Dili Reba ran to the living room and yelled at Yang Mi who was on the sofa: "Sister, help me to see if my luggage is up to standard or not."

Yang Mi turned her head and said in disgust: "You have recorded so many episodes of Running Man, why don't you pack your luggage?"

Fatty pouted and said, "Running Man is different from "Flower", okay? I have to pack up nicely when I go out with the master, so as not to embarrass our family."

"I'm afraid of you."

Yang Mi let go... Holding her master's hand, she got up helplessly, and went up to the third floor under Fatty's urging.

As for Tong Liya and Liu Sisi, they were sitting around Han Changsheng, their suitcases were already in the living room, and they didn't show any signs of hurry.

Both of them have gone out with the master twice, and their personalities are becoming more and more like the master's, taking it easy and taking it easy.

Tong Liya leaned on Han Changsheng's shoulder, and said softly, "Master, we are going to Xishuangbanna, Yun Province this time. I don't know what beautiful scenery we can see."

Han Changsheng said with a faint smile: "It's not important to see the beautiful scenery, it's important to be with you."

Liu Sisi giggled and said, "It's more important that we accompany you, master, every time you record "Hua Er", you have new ideas, this time there will be a new movie, and you must let me be the heroine, okay?"

"not good!"

Fatty ran over stomping, put his arms around Han Changsheng's neck, and glared at the fourth sister, "The master told me that the heroine in his next movie will be me, Han Laosi, please don't cut me off." Hu!"

Liu Sisi poked her neck and said arrogantly: "The master said that your acting skills are up to standard, so you will be the heroine in his next movie. Do you think your current acting skills are as good as mine?"

"in spite of.……

, anyway... I will definitely be the heroine in Master's next movie!"

"I'm the!"

"You are not! I am!"

"Can you two calm down?"

Han Changsheng patted the noisy cubs lightly, and said helplessly, "I'm not a god, how could I have new ideas when I go out?"

Fatty pouted, "But you don't have any new movie ideas recently, so you must come up with new ideas during this recording."


Han Changsheng was helpless.

There are so many things in his mind that he can't pour them out like pouring water.

Ding dong! The doorbell of the villa rang, and Han Changsheng was rescued.

He directly broke free from the entanglement of Fatty and Sisi, and quickly walked towards the gate.

The door opened, and it was Wang Zhengyu, the chief director of "Hua Er".

"Hey, I'm really flattered to have a director of three billion to open the door for me."

Wang Zhengyu cupped his hands and smiled.

"Can you be so flattered?"

Han Changsheng rolled his eyes speechlessly, still without any airs.

After he finished speaking, he deliberately took a step back to make way for the door, and let the camera crew go in to take pictures of the suitcases of the three wives.

However, Han Changsheng's two follow-up photographers watched him one by one, preventing him from taking any blank shots.

This is the rating card of "Hua Er", and if anyone's picture is missing, I can't get him.

When the audience in the live broadcast saw Han Changsheng's handsome face, they were immediately blown away.

"Damn it! It's not easy! Our family's illness can be regarded as recording "Hua'er" again!"

"This guy is not doing his job every day, what kind of movie is he making! Can we complain about the movie!"

"Yes, that's right... Only this kind of live broadcast can make us wantonly complain, the feeling of freedom is really great!"

"It's a pity! This is the last issue of "Hua Er", so it may not be the next time when I want to complain like this."

"He makes a movie casually, and the box office is more than one billion. If he wants to spend money in the future, he may not be able to pay for it."

"Hey, why is there no third brother Han in this issue?"

"I didn't see the introduction of the luggage. Is it Han Laowu Pangdi's children's shoes? They are all Han's mentally ill wives. It doesn't matter where you go."

"Han Laowu is more capable than Han Laosan. I don't know what she can do this time."

The audience in the live broadcast room complained that "Hua'er" was recorded in our villa for more than ten minutes, and then I was ready to go.

"Don't work late, eat breakfast on time, drink wine at home and don't drink too much..."

Han Changsheng hugged Mimi and Yingbao, babbled for a while, and then turned around and got into the car.

Yang Mi and Zhao Liying stared at the Mercedes-Benz Vito going away for a long time, then they cheered and got on the car happily and rushed to the world of honey.

The master has been too nerdy recently, and the two CEOs of them have to be careful when speaking. Now that they are finally liberated, there is no sadness of separation...

I rushed all the way to the Beijing International Airport, and then flew directly to Xishuangbanna. When I got off the plane, I unexpectedly didn't meet Boge and the others, and they didn't show up for the mission that should appear. Instead, I got on a Dongfeng Honda and sped away again.

