Yang Mi waved her hand, "Don't worry, with you... the 30 billion director here, many people came to contact me before the editing of "New White" was finished."

Zhao Liying returned a tsundere smile, "This time we don't need to run around and make announcements, the person in charge of CCTV's TV series procurement has already arranged these things, and it has already been publicized, just wait for your full version "New White"."

Three billion director, Han Changsheng's new title.

"East and West" was painted on the second day of February, when the dragon raised his head a few days ago, and the final box office was 33 billion, becoming the first place in the total box office of movies in the Ming Empire over the years.

The total box office of the Spring Festival in 201 was 66 billion, and Han Changsheng's "East Makes West" took half of it.

With this scene, Han Changsheng was given a new title of [-] billion director.

"CCTV bought "New White""

Han Changsheng was stunned for a moment, then his eyes became strange.

He remembers that "New White" was first introduced to the Mainland... on the third set of CCTV. Unexpectedly, it was still broadcast on CCTV, but it changed from three sets to one set.

"Yes! And they said that the minimum number is the minimum if the quality passes!"

Zhao Liying raised her right hand and shook it, the five fingers obviously represented not [-] million, but [-] million.

This price is basically in line with the quality of "New White". After all, "New White" only invested more than [-] million yuan, plus some other things, it can probably earn about [-] million yuan:.

With "New White", CCTV can capture young audiences, increase CCTV ratings, and increase advertising revenue. The earned income is not 10 million, at least it can be doubled by [-] times.

Seeing that Mimi and Yingbao wanted to continue watching, Han Changsheng had no choice but to interrupt: "Both CEOs, it's already 5:[-]:[-]:[-]:[-], and it will be later... Fatty and Sisi should give it to you guys." called."

"Ah! I almost forgot!"

Yang Mi and Ying Bao patted their foreheads, and hurriedly took off the USB flash drive to change their shoes.

These two girls, Fatty and Sisi, have become more and more lazy recently.

During the period when the master was editing "New White", the two of them would occasionally make announcements, and the cats would stay at home at other times, and the three meals a day should not be too fixed.

If the two of them are 5 minutes late, the two girls can make 10 urging calls, which is really exhausting! "Master! I'm so hungry!"

"My lord, the baby is starving to death."

Han Changsheng just entered the room, and Liu Sisi and Di Lieba lying on the sofa lay directly on the back of the sofa, with limp expressions, like flowers that lack a lot of moisture.

Tong Liya walked out of the kitchen and said angrily: "You two are enough, I ate a lot of fruit in one afternoon, and I don't know how to help, but I know how to play games on the sofa. Are you two lazy or hungry?"

Di Lieba grabbed the chubby face, "But the fruit is not enough to be hungry!"

Liu Sisi pouted, "Yes, the fruit is full of water, and my stomach will be empty after a few trips to the toilet."

"Okay, okay, I'm going to cook now, if you two little cats are hungry, come in and help."

Han Changsheng changed into home clothes, and walked to the kitchen with Tong Liya in his arms.

Since Yaya made a delicious cake last time, she suddenly became very interested in learning cooking skills. Whenever he cooks, this girl will help him.

Not to mention, after a month or so, this girl's cooking skills have improved a lot.

Those two little greedy cats on the sofa eat... Yaya's food for lunch every day, let alone being poisoned to death, they are still alive and kicking every day.

"Master, come on! Second sister, Ollie!"

Seeing their master enter the kitchen, the little expressions of the two little ones who were about to starve to death disappeared in an instant.

After cheering up, one of them grabbed a bunch of grapes, ate a few, and continued to lie on the sofa and play games.

As the two younger sisters with the worst cooking skills, their task is to...acting like a baby, acting cute, eating and waiting to die, and going to the kitchen to help is a disservice, of course, can't be done.

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Chapter 378

Seeing the two little girls being so lazy, Yu Yangmi shook her head speechlessly.

If these two younger sisters are half as hardworking as the second younger sister, they will be excellent wives.

After Yang Mi changed her clothes and went downstairs, she shook the flash drive in her hand to Liu Sisi, "Sisi, the birthday present that the master promised you last month - our "New White" has been finished, do you want to see it first?" "

Liu Sisi smacked her lips, "Sister, today is April Fool's Day on the 41st, so we won't play such deceptive little games."

Fat Di curled his lips, "Sister, can you not lie to me, the master said yesterday that it will take a few days, why is it finished after a day?"

"If you don't believe me, I'll watch it with Ying Bao!"

Yang Mi glanced at the two little ones lightly, inserted the USB flash drive on her own, sat on the sofa with her arms around Zhao Liying, and started to watch from where she left off.

"Bai Suzhen at the foot of Qingcheng Mountain, she has cultivated her body for thousands of years in the cave, practiced diligently and practiced hard to attain the Tao, she was completely reborn..."


