Lin, these days have been hard."

"It's not hard work, it's not hard work at all."

Lin Fenyu waved her hands with a smile, without any pretense.

She comes here every morning at 10:4, and leaves at [-]:[-] in the afternoon, and she is picked up by car, and someone will deliver exquisite and delicious meals at noon, which is much more comfortable than being in the crew.

"Director Han, look at this film, I think some parts need to be re-cut, but I just don't know where to cut it."

"Okay, I'll take a look."

Han Changsheng opened the sample, watched it from beginning to end, and paused from time to time, and then searched for some clips from the original clips to replace the original sample.

"New White" has [-] episodes, even though he spent enough scripts, some of the clips he shot were still different from the original, so he had to find some suitable clips to edit.

Although there are some flaws in the samples, Han Changsheng is still very satisfied, because he uses 4 ultra-high-definition cameras, and the picture quality is simply not very good.

Basically, it can not only inherit the original plot, picture and image quality, but even make some pictures more real because of the high-definition resolution.

The intensive work took less time than Han Changsheng expected, and it was completed in five days.

The rest is....the post-production of "New White".

"Zhuge Zailiang..."

"Mr. Han!"

Han Changsheng shook the USB flash drive in his hand, "It's time for a new job, the post-production of "New White"."

Zhuge Zailiang lifted his spirits, and said happily: "Don't worry, Mr. Han, I will take care of our special effects department!"

The special effects department didn't have much work this month, but the salary of [-] yuan was paid out every penny, which made them feel hot in their hands.

Now it’s all right, I’m back to life, and I’m able to equalize my giving and harvesting again.

Because Han Changsheng's request for "New White" is that it will be broadcast every winter and summer, so he pays special attention to the special effects and participates in the production of special effects together, which leads to a long time.

Even if Zhuge Zailiang and more than [-] effectors worked together, it still took more than a month to get it done, and during this time, Valentine's Day and Liu Sisi's birthday have passed.

On the 4th, Han Changsheng went upstairs with the complete version of "New White".

Pushing open the door of the president's office, he threw the one in his hand on the big desk, "Mimi, Yingbao, "New White" is ready, this is the whole content, including the opening and ending songs before and after .”

"That's great, sir! I'm just waiting for your breath."

Zhao Liying jumped three feet high, took it and plugged it into her computer, opened the first episode directly, and watched it with Yang Mi.

And seeing this, the two of them got into the plot directly, and didn't want to stop at all.

Seeing this situation, Han Changsheng knocked on the table, "You two big presidents are not busy announcing "New White" right now, but are hiding in the office to watch "New White". Isn't that a bit too dishonest?"

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