"Great! When will it start airing"

"Tomorrow night, Saturday at eight o'clock :: prime time."

Liu Sisi smiled, stood up and put on a pose, "It looks like the starting point for me, Bai Suzhen's Golden Phoenix Awards, is about to begin."

Yang Mi raised her right eyebrow, and said slowly, "Lady, sir, I am also a strong contender for the Golden Phoenix award. Don't think that you are guaranteed to win, okay?"

Di Lieba looked around and pouted.

She, Xiao Qing, is a supporting actress, and can only compete for the Golden Phoenix Award for Best Supporting Actress, and is not qualified to join the competition between the eldest sister and the fourth sister.

Fat Di's children's shoes rolled his eyes, jumped off the ground, ran into the kitchen, and hugged Han Changsheng's waist, his voice was trembling and sweet, "Master Han Changsheng shuddered, and patted Fat Di speechlessly. "Don't make this noise when I'm cooking, or if I shake my hands, the oil will break your hands."

"Then you promise me one thing first."

"It's impossible to promise in advance, let me talk about what it is first."

Fatty pouted, "The next time you make a movie, I will be a real heroine, a unique heroine!"

Han Changsheng laughed and said: "Then I would like to ask Fatty Children's Shoes, is your current acting skills comparable to your second and third sisters?"


"Then can you compare to eldest sister and fourth sister?"

Fatty said dejectedly, "...nor..."

Han Changsheng shook his head and said: "Your acting skills are not as good as your elder sister and fourth sister, how do you have the confidence to play a good heroine?"

Fatty thought for a while, and said confidently: "Because I am your fifth wife, and you dote on me the most!"

Han Changsheng: "..."

This reason was so strong that he couldn't refute it.

Seeing this, Tong Liya pinched Fatty's chubby face, "Master's movie, the heroine needs strong acting skills, and also needs strong execution ability, can you do it?"

Di Lieba thought for a while, then resentfully said: "I can't do the former one, but I can definitely do the latter one, and I can do it ten times and a hundred times as much as you."

Han Changsheng patted the tender hands on his waist, "Then wait for your acting skills to improve, and I will definitely let you be the heroine, okay?"

"Then it's a deal, the hook cannot be changed for 100 years."

Hearing the cheerful footsteps behind him, Han Changsheng shook his head.

Fatty still hasn't grown up, he believes whatever he says.

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Chapter 380 Fatty: I explained everything, why do you still hit me? (Fifth watch for subscription today)

On m.com the next morning, the family of six went to Haihui Building to check the situation there.

Liu Sisi pointed to the floor-to-ceiling windows on the opposite side and said, "It's really nice here! Sit north and face south:, not to mention, the surrounding lighting is also very good, and you can see the Tonghui River when you look up, and the whole person's mood is good .”

Dili Reba looked at the map of the surrounding area, "To the east is the Communication University, there is also the Batong Line subway, and there is a food street across the river. It is very convenient for eating and transportation, and it is also very convenient for employees to go to work."

Tong Liya followed Han Changsheng to walk around, although she didn't speak, she knew that her master had fallen in love with her from her observations.

Han Changsheng noticed Yaya's gaze, turned his head and said, "How?"

Tong Liya smiled lightly and said, "If the master likes it, I will like it."


Han Changsheng pinched Tong Liya's nose, and nodded to Yang Mi on the other end, indicating that he could take it.

He doesn't know much about feng shui, but standing on the top floor, he feels that his heart is very open, and he must be refreshed when working here.

Moreover, the operation of "Qingdi Changsheng Jue" is faster here than in other places, which shows that this position is still very good.

It won't be too fast to take down the whole building, but fortunately, Boss Yang Mi Yang is not short of money, signed various documents with a swipe of a pen, and spent [-] billion to take down the Haihui Building.

After the transfer procedures were completed, Yang Mi came thumping, her footsteps were much more cheerful.

She took Han Changsheng's arm and said with a faint smile, "Master, this Haihui Building has already belonged to our family, do you need to change the name?"

Han Changsheng thought for a while, "The Haina Building is ready, it means that the Haina Building is tolerant."

"I want to change Honey World to Han's Media Group, is that okay?"

"You don't need to change it, the word 'Xing Tian Xia' is very good, it occupies the most extensive place in the world, establishes the right position in the world, and walks the way of the world.

And this company was founded by you in the first place, so it’s still called Honey World.”

"Listen to the master."

Yang Mi pursed her lips and smiled, and when she turned her head to look at Fatty, her neck was raised high.

Don't look at the heroine that the master promised Fatty to ask her to do a movie, that is when her acting skills pass the test.

Now, she, Yang Mi, is still the boss of the family Han! Although she won the new headquarters building, it is obviously not the two domineering female presidents, Yang Mi and Zhao Liying, who are busy.

