"Master, don't be angry, we promise to go to bed on time!"

Han Changsheng shook the rolling pin in his hand, and said in a deep voice, "Let's let you go this time, if you dare to watch TV all night again tonight, let's see how I deal with you!"

The fifth daughter glanced at the rolling pin in her master's hand, and shrank her neck in fear.

Although they didn't believe that the master would hit them with a rolling pin, it still hurts to slap them, okay?

After lunch, Han Changsheng looked helplessly.

The five 55 girls sat on the sofa in the living room and continued to watch "New White", as if they were possessed.

Han Changsheng frowned and said, "Mimi, Yingbao, you two won't be working in the world anymore."

Yang Mi pointed at the TV series, "I'm working here, right?"

Zhao Liying echoed: "We have to see how the quality of "New White" is so we can negotiate the price with CCTV."

Han Changsheng shook his head, the excuses of the two girls are really good, but it would be strange if he believed them.

Yang Mi and Zhao Liying are not only good at making excuses, but also keep their promise to Han Changsheng, seeing that they go to bed on time at 11 o'clock in the evening.

But their enthusiasm for watching dramas is unparalleled. They wake up on time at five o'clock in the morning and then turn on the TV. After breakfast, they don't go to freshen up, just sit on the sofa and continue watching.

Han Changsheng saw that they cared so much about watching TV, so he had no choice but to spoil them, and even specially cooked two medicinal meals.

Fortunately, "New White" only has 4 episodes. At 3:10 pm on April 55rd, five [-]-year-old girls finally saw the "end of the show"

two words.

"Wow, it's been finished, I'm so tired."

Seeing the happy ending, Di Lieba fell down on the sofa and lost the sparkling spirit just now.

It's not just her, the four 44 girls Yang Mi, Tong Liya, Zhao Liying and Liu Sisi are also lying listlessly on the sofa.

Sleeping for 6 hours every day and watching 50 episodes of TV series, the energy temporarily goes to zero, it is them.


Fatty wrinkled his nose and said strangely, "What a delicious smell!"

"Ginseng stewed black chicken."

Han Changsheng leaned against the door of the restaurant, and said calmly: "If you want to drink chicken soup, do it while it's hot, or you won't have it after this meal."

"Wow! Chicken soup! I love you sir!"


The five 55 girls gave a thankful kiss, ran into the restaurant quickly, picked up the bowl of black chicken soup assigned to them, and drank it in big gulps.

Liu Sisi took two sips, and curiously pointed to Rainbow who was drinking water with her head down, "What are you drinking, Rainbow?"

"Black Chicken Soup."

Rainbow swallowed the food in his mouth, his little eyes were a little sad.

"The chicken soup you drink contains the wild ginseng we picked from Baihua Mountain."

Han Changsheng touched Rainbow's little head, smiled lightly and shook his head.

This little guy is quite protective of food, so he pulled six ginseng whiskers, this little guy feels distressed enough, there is no one else.

Feilu Reminds You: Three Things to Do When Reading Bookmark, Push to Read the Latest Chapter

Chapter 379 Fatty: Because you dote on me the most! (four more subscriptions)

On m.com, Ching Ming Festival.

After the six members of the Han family got up early, they all dressed in black and went to the Jinshan Cemetery in the northwest of the capital to pay homage to Han's mother, Han Zijin.

Mother Han likes the red leaves of Xiangshan, one of the eight scenic spots in the capital, so she bought a cemetery in Jinshan Cemetery, which is located near the red leaf forest.

Han Changsheng set up the melon and fruit offerings, poured his mother her favorite Beijing Erguotou, knelt on the ground and kowtowed three times before getting up to get out of the way.

Yang Mi and the five daughters kowtowed behind Han Changsheng, with a respectful attitude.

"Mother, we and the master have come to see you."

If it were a year ago, Yang Mi and the others wouldn't have said "Mom" to this sister

of this word.

But now, they are very glad to be able to call this "Mom"

, because marrying the master is the happiest thing in their life.

Han Changsheng squatted on the ground touching the black and white photo of his mother, with no sadness on his face.

When he is alone, he may cry because of a broken love, but when there is another person around, he never shows his sadness.

My mother said that when you cry alone, although you will be lonely, although you will be lonely, it will also make you stronger.

"Mom, I brought five 55-year-old girls to see you. How are you doing over there? Don't drink all the time when you're free..."

Han Changsheng babbled about the black and white photos of his mother, his eyes were shining, and there was a warm smile on his mouth.