When the two little ones heard the familiar tone, they turned their heads and saw the elder sister kneeling and singing on the screen.

Liu Sisi looked down, "Miss Bafen, let's not look at it from here, let's look at it from the beginning, okay?"

Yang Mi smiled and said: "Don't you two not watch?"

"Sister, we were wrong!"

"You are right, I was wrong, I shouldn't have kindly asked you to watch "New White" together."

Di Lieba crawled over and hugged Yang Mi's right arm, and said coquettishly, "Sister, Xiao Qing was wrong."

Liu Sisi ran to the other side of Yang Mi, gave her a slap, "Officer, it's alright if I'm wrong."

"I'm afraid of you."

Yang Mi pampered the little noses of the two little girls, but still adjusted the time to the front.

She took it home, just to watch it with her sisters, if it was broadcast from the middle, how could they chat.

Di Lieba glanced at Xu Xian on the screen, and praised Yang Mi: "Sister, Xu Xian is doing a good job! You are quite manly!"

Liu Sisi nodded her head and said: "Every action is refined and masculine, the master's vision is really powerful!"

Yang Mi cupped her hands, "Where is it, fifth sister, you, Xiao Qing, are also very chic and handsome when you appear on the stage! Fourth sister, your singing voice, Bai Suzhen, is really beautiful!"

After the commercial promotion ended, the attention of the four girls shifted to the TV series, and they didn't even hear Han Changsheng calling for dinner.

Han Changsheng walked over with a frown, and directly pressed the pause button.

Fatty jumped three feet high, and shouted: "Who pressed the pause button, it's so annoying, open it quickly."


Han Changsheng raised his brows upright, and flicked Fatty's little head, "You don't want to eat anymore, do you want to be hungry if you don't want to eat!"

"My lord, we were wrong!"

Dili Reba obediently stood up, not wanting to glance at the TV, and ran into the restaurant by the corner of her master's clothes.

She can act like a baby at will, but if the master is not sensible when he is angry, he will be beaten by the master with his own methods.

After dinner, Fat Di and the others continued to watch "New White", and even Tong Liya was dragged over, leaving Han Changsheng without a helper when cooking dinner.

Seeing that it was 11 o'clock in the evening, and the five 55-year-old girls were still staring at "New White", Han Changsheng had no choice but to say: "It's late at night, it's time to go to sleep."

Yang Mi subconsciously waved her hand, "Master, go to bed first, we'll go to sleep after watching the remaining half of the episode."

"Yes, yes, let's...


"Don't stay up late."



At 55:[-] in the morning, Han Changsheng casually touched the side, and found nothing.

Get up and look, not to mention Yaya who can get up early, even Sisi and Fatty who like to sleep late are not around.

"These girls couldn't have watched it all night, could they?"

Han Changsheng frowned and muttered something, got up and went down to the first floor, and found that the five 55 girls were still there: the living room.

At this time, they were watching "New White" intently, and seeing their red eyes, it was obvious that they had been watching it all night.

Han Changsheng took the remote control and directly turned off the TV, and said in a deep voice, "Go to sleep!"

Yang Midui smiled and said, "Master, we will go up after watching this half episode."

Han Changsheng pulled Yang Mi over, and slapped her... just behind her, "It won't work for a minute, if you don't... go up, don't blame me for fainting you after practicing the family law!"


Seeing that the master really lost his temper, the five sisters quickly walked upstairs obediently with their heads down.

At this time, the master should not be provoked, otherwise it will be a meal: fat beating, Pippi will be swollen.

When Di Lieba was about to disappear around the corner, she suddenly leaned back and asked curiously: "Master, do you really know how to do acupuncture?"

Han Changsheng squinted his eyes, his eyes were as sharp as a knife, "Why do you want to try?"

"In no mood!"

Di Lieba stuck out her tongue, shrank her neck and ran upstairs quickly.

The master also said that he doesn't know martial arts, how can he even know how to tap acupuncture points?

At 11 o'clock in the afternoon, Han Changsheng had just finished his lunch and before calling for someone, five 55-year-old girls ran downstairs holding hands.

"Master is great!"

"Love you, sir!"

"I will marry you in my next life."

The five girls blew five insincere kisses, sitting at the dining table and eating their lunch.

They watched TV all night, ate only snacks, and forgot to eat breakfast in the morning, so hungry at noon, they wished they could swallow a cow.

Han Changsheng tapped each one with his chopsticks, and said angrily, "You tell me what's good about you, how old are you, and why don't you watch TV dramas at night when you don't sleep?"

Fatty raised his chubby face and said vaguely: "Aren't I anxious to see the ending?"

Han Changsheng glared, and said loudly, "Don't worry! The USB flash drive is in your hands, so you can watch it whenever you want. If you really want to see the ending, just watch episode [-]." !"

"I'm sorry... sir, we know we were wrong!"

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