7%, it will definitely not be too low in the future, it can be said that it has already won this year's ratings champion.

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Chapter 381 If you don't beat a meal, you won't have a long memory! (Get up early and ask for subscription)

Dili Reba on m.com was happy for a while, and said loudly: "To celebrate, let's eat ice cream, shall we?"


Before Yang Mi and the others answered, Han Changsheng waved his hand and categorically rejected it.

Fat Di pulled the chubby face, raised his right index finger pitifully, "Master, I will only eat one box, and I will definitely not eat more."

Han Changsheng grabbed Fatty's finger and broke it down, "Not even a box!"

The five sisters live together for a long time, and the uncomfortable days of each month have reached a consistent level, which is from the 1st to the 7th of each month.

According to Han Changsheng's family rules, it is still strictly forbidden to eat any cold food in the first three days and the last three days outside of these seven days, in order to prevent the five 55 from having stomach pains.

Today is the 8th, within the specified date.

Fat Di pouted and gave the four 44 elder sisters a wink, and the four of them understood, and walked around Han Changsheng, tapping his legs and rubbing his shoulders.

Yang Mi: "Master, I haven't eaten ice cream for a long time, I really miss it!"

Tong Liya: "The five of us eat one box, okay? We definitely don't eat an extra bite!"

Zhao Liying: "I think our bodies are very good, if five of us eat a box of ice cream, we will definitely not have a stomachache!"

Liu Sisi: "My lord, your medical skills are so good, even if we accidentally get a stomachache, you will be able to heal it quickly."

Humans are... so amazing, Yang Mi and Tong Liya really didn't like ice cream very much.

But after my master made such a rule, every time it's the 11th, they have to... eat a piece of ice cream, and I don't know if it's for fun or to act like a baby.

In this situation, the craving for ice cream is irresistible no matter what.

Han Changsheng rolled his eyes, "No way!"


The five sisters jointly resorted to the art of coquettishness, which made Han Changsheng unable to resist, so he had no choice but to raise his hand and surrender.


The five sisters cheered, and happily ran into the kitchen, took out a large box of ice cream and ate it.

There is an unwritten rule in the Han family, you have to do what you say, eat a box of ice cream is... eat a box of ice cream.

Even though this box of ice cream is a bit big, it's as big as five catties.

Han Changsheng: "..."

He glared at the five 55 girls, turned around and walked towards the study without seeing anything.

Although he is also responsible for acting like a baby, but the five 55 girls are too presumptuous.

When he finds an opportunity one day, he has to... teach them a lesson: no... let them remember it! This opportunity came very quickly, ten minutes later the rainbow flew into the study, and said crisply: " Master, master... Mrs. Yaya has a stomachache, go and have a look!"



The chair fell to the ground, and Han Changsheng disappeared into the study in a flash.

Quickly ran to the living room, and found that Yaya was frowning and covering her stomach, her little expression was clearly in pain.

Han Changsheng hugged Tong Liya in his arms, and Qingdi's angry right hand appeared and pressed directly on Yaya's belly, while rubbing it, he scolded: "I told you not to eat ice cream, you have to... eat it, it's fine now, Stomach hurts!"

Yaya's body is the weakest of the five sisters in the family, so most of the rules he made are for her, and now she really has a stomachache! "Doesn't she want it too?"

Tong Liya pouted and huddled in her master's arms aggrievedly. When she lowered her head, a happy smile appeared on her face, and her two dimples were very bright.

No matter what the master says about her, he still cares about her and loves her. This is enough.

Han Changsheng kneaded for ten minutes and gave Tong Liya a pulse, "Does it still hurt?"

Tong Liya shook her head and smiled sweetly, "It doesn't hurt anymore, your medical skills are amazing."

"It's fine if it doesn't hurt."

Han Changsheng curled the corners of his mouth, but that smile was very dangerous.

Not good! The master wants to hit someone! Tong Liya just realized that Han Changsheng had already turned her body over, raised his right hand, and slapped her behind...

Crack! "From now on, I will still eat ice cream within the illegal time!"

"No...don't eat..."

Crack! Han Changsheng shook his right hand again, and said sharply, "Speak up! Didn't you eat?"

"Don't eat."

Crack! "Do you know I'm wrong!"

"I know I made a mistake, and I will never make it again in the future."

The four daughters of Yang Mi looked at Tong Liya who was being beaten, and walked up the stairs step by step while covering her back.

When they saw Yaya being treated gently by the master, they wanted to pretend to have a stomachache.

But now it seems that if this is really pretending to be painful, it will inevitably be... a meal: family law.