All kinds of orders were issued, and the administrative and logistics staff of Mixing Tianxia started their busy lives.

The renovation of the new headquarters building has begun, but the five sisters have no time to pay attention to it, because they have more important things to do. Watch the premiere of "New White" tonight and find out the views of the audience. …

"Wait once in a thousand years, wait for a time, wait in a thousand years, I have no regrets, who is saying that..."

At eight o'clock sharp, the opening song appeared on time, and the bullet screen filled the screen as soon as it opened.

"Wow! Sisi's Bai Suzhen is so immortal, I love it!"

"Hello, Mimi's Xu Xian, Mimi, I want to marry you! I want to give birth to a monkey for you."

"I don't know why, but when I saw our Han mentally ill, I wanted to kill him!"

"I also want to kill our mentally ill Han Fahai, ah... Fatty boy dresses very heroically! He should be able to kill our mentally ill Han."

"Tsk tsk tsk, Teacher Sha is really angry enough to be beaten as a captor."

"Boge is worse than Teacher Sha, okay? He was beaten up by Teacher Sha's beggar: don't talk about it, he finally practiced the scriptures of the Nine Yins, and he was beaten up by the Southern Emperor before he pretended to be a fork."

"You've all read the series, this is "New White", not "East and West".

Looking at the barrage on the TV, the five female singers are leaning back and forth.

Fatty grinned and said, "Master, your fans are really great. Your Fa Hai has only been on stage for a short while, and your fans want to kill you."

Han Changsheng glanced sideways, "How do you know it's my fans who post this kind of barrage?"

"Just look at what they call you Han psychopath!"

Di Lieba finished answering as a matter of course, noticed the black line on her master's face, and smiled dryly, "Han's mental illness is what your fans call you, not me."


Han Changsheng rolled his eyes, grabbing Fatty is... two slaps.

Fatty children's shoes flattened his mouth, "I have explained why you still hit me"

Han Changsheng curled his lips and said, "I don't care who said it, if it comes out of your mouth, I will beat you!"


Di Lieba opened her mouth and remained silent.

As the saying goes, there are too many mistakes, she should just watch TV honestly! She said she was watching TV, but in fact the five sisters were all watching the barrage.

They've binge-watched "New White" once, and now they're watching it for the second time, although they still enjoy it.

The focus is on the audience's comments.

TV dramas are not actually made for audiences to watch, so their opinions are very important.

Seeing all the good reviews, the five sisters are very pleased.

In the investment of "New White", special effects accounted for the majority, although the remuneration is still quite a lot, but it is not the main proportion.

Such a situation led to the unexpectedly high quality of "New White", at least much higher than "Sheng Sheng Shi Shi".

In addition, Yang Mi, Liu Sisi and Di Lieba's acting skills have made breakthroughs, [-]% of the bullet screens are praises, and the rest are basically sunspots for the sake of blackness.

"Master, how is my acting skill?"

Di Lieba looked at Xiaoqing Yishui's praise on the bullet screen, and couldn't help but act coquettishly on Han Changsheng's body.

She is very happy that the audience can like her Xiaoqing, but the master's evaluation is more important to her.

Han Changsheng put his arms around Fatty and pinched her little nose, "That's right, basically Xiaoqing's naughty, cute, clever and well-behaved performance is superb, plus this reckless appearance, basically... Act in your true colors!"

Dili Reba grinned silly for a while, then reacted, slapped off her master's thief hand, and said coquettishly: "Master, you don't seem to be complimenting me, do you think I have the guts to say that I am savage and self-willed?" Ignorant rush"

Han Changsheng suppressed a smile and said, "Don't think too much, what I said is indeed a compliment to you."

"It's strange to believe you!"

Di Lieba endured and endured, and finally smiled, regardless of whether the master lied to her, anyway...just praise her.

20 minutes after the end of the first episode, the five sisters finally got a reply.

CCTV sent back news that the first episode of "New White" had an average audience rating of 9.

7%, low peak 8.

8, the peak is 10...

"Congratulations to Big Sister, He Xi Big Sister, Big Sister will rule the world forever!"

"Pang Di, you are going to be even hotter!"

"Sisi is even more popular. After half an episode, she will be called Fairy Sisi."

Han Changsheng looked at the excited five 55-year-old girls, and felt that this was a matter of course.

It is really 9.

The view rate of 7% is a bit surprising nowadays.

If his memory is correct, when "New White" was broadcast in 19, the audience rating was 91%.

But in that era, apart from... CCTV, there were not many local channels, and the ratings would naturally explode when the national audience watched it.

However, with the emergence of local stations, the ratings of CCTV dramas are declining year by year.

After 06, there is no TV show with an audience rating of more than 10%, and now the first episode of "New White" has an audience rating of 9.

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