Han Changsheng asked suspiciously: "Director Wang, is this issue just our family of four?"

"There are also Brother Bo, Teacher Sha, Tang Yan's children's shoes, and Gu Li Nazha's children's shoes, but they are all waiting for you at a specific point."

"You didn't dig another hole for us, did you?"

"I am such a good person, how can I dig a hole for you?"


The family of four pursed their lips tacitly, and their disdainful faces were all the same.

Wang Zhengyu is now known as the second most cheater in the world of variety show directors. If he is a good guy, there won't be any bad guys in the world.

The car dealership stopped for a while, and the staff of the program group finally came over. It was Wang Zhengyu's immediate boss, whom his wife yearned for.

"Director Han, Yaya, Si Si, Fat Di, today is the recording of the 4th and 1st issue of "Longing for Life", so we recorded "Hua'er" and "Longing" together, so that the audience can have a Best memory."

Fat Di asked curiously: "Sister Yearning, tell me, did the name "Longing for Life" come from you?"

Liu Sisi teased: "Impossible, if it started because of yearning for my sister, it would be called "Longing for Life"."

Xiang Xiang pursed her lips and smiled and did not answer, but she... wanted to say that "Longing for Life" had nothing to do with her, but probably no one would believe it.

Yearning handed Han Changsheng a phone call, "Director Han, you can call Mushroom House now."

"it is good!"


Xishuangbanna, Manyuan Village, Mushroom House.

Huang Lei, He Jiong, Peng Yuchang, and Zhang Zifeng, the four 44 hosts, are all there, and next to them are...Huang Bo, Sha Yi, Tang Yan, and Gu Li Nazha, four guests who just arrived today.

Huang Lei sat in the gazebo with his legs crossed, "Since all four of you, Brother Bo, are here, Teacher Han is not far away."

Huang Bo asked curiously: "How do you know that Teacher Han will definitely come?"

Huang Lei pointed to Wang Zhengyu who entered the door, "This guy ran away yesterday, but came back today, and said he didn't go to pick up Teacher Han. I don't believe anything!"

Linglingling... "Hahaha! The bell is ringing, I guess it must be Teacher Han!"

Huang Lei pinched his waist and stood up, looked up to the sky and smiled, and walked quickly to the house.

He Jiong followed curiously, "Mr. Huang, you always have a sad face when there are many guests. Why are you smiling so happily this time?"

Huang Lei chuckled, "It's okay to be unhappy, Mr. Han told me last time that he came to promise to let me rest, so I'll be a free eater today."

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Chapter 383 Two Greedy Little Ones

Yu Huang Lei from m.com entered the room and tapped the speakerphone, "Hi, hello, this is Mushroom House."

"Teacher Huang, I am Han Changsheng."

Huang Lei Yile, "Mr. Han, don't you need to cover up?"

Han Changsheng said: "No need, serious people like us always visit in an open and aboveboard way, and besides, even my secretive Teacher Huang can guess it's me!"

Huang Lei said: "You are so sure."

Han Changsheng: "Brother Bo and the others must be in the Mushroom House. With your cleverness, Mr. Huang, you can guess that I'm coming."

Huang Lei shook his head, "They say I'm an old fox, I think you're more cunning than me."

Han Changsheng smiled and said, "Don't dare, the name fox will always belong to Mr. Huang."

"What does Teacher Han order?"

"Mountain wind."

"What kind of dish is this?"

"Isn't it nice to chat about the mountains, drink the northwest wind, and enjoy the beauty of the day?"

Huang Lei laughed and said: "You are so kind to me"

Han Changsheng said: "I haven't forgotten what I said when I left the mushroom house last time, you don't want to trap me in it."

"You can do it, then I'll wait for you."

"almost there!"

After hanging up the phone, Huang Lei and He Jiong walked out smiling.

Seeing this, Huang Bo asked curiously, "Mr. Huang, what's wrong with you, what did Mr. Han order to make you so happy?"

Huang Lei said with a smile: "Mr. Han ordered a chat to talk about the mountains, and drink the northwest wind."

Huang Bo was taken aback for a moment, and suddenly said: "He must have guessed that he is going to cook!"

Sha Yi echoed: "That's for sure, with Teacher Han's wisdom, he will never be tricked."

Huang Bo chuckled and said, "Mr. Huang, with you and Mr. Han here, Director Wang is miserable. No one will jump into any pitfalls."

Huang Lei shook his head, "I can't, the ingredients are controlled by others."

Huang Bo patted his forehead, "I forgot about this, quickly call Teacher Han and ask him to buy some ingredients!"

"With Mr. Han's stinginess, you are sure he will buy something"

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