"Want to run"

Han Changsheng turned his head, his eyes as sharp as a knife flew straight to the four girls who should also be punished.

"Wow! My lord, I was wrong! Don't hit me!"

"Woooooo, I won't eat ice cream anymore."

"I eat the least, don't hit me, Fatty eats the most, hit her!"

"Si Si eats as much as I do, why does she hit me the most!"

After Han Changsheng's family law, the five sisters lay down on the quilt listlessly, and the instigator, Dili Reba's children's shoes, was driven to the outermost side on the left.

If she hadn't proposed to eat ice cream indiscriminately, how could the four 44 sisters have been beaten! Dili Reba kicked Zhao Liying's back, rolled her body to avoid the counter kick of the third sister, and rolled all the way to the edge .

Zhao Liying crawled over angrily and chased Han Laowu, "Smelly Fatty! How dare you kick me!"

Di Lieba got up to fight back, and the chubby face was also swollen with anger, "Who told you that I eat the most, Sisi obviously eats a lot too!"

Liu Sisi jumped up angrily, and slapped Pang Di with her little fist, "I don't eat as much as you, and it was your suggestion to eat ice cream."

"Two strikes, one is afraid of you! Look at my toad skills!"

"Supernatural powers!"

"Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms!"

It took a while for the three 3-girls to quarrel before it subsided, or Pang Di's children's shoes were suppressed by Yingbao and Sisi.

Zhao Liying is not the same as Tong Liya, her physical fitness is very good, the mats are too soft and the two hits, Fat Di's children's shoes can't bear the combination of the two.

"Well, don't make trouble! Let's get down to business."

Yang Mi patted the three cubs who were entangled together, and separated them only after using the elder sister's authority.


Fatty slapped the third sister secretly, and the fourth sister slapped each other. Before they could fight back, he ran to the right side of his master, hugging the second sister as a support.

Yang Mi glared at Fatty, and before the three little ones got into trouble again, she spoke quickly: "The "Hua'er" program team called today, the day after tomorrow to record the last episode, master, you have to go anyway."

Han Changsheng was taken aback, "It's the last issue so soon."

Yang Mi laughed and said: "What do you think, today is the 48th, and the entire program has been extended to more than 8 months. If it doesn't... end, this season will have to be filmed for a year."

Tong Liya nodded and said: "It seems that the four of us really have to go to participate once. It's good to have a beginning and an end."

Zhao Liying raised her hand and said, "I'm sure I won't be able to go, I have to accompany Eldest Sister to take care of the company."

Mixing Tianxia has just bought a new office building, and she really can't let her be the third sister: the eldest sister works hard by herself.

Tong Liya said: "Isn't there one missing?"

Zhao Liying said: "It's not too bad, I can find someone to go for me, but who should I go for?"

Dili Reba jumped three feet high, raised her hands high, "I'll go, I'll go! I'll go for my third sister!"

Zhao Liying glanced over, and said slowly: "Someone kicked me just now, and said I was the third sister, why do you think I let someone go out for me to accompany the master?"

Fat Di rolled his eyes, climbed directly to the third sister, squeezed his shoulders and legs and laughed: "Third sister, my good third sister, I kicked you just now to massage your waist, just like I am now Massage your shoulders: the same as your legs."

"Is it"

"Yes yes yes, absolutely!"

Fat Di's children's shoes flattered him for a while, winked and said: "Third sister, let me go for you, I will definitely treat the master seriously, and will not let Tangtang and Nazha have any chance to take advantage of the master!"

Han Changsheng's face darkened, "You sisters are pinching each other, can you stop scratching me?"

Fatty sticks out his tongue, and winks at the third sister, conveying the sister's affection with his eyes.

Zhao Liying wanted to bear it, but she couldn't bear her love for Fatty, and in the end she was defeated by Fatty's acting like a baby.

"Master, I also want to go out to play with you."

Looking at the rainbow in the night from the window sill, he turned his head and looked at Han Changsheng pitifully.

Han Changsheng shook his head, "You have to stay at home with the First Madam and the Third Madam."

Yang Mi said: "Forget it, master, let Rainbow go with you! It's pretty lonely at home by itself, and if you take it to work, if you run into someone with a cheap hand and accidentally hurt it, it will be even worse."

Han Changsheng thought for a while, then nodded, "All right! But Rainbow, you have to be obedient and don't make trouble."

Rainbow happily circled and danced, "Master, don't worry! Rainbow promises to be obedient!"

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Chapter 382 "Flower" Collides with "Longing" (Second Watch Subscription)

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