Han Changsheng pulled Tong Liya up with a wave of his hand and walked out, "Sisi, Fatty, pack up your luggage and go out, let's go to the Qianrong Restaurant passing by, instead of eating and drinking at the Mushroom House, or you will die of exhaustion here. withdraw!"

"it is good!"

Liu Sisi and Di Lieba got up smartly, and walked out with the master smiling.

Although I know that the master will definitely not be able to leave, but I have to put on a posture, and I can't jump into the pit for no reason.

Wang Zhengyu walked out helplessly, "Teacher Han, walk slowly, we can give you a [-]% discount in exchange for ingredients."

Huang Bo immediately jumped up when he heard it, and shouted: "Director Wang, why didn't we get this treatment when we were negotiating the price? Can you make this distinction less obvious?"

Sha Yi was not reconciled and said: "When we were bargaining just now, your program group called a lion with a big mouth. This is called a fight for every inch of land. It took a long time to cut down two bundles of bananas. It's good to be here with Mr. Han. Without further ado, a half-price discount of [-]%%% came directly, if you continue to do this, we will all go to Qianrong restaurant with Teacher Han to eat!"

"Yes! The program team must give us an explanation, otherwise we will give you an explanation!"

Tang Yan and Gu Li Nazha looked at each other, and then stood up to denounce the program group.

At this time, everyone began to criticize the program group. If they don’t denounce it, won’t they appear to be out of group? He can provide a half-price preferential policy."

Han Changsheng shook his right index finger, "If I cook according to the calculation method of last season, Mr. He and the others can just go out to buy vegetables, and they don't need to work."

Wang Zhengyu shrugged and said: "There is no non-staple food store in Manyuan Village. To buy ingredients, you have to drive to the city. It takes at least 6 hours to go back and forth. Are you sure you can afford to wait?"

Han Changsheng: "..."

The program team has dug deep enough and long enough, it has been dug from the last season to this season, and there is no one left.

Han Changsheng thought for a while, then turned around and said, "Teacher Huang, how about the twelve of us get some vegetables, miso, and simple rice buns to fool us: Come on, it's simple and easy, and you don't need to work hard."

Huang Lei smiled wryly and said, "Tonight's meal can be fooled, but tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, we can't just make a simple rice bag every day! Otherwise, let's take advantage of the half-price discount to exchange some of these ingredients for a 50% discount. After 50%, there will be less work to do.”

"I didn't expect that I had another Hui."

Han Changsheng returned to the gazebo seemingly helplessly, and watched with a smile on Huang Lei's bargaining with the program team.

The episode of "Flowers and Handsome Guys" ends, and the episode of "Longing for Life" premieres.

Since these two programs want to collide, they have to create some sparks, otherwise it will be too dull and boring, but there will be no ratings and topicality.

Feilu Reminds You: Three Things to Do When Reading Bookmark, Push to Read the Latest Chapter

Chapter 385 Fatty: I'm Clever

The result of bargaining between Huang Lei and the program team at m.com is... At the cost of harvesting 0 bundles of bananas, he can get the meat ingredients for this evening and tomorrow morning.

As for tomorrow night's meal, let's wait until tomorrow to talk about it.

Huang Lei counted with his fingers: "Two bunches of bananas, there are 2 of us, in groups of two, six bunches per trip, three and a half trips is enough."

It's rare to go out to work, but he is very active, wishing he could fly to the banana field to pick bananas now.

He Jiong waved his hands and said, "It can't be calculated like this. Teacher Han has to stay to cook dinner, and Pengpeng has to help Teacher Han. There are ten people left for us, so we need to make four complete trips."

"Pengpeng is a boy, let him pick bananas, I will help my master."

Dili Reba blinked her eyes and spoke quickly.


Tong Liya held Si Si who was about to speak, and shook her head.

If it was at home, she would fight and compete with Fatty.

But this is the Mushroom House, if it competes with Fatty, the outside world doesn't know how to blackmail the master.

So let Fatty take the lead for the time being, anyway...she can act like a baby in the public.

Gu Li Nazha and Tang Yan looked at each other, secretly said: It's a pity.

The two of them should have spoken just now, maybe they can stay and help Brother Changsheng.

"Stupid bird: Come out if you have the ability, la la la la la, I'm mad at you!"

Just after the task was assigned, the crisp sound of the rainbow suddenly sounded not far away, and then... a burst of flying and jumping.

"My God! Where did the colorful 7 parrots come from? Our colorful clouds are so angry that they can fly."

He Jiong looked at the rainbow outside the peacock cage, and then at the two peacocks fluttering their wings, and was amazed.

"It's the rainbow of Mr. Han's house, a talking rainbow parrot."

Gu Li Nazha explained, Tang Yan, Huang Bo and Sha Yi next to him nodded and talked about the characteristics of the rainbow.

They had seen a rainbow in Han's villa before, and they fell in love with this naughty female parrot even more when filming "East and West".

He Jiong said: "You mean to say that the parrot that appears in "East and West" is...the rainbow, not produced by post-production special effects."