After rambling for more than ten minutes, Han Changsheng let out his sullen feeling, smiled slightly at the five 55 girls who were a little worried, and said "go home"

The mother also said that although she is gone, she will still look at him in the opposite world, and will watch him live happily, so he wants his mother to see his happiness...

Because they were worried that Han Changsheng was in a bad mood, Yang Mi and Zhao Liying didn't dare to go to work in the company.

The two of them stayed at home for three days, and seeing that their master was really fine, they were relieved.

Before leaving, I also told Yaya, Sisi and Yingbao at home, let them talk to the master more, and make sure the master is happy. This novel is published by "Dragon"


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And in the evening, Yang Mi and Zhao Liying rushed home at four o'clock, and put the pictures and documents in their hands in front of Han Changsheng's eyes.

Yang Mi put her arms around Han Changsheng's neck, and said softly, "Master, these are the three office buildings we have pre-selected. Let's see which one we choose to be the headquarters building of Honey World."

Zhao Liying took advantage of the situation and sat in Han Changsheng's arms, coquettishly said: "My lord, my eldest sister and I had a hard time choosing these three 3 office buildings, but we really couldn't make up our minds, so we can only ask you for an idea."

Han Changsheng knew that the two girls did this because they were afraid that he would get sick at home, so he smiled without explaining, took the pictures of the office building, and looked back and forth.

Although the styles of the three office buildings are different, they have complete functions, and they are all newly built.

Han Changsheng said: "Where are these three 3's and how much are they asking for..."

Yang Mi said: "9 million9 in Dongcheng District, [-] million[-] in Xicheng District, and [-] billion in Chaoyang District."

Han Changsheng raised his eyebrows, "Why is the Haihui Building in Chaoyang District more than [-] million expensive?"

The three 3 office buildings are all around [-] floors: there is no reason why the first two are about the same price, and the latter one is suddenly so much higher.

Zhao Liying said: "Haihui Building is [-] floors high, actually [-] floors, and each floor is about [-] square meters: the usable area, with its own two floors of underground parking, and it used to be an entertainment company, It is well renovated, and more importantly, there is a river in front of it.”

He Han Changsheng thought about the location of Chaoyang District, and asked: "Tonghui River"

Yang Mi nodded, "Yes! Sit north and face south:,."

"Sitting north and facing south:,, connecting the sea and the river, that's fine."

Han Changsheng pondered for a while, then clicked on Haihui Building, "You have seen it"

"I've seen it, sir, can you accompany us to have a look? If you don't go, we won't be able to make a decision."

"There is no need to be so anxious, it will be the same tomorrow."

"Okay, let's go together tomorrow."

Yang Mi and Zhao Liying looked at each other, feeling happy.

The master has been a cat at home for several days, but he has the idea of ​​going out for a stroll.

Han Changsheng stood up and said, "I'll make dinner, what do you want to eat?"

"What does the master do and we eat."

"Let's go help."

The word 'we' refers to five 55-year-old girls, and the consequence of them all crowding into the kitchen is...there are people everywhere, which makes Han Changsheng unable to use it.

After Han Changsheng stumbled and finished cooking the stir-fried yellow beef, he knocked on the four 44 maids except Yaya, "As long as Yaya is here to help me, the four of you get out and don't make trouble for me."

The four 44 girls rubbed their noses and walked out of the kitchen resentfully.

They just want to express their concern for the master, it's not sincere to help you carelessly.

Fat Di glanced at Yang Mi, curled his lips and said: "Eldest sister, look at the second sister...that is simply a representative of a good woman at home! Let's look at you...except...can eat anything!"

Yang Mi's face darkened, and she slapped Dili Reba... behind her, "Little Pang Di, you are so courageous! You dare to arrange for me. Although I don't know how to cook, I go to the company every day Go to work, without my work, how would you be who you are now! And look at you, playing games at home every day, eating and dying, tell me how much weight you have gained recently... Jin!"

Fatty: "I've gained five catties, why not?"

Yang Mi: "You are five catties fatter and you still have the face to be embarrassed, you are really getting more and more heartless."

Fat Di poked his neck and said arrogantly: "There is no way, the master just... likes me to be fat, and he also said that I am too thin."

Yang Mi glanced at Fat Di's figure, curled her lips, "Are you sure he thinks you are thin?"

"Miss smelly! You..."

"Okay, okay, stop arguing, Fatty, you are not the opponent of big sister when you bicker, please stop!"

Liu Sisi stopped her and fell on Yang Mi's lap, "Sister, has "New White" been sold?"

Yang Mi raised her right hand and shook it, "5 million [-], broadcast exclusively on CCTV."

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