"Oh my God!"

Mushroom house four people 4 are completely surprised this time, the star parrot who appeared in the movie, this is not comparable to ordinary birds.

While everyone was amazed, Han Changsheng waved his hand and said, "Rainbow, what are you doing with the peacocks in the cage? They don't have freedom without you, so don't make them feel more pitiful."

Swish! The rainbow turned into a beam of colorful light and flew over, landing directly on Han Changsheng's shoulder.

It straightened its feathers and rubbed Han Changsheng's face, "Hey! I can't even find an interesting playmate. My bird is as lonely as snow!"


Except for Han Changsheng's family of four, Tang Yan and others who learned about Rainbow were all shocked by Rainbow's poet-like temperament, and He Jiong and the others were even more stunned.

At that moment, the audience in the live broadcast room went crazy.

"Damn it! I'm going to Manyuan Village to find Rainbow's autograph now!"

"Rainbow is... the great poet of the parrot world and the literary master of the world!"

"I'll offer [-]! No! I'll offer [-] to buy the rainbow, do you think it's possible?"

"You got it! In the eyes of our mentally ill Han, a rainbow is more noble than a peacock. Let alone a hundred thousand, he won't sell it to you if you offer a million."

"Rainbow is one of the jokes in "East Becomes West"! Its 'sinful work' and the blessings of the finale are countless cuts."

"I have decided to use rainbow blessings as my screen saver, I believe I will be lucky this year!"

Everyone talked for a while... Rainbow and Caiyun, seeing that the weather was getting colder, separated according to their assigned tasks.

Han Changsheng and Pang Di's children's shoes are cooking in the mushroom house, Tong Liya and Liu Sisi and others go to the banana garden to pick bananas.

The people in the program group were quite conscientious, and sent over the necessary meat ingredients such as beef and mutton in advance, as if they were afraid that Han Changsheng would not do it.

"My lord, give me an order!"

Fat Di children's shoes pointed to the vegetable garden not far away, his little eyes were eager to try.

In the backyard of the house, apart from... ginseng is... flowers, but no vegetables, it is rare to be able to personally pick such small courtyard vegetables, she is not too happy.

Han Changsheng thought about the night's recipe, and said, "Go and pick some eggplants, a handful of shallots, a handful of peppers, and some small yellow persimmons..."


Di Lieba saluted mischievously, ran into the vegetable garden, and brought back an eggplant, two shallots, three small red peppers, and four 44 small yellow persimmons.

She ran outside the kitchen, shook the harvest in Han Changsheng's hand to Han Changsheng who was changing the knife for the beef knuckle, and showed off: "Master, let me see how good I am!"


Han Changsheng looked at the sky speechlessly, and sighed: "Pang Di, what is your concept of a handful and a few?"

"It's a handful with your hands, and some with your hands."

Fatty blinked innocently, not knowing why his master sighed.

"You can do it."

Han Changsheng handed over a small basket dumbfounded, and explained again: "Six 66 eggplants, ten 10 small peppers, 30 shallots, thirty [-] small yellow persimmons, remember."


Fatty stuck out his tongue, turned around and ran, and then shouted: "Master, how many eggplants are here?"

"Six 66!"

Han Changsheng was speechless to reply, he knew that this little confused bastard would not remember so many things.

After the beef knuckle has been modified, add rock sugar, light soy sauce, dark soy sauce, a large bottle of rice wine, and put it on a small stove to simmer slowly.

Chop a chicken and blanch in water, add sliced ​​ginger and shiitake mushrooms, put it on a pot of boiling water and simmer slowly over low heat.

After finishing these two labor-intensive dishes, the remaining stir-fried beef, salted mutton, minced pork eggplant and other dishes have to wait until Yaya and Sisi finish picking the bananas.

At this moment, Fatty ran over and handed out the small vegetable basket in his hand, "Master, see if it's enough."

Han Changsheng took it over and inspected it, then nodded and said, "Enough."

"I'm good!"

See how smart she is Fatty, not only can accompany the master, but also be lazy and relaxed.


Han Changsheng pinched Fatty's little nose, pointed to the firewood not far away, "Go and get some firewood."


Fat Dile ran twice and reported: "Master, there is no more firewood, do you have to chop some?"


Han Changsheng was taken aback for a moment, walked over to have a look, and found that there were indeed only wooden pier and no small firewood.

He rubbed his chin and thought for a while, "Pang Di, don't you think it's inhumane to ask Peng Peng to come back to chop firewood at this time?"

Di Lieba nodded and said: "It's really not humane, but your chopping firewood doesn't seem to fit your lazy and slippery persona."

Han Changsheng raised his eyebrows, "Could it be that my character design hasn't collapsed all this time?"

Fatty gave a thumbs up, and said with a smile: "Of course it didn't collapse, and it kept perfectly."

Han Changsheng: "..."

Except for...he is a bit lazy now, the other greedy and slippery things seem to have nothing to do with him, right? Please download the novel with no underlines, please download Fei Lu's novel to read the latest chapter

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